22 July 2024

On Today Show
— Tuai Rumah Keliang  anak Suat, head of Merakai village, Serian – Sarawak Day at the Blockade: Merakai Villagers Stand Firm for Land Rights
— Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum Sarawak – Sarawak Independence Day Highlights Inequality
— Dennis Along, activist from Mulu –Sarawak Day Message: Empowering the Marginalized for a Fair Future
— Mukmin Nantang, founder of Borneo Komra – Borneo Komrad: Fighting for Rights and Education in Sabah

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tuai Rumah Keliang anak Suat, ketua kampung Merakai, Serian – Hari Sarawak di Sekatan: Penduduk Merakai Bertegas untuk Hak Tanah
— Gereng Jadum, Penduduk Penan Metalun, Murum Sarawak – Hari Kemerdekaan Sarawak Menyoroti Ketidakadilan
— Dennis Along, aktivis dari Mulu – Pesanan Hari Sarawak: Memperkasa Golongan Terpinggir untuk Masa Depan yang Adil
— Mukmin Nantang, pengasas Borneo Komrad – Borneo Komrad: Memperjuangkan Hak dan Pendidikan di Sabah

  • Special Randau
    1. Sarawak Day is celebrated all over Sarawak. Bintulu city is beautifully decorated with lights and an entertaining party atmosphere. TYT and Premier of Sarawak are in Bintulu for the purpose of official reception. But according to Gereng Jadum, only urban areas are developed in Sarawak. We in the countryside are poor and needy. Infrastructure is not built to our area in Murum- said Gereng. Even more ironic, the villagers celebrate Sarawak Day at the blockade site. Demanding that their rights to the land be returned and certified. The head of Kampung Merakai reported to the RFS from the blockade site in Serian.

    2. UMNO denies that there are discussions to form a collaboration with the PAS party. The denial was expressed by umno secretary general Asraf Wajdi Dusuki. Discussion may be among supporters. But not among the leaders, said Asraf.

    3. No release without the release of DNAA to Najib Razak and Irwan Serigar in the breach of trust case involving RM6.6 billion. The Kuala Lumpur High Court today rejected Najib's defense team's application for DNAA. JUDGE Jamil Hussin ordered the trial in another 3 months, which is on 14 Nov 2024.


    Tuai Rumah Keliang  anak Suat, head of Merakai village, Serian

    Sarawak Day at the Blockade: Merakai Villagers Stand Firm for Land Rights

    Tuai Rumah Keliang reported that he and 95 villagers who blockaded against the company Trade Winds/Melor Gemilang Plantation were celebrating Sarawak Day 22/7 at the blockade site inside the Palm Oil Plantation Area. The irony is that Sarawak has been independent for more than 61 years, so the people should not have to blockade anymore to claim their rights and land ownership. Residents of Merakai village celebrated Sarawak Day under close supervision by the police and security enforcement. According to him, we have been blocked for over a month and last week our lawyer had a consultation with the tradewinde plantation company. If the company agrees to our proposal/ is adequately compensated. We will stop the blockade. If not, the blockade will continue indefinitely. My message to the people of Sarawak who are facing the problem of land grabbing. Do not give up. If the land is yours and your right. You must dare to fight until your goal is achieved. Once again happy Sarawak day from us Merakai villagers from Trade Winds- Serian farm blockade site. My message to the Sarawak GPS government, return our rights to our ancestral heritage.


    Gereng Jadum, Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum Sarawak

    Sarawak Independence Day Highlights Inequality

    According to Gereng, today the celebration of Sarawak Day was celebrated in the city of Bintulu with the presence of TYT and the Premier of Sarawak. The streets are beautifully decorated and lights are installed with different colors. As the official center for Sarawak's 61st year of independence. Bintulu is seen as a modern yet luxurious city. Gereng said - only a part of the state of Sarawak is developed and independent. What progress do we outside the city have.? Gereng asked. Try TYT and the Premier of Sarawak to come to the hinterland like in Murum?. We live in poverty and have no infrastructure facilities. More than ten years have been transferred to the Murum resettlement area. Primary schools have not even been built for our children. We use log roads to get to nearby towns and cities. No health clinic and no jobs for us. We are still living as poor as before the Murum dam was built. In fact, our life is even more difficult because there is no more forest for us to hunt and find food. I ask TYT and the Premier of Sarawak to come and see our living conditions, see how bad our roads are and how poor our lives are in the new Murum settlement area. Independent Sarawak does not mean anything to us - Gereng Jadum said - Penan people from Murum. 7 penen communities were moved from their original settlements to make way for the construction of the murum dam. But after more than 10 years the Murum dam was built. The people there are still oppressed by poverty. Gereng also warned Yb the gloomy area - if our area continues to be left behind in the tide of progress and poverty. In the next election we will not vote for GPS again.


    Dennis Along, activist from Mulu

    Sarawak Day Message: Empowering the Marginalized for a Fair Future

    Dennis Along is indeed proud of Sarawak Day as it commemorates the state's liberation from colonization. However, what is the meaning of being a rich and independent state if the people are neglected and impoverished? The rights of the people are often denied for the sake of political gain.

    He expresses that true independence should not only be a celebration of historical events but also a reflection of the well-being and prosperity of all its citizens. Dennis emphasizes that many rural and marginalized communities in Sarawak continue to live in poverty, lacking basic infrastructure, healthcare, and education. The wealth of the state seems to be concentrated in urban areas, leaving the hinterlands and their inhabitants struggling to survive.

    Dennis urges the people of Sarawak not to be mentally colonized by the politics of PBB GPS any longer. He calls for a collective awakening and a courageous shift in the political landscape of Sarawak. True independence, according to Dennis, can only be achieved when the people rise up to demand their rights and ensure that the benefits of development are equitably distributed.

    The true essence of Sarawak Day should be reflected in the empowerment of its people, the protection of their rights, and the pursuit of a fair and prosperous society. Dennis hopes that this year's Sarawak Day will inspire a renewed commitment to these ideals and a collective effort to bring about meaningful change.


    Mukmin Nantang, founder of Borneo Komra

    Borneo Komrad: Fighting for Rights and Education in Sabah

    Borneo Komrad was formed with the aim of fighting for environmental and human rights, especially for marginalized and discriminated communities in Sabah.

    They started by introducing alternative schools for communities that were denied the right to education, including access to health care, good security, and a proper childhood environment for their children. Currently, there is no specific data to tally the number of undocumented communities, but many NGOs estimate the number to be around 800,000. Some NGOs even predict that over one million people are undocumented.

    With this kind of education, at least those undocumented communities can learn about their own identity, history, and rights.

Guest User
19 July 2024

On Today Show
— Micheal Mering Jok, secretary general of the Sarawak indigenous people's rights organization – Empowering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Territory Mapping in Land Rights
— Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, head of the Agricultural Bureau for the MPN of PKR – Enhancing Self-Sufficiency: Sarawak's Call for Broader Crop Cultivation
— Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang – Indigenous Land Rights Ignored in Pahang Replanting Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Michael Mering Jok, setiausaha agung organisasi hak-hak orang asli Sarawak – Memperkasakan Suara Orang Asli: Peranan Pemetaan Wilayah dalam Hak Tanah
— Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, ketua Biro Pertanian untuk MPN PKR – Meningkatkan Kemandirian: Seruan Sarawak untuk Penanaman Tanaman yang Lebih Luas
— Yusri Ahon dari Kampung Sungai Mai Pahang – Hak Tanah Orang Asli Diabaikan dalam Projek Penanaman Semula di Pahang

  • Special Randau

                    1. The Natives/Dayaks and Bumiputras of Sarawak do not need to request land from the GPS minister according to sec 6a of the Sarawak land code - according to the principle of native territorial domain NTD.  NTD limits any village can request 500 to 1000 hectares of land from Sarawak's minister of land and natural resources. According to Micheal Mering Jok. NTD applies to newly created villages after Jan 1, 1958. For villages that existed hundreds of years before the formation of Malaysia. We have land ourselves, so there is no need to beg. Just ask the king to issue a land letter.

                    2. The state of Kedah asks Sarawak to cover part of the cost of sending the contingent to the sukma sports that will take place in Sarawak. It is not fair to ask the host state to cover the cost of sending athletes to sukma - said the youth and sports minister - Hannah Yoh. It is hoped that this episode will open the eyes of the government that eastern Malaysian states such as Sabah and Sarawak face high costs when dealing with Putrajaya in relation to various matters. It is hoped that the government can build a mechanism to lower the price of goods and transport costs to East Malaysia.


    Micheal Mering Jok, secretary general of the Sarawak indigenous people's rights organization (SCRIPS)

    Empowering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Territory Mapping in Land Rights

    Micheal invited all the people of Sarawak who own NCR land to attend the one-day seminar/workshop that will take place on 27 July 2024. Located in MYY mall Miri. Participants will be taught to draw their own longhouse traditional territory boundaries. Micheal explained that each longhouse in the past had their own territory which was administered by the king for their respective tribes. The inj matter lasted until the time of Brooke's administration and during the British administration. But after Sarawak became independent and together formed Malaysia. The Political Party that governs Sarawak established the Sarawak land canon based on the principle of Terra Nullius - meaning no one owns land and all land belongs to the government. This is where the land ownership conflict in Sarawak began. How is it possible that the indigenous people who have occupied their land for hundreds of years and tens of generations can be deprived of their rights in an instant by a piece of land document drafted by a ruling party. SCRIPS will teach the indigenous people to write their own history and draw their own village boundary maps and will press the government to recognize the Dayak people's rights to their ncr land. Asked about the decision of the federal court which ruled that Dayak customary practices have no legal force to confirm customary land ownership. Micheal insists that the decision of the federal court in the Tuai Rumah Sandah case is 'inaccurate'. It happened due to some technical errors and there will be in the future another judge will make a different decision. Is it possible that the community map produced by a longhouse will conflict with the NTD map sec 6. Micheal explained that longhouses that existed after Jan 1, 1958 are eligible to apply for NTD- given at the discretion of the minister. But longhouses that have a clear and long history before the arrival of Rajah Brooke no longer need to apply for NTD (because it is their land) and the government must recognize and confirm the map. The more communities that have a map of the border of the customary territory - the stronger their demands will be and the government will finally agree. I implore you all to be present and we begin an effort to save our land from being seized or encroached upon by those who do not respect our rights. Confirm your attendance by contacting Micheal Mering Jok at 019-858 3967.


    Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, head of the Agricultural Bureau for the Sarawak state leadership council (MPN) of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)

    Enhancing Self-Sufficiency: Sarawak's Call for Broader Crop Cultivation

    Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh has urged the Sarawak government to invigorate the cultivation of herbs and spices in addition to padi.

    Abang Zulkifli stated that diversifying into herbs and spices could reduce dependency on imports and enhance Sarawak’s agricultural resilience. "In addition to padi cultivation, the government should also take steps to boost the cultivation of herbs and spices. This is because our region still heavily relies on imports from foreign countries, with notable examples being onions and ginger.

    Commenting further on padi cultivation, Abang Zulkifli highlighted the recent announcement of a RM1 billion investment in padi cultivation by the Premier, calling it a major initiative for Sarawak that deserves widespread support. "Sarawak, with its vast and fertile land, is well-suited for various agricultural industries. The state government’s substantial investment is commendable, and we hope it opens opportunities across the entire state rather than focusing on specific areas.

    Abang Zulkifli emphasized that any effort to enhance the agricultural industry as a foundation for national food sufficiency and security will receive full support from all segments of society.

    He also called for continued support from both the federal and Sarawak governments to empower existing subsistence farmers, enabling them to engage in commercial padi farming and contribute to the nation’s rice supply.


    Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang

    Indigenous Land Rights Ignored in Pahang Replanting Projects

    The Pahang Orang Asli Village Network (JKOAP) has expressed disappointment with the Pahang government's decision not to gazette the commercial replanting (TSK) and grouped replanting (TSB) project areas as Indigenous Customary Land.

    The projects, previously managed by the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda), are now overseen by the Pahang Orang Asli Corporation (Oraco), a state-owned company.

    Yusri Ahon said that the JKOAP is frustrated the government failed to gazette the areas under commercial replanting and smallholders replanting projects as their customary territorial domain. Initially, those projects were under Risda, which was federally managed. But recently, they were taken over by Oraco, which is a state agency. Under Risda, the communities had 30 percent, while under Oraco, they are only given 25 percent. So how can the Orang Asli in Pahang develop?

    Yusri and his team have tried to meet with the Menteri Besar to sort out a better solution but have had to face obstacles from intermediaries.

Guest User
18 July 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst – Issues of Silence and Exploitation in Bintulu Port Development
— Wong Kueng Hui, director of Mandiri Borneo – 3,000 Families at Risk: Bajau Laut Face Uncertain Future in Sabah
— Paul Nungang from Long Kaliman – Roads First: Baram's Infrastructure Needs Over Bamboo Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Brian, Pakar Analisis Politik Sarawak – Isu Senyap dan Eksploitasi dalam Pembangunan Pelabuhan Bintulu
— Wong Kueng Hui, Pengarah Mandiri Borneo – 3,000 Keluarga Berisiko: Bajau Laut Menghadapi Masa Depan Yang Tidak Pasti di Sabah
— Paul Nungang dari Long Kaliman – Keutamaan Jalan: Keperluan Infrastruktur Baram Lebih Penting daripada Projek Buluh

  • Special Randau

                    1. The successful return of Bintulu port under the jurisdiction of the Sarawak government due to the sincerity of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. Gps is just a barking party- said John Brian.  The people of Sarawak should remember the goodness of the prime minister and vote for his party during the next election.

                    2. The people of Baram were surprised when the state government announced a bamboo planting project in an area of ​​49,000 hectares of land in Baram. Are we once again at risk of losing the right to that much land. Will this incoming investment damage our environment. If true, it is a project that brings progress. Create roads and infra facilities along with it. - said Paul Nungang.


    John Brian, Sarawak Political Analyst

    Issues of Silence and Exploitation in Bintulu Port Development

    Yesterday, all 23 Sarawak GPS MPs expressed their happiness when the People's Assembly passed the Bintulu Port Board (Dissolution) Bill 2024 and the Bill declaring Bintulu a federal port (dissolution) 2024. Deputy Prime Minister Fadilah Yusuf thanked the Prime Minister. John Brian, a Sarawakian, shared his joy, stating, "As a Sarawakian, I certainly feel happy." He added that he knows the history of Bintulu Port well, having served as its chairman in 2018.

    Brian explained that Bintulu Port was developed with federal funds through PETRONAS to export natural gas to Japan and Korea. He questioned why the GPS had not spoken up about this sooner. He suggested that the BN's strong power at the federal level and GPS's fear at the state level were the reasons for their silence. He also criticized BN for not being sincere towards Sarawak, citing their exploitation of Sarawak's resources.

    However, with the political changes before and after PRU15, the return of Bintulu Port under MA63 became possible. Before PH's victory, Anwar Ibrahim promised to return all Sarawak rights, and after PH won in PRU15, he fulfilled his promise. Brian emphasized that these efforts were not due to GPS but to PH and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's goodwill. He urged the people of Sarawak to vote for PKR/PH in the next election, as this party has proven to be honest and has good intentions to help the people of Sarawak.


    Wong Kueng Hui, director of Mandiri Borneo

    3,000 Families at Risk: Bajau Laut Face Uncertain Future in Sabah

    Over the past two months, more than 3,000 families, predominantly Bajau Laut in Lahad Datu, have been living in fear of homelessness following the demolition of their homes, labelled as “squatter colonies” across Sabah. The state government’s ambitious “Operation Squatter Colony” has already demolished more than 1,300 houses, and many fear it will eventually reach their water villages. As a result, many families are packed and ready to leave but have nowhere to go.

    Wong Kueng Hui, Director of Mandiri Borneo(Mandiri Bornei, a coalition of 126 NGOs) expressed his concerns about the situation: “We have seen houses set on fire and demolitions carried out against Bajau Laut communities in Sabah’s water villages recently by the Sabah State government. Those displaced are now sheltering along the coast, exposed to social problems and lacking security. As a community, we do not like this situation, honestly. Where is the rationale of this government?”

    Annuar’s last visit to Sabah aimed to eradicate poverty, yet both Bajau Laut communities and urban settlers are now at risk. Wong questioned, “Is this the way to eradicate poverty?”

    Wong Keng Kui recently met with Jeffry Katingan and Shafie Abdal, MPs for Keningau and Samporna, respectively. They have agreed to work together to solve the Bajau Laut issue, emphasizing the need for a more compassionate and rational approach to addressing the community’s needs.


    Paul Nungang from Long Kaliman

    Roads First: Baram's Infrastructure Needs Over Bamboo Projects

    Paul Nungang questions the logic behind the project to plant bamboo on 49,000 hectares of land. We, the people of Baram, want paved roads leading to Bario so that we can cultivate our own crops and sell them to the city. Not everyone can afford a Hi-Lux to navigate the logging roads, which are the main problem for the poor who want to market their agricultural produce. With paved roads, transportation costs would undoubtedly be reduced without burdening all parties. Regarding the bamboo, what is the purpose that can prove that planting bamboo will be profitable? What type of bamboo? There is already plenty of bamboo in Baram.

    What guarantees are there that this project will not lead to the seizure of the indigenous people’s NCR (Native Customary Rights) land? The ancestral lands of the indigenous people of Baram still do not have grants. Can the government provide grants using the concept of Section 18? Once again, Paul Nungang urges the government to focus on building roads for the people.

Guest User
17 July 2024

On Today Show
— Agnes Padan, Human rights activist from Lawas – Improving MyKad Access: The Next Step for Citizenship Rights
— Bill Jugah, chairman SADIA Rejang – Education and Development Disparities in Kanowit
— Mariam from Bakong – Political Intrigue in Bakong: Longhouse Community Divided Over Leadership

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Agnes Padan, aktivis hak asasi manusia dari Lawas - Meningkatkan Akses MyKad: Langkah Seterusnya untuk Hak Kewarganegaraan
- Bill Jugah, pengerusi SADIA Rejang - Ketidaksamaan Pendidikan dan Pembangunan di Kanowit
- Mariam dari Bakong - Intrik Politik di Bakong: Komuniti Rumah Panjang Terbelah Mengenai Kepimpinan

  • Special Randau            

    1. The anti-government rally called save malaysia 2.0 will be held in three locations, namely in Tambun parliament, Permatang Pauh (both parliamentary constituencies where pmx has contested) and end in the capital Kuala Lumpur on September 16, 2024. According to the secretariat of the organizers - Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz said the gathering was to express the people's dissatisfaction with Anwar Ibrahim's administration.

    2. Inconsistencies in the law cause the 6 members of parliament who were dismissed by their party to remain and their seats are not automatically vacated. According to senior lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla subclause 49A states that a member of parliament will cease to be a member of parliament if he resigns or ceases to be a member of the political party on which he contested and won. However, according to Haniff, the subclause also states that a member of parliament will not cease to be a member of parliament/member of the People's House simply because he is dismissed from his political party.

    3. Update on the construction of old hospitals and applications for citizenship documents in Limbang and Lawas. Puan Agnes Padan stated that the right to obtain citizenship and health services is the most basic human right. We in Lawas have been denied this right and do not delay any longer.


    Agnes Padan, Human rights activist from Lawas.

    Improving MyKad Access: The Next Step for Citizenship Rights

    Today, Agnes shares the persistence of a family in obtaining citizenship rights for their child. After trying for 14 years, last Monday, the long-awaited MyKad was finally claimed from the Putrajaya NRD office. According to Agnes, the MyKad application for this male teenager started when he was 12 years old. Now, he is almost married, self-employed, and lives in Kampung Buangsiol, Limbang.

    Recently, there have been many successful MyKad applications for Category 15A, which are citizenship applications for children whose fathers are Malaysian citizens. However, according to Agnes, citizenship applications for foreign women married to Malaysian men have not yet been successful. She hopes that the government will simplify citizenship matters for those who are entitled and have complete documents.

    Agnes also hopes that the expectation of the people of Lawas district for a new hospital will be fulfilled this year. The hospital building currently in use was built in 1969 and only provides daily medical services. There are no specialist doctor services available. Agnes questions why Lawas, a district, should only have a health clinic when it should have a full hospital.

    She points out that many do not know that Lawas is located in the northern part of Sarawak, bordering Brunei and Indonesia, and neighboring Sabah. Due to its geography and border-crossing issues, the lives of the people of Lawas are in danger every day during emergencies. Agnes hopes that the construction of the new hospital will be completed this year, as the community has been waiting too long. Health facilities and citizenship rights are the most basic human rights, according to Agnes Padan.


    Bill Jugah, chairman SADIA Rejang

    Education and Development Disparities in Kanowit

    Bill Jugah comment on statement of  YB Anyi's Call for Grassroots Leaders to Collaborate for Improved Household Income in Kanowit.
    Bill Jugah emphasizes several critical aspects that need addressing. Firstly, the appointment of grassroots leaders, often politically chosen, is crucial for voicing community needs and fostering development. However, development efforts remain uneven due to the lack of education among longhouse residents, leading to compliance with government decisions without full understanding.
    Issues arise during land surveys where initial assessments lack clarity, often resulting in disputes that necessitate resurveys for accurate boundary delineations or land claims. Unfortunately, opinions from longhouses with significant voter populations are sometimes disregarded, further exacerbating disparities.
    Bill urges educated individuals, many of whom work outside their communities, to support fellow longhouse residents in developmental planning, including complex matters such as carbon trading—topics unfamiliar to most longhouse dwellers. He stresses the importance of recognizing the value of every tree, especially given the dwindling forest cover due to logging.
    In accordance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), local indigenous communities have the right to self-governance over their resources, including rivers. Bill calls on the government to integrate these perspectives effectively into policymaking.


    Mariam from Bakong

    Political Intrigue in Bakong: Longhouse Community Divided Over Leadership

    Puan Mariam from Bakong shared with Radio Free Sarawak about the problems faced by their longhouse community of 36 doors. For the past 4 years, they have not received any assistance from the government. This is due to the division within their longhouse caused by interference in the selection of their headman. During the headman election, the headman who won the vote was not approved by the YB, and the candidate who lost was instead appointed as the headman by the representative. The longhouse community appointed their chosen headman even though he does not receive a salary, but he continues to shoulder the responsibilities of a headman without pay.

    Bakong is an area under DUN Lambir within the Sibuti parliamentary constituency. According to Puan Mariam, the harmony of the longhouse community should maintain unity, but unfortunately, most headmen prioritize political interests for themselves over the welfare of the people.


Guest User
16 July 2024

On Today Show
— Andrew Paul, Deputy Secretary General of SADIA - From Victory to Uncertainty: Kampung Merakai's Land Rights Struggle
— Maria from Lambir – Poor Roads, Not Riches: The Reality of Rural Sarawak
— [Forum: Community Voice] Ricklend, the spokesperson for PACOS (Partners of Community Organisations Sabah) – Traditional Values in Modern Times: Indigenous Forest Management in Sabah


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Andrew Paul, Timbalan Setiausaha Agung SADIA - Dari Kemenangan ke Ketidakpastian: Perjuangan Hak Tanah Kampung Merakai
— Maria dari Lambir – Jalan Raya yang Teruk, Bukan Kekayaan: Realiti Sarawak Luar Bandar
— [Forum: Suara Komuniti] Ricklend, jurucakap PACOS – Nilai Tradisional di Zaman Moden: Pengurusan Hutan Orang Asli di Sabah


    Special Randau            

    1. Najib Razak brought the house arrest case to the appeals court. After a judicial review related to the alleged existence of an addendum order allowing Najib to serve the remainder of his sentence at home - rejected by the high court. This time Najib tried his luck to bring his case to the appeal court.

    2. Residents of Merakai village in Serian started a blockade preventing the Trade Winds company from entering their land. Residents run the blockade peacefully and do not want any provocation. Brother Andrew Paul reports for the RFS.

    3. GPS/UN claims they have solved the Dayak land ownership problem. Through the amendment of the land code sec 6a in 2018. GPS claims that the state government of Sarawak has recognized the land ownership rights of each longhouse. Villagers can apply and the government will give land to the village of 500 hectares up to a maximum of 1000 hectares. Is this the right way to recognize the Dayak people's rights to land. We broadcast the speech of Gareth Rentap Jabu (UN/GPS) regarding the amendment of the Sarawak land code sec 6a.


    Andrew Paul, Deputy Secretary General of SADIA
    *From Victory to Uncertainty: Kampung Merakai's Land Rights Struggle*
    Andrew Paul has reported that the 95-door residents of Kampung Merakai in Serian have established a blockade to defend their land rights against encroachment by the Trade Winds company. The residents demand that Trade Winds vacate their land. Paul noted that this dispute is likely to endure a prolonged court process.

    Historically, before 2018, the residents successfully sued the DDT Pelita plantation company, with the court ruling in favor of Kampung Merakai. However, following the 2018 federal court decision in the Tuai Rumah Sandah case, which ruled that Dayak custom has no legal effect on Native Customary Rights (NCR) land ownership, palm oil plantation companies have perceived a renewed opportunity to reclaim previously lost cases. Consequently, Trade Winds has brought the case to court again under a different company name, aiming to leverage the 2018 ruling to secure a favorable judgment.

    Paul explained that plantation companies have been emboldened by the 2018 decision and Sarawak's subsequent land law amendment, which restricts village land to only 500 hectares, with the possibility of appealing for an additional 500 hectares to the minister in charge of land. This legislative change is seen as detrimental and unfair to the Dayak community, which traditionally manages much larger areas of NCR land.

    To address the persistent NCR land issues, Paul emphasized that any political party will respond to the will of the people if they unite and express their demands. He argued that if the Dayak community unites and overthrows the GPS, the subsequent ruling party would be compelled to formulate policies that reflect the Dayak's interests and wishes. Paul criticized the government's arbitrary determination of village land limits and highlighted the significant discrepancy between the imposed 500-hectare limit and the much larger traditional NCR areas, such as the average 12,000 hectares per longhouse in Baram, as cited by Harrison Ngau.

    Paul's advocacy underscores the need for political unity among the Dayak community to secure fair and just land policies that respect their customary practices and rights.


    Maria from Lambir
    *Poor Roads, Not Riches: The Reality of Rural Sarawak*
    Maria spoke for the first time on RFS, stating that the Sarawak Premier's remark, suggesting that rural people owning a Hi-Lux in every longhouse family implies they are not poor, is incorrect. According to Madam Maria, purchasing a 4x4 vehicle is a necessity due to the poor road conditions in Sarawak. For those who own small farms, the Hi-Lux is essential for transporting oil palm fruits for sale to increase their income.

    Madam Maria leaves the village every day because she transports school children. The road conditions along the 5 km stretch from the longhouse to the market and Bakong school are very poor, and the worst part is the high vehicle repair costs resulting from the damaged roads.

    It is illogical to label every person who owns a 4x4 as wealthy—this is an unreasonable statement! Their representative is YB Ripin, Adun Lambir.



    Ricklend, the spokesperson for PACOS (Partners of Community Organisations Sabah)
    *Traditional Values in Modern Times: Indigenous Forest Management in Sabah*

    Ricklend Christopher explains that there are many methods of forest management introduced by the government, such as forest reserves. However, a significant issue arises in places like Sabah, where most Indigenous people also reside in these forest reserves. This situation leads to overlapping claims by the Indigenous people and the government. While the government asserts that residents cannot live in these forest reserve areas, the Indigenous people argue that they have lived there for decades, since their great-grandparents' time, and they have evidence to support this. The case has been brought to court and remains unresolved.

    Christopher notes that the Indigenous people decided to demonstrate to the government that they not only live in these areas but have also developed the land and practiced forest management. He wishes to share how Indigenous people in Sabah live their traditional and cultural lives and manage their forests based on traditional values.

    Christopher highlights one Murut village, Kampung Alutok in Tenom. This village exemplifies a combination of long-term and short-term agriculture systems. The villagers maintain forests for herbs, sago sites, and hunting activities, and they also have a clean water source or river. This village showcases community protocols for forest and river management, notably without the presence of palm oil plantations.

    Another example provided by Christopher is the village of Sungai Eloy in Pitas. The coastal community here practices momokan, relying heavily on mangroves for their livelihood. However, in 2010, the government implemented the largest prawn rearing project in Malaysia, supplying to countries like Japan and Singapore. This project, unfortunately, destroyed the community's livelihood as the mangrove trees were completely decimated, affecting the entire biological system.

Guest User
15 July 2024

On Today Show
— Dominic Langat- Resident of Penan Long Tungan Ulu Baram – Sarawak Premier's Comments Spark Outrage Among Rural Residents
— Jeffrey Ngui of MUDA Sarawak – Ending Racial Sentiments: Fair Development and Poverty Reduction in Sarawak
— Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer – Kledang Saiong Forest Reserve at Risk: SAM Criticizes New Plantation Approval

Topik Pada Hari
— Dominic Langat, Penduduk Penan Long Tungan Ulu Baram – Komen-Komen Ketua Menteri Sarawak Memicu Kemarahan di Kalangan Penduduk Luar Bandar 
— Jeffrey Ngui dari MUDA Sarawak – Mengakhiri Sentimen Perkauman: Pembangunan Adil dan Pengurangan Kemiskinan di Sarawak 
— Meor Razak, Pegawai Penyelidik dan Lapangan SAM – Risiko Rezab Hutan Kledang Saiong: SAM Mengkritik Kelulusan Ladang Baru

  • Special Randau

    1. When will Sarawak Premier Johari Openg drive himself from Long Lama to Long Kevok as he promised a year ago. Dominic Langat asked. The Premier's statement which says that rural residents who drive/buy 4x4 cars are not from the poor group. We are worried that with the Premier we will not be eligible to receive/buy diesel at the subsidized price. If the prime minister does not know the real situation of the people in the interior, how will he give accurate information to the central government?.

    2. Robbers, crooks and bandits of national money will not be happy with the current government. The government's determination to fight corruption, leakages and misuse of power will not be liked by some parties who have been stealing people's money, like to ask for commissions and bribe. PMX ANWAR asks the people to continue to give their support so that the effects of the reforms will benefit the people, we have included excerpts of PMX's speech for loyal RFS listeners.


    Dominic Langat- Resident of Penan Long Tungan Ulu Baram

    Sarawak Premier's Comments Spark Outrage Among Rural Residents

    Dominic commented and criticized the statement of Sarawak Premier Johari Openg who said that "People who have a Hilux (4x4) who live outside the city are not the poor category, if they are really poor. They don't have a Hilux".

    The Sarawak Premier's statement shows that he really does not understand the problems of rural residents. We bought a Hilux because it was a necessity. Without a 4x4 car. We won't be able to move anywhere. The bad condition of the deep road can only be passed by 4x4 car, and even then it has to travel 5 to 8 hours. We also want to buy a small and cheap car. But this small car will 100% never reach our village. Will break down and end up in the middle of the road. Because of the bad road to the interior of Sarawak. Car maintenance costs are very high. This greatly burdens our lives. So much so that we live very stressed and most of our income is spent to pay the 4x4 car installment only. The question is how do we buy a car if we are poor. Most of us buy 4x4s using the names of our children who have payslips working in the city. Most banks did not approve our loan application because there was no permanent job. Because we use the names of our working children. So we have to work hard to find money to pay our monthly installments every month. I hope the Premier of Sarawak does not make media statements without first checking the real facts of an issue. Now in peninsular Malaysia (Sabah/Sarawak excluded for now) the government is implementing a policy targeting diesel fuel. The price of diesel was floated making the price of diesel rm3.35 per liter compared to the previous rm2.15 per litre. We are worried if the government thinks we are rich in the countryside.  Then we will face another problem, the diesel subsidy for us will be withdrawn. The Premier of Sarawak should give an accurate report to the central government. A few years ago Premier Johari Openg said that he would drive a small car from Long Lama to the Penan settlement of Long Kevok. To make roads in the interior of Sarawak safe and comfortable. Until now, the Premier has still not managed to fulfill his promise. I can only use my tires for 3-4 months only need to be replaced. Compared to those who live in the city can use their car tires for more than a year. This is a picture of the difficulties that we rural people face every day - Dominic Langat said.


    Jeffrey Ngui of MUDA Sarawak

    Ending Racial Sentiments: Fair Development and Poverty Reduction in Sarawak

    Jeffrey Ngui of MUDA Sarawak commented on the issue refuted by the Secretary to the Sarawak Premier, who stated that the issue of poverty in Sarawak should not be politicized if accurate data is not available.

    Although the data released by the Sarawak state government has been updated, Jeffrey Ngui pointed out that the level of poverty in Sarawak still exists. He emphasized that this issue can actually be addressed if the government cooperates with all parties, including sharing ideas and suggestions from various groups and NGOs.

    It is undeniable that the development provided to the people is not equally distributed according to race and religion, and this racial sentiment must be stopped. In reducing poverty, all citizens must be included regardless of their race and religion.


    Meor Razak, SAM research & field officer

    Kledang Saiong Forest Reserve at Risk: SAM Criticizes New Plantation Approval

    SAM is concerned about the extension of the third forest plantation in the Kledang Saiong Forest Reserve, which was approved in 2023 for 4,280 hectares. SAM foresees potential issues such as floods, wildlife attacks, and water pollution.

    The forest plantation concept initially introduced in the early 80s was a good initiative aimed at compensating for the local wood supply shortage. The targeted areas were destroyed for rehabilitation, but the scale was minimal and adhered to the requirements set by the Forestry Department in West Malaysia. However, since the 2000s, the forest plantation concept has shifted towards commercial interests.

    Originally, the forest plantations were managed by the state’s Forestry Department. Since 2000, these plantations have expanded significantly. When commercialized, the areas involved span thousands of hectares. In Pahang alone, one project covers nearly 10,000 hectares. Imagine if a particular forest reserve is just 4,000 hectares; the original forest would be destroyed.

    This is why SAM disagrees with the current forest plantation concept.

Guest User
12 July 2024

On Today Show
— Nick Kelesau Naan, Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization, Baram Sarawak – Manipulation and Media: How Borneoland Timber Attempts to Legitimize Logging in Penan Territory
— Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak – Kampung Chawan: Battling Poverty with Education and Solar Energy
— Peter Kallang, resident of Long Ikang, Baram – The Urgent Need for Long-Term Erosion Solutions in Baram: A Call to Action

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nick Kelesau Naan, Jurucakap untuk Penan Keruan Organization, Baram Sarawak – Manipulasi dan Media: Bagaimana Borneoland Timber Mencuba Menghalalkan Pembalakan di Wilayah Penan
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Kampung Chawan: Melawan Kemiskinan dengan Pendidikan dan Tenaga Solar
— Peter Kallang, Penduduk Long Ikang, Baram – Keperluan Mendesak untuk Penyelesaian Hakisan Jangka Panjang di Baram: Satu Seruan untuk Bertindak

  • On Today Show
    — Nick Kelesau Naan, Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization, Baram Sarawak – Manipulation and Media: How Borneoland Timber Attempts to Legitimize Logging in Penan Territory
    — Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak – Kampung Chawan: Battling Poverty with Education and Solar Energy
    — Peter Kallang, resident of Long Ikang, Baram – The Urgent Need for Long-Term Erosion Solutions in Baram: A Call to Action

    Topik Pada Hari Ini
    — Nick Kelesau Naan, Jurucakap untuk Penan Keruan Organization, Baram Sarawak – Manipulasi dan Media: Bagaimana Borneoland Timber Mencuba Menghalalkan Pembalakan di Wilayah Penan
    — Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Kampung Chawan: Melawan Kemiskinan dengan Pendidikan dan Tenaga Solar
    — Peter Kallang, Penduduk Long Ikang, Baram – Keperluan Mendesak untuk Penyelesaian Hakisan Jangka Panjang di Baram: Satu Seruan untuk Bertindak

Guest User
11 July 2024

On Today Show
— Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers Networks – Sarawak Government Denies Illegal Logging Allegations Despite Mounting Evidence
— James from the Baram Keruan Association – Logging Trucks Still Rolling: Evidence of Active Logging in Ulu Baram Amid Government Denials
— Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang – Expanding Plantations in Krau Forest Reserve Endanger Traditional Livelihoods

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Celine Lim, Pengarah Urusan Save Rivers Networks – Kerajaan Sarawak Menafikan Tuduhan Pembalakan Haram Walaupun Bukti Semakin Bertambah
— James dari Persatuan Keruan Baram – Lori Balak Masih Bergerak: Bukti Pembalakan Aktif di Ulu Baram di Sebalik Penafian Kerajaan
— Yusri Ahon dari Kpg Sg Mai Pahang – Peluasan Ladang di Hutan Simpan Krau Mengancam Kehidupan Tradisional

  • Special Randau
                    1. Announcement by SEB that the controlled release of water from the Bakun hydroelectric plant reservoir will begin on 13 July 2024 until 3 August 2024, which is for 3 weeks. Residents downstream and along the Rajang river basin are asked to be careful because the river water level will rise and the river current is quite strong. Experience in the past, many residents demanded compensation for their crops, livestock and property destroyed, such as boats, and bridges damaged by strong currents. However, until now SEB has not considered any compensation payment.

                    2. Logging at Ba Data Bila is done by a company appointed by the Sarawak state government. It is an effort by the state government to improve the standard of living of the Penan people who live there. This company has and will build bridges, roads, houses and even provide transportation to school for Penan children.

                    3. The decision not to vacate the 6 parliamentary seats of PPBM MPs who were fired by their own party is in line with the constitution, PMX Anwar Ibrahim said, and even according to Anwar during the discussion of the draft anti-party jumping act, the PPBM party led by Muhyiddin Yassin opposes the idea that if fired by the party will automatically lose his position as a member of parliament.


    Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers Networks

    Sarawak Government Denies Illegal Logging Allegations Despite Mounting Evidence

    The Bruno Manser Fonds (BMF) has reported, with photo evidence, massive logging in the Ba Data Bila Penan village area in Hulu Baram. This area is part of the Upper Baram Forest Area (UBFA), which is being developed as a forest conservation area for long-term community benefits. The UBFA is a collaborative program involving international parties, the Malaysian and Sarawak governments, and the local NGO Save Rivers Network.

    The logging activity, as referred to by BMF, is being conducted by billionaire Hii King Chiong through the company Borneoland Timber. Hii is linked as a crony of former Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud. A day after the BMF media statement, the Sarawak government, through Sarawak Forest Department Director Datuk Hamden Mohammad, declared the BMF's claims false. According to the Sarawak government, the activity is a joint venture to build houses, roads, bridges, and provide truck delivery services for Penan children to attend school. The previously concessioned timber company has been replaced by a new company created by the Sarawak government with the consent of the Penan people.

    Celine Lim expressed surprise at the Sarawak government's statement through the director of the Forest Department. She questioned why stakeholders and the Penan community, who are part of the UBFA steering committee, were not informed. A few months ago, Save Rivers Network wrote an official letter to the forest department and the Sarawak king seeking an explanation. Lim criticized the government's preference for communicating through media statements rather than directly with the concerned parties. She emphasized that the Sarawak government's unilateral actions, portraying their approach as the most correct, are opposed by the Penan. The current actions did not go through the UBFA committee.

    On June 8, 2024, Sarawak Premier Johari Openg stated that there is no more "log politics" in Sarawak and that the state is moving towards a green economy, committing not to cut down forests. He claimed that Sarawak would maintain 62% of its forests by operating 26 Forest Management Units (FMUs) covering 2.38 million hectares through sustainable certification, along with 7 forest management units spanning 97,966 hectares. However, only a month after this statement, Sarawak employed new tactics to justify logging in the UBFA protected forest area. According to Nick Kelesau on the RFS broadcast, only one family of Penan village head Ba Data Bila-Sedin Laeng agreed to the logging, yet the Sarawak government claimed unanimous community agreement.


    James from the Baram Keruan Association

    Logging Trucks Still Rolling: Evidence of Active Logging in Ulu Baram Amid Government Denials

    James confirmed that logging activities are still active in Ulu Baram, as reported by BMF. Although the Sarawak Forest Department (SFD) denies that large-scale logging is occurring, as claimed by the NGO BMF.

    It is indeed unfair if the Sarawak government only acknowledges major logging activities when they claim there is logging. If they do not believe it, they should come down and travel further into Ulu Baram to see for themselves that logging is still active, even if not as massive as it was 20 years ago. To this day, from Lapok to Kilometer 10, logging trucks can still be seen transporting logs.

    Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang
    *Expanding Plantations in Krau Forest Reserve Endanger Traditional Livelihoods*

    On Krau forest reserved now transformed to forest plantation, and caused great impact on the livelihood of 8 sorounding commumities that depand on forest for daily needs. Destructions  of biodiversity is serious, such as traditional medicines, destroyed water catchments , traditional culture of forest management etc. Forest plantation also influence illegal hunting, water pollution. Yusri took photos of rivers pollution to prove to forest ministry. The ministry had created several watershed which is short term solution to get approval for forest plantation projects in their areas. The new grade plants now is over one years old and mature  in 8 years to harvest. So cause more pollution to environment after every 8 years. This Krau forest plantation not only cover forest reserved but also extended to the 9 Orang Asli forest. Where there are 6 water catchments for the communities. The communities lost all their traditional timbers.

    At first the ministry cleared 1000 acres but they cleared to 4000 acres.  And yusri was informed that the forest plantation will as large as 6000 acres. The communities are urging government to set for consultation. Must respect Orang Asli

Guest User
10 July 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Baram/Social and Political Activist – Sarawak Constituency Demarcation Under Scrutiny: Calls for Fair Representation and Reduced Assembly Seats
— Elia Bit from PENA (Penan Empowerment Networking Association) – NGO PENA's Elia Bit on Citizenship Rights for Children Born Abroad
— 【FORUM:COMMUNITY VOICE】Nicholas Mujaj, General Secretary of SADIA – Navigating Legal Battles: The Role of Negotiators in Indigenous Land Claims

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dennis Along, Penduduk Long Terawan Baram/ Aktivis Sosial dan Politik – Persempadanan Semula Kawasan Pilihan Raya Sarawak Dalam Pemeriksaan: Seruan untuk Wakil Rakyat yang Adil dan Pengurangan Kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri
— Elia Bit dari PENA (Persatuan Jaringan Pemerkasaan Penan) – Elia Bit dari NGO PENA mengenai Hak Kewarganegaraan untuk Kanak-Kanak Lahir di Luar Negara
 —【FORUM: SUARA KOMUNITI】Nicholas Mujaj, Setiausaha Agung SADIA – Mengharungi Pertarungan Undang-Undang: Peranan Perunding dalam Tuntutan Tanah Adat

  • Special Randau

                    1. 6 members of parliament from Parti Peribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) who expressed support for PMX and were later dismissed by their party remain as members of Parliament. There is no need to hold by-elections, said Dewan Rakyat Speaker Johari Abdul. Johari concluded that, although they gave their open support to the Prime Minister, they remained members of the Opposition Parliament after being dismissed by their respective parties.

                    2. The re-delimitation of electoral areas in Sarawak is unfair and manipulated by GPS. Therefore, Dennis Along urged the EC to take seriously the public's suggestions and objections regarding the re-delimitation of Sarawak's constituencies that will be held soon.

                    3. The Auditor General's Department should investigate more failed public projects in Sarawak. Said the coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia in Sarawak - Jok Jau Ivong. A large number of rural water supply projects in Sabah and Sarawak failed to be completed even though financial allocations had been spent. The Auditor General's report reported that RM1.5 billion of water supply projects in Sarawak and Sabah failed to be completed. This should be thoroughly investigated said Jok Jau.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Baram/Social and Political Activist.

    Sarawak Constituency Demarcation Under Scrutiny: Calls for Fair Representation and Reduced Assembly Seats

    Dennis reported that the vice-chairman of BERSIH 2.0 Sarawak - Ann Teo held a Roadshow related to the re-delimitation of Dun and Parliamentary constituencies in Sarawak. Ann Teo was in Miri Sarawak on Saturday last week and her presence to give information on the re-delimitation of the electoral area received a very encouraging response among the people of Miri and its surroundings. After attending the clarification session, Dennis suggested that the unfair manipulation and demarcation be stopped and a new fair demarcation be implemented. Eight years ago the demarcation of the Sarawak state assembly constituency increased the number of Sarawak state assembly seats to 82 seats. But unfortunately the demarcation is very unfair. As a comparison, the Gedong area where the Premier of Sarawak is the representative of the people, the area only has more than 10 thousand voters while the Senadin area in Miri has a total of 70 thousand voters. This is an unfair situation. The value of 1 vote of a voter in Gedong is represented by 7 votes for the residents of Senadin. So are some other areas. We, the people of Sarawak, demand that the EC do a fair demarcation of electoral areas (the number of voters should be almost the same) and the number of dun and parliament seats be reduced. The logic is that the dun seat is reduced because the number of voters in Sarawak is not many and the Sarawak dun only meets twice a year and each time it meets for only 8 days. But the Sarawak assemblyman enjoys a decent salary and remuneration throughout the year. By reducing the number of Sarawak Dun seats to 41 (41), the amount of government expenditure will decrease and the distribution of the number of voters will be more or less equal. Thus no political party can easily manipulate the low number of voters and easily win the election. According to Dennis again. If you look at this moment, most of the state assembly seats won by GPS/PBB have small areas and not many voters. This is done in such a way that PBB/GPS can easily win the DUN area involved. We urge the EC to be fair and take suggestions from the people seriously and not just accept demarcation suggestions from GPS/Sarawak state government. The voice and suggestions of the people should be prioritized over the suggestions of political parties like GPS.


    Elia Bit from PENA (Penan Empowerment Networking Association)

    NGO PENA's Elia Bit on Citizenship Rights for Children Born Abroad

    Elia Bit from the NGO PENA supports Suhakam's desire to gain royal support to block changes to citizenship laws. It is better not to frequently amend the existing laws.

    According to Elia, regardless of whether the mother or father is married to a foreigner and gives birth abroad, the child should automatically be recognized as a citizen. This is to ensure that the rights of the mother or father are not eroded due to frequently changing laws.

    For example, the power under the state government has often been used to deny the rights of indigenous people in Sarawak because citizenship issues have not been resolved transparently. Therefore, it is suggested that for state-level citizenship cases, independent bodies should be appointed to manage these citizenship issues.

    Elia urges the MADANI government to be more attentive to these citizenship issues, which are very concerning to the public, especially those in mixed marriages and indigenous people who lack identity in this country.



    Nicholas Mujaj, General Secretary of SADIA

    Navigating Legal Battles: The Role of Negotiators in Indigenous Land Claims

    Mujah focuses more on laws related to land or the rights of indigenous peoples, which are often changed to deny the rights of the indigenous people. As someone heavily involved in the struggle for indigenous rights, Nicholas Mujah has brought indigenous issues to the international level to reorganize according to what was agreed by UNDRIP, especially during judicial reviews in court. Every time native land cases are brought to court, laws are always changed to defeat the indigenous cases, meaning that the legislation is frequently amended.

    In many NCR lands that have been seized but replanted with the same crops as before, this is a form of trade or commodity. This commodity is very important. If indigenous people want their rights back, what should they do? They must become good negotiators because so far, they have not reached that level.

    An important issue that indigenous people must know is when they claim land that has been theirs for generations, but the land has been given to a company. What is their stance? They must understand that from the legal and customary perspectives, they already have rights, and they should not give up because they have a legal system. Even though the robbers' rights are legitimate because they were given by the government, do not forget that they have customs. That is why if they do not understand the existing customs, it is easy for their rights to be taken away. Mapping of customary land is also very important and should be done by every indigenous person. Actually, the national law already recognizes that they have rights to their land, which is why their struggle is based on customary rights.

    They must defend these rights by being good negotiators, as this is their weapon, and this should be practiced. But if their negotiators are not equipped with evidence, this is why they often lose because current laws are influenced by politicians who have been given a mandate by the people.

Guest User
9 July 2024

On Today Show
— Nick Kelesau Naan, Spokesperson of the Penan Keruan Organization, Baram Sarawak – Conflict Over Forest Conservation: Penan Communities Reject Logging Licenses
— Tingkun from Kampung Sayap, Kota Belud – Victory for Community Land Rights in Kota Belud
— Mr. Robert, a social activist from Bintulu – Reflections on the Sg Bakap By-Election: Challenges and Calls for Action
— Jeffrey Baudi from Sabah – Advocating for Indigenous Rights: Lessons from Sarawak

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nick Kelesau Naan, Jurucakap Pertubuhan Penan Keruan, Baram Sarawak – Konflik Mengenai Pemuliharaan Hutan: Komuniti Penan Menolak Lesen Pembalakan
- Tingkun dari Kampung Sayap, Kota Belud – Kemenangan Hak Tanah Komuniti di Kota Belud
- Encik Robert, seorang aktivis sosial dari Bintulu – Refleksi mengenai Pilihan Raya Kecil Sg Bakap: Cabaran dan Seruan untuk Tindakan
- Jeffrey Baudi dari Sabah – Mengadvokasi Hak Asasi Orang Asli: Pengajaran dari Sarawak

  • Special Randau

                    1. 18 Penan communities in Hulu Baram protest logging by Borneoland Timber Resources sdn.bhd in their forest reserve. They demanded that the state government cancel the logging license issued and asked the logging company to respect the voice of the majority who objected to the logging.

                    2. PMX Anwar Ibrahim asked all ministers, government officials and chief secretaries of the state government to monitor every village in Malaysia to find out their problems. Therefore, according to PMX, the government launched the Madani village program to be able to see the problems of the villagers wherever they are. We hope that the problems of Penan residents in Ba Data Bila Hulu Baram can be reported to the prime minister and appropriate action can be taken.

                    3. Muhyiddin Yassin's court case hearing. Muhyiddin Yassin's application for a review of the appeal court decision which returned four charges of abuse of power and 3 charges of money laundering in the Jana wibawa program - rm 232.5 million will be known on 20 August.


    Nick Kelesau Naan, Spokesperson of the Penan Keruan Organization, Baram Sarawak

    Conflict Over Forest Conservation: Penan Communities Reject Logging Licenses

    Nick confirmed the news reported by BMF that logging by Borneoland Timber Resources Sdn. Bhd. started a few weeks ago. Before this, there were several meetings and negotiations between the logging companies and 18 Penan communities upstream of Baram. The majority of Penan communities did not agree to the logging in their forest area. Residents of Long Lamam, Long Ajeng, and Long Benaleh sent letters of objection to Borneoland Timber. However, only the family of Village Chief Ba Data Bila, specifically Village Chief Sedin Laeng, agreed to the logging for their own reasons, allowing Borneoland Timber to start the operation.

    The Penan people in this area (Selaan) strongly object to the logging because they depend entirely on the forest for their livelihood. Additionally, this area is part of the UBFA development plan - Ulu Baram Forest Area - a forest conservation area developed through the ideas and wishes of the community. Therefore, Nick appealed to the state government to cancel the logging license in the UBFA area and respect the voice of the majority of the Penan people. He mentioned that they would give a little more time for the workers to resolve this logging issue before setting up a blockade.


    Tingkun from Kampung Sayap, Kota Belud

    Victory for Community Land Rights in Kota Belud

    In 2017, Mr. Tingkun was arrested by Sabah enforcement officers while tending to his own garden. At the time, over a hundred community members were defending their Native Customary Rights (NCR) in the area, but only Tingkun was arrested. He was detained for three days at Kota Belud Police Station.

    The conflict stemmed from a land dispute between the Kpg Sayap communities and Taman Sabah. In 1972, the first area (rantis) was recognized as Taman Sabah, while the second area (rantis) was recognized as community NCR. This left the communities trapped in the first area and facing intimidation from enforcement officers.

    Despite this, the communities continued their daily activities in 2011. In 2017, while engaged in farming activities, Tingkun was arrested again. Authorities demanded a compound fine of RM4,500.00, and although they offered installment payments, Tingkun refused to pay, insisting he had done nothing wrong and was simply engaging in normal farming activities.

    The case was first heard in 2019 before the Magistrate in Kota Belud and was finally decided in 2024, ruling in favor of Mr. Tingkun. He was represented by Ram Singh.


    Mr. Robert, a social activist from Bintulu

    Reflections on the Sg Bakap By-Election: Challenges and Calls for Action

    Mr. Robert together with RFS, commented on Nyak's disappointment with the results of the Sg Bakap by-election, where PH lost ground to PN despite increasing their majority. This was due to internal strife within UMNO, where split votes did not entirely favor PH. The animosity between DAP and UMNO was seen as the cause of the Harapan candidate's defeat. This message serves as an encouragement to the MADANI government to work harder on issues important to the people. For Sarawak, PH should not underestimate the upcoming elections, as this is a mission that all PH supporters must undertake. Issues that benefit the people should be equally prioritized by PH, rather than focusing excessively on attracting foreign investors, which may neglect the welfare of the people.


    Jeffrey Baudi from Sabah.

    Advocating for Indigenous Rights: Lessons from Sarawak

    Jeffrey Baudi as a participant in the Community Voice forum, shared his experience over two days, which was a new and distinct experience in Sarawak, particularly for RFS as the organizer. The forum brought together NGOs and activists from diverse backgrounds to contribute their opinions as a unified voice for indigenous rights. Through this forum, Jeffrey Baudi was able to express aspirations and share issues faced by the oppressed in Sabah. In Sabah, there has not yet been any NGO conducting Community Mappings, but in Sarawak, such initiatives exist, and Jeffrey Baudi is very excited about the NGO movement in Sarawak. The strong unity aiming for recognition by UNDRIP and the UN is an example, even though many NGOs are not favored by the government. This is because Sarawakian NGOs strongly advocate for the indigenous peoples of Sarawak, and Jeffrey Baudi plans to share this example with his peers in Sabah. The courage of the RFS team is highly praised.

Guest User