2 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of Sungai Patin Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Village – We were afraid of being arrested
— Paul Nunggang, from Ulu Baram – Call for Fair Distribution of Development Funds Across Baram’s Villages

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling - Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sungai Patin Similajau, Bintulu – Kami takut ditangkap 
— Paul Nunggang, dari Ulu Baram – Seruan untuk Pengagihan Dana Pembangunan yang Adil di Kampung-kampung Baram 


    Special Randau

                    1. The SFC used various tactics to thwart the blockade that the residents of the Sungai Patin agricultural heritage village of Bintulu tried to set up. This time they reattached arrest warrant notices to some parties in the past and if we continue the blockade. Then we will also be arrested. We are not afraid of the bluff and will still set up a blockade - said tr Panting ak Baling.

                    2. The Swiss court did not mention Jho Low as Najib's representative - said Najib's main lawyer Mohammad Shafee Abdullah. Shafee stated that during the trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today. Najib was tried on allegations of abuse of power and illegal money laundering of rm2.27 billion and 1 mdb. Najib's lawyer tried to portray that Najib had nothing to do with Jho Low.


    Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of Sungai Patin Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Village

    We were afraid of being arrested

    Tr Panting provided an update on the efforts to set up tents in preparation for the blockade and welcomed the presence of SUHAKAM and a group of NGOs, both local and international, who are expected to visit Similajau next week. In response to these developments, the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) posted an arrest warrant notice that had been issued in the past against an Indonesian citizen and a Chinese national who had trespassed into the national park.

    Upon seeing this notice, a concerned individual went to see the Bintulu police chief to inquire about the purpose of the SFC posting it. Mr. Billy, the police officer on duty, explained that the notice has nothing to do with the residents of Taman Warisan Pertanian. According to the police, the notice was likely posted to intimidate the residents.

    The individual felt relieved because the police also sympathize with the residents who were evicted from the area recently designated as part of an additional national park. The police informed them that the SFC is organizing a meeting with all involved parties, which will be attended by YB Kawasan Similajau, Majang Renggi.

    The residents welcome this meeting and plan to provide evidence that their presence in the area has been with the blessing and permission of the former Chief Minister of Sarawak, Adenan Satem. They also intend to request that SADIA attend the meeting to support them, although the date for the meeting has not yet been finalized.


    Paul Nunggang, from Ulu Baram

    Call for Fair Distribution of Development Funds Across Baram’s Villages

    Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau has announced a rural transformation project of over RM70 million that will soon be taking place in Long Bemang, Baram. The three major projects will involve the construction of a riverbank erosion barrier, a water plant, and road works starting from the Long Bemang village junction.

    Paul Nunggang has stated that while this is a positive development for Long Bemang, it will not entirely solve the long-standing issue of flooding in the area. He emphasized that as long as logging activities continue in the interior, the problem of riverbed elevation and subsequent flooding will persist.

    He also questioned why only Long Bemang is receiving this RTP development fund while other interior villages are seemingly neglected. He highlighted that in his own village, Long Liam, the roads have deteriorated and have not been repaired. Many other interior areas are also dealing with broken bridges and impassable roads, leaving villagers stranded and cut off from the outside world.

    Paul Nunggang called on Dennis Ngau and other representatives to treat all villages fairly by providing basic road infrastructure and other essential facilities. He stressed the need for equitable development across all rural areas, ensuring that no village is left behind or forgotten.

    Furthermore, he urged the government to address the root causes of the problems faced by these villages, such as deforestation and poor land management, which contribute to frequent flooding and infrastructure damage. By focusing on sustainable development and protecting natural resources, Paul believes that the government can create a more stable and prosperous future for all communities in Baram and beyond. He also called for greater transparency and accountability in how development funds are allocated and utilized, advocating for a participatory approach that involves the voices and needs of local communities in decision-making processes.

Guest User
30 August 2024

On Today Show
— Jok Jau Ivong. Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Sarawak region – From Reforestation to Profit: The Hidden Motives of Sarawak's Tree Planting Efforts
— Richard Engan from Baram – Baram's Forgotten People: The Need for True Development


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Jok Jau Ivong, Penyelaras Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Wilayah Sarawak – Dari Penghutanan Semula ke Keuntungan: Motif Tersembunyi di Sebalik Usaha Penanaman Pokok di Sarawak 
— Richard Engan dari Baram – Rakyat Terpinggir di Baram: Keperluan untuk Pembangunan Sebenar

  • Special Randau
                    1. The claim by the Sarawak government that they have succeeded in planting 35 million trees is false - said the Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Makaysia Sarawak Region. What the Sarawak government claims can be questioned. What they are doing is a monoculture tree planting scheme to be sold by logging companies. Trees are indeed planted but cut down again when they are mature. This is not what the green Malaysia campaign wants. What do we really want, we plant a tree to replace what has been cut down and the tree remains forever. It is better to plant a tree than a local tree species.

                    2. The Singapore High Court allowed 1MDB's RM1.7 billion claim against BSI to continue.

                    3. The MACC opened investigation papers against 5 employers for allegedly using false documents in the application for Employment Passes for foreign workers under the RTK2.0 program. This information is in line with what was reported by the spokesperson of Penan Metalun Murum-Gereng Jadum who claimed that the company Danum Sinar employed Indonesian foreign workers without valid work permits. We are waiting for further investigation as to whether companies from Sarawak are also involved.


    Jok Jau Ivong. Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Sarawak region

    From Reforestation to Profit: The Hidden Motives of Sarawak's Tree Planting Efforts

    The success of planting 35 million trees as claimed by the Sarawak government is a lie and a fraud. There is no clear evidence that they succeeded in planting trees as claimed. How can we prove they are lying, ie the trees that are claimed to be planted are cultivated under the forest plantation management scheme by the logging companies. The trees that are planted are monoculture and when it reaches a certain time it will be cut down for sale as well. The main motive of the Green Malaysia Campaign is to plant trees to replace those that have been cut down and the trees that are planted cannot be cut down again for commercial purposes. It is clear that what the Sarawak government is doing is a fraud and publicity to cover up the environmental crimes they are committing. Another example of their failure is related to FMU. The government claims that 26 FMUs that they work on have been certified and the same goes for 8 FPMU schemes that have also managed to get recognition and certification. But what actually happened according to Jok Jau was. Studies, surveys and certificates obtained from local residents are information that has been falsified or modified. Residents were also not given copies of the documents they had signed. If it is true that the Sarawak government wants to conserve the environment and be an example and leader in this campaign. The first step is transparency in all certification processes, replanting local wood species that cannot be cut down and logged again. Stop commercial logging and plantations and plans to build mega dams - Jok Jau Ivong says.


    Richard Engan from Baram

    Baram's Forgotten People: The Need for True Development

    Richarh Engan explained that many road and bridge projects have been canceled in Baram, including Marudi, since the 1970s. Indeed, for more than 60 years, progress in Baram has not been made for the people of Baram. There has been no master plan for the development of Baram over the past 60 years. For example, road projects have been more focused on the route from Miri to Kuching, but there are still areas along the road that have not experienced any development. The Sarawak government has a budget surplus of up to 40 billion ringgit, but allocations are not given to the Baram area, which is effectively a part of Pahang state.

    The people are not asking for continuous financial assistance from the government; what they have wanted for decades are roads, 24-hour electricity, clean water supply, health clinics, and comfortable schools for teachers and students in remote areas.

    People often point fingers at the government for not providing progress, but the real problem lies with the hands that vote for a government that consistently oppresses the people.

Guest User
29 August 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum - Spokesperson for Penan Murum – Sudden Layoffs at Danum Sinar: Penan Workers Fight for Their Rights
— Komeok Joe, CEO and Founder of Keruan – Ba Data Bila Penan Call for Government Intervention on Logging Activities
— Agnes Padan, Activist from Lawas – Children of Mixed Marriages See Improvements in IC Application Process

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Gereng Jadum - Jurucakap Penan Murum – Pemberhentian Mendadak di Danum Sinar: Pekerja Penan Berjuang untuk Hak Mereka 
— Komeok Joe, CEO dan Pengasas Keruan – Penan dari Ba Data Bila Menyeru Campur Tangan Kerajaan Terhadap Aktiviti Pembalakan 
— Agnes Padan, Aktivis dari Lawas – Anak dari Perkahwinan Campur Melihat Penambahbaikan dalam Proses Permohonan IC 

  • Special Randau
                    1. Tarek Obaid was jailed for 7 years and Patrick Mahony was jailed for 6 years by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court for their role in embezzling the funds of 1 mdb. They were accused of creating a false impression that the Saudi Arabian government supported their company, in a joint effort to convince the 1mdb board of directors to establish a joint venture with their company in 2009.

                    2. The 126 Penan workers who were dismissed by the Danum Sinar plantation company in Murum Sarawak and replaced by foreign workers without valid work permits is an injustice and a violation of the law, according to Murum Penan spokesman Gereng Jadum.

                    3. Sarawak should be ashamed of destroying the environment, instead of proudly claiming to have succeeded in planting 35 million trees. Sarawak continues to actively grant timber concessions to the main timber companies in Sarawak, in addition to PL for Palm oil plantations and plans to build 10 more hydro dams. In a speech during the launch of the Asia-Pacific regional conference on forest landscape restoration, Sarawak's deputy premier Awang Tengah claimed that Sarawak is an example and leader in forest conservation because it successfully planted 35 million trees before 2025.


    Gereng Jadum - Spokesperson for Penan Murum

    Sudden Layoffs at Danum Sinar: Penan Workers Fight for Their Rights

    Gereng provided an update regarding the case of 126 Penan Murum workers who were suddenly dismissed by the Danum Sinar Palm Oil Plantation company, citing the closure of two plantations where they worked. The two plantations in question are Kelayan Plantation and Lakin Plantation. Three days ago, the lawyer representing the Penan workers informed that the company is willing to pay compensation to the dismissed workers, calculated at 20 days per year and paid at RM57.69 per day. This means that each worker is entitled to compensation of RM1,153.80 multiplied by the number of years worked. For those who worked for 6 years, they will receive RM6,922.80, while those who worked for 4 years will receive RM4,615.20.

    The Penan workers reluctantly accepted this compensation because the amount is very small, and Danum Sinar refuses to pay 3 months' salary for the sudden termination, even though it had been agreed upon in previous discussions. The Penan community is appealing to Danum Sinar to be given contracts in the remaining plantations so they can continue their livelihood.

    The process of collecting palm fruits in the supposedly closed Lakin and Kelayan Plantations will be carried out by Indonesian workers without valid work permits and by the remaining 86 Penan workers still employed. These remaining workers are still working in Jabon Plantation and Marong 1 and 2 Plantations, which are also owned by Danum Sinar.

    "We will continue to demand the 3 months' salary for the sudden termination. We will refer this matter to the Sarawak Department of Labour," said Gereng.


    Komeok Joe, CEO and Founder of Keruan
    *Ba Data Bila Penan Call for Government Intervention on Logging Activities*

    Last Tuesday, August 27, 2024, Komeok led a group of Penan from Ba Data Bila in upper Baram to submit a petition to Deputy Premier Awang Tengah. The Premier was not in the country at the time. The group also held a small symbolic protest by displaying placards during the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Forest Landscape for Restoration. The conference took place in Kuching on Tuesday. The team also submitted the petition to the Director of the Forest Department during the event. Yesterday, they had a meeting with Suhakam Sarawak, where the Suhakam Commissioner agreed to pay a visit to the logging site in Ba Data Bila, upper Baram.

    The petition highlights the serious logging activities occurring in Ba Data Bila and Suling Selaan, which are destroying forests that are supposed to be protected. The Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Forest Landscape for Restoration appears to be effective only on paper, while the reality on the ground is quite the opposite. Communities are being divided by their leaders, and many of the logging workers are reportedly illegal.

    Komeok urges the government to address the complaints made by the communities. Despite two police reports being lodged by the communities, no action or investigation has been conducted to date.


    Agnes Padan, Activist from Lawas

    Children of Mixed Marriages See Improvements in IC Application Process

    Agnes Padan explained the process of applying for an identification card (IC) for children from mixed marriages, which has always been difficult. However, under the MADANI government, there is now a sense of relief as many IC cases have been resolved smoothly. Previously, children born from such unions were automatically assigned the status of a foreign national, following the nationality of the foreign parent.

    But now, cases of mixed marriages can apply for an IC as long as the couple has sufficient documentation and a valid marriage certificate. Since 2023, there have been applications from two students: one in Form 6 and the other in Form 5, both of whom are still waiting for their ICs. It would be a great loss if their applications were rejected, as these local children are among the top students at their school.

Guest User
28 August 2024

On Today Show
— George Laing - Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram – Vote-Buying Politics and Poor Infrastructure: The Reality in Baram
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Why Is Sarawak's RM40 Billion Reserve Not Being Used for Infrastructure?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— George Laing - Penduduk Uma Akeh, Baram – Politik Beli Undi dan Infrastruktur yang Lemah: Realiti di Baram 
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Mengapa Rizab RM40 Bilion Sarawak Tidak Digunakan untuk Infrastruktur? 

  • Special Randau

                    1. Diesel oil smuggling syndicate busted in Sibu Sarawak. MACC arrested an enforcement agency. A 40-year-old enforcement agency director in Kuching was detained by the MACC. The arrest of the suspect following the raid was carried out by SPRM's special operations unit through OP Liter at a diesel fuel depot in the Bidut-Sibu river. The suspect will be investigated under section 16 (b) (B) of the MACC Act 2009.

                    2. The difficulties faced by the people of the interior of Sarawak at the moment and the existence of YBYB GPS who is not responsible as a result of money politics and selling votes during the election. Gorge Laing explained that YB who have low morals and do not care about the people's problems because they are not afraid of losing the election. GPS is confident that they must win because the rural people will easily sell their votes. That's what happened in Baram- according to George. However, he urged that the culture of selling votes be abandoned so that the people can elect YB who is truly competent and responsible. George commented on YB GPS in Mulu Area who does not care about the people's problems.


    George Laing - Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram

    Vote-Buying Politics and Poor Infrastructure: The Reality in Baram

    Today, George contacted Radio Free Sarawak to report that the road conditions, including logging roads used by the residents of Baram, are becoming increasingly unsafe to use. The main bridge in Long San is deteriorating. Landslides are occurring everywhere due to the heavy rains that happen almost daily. While George was speaking with RFS, his car got stuck in deep and slippery mud. He is currently waiting for assistance. Yesterday, the Borneo Post reported that the Chairman of PKR Sarawak urged the relevant agencies to promptly repair the worsening road conditions in Baram, particularly in Leo Mato. It takes 9 hours to reach Leo Mato. Frequently, residents in emergencies from the Leo Mato clinic on their way to Miri Hospital get stranded in the middle of the road due to the muddy conditions and collapsed bridges. Leo Mato is located in the DUN (state constituency) of Mulu, represented by Datuk Gerawat Gala of GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak). George feels sad because when the people are suffering, the GPS assembly members do not help them, but when the election comes, they come asking for votes. The road to Leo Mato is also shared by several other longhouses, such as Long Selaan, Selongo, Long Tungan, and Long Semiyang. In Leo Mato, there is also a school, an agricultural station, and a clinic. Despite the many problems faced by the residents of Baram, they continue to vote for GPS. According to George, this is due to vote-buying politics. During the elections, GPS distributes millions of ringgit to secure their candidates' victory. However, George advises Baram voters to be aware that selling their votes results in them being left poor and lacking infrastructure for a long time. Uma Akeh, for example, still does not have electricity or water supply from the government. We drink water from the hills and use generators, which are very costly.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    Why Is Sarawak's RM40 Billion Reserve Not Being Used for Infrastructure?

    The Sarawak government must use the RM40 billion reserve it proudly boasts of to address the issues faced by the people, particularly the increasing floods and lack of basic public facilities, said Senator Abun Sui Anyit.

    Abun Sui frequently calls for allocations in the House to improve infrastructure and development for Sarawak, especially to resolve issues related to floods, roads, and bridges in the state. However, the main issue he often debates is the road access from rural areas, which is crucial for helping the people sell their agricultural products.

    What is surprising is the issue of roads; according to the Federal Government, the construction of state roads falls under the jurisdiction of the state government. The budget allocated by the Federal Government should be used by the state government to manage development plans for the people of Sarawak, but the Sarawak government has not been using these funds appropriately.

    The RM40 billion Sarawak reserve is not just to be kept idle. According to Abun, the RM40 billion reserve could be used to solve the infrastructure shortages in Sarawak. Roads in Sarawak should be improved, flood problems should be resolved, and damaged bridges should be repaired.

    The state of Sarawak has the capability to address these issues, yet they are not taking action.

Guest User
27 August 2024

On Today Show
— Mutang Tuo, Head of Ba Payau Village, Mulu – Unheard Complaints: Penan Communities Confront Environmental Damage from Logging
— Joseph Jinggut from Baleh – Urgent: Road Collapse in Sempili Baleh Poses Risks to Local Community

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Mutang Tuo, Ketua Kampung Ba Payau, Mulu – Aduan Tidak Didengari: Komuniti Penan Berdepan Kemusnahan Alam Sekitar Akibat Pembalakan
— Joseph Jinggut dari Baleh – Segera: Jalan Runtuh di Sempili Baleh Menimbulkan Risiko kepada Komuniti Tempatan

  • Special Randau

                    1. In the past they invaded our forests, took our land for palm oil plantations. Now they are polluting our river with garbage and sewage waste, said Mutang Tuo referring to the pollution done by the Samling and Shin Yang Company in Sungai Layun, Mulu. I made this complaint through the RFS so that the forest department and the Environment Department Investigate these two companies.

                    2. Former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin asked to be tried on sedition charges. He pleaded not guilty after the charge was read to him at the Gua Musang sessions court before judge Nik Tarmizie Nik Mohd Shukri. Charges were filed under the sedition act for sedition for his speech at the felda perasu on August 14.

                    3. Social media licensing continues despite the protests of IT giants - such as google, meta, amazon and apple. According to communication minister Fahmi Fadzil- AIC does not represent all social media platforms. They are only a small part.- he said.


    Mutang Tuo, Head of Ba Payau Village, Mulu

    Unheard Complaints: Penan Communities Confront Environmental Damage from Logging

    Mutang and some villagers of Ba Payau feel disturbed by the pollution that happened in Sungai Layun. They took the initiative to check the upper part of the Layun river to find out what caused the river to become dirty and smelly. How surprised they were to see the Layun river filled with garbage, plastic bottles, factory wood scraps, bad tires and many other things. According to Mutang, in the upper part of the Layun river, Shin Yang and Samling are the main timber producers. However some of their worker settlements- produce garbage which they throw directly into the river. In addition, they also direct sewage pipes directly into the river. I myself have filed a complaint. But the authorities of Samling and Shin Yang ignored my complaint. All this time they destroyed our forests and now they are polluting our rivers. As a result of this severe river pollution, the number of fish catches is decreasing. Samling plywood factory used to operate in the upstream part. But now it is closed. Now the pollution of garbage and sewage waste has a bad effect on our health - said Mutang Tuo. Several penan long houses were affected such as Long Kevok, long nen, long Leng, Ba Payau, and Long Layun. We asked for compensation from these two logging companies, but they ignored our requests. We are often hit by floods and floods damage our crops and houses. I hope the forest department and the environment department come to investigate my complaint - Mutang said


    Joseph Jinggut from Baleh

    Urgent: Road Collapse in Sempili Baleh Poses Risks to Local Community

    Early yesterday morning, a major road collapse occurred on Jalan Baleh Access Road in Sempili Baleh, Sarawak, likely caused by heavy overnight rains. This landslide has disrupted access and posed significant risks to the local community. Authorities are urging everyone to avoid the area as safety inspections and repairs are underway.

    Joseph Jinggut explained that the collapsed road is the main access route to the Baleh Dam project. After the contractor handed over the road, the Public Works Department (JKR) took over the responsibility for its repairs. The collapse happened while a four-wheel-drive vehicle was crossing, carrying schoolchildren on their way to school. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.

    To bypass Jalan Sempili, there is an old logging road available. However, this alternative route is not suitable for smaller vehicles due to significant damage.

Guest User
26 August 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Patin River Agricultural Heritage Village, Similajau Bintulu – Community Outcry as Residents Face Forced Eviction: SUHAKAM Steps In
— John Bara from Uma Akeh Baram – Rural Infrastructure Neglect: Clinic in Baram on Verge of Collapse
— Saifulzizuan from SAM Tanjung Malim, Perak – Human Activities Blamed for Ulu Sg Slim Mud Flood: Calls for Responsible Development

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— TR Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sungai Patin, Similajau Bintulu – Keresahan Komuniti: Penduduk Menghadapi Pengusiran Paksa, SUHAKAM Campur Tangan
— John Bara dari Uma Akeh Baram – Pengabaian Infrastruktur Luar Bandar: Klinik di Baram Hampir Runtuh
— Saifulzizuan dari SAM Tanjung Malim, Perak – Aktiviti Manusia Disalahkan Untuk Banjir Lumpur Ulu Sg Slim: Seruan untuk Pembangunan Bertanggungjawab

  • Special Randau
                    1. Former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin will be charged under the sedition act tomorrow. He is expected to be charged in the Gua Musang sessions court under section 4 (1) of the sedition act, section 233 of the communication and multimedia act 1998 and section 504 of the penal code.

                    2. Daim Zainuddin's wife challenged the tax assessment by the state board of revenue and claimed that the tax assessment may be incorrect and erroneous. Daim's wife is required to pay RM 313 million in taxes to the IRB.

                    3. Villagers of the agricultural heritage of Fiqiau began to set up tents to gather domestic and foreign activists and NGOs to help them demand justice - when they were evicted from their garden land which is now included in the Fiqiau National Park area.


    Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of Patin River Agricultural Heritage Village, Similajau Bintulu.

    Community Outcry as Residents Face Forced Eviction: SUHAKAM Steps In

    Panting gives an update on what happened in the past 2 days. The SFC reinforced the fence they erected to prevent residents from trespassing. The SFC also erected a sign in front of the erected fence stating that anyone trespassing would be prosecuted. Another notice - instructions to leave the National Park in accordance with section 34 of the National Parks and Nature Reserves ordinance 1998. This notice requires the residents of Warisam Pertanian Park to vacate their land within 14 days. The notice is dated March 15, 2024 and residents must leave their garden land on March 29, 2024.

    But according to Panting, the attached notice was not served on them on the date specified. It was only known a month ago. This means that the SFC is not honest or has backdated the letter.

    Yesterday, the residents started to set up tents and perform tilt ceremonies. It is done to ask God's protection in their efforts to demand justice on their behalf. The Malaysian Human Rights Commission SUHAKAM will visit the tent site on 11 Sept 2024 and will be joined by several NGOs from the USA. “What happened to us was an injustice. We are not trespassing. The garden we work on is a gift from the Adenan Satem Administration. The current government has increased the area of ​​the national park to enter our land. So they are the real aggressors. This is the result of the people giving too much power to GPS, they will become arrogant” - Said TR Panting ak Baling.


    John Bara from Uma Akeh Baram

    Rural Infrastructure Neglect: Clinic in Baram on Verge of Collapse

    John Bara shared about a clinic in Long Loyang, Tinjar Baram, which is on the verge of collapsing into the Tinjar River due to visible signs of soil erosion. This situation poses a serious danger in the event of a landslide at the clinic in the future.

    The issue was previously referred to the Telang Usan Assemblyman, YB Dennis Ngau, but no action has been taken to date. The Long Loyang Clinic is located 3 hours from Miri town, and the road conditions are deteriorating, making it necessary to use the Tinjar River route during emergencies because the roads are so badly damaged. The Long Loyang Clinic was established by foreign missionaries in the 1970s, and it was handed over to the Sarawak government for management in the late 1970s.

    John Bara stated that the GPS government has failed to provide adequate infrastructure for the rural population for the past 61 years.


    Saifulzizuan from SAM Tanjung Malim, Perak

    Human Activities Blamed for Ulu Sg Slim Mud Flood: Calls for Responsible Development

    Saifulzizuan from SAM Tanjung Malim base was involved with the Search and Rescue team during the recent incident of a dam burst that caused a mud flood in Ulu Sg Slim last Friday. The dam broke due to a logjam at the upper Sg Slim. The logs, remnants from previous logging activities, created a water barrier, leading to an unusually massive flood. This flood was not caused by heavy rainfall alone but rather by continuous rain over 24 hours.

    The mud flood destroyed five bridges along the river, damaged houses, and prevented the Orang Asli communities living along the river from harvesting their crops due to the roads being covered in mud. It will take some time to clear the mud and debris. Additionally, water and electricity have been cut off. The government is providing aid to the affected communities, including food and drinking water.

    Saifulzizuan believes that the flood was caused by human activities and urges the government to learn from this incident. He stresses that any development must consider both short-term and long-term impacts. Saifulzizuan also calls for everyone to take responsibility for such issues.

Guest User
23 August 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst – Ending Corporate Favoritism: John Brian's Call to Protect Indigenous Land Rights in Sarawak
— Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Election Promises and Delays: The Unfinished Bridge of Kampung Selampit
— Agnes from Selangau – Criticizing Cronyism: Against JV Land Deals in Suai Niah


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Brian Anthony, Penganalisis Politik Sarawak – Menamatkan Pilihan Korporat: Seruan John Brian untuk Melindungi Hak Tanah Orang Asal di Sarawak
— Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Janji Pilihan Raya dan Kelewatan: Jambatan Kampung Selampit yang Belum Siap
— Agnes dari Selangau – Mengkritik Kronisme: Menentang Perjanjian Tanah JV di Suai Niah

  • Special Randau

                    1. GPS government's land development policy, confiscating Dayak land. John Brian called on the Dayaks to support change and not vote for GPS again. The GPS policy hands over Dayak NCR land to capitalists and all land owner complaints will be silenced.

                    2. UMNO will not remain silent if PH talks about Najib's release and pardon. this matter was stated by umno vice president mohamed khalid nordin in the umno general assembly that is going on now.

                    3. Tun Daim's wife obtained a temporary passport for work to Shanghai, China.

                    4. Rosmah's representation canceled the accusations - the attorney general, the prosecution reached an agreement. Rosmah's application to drop 17 charges of money laundering and tax evasion raised RM7 million.


    John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst

    Ending Corporate Favoritism: John Brian's Call to Protect Indigenous Land Rights in Sarawak

    John responded to the Miri police chief's media statement that the police are investigating a property embezzlement case in the WTK palm oil plantation in Suai Niah. Information states that 3 individuals have been arrested and police are still hunting for 4 more suspects of assault and treachery. I question why the police investigate the complaint made by the taukey farm only. Meanwhile, when thousands of complaints were made by villagers regarding the case of careless land, the police did not investigate at all. The police should also investigate why such an incident happened, is it because of injustice against the landowners in the area? - asked John. Farm Taukey is a rich man. WTK has 3 locations in the Suai Niah area. They obtained the PL because they were rich and had political connections with the rulers. How can the poor demand justice if the government favors rich corporations. Cases like this happen all over Sarawak. The reason is because GPS gives NCR land belonging to Orang Asal to rich people and the rights of land owners are not guaranteed by the government. There are many examples of failed JVs such as LCDA and SELCRA. The company makes a lot of profit - but the return is only a few ringgits to the land owner. I suggest now that the government does not give PL to rich companies anymore. Stop it. Now give assistance to Dayak/original farmers - capital to clear land, seeds, agricultural technology, fertilizers and then marketing and reasonable pricing. This will be fairer and Dayak land ownership will remain. Because if the Dayak/Orang Asal continue to be pressured with unfair policies. I believe cases like those in Suai, Batu Niah and in Merakai Serian will continue to repeat themselves in the future - John Brian said.


    Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading
    *Election Promises and Delays: The Unfinished Bridge of Kampung Selampit*

    The issue of the bridge for Kampung Selampit is an old one, but it has become a hot topic recently due to a boat capsizing incident. The situation regarding the Kampung Selampit bridge is quite complicated, and it's unclear what exactly is causing the delay—whether it's something related to the residents or other factors. The residents are in dire need of the bridge to be built so they can easily access the town, clinic, and school for the students. They have been crossing the river for a long time, and the absence of a bridge poses significant challenges.

    Meneng understands that the delay in constructing the bridge is due to bureaucracy within the state government and the presence of many oil palm plantations in the surrounding villages. The tragedy of the boat capsizing could have been avoided if there were alternative access routes, such as the construction of a bridge. It would also be beneficial to have a proper road from Kampung Selampit through Kampung Kendaie to the main road, passing through the oil palm plantations. The access road from Kampung Kendaie also faces problems during the rainy season, as parts of the road become flooded.

    During every election, the Selampit bridge and the Kendaie road are always brought up as key issues in candidates' manifestos. Meneng is very familiar with the situation in Kampung Selampit, as she has often visited the village to distribute food during the pandemic and flood seasons.

    She urges the state government to seriously address the issue and raise it at a higher level, as the main cause of the delay in the project is bureaucratic red tape. Although the project was approved quite some time ago, its implementation has been very slow. In the meantime, boat operators should consider the safety of passengers and avoid overcrowding.


    Agnes from Selangau

    Criticizing Cronyism: Against JV Land Deals in Suai Niah

    Puan Agnes from Selangau felt compelled to speak out on RFS since the crisis erupted at the WTK plantation in Suai Niah.

    Puan Agnes explained that she has never accepted the concept of a joint venture (JV) that involves handing over land to plantation companies connected to political cronies because it is like "sweet in the beginning, bitter in the end."

    This is the problem when people from our longhouses are often deceived by development projects that ultimately result in great losses.

    In the Suai Niah case, even though blocking the road (blockage) was necessary, actions like damaging the company’s property will not solve the problem and will only create more issues for them. Never resort to violence, as this will make the case even more complicated to resolve in the future.



Guest User
22 August 2024

On Today Show
— Apai May, Residents of Kampung Tangap, Niah – Villagers Clash with WTK Over Unfulfilled Promises in Suai Niah Palm Oil Dispute
— Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram – Tragic Boat Capsize Highlights Urgent Infrastructure Needs in Sarawak's Remote Villages
— Celine Lim, Manager of Save Rivers – Baram Peace Park: Indigenous-Led Conservation Efforts Threatened by Ongoing Logging

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Apai May, Penduduk Kampung Tangap, Niah – Pertelagahan Penduduk Kampung dengan WTK Mengenai Janji yang Tidak Ditepati dalam Pertikaian Sawit Suai Niah
— Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan, Baram – Kecelakaan Bot yang Tragis Menyorot Keperluan Infrastruktur yang Mendesak di Kampung-Kampung Terpencil di Sarawak
— Celine Lim, Pengurus Save Rivers – Taman Damai Baram: Usaha Pemuliharaan yang Dipimpin oleh Orang Asli Terancam oleh Pembalakan yang Berterusan

  • Special Randau

                    1. Riots and attacks that occurred at the WTK Suai Niah company's palm oil plantation because a group of residents were not satisfied with the company not returning the 30% yield as promised. This is according to a source who declined to be named. However, information and reports on social media are still unclear and the police advise the public not to speculate on the news.

                    2. Palestinians treated in Malaysia will not stay in Malaysia. They are more willing to die in their own country. That is according to the Palestinian ambassador to Malaysia, Wahid Abu Ali. Wahid was surprised by the negative reaction of some Malaysians to the initiative to help treat the injured Palestinians. According to Wahid - the matter should be seen from a humanitarian point of view, not a political point of view.

                    3. Najib took over 1MDB because of responsibility and not because of greed - this is the defense argument by Najib's main lawyer - Mohammad Shafee Abdullah. Najib is being tried for 4 cases of abuse of power and 21 cases of money laundering of RM2.27 billion from 1mdb.


    Apai May, Residents of Kampung Tangap, Niah

    Villagers Clash with WTK Over Unfulfilled Promises in Suai Niah Palm Oil Dispute

    Kampung Apai May is located 1 hour away from the WTK palm oil plantation that was recently attacked by a group of villagers. But according to Apai May, outsiders don't really know about the attack because the WTK farm is located far from the main road.

    However, according to Apai May, WTK owns 3 palm oil plantations in Suai Niah and has been operating for over 10 years. For this time the police have arrested 3 people who committed attacks and damage in the offices and residences of WTK farm workers and according to internal information - the police are still hunting for 4 more people.

    According to an informant to RFS who refused to be named, the attack was not carried out by the entire village population. It is done by a small group only. It was done because of dissatisfaction with unfulfilled promises. The agreement in question is - residents will be paid 30% of the revenue from the WTK farm in Suai Niah to the villagers who own the land. But after more than 10 years have passed. The company claims that the company is still in losses and has not been able to pay the revenue as intended. The company has paid the residents but not as expected. Because the residents were not satisfied, they picked their own palm fruit and sold it. When this situation is known to WTK. WTK claimed that the parties involved were thieves and brought their own thugs to prevent and drive away the parties involved. However, the party accused of stealing responded by attacking the WTK farm.


    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram

    Tragic Boat Capsize Highlights Urgent Infrastructure Needs in Sarawak's Remote Villages

    Sungai Kayan in Lundu has recently become a focal point of concern due to tragic events and ongoing infrastructural issues affecting the residents of Kampung Selampit. The river, a critical waterway for the villagers, was the site of a devastating boat capsize that resulted in the disappearance and drowning of several individuals. This incident has highlighted the urgent need for improved infrastructure in the area.

    In similar circumstances, Mr. Anyi from Long Tebangan, Baram, who frequently transports food supplies to remote schools like Long Lutong, has pointed out the severe infrastructural shortcomings in Sarawak's interior regions. Despite Sarawak being a high-income state, many remote villages still rely on dangerous boat crossings, particularly during the rainy season when rivers like the Baram become large and swift.

    Long Luteng School, for example, depends entirely on boat services for transporting goods. The situation is exacerbated by a damaged suspension bridge that is no longer safe to use. This issue, which has been brought to the attention of local representatives, remains unresolved. Mr. Anyi has criticized the government's reliance on logging companies, which are no longer operational, and has urged the Sarawak government to take proactive measures to support the people.

    He emphasizes that waiting for another tragic incident, like the one at Sungai Kayan, to prompt action is not acceptable. The government should prioritize building essential infrastructure such as bridges to ensure the safety and well-being of residents in remote areas. This proactive approach is crucial to prevent further loss of life and to address the pressing needs of Sarawak's underserved communities.


    Celine Lim, Manager of Save Rivers

    Baram Peace Park: Indigenous-Led Conservation Efforts Threatened by Ongoing Logging

    The establishment of the Baram Peace Park, an indigenous-led initiative aimed at protecting the biodiversity and cultural heritage of Sarawak's last area of pristine primary forest in the upper Baram region, has hit a significant roadblock due to continued logging activities. The proposed park, covering approximately 283,500 hectares—nearly 3.89 times the size of Singapore—is a crucial effort to preserve Sarawak’s environmental and cultural legacy.

    However, logging continues in many areas within the park's proposed boundaries, which poses a major challenge to the park's establishment, according to Save Rivers. The organization supports the creation of the park and is deeply concerned about the ongoing deforestation, particularly in the core zones that are meant to remain untouched to protect the most sensitive and valuable ecosystems.

    The state government is in a difficult position because it cannot simply withdraw the timber licenses without facing legal repercussions. The licences were issued long before the idea for the park was mooted by the Penans living in the area. So, the whole process is now in the hands of the government.

    The core zones of the park are intended to remain intact, serving as sanctuaries for the region's biodiversity and as a means of preserving the indigenous cultural heritage. Yet, despite the ongoing logging activities, local communities, including those in Ba Data Bila, continue to advocate for their rights and for stakeholder ownership to be respected.

Guest User
21 August 2024

On Today Show
— Ngajang Miden, Residents of Uma Ukit Hulu Balui Bakun – Logging Camps and Environmental Chaos: The Urgent Need to Halt Deforestation in Bakun
— Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah – Ending Political Interference in Village Leadership to Protect Native Lands
— S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – PSM Activist Seeks Justice for Injuries Sustained During Farmer Eviction Protest

Topik Pada Hari
— Ngajang Miden, Penduduk Uma Ukit Hulu Balui Bakun – Kem Penebangan Hutan dan Kekacauan Alam Sekitar: Keperluan Mendesak untuk Menghentikan Penebangan Hutan di Bakun
— Gebriel Atong, Aktivis Hak Tanah dari Punan Bah – Mengakhiri Campur Tangan Politik dalam Kepimpinan Kampung untuk Melindungi Tanah Adat
— S Arutchelvan, Timbalan Pengerusi PSM – Aktivis PSM Menuntut Keadilan atas Kecederaan yang Dialami Semasa Protes Pengusiran Petani

  • Special Randau

                    1. The ‘Logjam’ that occurs at the Bakun dam is caused by active logging in the upstream part of the dam. In the Linau river alone there are 5 logging camps operated by the Shin Yang company - while upstream of Balui there are several more logging camps operated by Rimbunan Hijau. The most effective way to solve this problem - stop the logging, cancel the license and put the criminals in jail. - Ngajang said.

                    2. Update on the case of attack / treachery of property that happened in the field WTK Batu Niah. The Miri Police issued a media statement that the case was under investigation and prohibited the public from speculating and spreading false news.

                    3. Muhyiddin Yassin - former PM was investigated under the sedition act for allegedly questioning the king's actions. A PKR member of parliament - Hassan Karim questioned the use of the sedition act and it was against democracy - said Hassan. While LFP-lawyer for liberty is of the view that the king's role according to article 43(2)(a) of the federal constitution is not a matter that cannot be discussed. Therefore, LFL is of the view that the king's actions can be discussed, criticized or questioned by the people.


    Ngajang Miden, Residents of Uma Ukit Hulu Balui Bakun

    Logging Camps and Environmental Chaos: The Urgent Need to Halt Deforestation in Bakun

    Ngajang Miden is the leader of Uma Ukit residents who refuse to move to the Bakun Sungai Asap resettlement area. They moved to the high mountains so as not to be overwhelmed by the Bakun dam. RFS found out from a report on fb that a kilometer-long pile of wood (jam log) occurred again in the Linau river upstream of the Bakun dam.

    Ngajang confirmed the incident and informed that there were 2 reasons why it happened. Firstly, the logging activities in the upstream of the Linau river and the upstream of the bakun and the second - the decay of the timber in the bakun dam itself. Wood that is not cut down or not cleaned in the dam area will float when the water in the dam is full.

    In Linau River alone there are still 5 logging camps run by the Shin Yang logging company. While upstream of the bakun there are several logging camps run by Rimbunan Hijau. Among them Seraju Holding, Lanjak Camp, Besta sdn.bhd, Wong Camp and Ensurai Camp. There are several other logging camps that Ngajang himself does not remember the names of. We have complained about this clock log problem to SEB but no action has been taken.

    This problem is serious because it restricts our journey and has caused several accidents. The most appropriate way to solve this problem is to stop the logging with the GPS government terminate the logging license in the upstream Bakun because it pollutes the environment and we local people need the forest as our source of life. Bakun area under the administration of YB Liwan Lagang GPS.


    Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah

    Ending Political Interference in Village Leadership to Protect Native Lands

    Gebriel Atong has expressed strong support for the unification of native groups under a single umbrella organization to resist unjust and oppressive land grabs. He echoes the sentiments of the Society for Rights of Indigenous Peoples of Sarawak (Scrips) in highlighting the urgent need for collective action to safeguard native land rights.

    Gebriel emphasizes that with natives making up at least 60% of Sarawak's population, their combined strength could compel the state government to amend the oppressive state Land Code.

    Gabriel also addressed the issue of political interference in the appointment of village chiefs. He strongly believes that the selection of village leaders should be left entirely to the villagers themselves, free from any political manipulation. "When politicians meddle in the appointment of village heads, it opens the door to corruption and disrupts the harmony within the community. Village leaders should be chosen by the people they represent, ensuring that they truly have the community's best interests at heart."

    Gebriel argues that allowing villagers to elect their own leaders would not only prevent corruption but also foster unity in the fight against external threats, such as land grabs. "When the village leadership is strong and chosen by the people, the community can stand together more effectively against any attempts to encroach on their land. It is only through unity and self-determination that we can protect our ancestral lands and preserve our way of life."


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    PSM Activist Seeks Justice for Injuries Sustained During Farmer Eviction Protest

    Chong Yee Shan, a Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) central committee member, is taking legal action against the Perak Land and Minerals Office following serious injuries sustained during a protest on October 24, 2023. Chong suffered eye damage, potentially leading to permanent vision impairment unless corrected through high-risk surgery. After consulting with doctors and PSM chairperson Dr. Jeyakumar Deveraj, she decided against surgery due to the risk of blindness.

    Chong's lawsuit, filed on July 16, names Perak PTG enforcement officer Mohd Sukairi Saidi, the Perak PTG, and its director as defendants. The Ipoh Sessions Court has set a hearing for August 26. The injury occurred during a protest against the eviction of six farmers in Kanthan, Tambun, where Chong was allegedly shoved by a PTG officer, causing her fall.

    Following the incident, Chong was arrested while filing a police report and charged under Section 186 of the Penal Code for allegedly obstructing a civil servant’s duties. PSM deputy chairperson S. Arutchelvan criticized the police for treating Chong as a suspect rather than a victim and urged for a separation between the attorney-general's and public prosecutor's offices for impartial law enforcement. He also noted that the eviction issue is in Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s constituency and warned of further action if not resolved.

Guest User
20 August 2024

On Today Show
— RFS Listener who don’t want revealed name – A fight between the villagers in Suai Niah and the WTK Plantation thugs
— Komeok Joe, Penan Activist – Neglected Communities: The Ongoing Struggle for Citizenship Rights
— (call-in) Mr. Bernard from Tatau, Bintulu – Struggling to Survive: The Harsh Reality of Rising Costs

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Pendengar RFS yang tidak mahu namanya didedahkan – Pertempuran antara penduduk kampung di Suai Niah dan samseng-samseng WTK Plantation.
— Komeok Joe, Aktivis Penan – Komuniti Terpinggir: Perjuangan Berterusan untuk Hak Kewarganegaraan.
— (panggilan masuk) Encik Bernard dari Tatau, Bintulu – Berjuang untuk Bertahan: Realiti Kehidupan yang Sukar dengan Kos Hidup yang Meningkat.

  • Special Randau
                    1. Another case of a fight between thugs of a palm oil plantation company and local residents. This time it happened in Suai Niah. The palm oil plantation company WTK was attacked by local residents because they were not satisfied with the company's treatment of them. But the real cause of the fight is still unknown. Police are investigating the incident and are asking the public not to speculate about what happened.

                    2. PMX Anwar Ibrahim's first working visit to rural Sarawak on 29 Sept 2024. PMX is expected to visit Kapit and preparations are underway. Anwar is expected to review the progress/regress of Kapit for more than 60 years under the administration of BN/UMNo. Many predict that PMX will announce something that will appeal to the people of Sarawak to continue to support him as prime minister and vote for his party in the next general election.

    RFS Listener who don’t want revealed name
    *A fight between the villagers in Suai Niah and the WTK Plantation thugs*

    Yesterday it went viral on the social media of the Palm Oil plantation company WTK in Suai, Niah. A group of 200 villagers were attacked. WTK company suffered a lot of damage. Houses and office equipment were broken into and company vehicles were overturned. Until now, no party can provide accurate information about what actually happened. Today RFS contacted some residents of Suai Niah. They confirmed the incident did happen but gave a different report. Some reported that the villagers attacked the plantation company because the company often brought thugs to intimidate and extort them. Some also reported that the company brought thugs to drive away villagers who stole WTK's palm oil and some also reported that this incident was a personal fight between several individuals related to the management of the WTK company. The parties interviewed by RFS also refused to reveal their names and real identities. For now, a number of residents have been arrested by the police and the investigation is ongoing. It is not yet clear whether this fight happened because of a conflict related to land acquisition or the crime of stealing palm fruit.

    Komeok Joe, Penan Activist
    *Neglected Communities: The Ongoing Struggle for Citizenship Rights*
    Komeok Joe supports and breathes a sigh of relief after the Federal Government and the Sarawak State Government collaborated to resolve the citizenship issues. However, the people should be aware that the MADANI government is more concerned with citizenship problems that have long been unresolved by previous administrations.

    In this citizenship issue, it's not just the Penan or Orang Ulu who face citizenship problems; other ethnic groups, such as the Lun Bawang in the Lawas region, also encounter similar issues.

    According to Komeok, the main reason these citizenship problems cannot be resolved is the negligence of community leaders and Penghulus, who allow their communities to be left behind because their lack of MyKad severely limits their movement, including access to government clinics and education.

    The National Registration Department (JPN) has also not performed their duties in detail and has not been actively reaching out to remote areas to facilitate applications for those living in the interior.

    We hope that the Sarawak JPN will be more diligent in the future for the sake of human rights and justice.

    Mr. Bernard from Tatau, Bintulu

    Struggling to Survive: The Harsh Reality of Rising Costs
    Mr Bernard shared about the increasingly pressing cost of living. At 58 years old, Mr. Bernard, who is supporting two grandchildren and three school-aged children, was overcome with sadness and tears during an interview with RFS as he shared that his house was repossessed by the bank. His 20 years of hard work have gone to waste because he has been unemployed since the Covid-19 pandemic. After the pandemic subsided, he was unable to find a job because he had to care for his grandchildren, who were left behind by their parents. As a result, he has been surviving on a small income from the half-ton of palm oil produced by the small plantation he manages. He appeals to the government to address the rising cost of living for the sake of survival.

Guest User