Radio Free Sarawak

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24 July 2023

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Dennis Along, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Baram – Rakyat Sarawak Tuntut Pemulangan Tanah Yang Dirampas Keluarga Taib Mahmud
> Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Pembangunan GPS hanya menjadikan syarikat kaya, tetapi rakyat tidak mendapat manfaat
> Fiqah Roslan, jurucakap kempen TiadaGuru – Reformasi Diperlukan untuk Memastikan Hak Pelajar Dilindungi

On Today Show
> Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director – Sarawakians Demand Return of Land Confiscated by Taib Mahmud's Family
> Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – GPS gov's development only makes companies rich, but the people do not benefit
> Fiqah Roslan, spokeperson for TiadaGuru campaign (No Teacher) – Reform Needed to Ensure Students' Rights Are Protected