9 May 2024

On Today Show
— YB Violet Yong, Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Padungan (DAP) – Challenging the Truth: Opposition Rejects Thanking Taib Mahmud
— Paul Nungang from Ulu Baram – The Dammed Reality: Uncovering the Truth in Baleh Dam Kapit
— Raffly from Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah – Defending Ancestral Lands: The Struggle of Kampung Jambu Pitas

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- YB Violet Yong, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak - Padungan (DAP) - Mencabar Kebenaran: Pembangkang Menolak Untuk Mengucapkan Terima Kasih kepada Taib Mahmud
- Paul Nungang dari Ulu Baram - Realiti Yang Tersumbat: Mendedahkan Kebenaran Mengenai Empangan Baleh Kapit
- Raffly dari Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah - Mempertahankan Tanah Warisan: Perjuangan Kampung Jambu Pitas

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) approved a special thank you motion to the late Taib Mahmud for his significant contributions to the development of Sarawak. However, this motion was opposed by two DAP assemblymen, Chong Cheing Jen and Violet Yong. According to Chong, despite Taib's many contributions, there are many suspicions about his administration. Despite receiving much criticism from GPS representatives, Chong remains unwilling to apologize for his statement.

    2. GPS always wants to silence us - this is what YB Violet Yong said when the opportunity to speak and debate was very limited in the DUN session. Each assemblyman was only given 20 minutes. Yong also said that the people would lose if the power of checks and balances was not practiced in the Sarawak DUN with a very small number of opposition members.

    3. Two representatives from Parti BERSATU were sacked for campaigning in support of the PH candidate in the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election. The Secretary-General of BERSATU, Hamzah Zainuddin, said they should vacate their seats to make way for the by-election.

    4. The request by Daim Zainuddin and his wife for a judicial review to challenge the MACC investigation was rejected by the Court of Appeal today. The panel of 3 judges who heard the application decided that the MACC investigation was not open to judicial review as it would disclose the investigative process to various legal actions.


    YB Violet Yong, Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Padungan (DAP)

    *Challenging the Truth: Opposition Rejects Thanking Taib Mahmud*

    YB Violet Yong, a Member of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly for Padungan (DAP), shared that during the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly sitting from May 6 to 15, 2024, the assembly approved a motion to express special thanks to former Sarawak chief ministers/former Governors of Sarawak Taib Mahmud. Thirty members of the State Legislative Assembly debated the motion, with only two opposing it, namely YB Chong and YB Violet Yong herself.

    YB Chong Cheing Jen faced heavy criticism from Sarawak State Legislative Assembly members from GPS for not supporting the motion. This was compounded by Chong's statement regarding suspicions in Taib's administration. Chong stood firm and stated that he would not apologize. According to Violet, Chong's statement was reasonable.

    Violet emphasized the difficulties and disadvantages faced by the people of Sarawak when there are only two opposition representatives in the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly. Each ADUN is only given 20 minutes to speak, which often results in many important matters being left unsaid.

    Violet expressed her respect for the people's choice in electing GPS. However, she highlighted that the people would also lose out if a balance of power is not achieved. Currently, GPS holds 80 out of a total of 82 seats in the assembly.

    During the debate on the Sarawak Ports Bill 2024, Violet questioned the failure to deepen the shipping route to Senari Port, despite a proposed depth of 9 meters and an allocation of RM370 million from the federal government. She also noted that although the project did not succeed as promised, the Kuching Port Authority still collects RM1 per ton of cargo as a maintenance fee, even though there is little evidence of maintenance work being done.

    Violet expressed sadness at the habit of GPS ministers not answering questions in the State Legislative Assembly. She hopes that the people will consider the need to give more votes to the opposition, even if it does not bring victory to PH in Sarawak.


    Paul Nungang from Ulu Baram

    *The Dammed Reality: Uncovering the Truth in Baleh Dam Kapit*

    Paul shared about his recent visit to Kapit to observe the lives of communities affected by the Baleh dam.

    Unfortunately, according to Mr. Paul Nungang, the dam victims have not been compensated since the beginning of the dam construction project.

    It is undeniable that many disagree with the construction of the dam. However, there are still many who agree because with the dam, they finally have a road...

    But Paul Nungang hopes that they should steadfastly demand their compensation.

    His call for communities to be aware of future dam plans is important for ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes.


    Raffly from Kampung Jambu Pitas, Sabah,

    *Defending Ancestral Lands: The Struggle of Kampung Jambu Pitas*

    Raffly shared a land encroachment case with RFS. He highlighted that a logging company encroached on their ancestral land since 2000. The company had promised to build houses at another location and replant the logged areas with acacia trees. However, after waiting for years and witnessing the company log the timber without fulfilling their promises, the community decided to return to their ancestral domain for their daily forest activities.

    In 2017, the logging company filed an Originating Summons for eviction against the community. After a court hearing, the judge ruled that the community has the right to their ancestral land. This decision was based on the fact that the community has been living there for generations, and it is their land. The ruling emphasized the importance of recognizing and respecting the land rights of indigenous communities, especially in cases where they have historical and ancestral ties to the land. The court's decision reaffirmed the principle that indigenous peoples' rights to their ancestral lands must be upheld and protected.

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