27 September 2024

On Today Show

— Benjamin Lenjau, Resident of Uma Sambop Belaga – Land Rights Violated: Uma Sambop Demands Government Action Against MM Golden and SOPB
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) Kuching chief – Public Funds Should Benefit Sarawak, Not Extravagant Forums
— Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst – Project SAMA Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Increase Senate Seats for East Malaysia

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Benjamin Lenjau, Penduduk Uma Sambop Belaga – Hak Tanah Dilanggar: Uma Sambop Tuntut Tindakan Kerajaan Terhadap MM Golden dan SOPB 
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Ketua Dapsy Kuching, Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) – Dana Awam Harus Manfaatkan Sarawak, Bukan Forum Mewah 
— Prof Wong Chin Huat, Ahli Akademik dan Penganalisis Politik – Project SAMA Tuntut Pindaan Perlembagaan untuk Tambah Kerusi Senator bagi Malaysia Timur

  • Special Randau
    1. Why are there no arrests and prosecutions against the MM Golden logging company sdn.bhd and UU Greens sdn.bhd who encroached and committed illegal logging in the NCR land area of ​​Uma Sambop Belaga. Is it because the owner is a deputy minister. A deputy minister of natural resources and environmental sustainability like Huang Tiong Sii should feel ashamed and take more responsibility.

    2. Former prime minister Najib claimed that his personal account at Ambank was used for CSR purposes. When testifying in the hearing of SRC International's suit against him today, Najib said that the account ending with the number 694 was opened in 2011 and closed two years later. SRC International's lawyer, Lim Chee Wee, cross-examined Najib regarding the former prime minister's bank statement which showed that US$70 million was deposited into the account in 2012. SRC filed the suit under the new management in May 2021, alleging that Najib committed fraud trust and abuse of power, as well as obtaining personal profits from the company's funds, in addition to misappropriating billions of ringgit. SRC is also seeking a court declaration that the defendant is responsible for the company's losses due to alleged breach of responsibility and trust, as well as asking Najib to repay RM42 million


    Benjamin Lenjau, Resident of Uma Sambop Belaga

    Land Rights Violated: Uma Sambop Demands Government Action Against MM Golden and SOPB

    A few months ago, Benjamin spoke to RFS reporting the encroachment by the company MM Golden sdn.bhd and UU Greend Sdn.Bhd against the forest/land of the residents of Uma Sambop. In simple language, illegal logging occurs in ncr land areas. Both of these companies are linked to Malaysia's deputy minister of natural resources and environmental sustainability Huang Tiong Sii. Following that on 12 Sept 2024, Benjamin made an official report to Suhakam and a copy of the report to the police, sprm, the Sarawak premier's office, the prime minister's office and the Sarawak forest department. As a result of the report, the forest department confiscated some logs that were cut by the MM Golden company on Sept 24, 2024. However, Benjamin and the residents of Uma Sambop were not satisfied because no arrests and prosecutions were made against the owner of the MM Golden company. We the residents of Uma Sambop demand transparency and firmness from the authorities in law enforcement. We want in the near future there will be action against companies that illegally log and encroach on our land - said Benjamin Lenjau. Benjamin and the residents of Uma Sambop also demanded that the oil palm plantation company SOPB - pay compensation to the residents of Uma Sambop for opening an oil palm plantation on the land of Uma Sambop but until now they have not paid any compensation or damages.


    Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) Kuching chief

    Public Funds Should Benefit Sarawak, Not Extravagant Forums

    Michael Kong, special assistant to DAP Stampin MP Chong Chieng Jen, called for the Sarawak government to re-evaluate its spending priorities and focus on state development and public welfare. He criticized the government for spending RM533,988.65 on a Leadership Forum in Langkawi in January 2024, suggesting that the money could have been better spent on infrastructure, education, or local businesses. Kong praised the federal government’s recent decision to cancel a costly exhibition trip to Berlin, noting that it demonstrated fiscal responsibility, which has led to positive investor confidence and strengthened the Malaysian ringgit. He urged Sarawak to follow the federal government’s example to ensure prudent use of public funds, which would benefit the state and promote economic growth.


    Prof Wong Chin Huat, Academician and Political Analyst

    Project SAMA Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Increase Senate Seats for East Malaysia

    In principle, Project SAMA, supported by Rose, Bersih, Engage, and Tindak Malaysia, proposes an increase in the representation of Sabah and Sarawak in the Senate. Currently, there are 70 members in the Senate, with only 2 seats each for Sabah and Sarawak, plus 1 seat for Labuan. This gives East Malaysia only 5 members, which is less than 7% of the total.

    This means that Sabah and Sarawak have significantly less power than West Malaysia. Project SAMA proposes adding 15 additional senator seats for Sabah and Sarawak, raising their total to 17%, plus 1 representative from Labuan. This would give East Malaysia a total of 35 members in a Senate with 100 members, granting them veto power over any constitutional amendments.

    This proposal is realistic if we want to give Sabah, Sarawak, and Labuan veto power before the 16th General Election. The amendment required to increase the number of senator seats only affects Article 45 of the Constitution, which is straightforward. As long as both Parliament and the Senate agree with a two-thirds majority, the amendment can be passed and approved, making this proposal achievable.

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