15 October 2024

On Today Show

> Dok Laing- Residents of Penang Long Tanyit, Belaga and Gereng Jadum- Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum – Shin Yang Logging Camps Become the Only Source of Overpriced Essentials for Penan Villagers
> Geoffrey Tang, chairman of ROSE – Sarawak’s 2021-2024 Manifesto Under Public Scrutiny: ROSE Launches BICARA KAMEK
> George Laeng from Uma Akeh Baram – Sarawak Needs Real Change, Not Empty Promises

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Dok Laing - Penduduk Penang Long Tanyit, Belaga dan Gereng Jadum - Penduduk Penan Metalun, Murum – Kem Pembalakan Shin Yang Menjadi Satu-Satunya Sumber Keperluan Asas yang Mahal untuk Penduduk Penan 
> Geoffrey Tang, pengerusi ROSE – Manifesto Sarawak 2021-2024 di Bawah Pengawasan Awam: ROSE Melancarkan BICARA KAMEK 
> George Laeng dari Uma Akeh Baram – Sarawak Memerlukan Perubahan Sebenar, Bukan Janji Kosong

  • Special Randau

                    1. Najib Razak withdrew the appeal regarding the US$681 million mareva injunction order, arguing that the appeal had become academic. A mareva injunction is a court order to prevent Najib from disposing of property pending the resolution of the legal action. In 2002, 1mdb obtained an injunction against Najib and his agents, freezing assets related to a US$681 million claim against Najib before the civil suit case was settled.

                    2. The forest department and the state government of Sarawak canceled the UBFA which aimed to conserve the forest in the long term, but were more interested in giving a logging license to Borneoland Timber Resources who have close ties to Sarawak Premier Johari Openg.

                    3. Government subsidies for cheaper necessities for rural residents do not reach the target group. The people of Penan appealed to the government to look at their problems more carefully.


    Dok Laing- Residents of Penang Long Tanyit, Belaga and Gereng Jadum- Residents of Penan Metalun, Murum

    Shin Yang Logging Camps Become the Only Source of Overpriced Essentials for Penan Villagers

    Puan Dok Laing is a penan from Long Tanyit in the Linau river in Belaga. The journey from Belaga to Long Tanyit takes 9 hours by road using 4-wheel drive. Through the Shin Yang logging area. Doc informed that the prices of basic necessities in his village and some nearby villages are very expensive. They had to buy rice, flour, cooking oil and other necessities at a canteen in Shin Yang Abit Camp. This is a camp built by Shin Yang specifically to process reclaimed wood into plywood. Here, the cheapest price for a 10kg bag of rice is RM45. Some are rm50, rm60 to rm70 depending on the brand. LPG gas barrel price rm45. The price of daily necessities here is twice as expensive as the nearby town of Bintulu or Belaga.

    Asked whether the government allocated RM225 million in subsidies for companies to send 7 types of basic necessities to rural areas so that the prices remain cheap like in other places. According to Mrs. Doc. Indeed, there are goods like that that reach our village. But not much and not enough for the population. There are up to 20 rice combs, while we have 200 families in Long Tanyit. So is financial assistance to poor families. Some get rm300, rm400 and some get rm600 once they get it. But to withdraw the money from a nearby bank requires an expensive fare. To go to Belaga the return cost for one person is rm200 and to go to Bintulu is rm250. The aid given by the government is used up to pay the fare only. We hope in the budget that will be presented by the prime minister. The problems we face will be addressed. The story from Gereng Jadum is more or less the same as told by Puan Dok. Metalun residents buy food items at Shin Yang's Majumas Logging Camp. It's expensive, but we have no choice. To go to the nearest town - the cost of transportation is very high - said Gereng. Unfortunately in our village the sale of subsidized goods has been stopped since 3 years ago. We don't know why. We ask the government again to supply the grocery stores in the village with subsidized goods to make our lives easier. The price of a subsidized LPG Gas barrel is rm26.60.  but sold for Rm45 at Abit Camp Shin Yang.


    George Laeng from Uma Akeh Baram
    *Sarawak Needs Real Change, Not Empty Promises*

    George Laeng comment on the initiative by ROSE, who invite Sarawak voters fill up the PUBLIC SURVEY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SARAWAK GOVERNMENT MANIFESTO (2021-2024)

    He said that, there is a statement on a WhatsApp social media platform, emphasized that the Sarawak Government’s manifesto NO LONGER needs to be discussed. He stated that the people of Sarawak must change the leadership to a party that is more concerned about the well-being of the people.

    “The people should not be swayed by the sweet promises of the GPS manifesto. After 61 years, Sarawak is still underdeveloped, so why continue to be deceived every election season? The people must have the courage to change Sarawak’s leadership."

    “There are still many unfinished ‘sick projects’ in Sarawak, and the people's money is continually being siphoned off with every government project implementation. What is the true credibility of the Sarawak state government for its people?”

    “With this, we must reject GPS entirely. Do not let our rights be sold out by GPS for the sake of money.”

    George urged the people to fill out an evaluation form for the Sarawak Government’s manifesto, assessing what they have achieved during this term.


    Geoffrey Tang, chairman of ROSE

    Sarawak’s 2021-2024 Manifesto Under Public Scrutiny: ROSE Launches BICARA KAMEK

    ROSE has launched a survey titled  BICARA KAMEK - Public Survey on the Implementation of the Sarawak Government Manifesto (2021-2024) .

    ROSE's Chairman, Geoffrey Tang, stated that  BICARA KAMEK  is an initiative by the  Society for Community Empowerment (ROSE)  to assess the satisfaction level of Sarawakians regarding the implementation of the Sarawak government manifesto for 2021-2024.

    According to the Dewan Bahasa Dictionary, a manifesto is a public declaration of the policies or goals of a political party before an election. In other words, a manifesto is a set of promises made by a political party if they win an election. It can also be understood as a written declaration or statement by an individual or a group, representing a party or organization, outlining promises to the public. Manifestos play a significant role in shaping trust, honesty in social history, and the spread of political ideas. In every election, manifestos are marketed as if they were sacred texts, offering numerous promises if any political party wins—whether to secure parliamentary or state assembly (DUN) seats or to form a new government thereafter.

    Geoffrey Tang mentioned that the survey report is expected to be released in December. Before that, he urges the people of Sarawak to actively participate by filling out the survey and answering truthfully about whether their experiences and challenges align with the promises made in the GPS government’s manifesto. He emphasized that a manifesto is not just a slogan but a commitment and promise made to the people.

    The  Society for Community Empowerment (ROSE)  is a non-governmental organization (NGO) led by the people of Sarawak, with the goal of empowering Sarawakians to actively engage in the democratic process necessary for the development of the country.


    Fill up the survey https://forms.gle/xXhL13YRmmMVQNeh6


Guest User
14 October 2024

On Today Show

— Nick Kelesau- Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization – Penan Community Threatened Amid UBFA Logging Controversy
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Call for Protection of Penan NCR Land in Lusong Laku to Prevent Loss to Outsiders


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nick Kelesau - Jurucakap untuk Organisasi Penan Keruan - Komuniti Penan Diancam di Tengah-Tengah Kontroversi Pembalakan UBFA
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak - Seruan untuk Melindungi Tanah NCR Penan di Lusong Laku bagi Mengelakkan Kehilangan kepada Orang Luar

  • Special Randau

                    1. The parliamentary session starts today. The 3rd meeting, 3rd term, 15th parliament starts today until 12 December 2024. On Friday 18 October 2024. PMX will present the Malaysian budget for 2025.

                    2. MACC raided an apartment in Kuala Lumpur and found a sum of cash in Singaporean currency amounting to RM5 million ringgit. It is believed to belong to an influential opposition politician. It is also understood that the politician is being investigated in relation to a multi-million ringgit corruption scandal allegedly related to a sand mining concession in the state of Selangor. In a separate report, MACC said it would summon the politician for investigation in the near future.

                    3. The incident that happened at Ba Data Bila should not be used as a reason for the forest department and Sarawak state government to cancel cooperation in UBFA. - said Nick Kelesau. There are indeed many obstacles and challenges - but we focus on the goal of sustainable forest care - said Nick. The Borneoland Timber Logging Company supported by Penan community leaders was prevented by a group of others from logging in the Ba Data Bila area.


    Nick Kelesau- Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization

    Penan Community Threatened Amid UBFA Logging Controversy

    Nick Kelesau stated that the application by Sarawak Forest Department Director Datuk Hamden Mohammad to cancel or terminate the UBFA project is a one-sided statement. He emphasized that even if the project is cancelled, some NGOs and the local Penan community, including his side, will still continue their efforts. Nick highlighted the importance of separating political affairs from environmental matters.

    Referring to the incident of logging in Ba Data Bila, Nick mentioned that several penghulu (village heads) and Pemanca (community leaders) met with Sarawak Premier Johari Openg to report that Borneoland Timber Sdn. Bhd., the company logging in the Ba Data Bila area, possessed a valid logging license. The company promised to build roads, bridges, and houses for the Penan people. However, it was later proven that the company employed foreign workers without valid work permits and conducted logging activities in the Ba Data Bila area, which is prohibited because it falls within the UBFA area.

    Nick pointed out that Borneoland gained the support of some penghulu, Pemanca, and Penan residents by offering monetary incentives. He expressed hope that the incident at Ba Data Bila would not be used as a reason to cancel the UBFA project. Instead, he called for all stakeholders to make a unanimous decision that benefits forest conservation in the UBFA in the long term. Nick stressed that logging in the UBFA area should be entirely prohibited and should receive full support from the Sarawak government and the Forest Department. He condemned the actions of Borneoland and urged the authorities to take severe action against the company.

    Additionally, Nick revealed that the Penan people were threatened with losing the opportunity to be appointed as tribal leaders, penghulu, Pemanca, or village heads if they cooperated with NGOs involved in the UBFA project. He condemned such political threats, labeling them as unhealthy and detrimental to the collective effort to protect the environment.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak
    *Call for Protection of Penan NCR Land in Lusong Laku to Prevent Loss to Outsiders*

    Senator Abun Sui Anyit has urged the Sarawak government to gazette Native Customary Rights (NCR) land in Lusong Laku to protect the Penan community from losing their land to outsiders. He raised concerns about the increasing trend of land being sold to non-locals, leaving the Penan at risk of becoming squatters in their own village. Abun emphasized that gazetting the land would safeguard the Penan’s rights while enabling sustainable development, including promoting tourism through sites like the Pejik Waterfall. This awareness arose after learning that outsiders had begun occupying the land, claiming to have bought it from the indigenous people there. Some individuals are selling their private NCR land because they are in dire need of money, leading them to sell their land. This must not be allowed, as the Penan people will lose their rights if their NCR land is not granted titles, leaving it vulnerable to exploitation by irresponsible parties seeking profit. Lusong Laku has the potential to become a future tourist destination.

Guest User
11 October 2024

On Today Show

— John Bara, Uma Akeh Baram – A Call to Save Baram: John Bara Blames Logging for Floods and Landslides
— Agnes Padan, Activist from Lawas – Five-Year Struggle Ends with MyKad Restoration for Puan Sarlin
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of MUDA Sarawak – MUDA Sarawak Pushes for Wider Installment Plan Amid Meter Reading Issue

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Bara, Uma Akeh Baram – Seruan untuk Menyelamatkan Baram: John Bara Menyalahkan Pembalakan atas Banjir dan Tanah Longsor 
— Agnes Padan, Aktivis dari Lawas – Lima Tahun Perjuangan Berakhir dengan Pemulihan MyKad untuk Puan Sarlin 
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – MUDA Sarawak Mendesak Pelan Ansuran yang Lebih Luas dalam Isu Bacaan Meter 

  • Special Randau
                    1. Najib made a confession in the Shah Alam high court today that he never ordered the killing of Altantuya. Didn't even know Altantuya and never met Altantuya. Najib's statement came after being questioned by his lawyer Mohammad Shafee Abdullah. Najib sued former attorney general Tommy Thomas over the writings in his book MY Story: Justice in the wilderness.

                    2. The flood has receded a little in Long Panai and Long Loyang, but at the sight of YB Areas Involved in Gerawat Gala, it is still not visible and no food aid has been received by the residents. Residents believe that the recurring large floods are caused by excessive logging - said John Bara.

                    3. The Director of the Forest Department requested that the UBFA project be stopped on the grounds of various challenges and disruptions encountered. We believe that the Sarawak state government does not want this project to succeed because it will be expanded and will give more profit and control of the forest by the original people. The managing director of Save Rivers - Celine Lim informed RFS that the local and foreign NGOs involved will issue an official statement next Monday.


    John Bara, Uma Akeh Baram

    A Call to Save Baram: John Bara Blames Logging for Floods and Landslides

    John bara explained that there are some longhouses in Baram flooded and there are some others that are still safe, even though the floodwaters are close to the longhouses. According to John, the long houses in the Batang Baram Main River have not yet been flooded, but the 2 tributaries of Baram, Tinjar and Tutoh, are currently flooded, namely Long Panai (Tutoh River) and Long Loyang (Tinjar River). In general, floods are becoming more frequent recently. Floods, landslides and unusually heavy rains have become a new phenomenon in Baram. Although there is no comprehensive study related to the real cause of climate change. We the people of Baram believe that it is due to massive logging for over 5 decades, coupled with commercial oil palm plantations and sand mining along the Baram river. For example in Long Ekang (Peter Kalang's longhouse) landslides along the river bank toppled the Long Ekang church and now Long Ekang's longhouse is just waiting to be washed away by landslides. This all happened because of human greed. The solution - stop logging and also stop granting commercial palm oil licenses. Long Ekang is a clear example. There is extensive sand mining and palm oil plantations up to the longhouse area - it is worked by the Pelita Ekang Banyok plantation company - in collaboration with the villagers. Maybe the villagers will get money. But their longhouses were submerged/washed away by mud floods/collapses and soil erosion. I appeal to the government and YBYB GPS to help the flood victims, because the people are watching you. The people will judge you during the election- said John Bara.


    Agnes Padan, Activist from Lawas
    *Five-Year Struggle Ends with MyKad Restoration for Puan Sarlin*

    Agnes Padan shared her joy over Puan Sarlin Rining, 76 years old, who finally had her MyKad reinstated after her citizenship was revoked by the National Registration Department (JPN) in 2019. As of October 10, 2024, her MyKad has been fully restored. Since 2019, Puan Sarlin had been without her MyKad, making it difficult for her to access healthcare and apply for senior citizen assistance from the government.

    In 2019, her MyKad was revoked by JPN due to a lack of sufficient proof of citizenship, which caused significant hardship for Puan Sarlin as she was unable to move freely without it.

    Agnes called upon others who are still without their MyKad not to give up, urging them to keep fighting, as nothing is impossible if one remains determined and resilient.


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of MUDA Sarawak

    MUDA Sarawak Pushes for Wider Installment Plan Amid Meter Reading Issue

    The surge in electricity bills after actual meter readings is a long-standing issue in Sarawak, predating the implementation of Smart Meters by Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB). According to Jeffery Ngui, inaccurate estimated readings have often led to outstanding bills, significantly affecting consumers.

    Jeffrery, representing MUDA Sarawak, expressed gratitude to SEB for offering an Installment Payment Plan to help manage the financial burden caused by these discrepancies. However, he urged SEB to extend this plan to all consumers, whether using old or smart meters, particularly to ease the strain on the M40 and B40 income groups.

    He also emphasized that accurate meter readings are a shared responsibility between SEB and consumers, calling for better cooperation to prevent further financial strain on Sarawakians.

Guest User
10 October 2024

On Today Show

— Teacher Madeline Jok, Retired Teacher from Long Panai – Where is YB Gerawat? Long Panai Flood Victims Struggle Without Aid
— Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram – Neglected Roads in Upper Baram: Will the Government Step In Before Disaster Strikes?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Cikgu Madeline Jok, Guru Bersara dari Long Panai – Di Mana YB Gerawat? Mangsa Banjir di Long Panai Bergelut Tanpa Bantuan 
— Anyi Lah dari Long Tebangan, Baram – Jalan yang Terabai di Ulu Baram: Adakah Kerajaan Akan Bertindak Sebelum Bencana Berlaku?

  • Special Randau

                    1. 132 doors of the residents of Long Panai Baram were hit by floods, but today it has been 4 days - no food aid from any party. YB area - Gerawat Gala is unknown where he went. Residents were forced to produce a video to appeal to the outside world for help.

                    2. Prime minister Anwar Ibrahim and 3 other ministers were dragged to court for removing the diesel subsidy on June 9, 2024. Civil action was taken by Azhani Marlan and Hatta Sanuri - they claimed that the policy introduced by the government was illogical, irrational and unfair.

                    3. Altantuya's father, Shaariibuu Setev, has pleaded with the court to spare the life of the murderer, Azilah Hadri. Instead of the death penalty, he has requested that the sentence be changed to life imprisonment.


    Teacher Madeline Jok, Retired Teacher from Long Panai

    Where is YB Gerawat? Long Panai Flood Victims Struggle Without Aid

    Teacher Madeline reports that it has been the 4th day since Long Panai Baram village was hit by floods. But it is sad that there is no help from the Welfare Department or the district office. YB Kawasan Datuk Gerawat Gala (GPS) - don't know where he is. Directly there is no heart to help us - said Cikgu Madeline. During our election this was a strong supporter and gave him victory. But when we're in this kind of trouble, he doesn't appear at all. While RFS interviewed Ms. Madeline. He is standing on the water - calf level. Three blocks of long houses in long panai with 132 doors were flooded on the ground floor and residents unloaded their goods upstairs. If the water rises again. We don't know where to run, said Cikgu Madeline Jok. Last year the village of Long Panai was hit by floods 7 times. But this year is a little less. We request YB Gerawat, the welfare department and related parties to come and send us food aid. Because in a little while our rice supply will run out. Not only were our lives threatened, our livestock and farms were flooded. In peninsular Malaysia when there is a flood disaster. Aid was quickly received and cash aid was also given to residents to ease the burden of flood victims. The residents produced a video to inform the outside world of the flood disaster that submerged their village.


    Anyi Lah from Long Tebangan, Baram

    Neglected Roads in Upper Baram: Will the Government Step In Before Disaster Strikes?

    Mr. Anyi, a food supply transporter to the school in Long Luteng, voiced his concern about the deteriorating condition of the road leading to Long Luteng. Several sections of the road are showing signs of imminent collapse due to heavy rains in the Upper Baram area.

    People have frequently complained about the damaged and dangerous roads, but unfortunately, the elected representatives (YBs) have turned a deaf ear to the people's grievances. Anyi urged the government to come down to the ground more often to inspect the people's complaints, saying, "Don't leave the people stranded and add to their suffering."

    Anyi is particularly worried about what will happen if the road to Long Luteng is cut off entirely. "How will the boarding students in the interior receive their food supplies?" he asked. He stressed the critical importance of upgrading the roads in Upper Baram to ensure continuous access and prevent further hardship for the residents.

Guest User
9 October 2024

On Today Show

— Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram – Landowners Seek Clarification on Compensation for Long Bemang Water Supply Project
— Mr. David from Long Moh – Baram Politicians Called Out for Unfulfilled Election Pledges
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – Youth Engagement in Politics Gains Momentum Ahead of State Elections

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Licki Ngau, Penduduk Long Bemang, Baram – Pemilik Tanah Meminta Penjelasan Mengenai Pampasan Projek Bekalan Air Long Bemang 
— Encik David dari Long Moh – Ahli Politik Baram Didesak Tunaikan Janji Pilihan Raya yang Tidak Ditunaikan 
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Penglibatan Belia dalam Politik Semakin Meningkat Menjelang Pilihan Raya Negeri

  • Special Randau
                    1. Residents of Long Bemang, Baram demand that their land affected by the implementation of a clean water supply project worth more than RM10 million be compensated. Shocking after more than 61 years of independence. The Sarawak government has still failed to supply clean water to 300 residents of Long Bemang.

                    2. Former education minister - Mahzzir Khalid and former prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin are among those investigated in the case of false claims by YTL in the 1BestariNet project. The entire project involves 10,000 schools at a cost of RM4.47 billion - to supply all schools with broadband services/

                    3. Tun Daim's lawyer questioned why PM Anwar Ibrahim was not investigated for abuse of power. Sources told that the sprm chief commissioner on Anwar's instructions ordered not to investigate the purchase of shares by Anwar's former political secretary, Farhash Wafa Salvador.

    Licki Ngau, Residents of Long Bemang, Baram

    Landowners Seek Clarification on Compensation for Long Bemang Water Supply Project

    Yesterday, a group of Long Bemang Baram residents uploaded a video demanding compensation for landowners affected by the clean water supply project to Long Bemang village. Licki explained that the residents did not oppose the project but were simply asking for appropriate compensation. A few days earlier, YB Dennis Ngau had officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for the clean water supply project, which is being implemented by the Public Works Department. However, there has been no clarification on whether affected landowners will receive compensation, nor has there been any dialogue with the villagers. It seems as if their land is being taken without proper compensation. Licki urged YB Dennis to explain the process for compensation payments.

    Licki also noted that two previous clean water supply projects had failed, forcing the residents to rely on rainwater as their drinking water source. While the community is eager for the project to be completed, they believe that compensation should be a priority as well. Long Bemang, a Kayan longhouse with 300 doors, and the nearby primary school are both in urgent need of clean water.

    Mr. David from Long Moh
    *Baram Politicians Called Out for Unfulfilled Election Pledges*
    Mr David issued a warning to the elected representatives of Baram, which consist of three state constituencies (DUN), urging them to fulfill their election promises as they have just over a year left in their current term. He highlighted that during election campaigns, the representatives made sweet promises everywhere, but once election day was over, everything went quiet.

    Their mandate will expire in 2026, and David emphasized that there should be no excuse for failing to fulfill all the promises made during the election. He called on the youth who are of voting age to take their responsibility seriously in shaping the future of Sarawak.

    David stressed the importance of raising this issue early, so that the youth remain aware of the current political situation and are courageous enough to contribute toward positive change in the state. He urged the younger generation not to be complacent but to actively engage in the political process, as their votes will play a crucial role in determining the direction of Sarawak’s future.

    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak
    *Youth Engagement in Politics Gains Momentum Ahead of State Elections*

    Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) may introduce new faces from its newly-launched Youth Wing in the upcoming state election if they meet the necessary criteria. The Premier Abang Johari emphasized that he prefers youth candidates to undergo proper training so they can engage with people from diverse backgrounds effectively.

    Commenting on the recent launch of the PBB Youth Wing, Jeffrey Ngui stated that while the move may not significantly impact the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA), it will have more influence on the existing youth segment within PBB itself. The leadership within PBB is being reviewed ahead of the next election, and new leaders are being assessed, with 1828 serving as a key reference point for potential candidates.

    Jeffrey expressed his satisfaction with PBB’s efforts to focus on youth voices, recognizing that it allows young people to contribute to the state's development. He welcomed the party’s initiative to engage the younger generation in politics. MUDA, on the other hand, reiterated its stance that youth must be given a chance to participate in politics. The party noted that there have been improvements in youth involvement, and they view this development as a positive step toward greater inclusion of young people in shaping the future of the state.

Guest User
8 October 2024

On Today Show

— Dr John Brian, the Permanent Chairman of the PBDS Party – Uniting for Change: John Brian’s Proposal for a PH Plus Coalition in Sarawak
— George Laeng, Resident of Uma Akeh Baram – Critical Roads in Ulu Baram Cut Off: Community Calls for Immediate Action
— Mahmud Epah, Branch Chief of Kota Samarahan – Sarawak 2025: Mahmud Epah Warns Voters Against Short-Term Political Temptations


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Dr. John Brian, Pengerusi Tetap Parti PBDS – Bersatu untuk Perubahan: Cadangan John Brian untuk Gabungan PH Plus di Sarawak
— George Laeng, Penduduk Uma Akeh Baram – Jalan Utama di Ulu Baram Terputus: Komuniti Menyeru Tindakan Segera
— Mahmud Epah, Ketua Cabang Kota Samarahan – Sarawak 2025: Mahmud Epah Mengingatkan Pengundi Tentang Godaan Politik Jangka Pendek

  • Special Randau

                    1. A total of 60 individuals, including 50 enforcement agency officers were investigated by SPRM for allegedly conspiring with the medical visa syndicate. Previously we heard that there was a syndicate bringing in foreigners using tourist visas. But now there are also syndicates bringing foreigners into Malaysia using medical visas. Investigations show more than 20,000 medical visas were granted to a state last year. Each person is charged RM4,500 and this syndicate involves RM8 million ringgit.

                    2. PH Plus of the local party is the best formula to defeat GPS- said John Brian, Chairman of Sarawak Dayak Bansa Parti PBDS. PBDS who fight to defend the Dayak people will add value to the PH party. GPS can no longer play the issue of the Malayan party, because the PH coalition has PBDS.


    Dr John Brian, the Permanent Chairman of the PBDS Party

    Uniting for Change: John Brian’s Proposal for a PH Plus Coalition in Sarawak

    Dr John Brian recently expressed his thoughts regarding the upcoming Sarawak state election (PRN). He mentioned that he had read in the media about PKR contesting against GPS, and that DAP, as confirmed by Sarawak DAP Secretary Alan Ling See Kiong, would oppose SUPP in all the seats SUPP contests.

    In John Brian's view, this is a very positive development because elections require organized movements and careful planning. He noted that DAP will contest in their traditional areas, particularly in seats where the majority are Chinese, while PKR, as a multi-racial party, has the flexibility to compete in any seat. However, he emphasized that one of the largest and most influential voter groups is the Dayak Iban.

    According to him, the ideal approach to challenge GPS this time would be through cooperation under the PH Plus banner. He suggested that PH should collaborate with local parties that share similar policies, specifically mentioning PBDS. He believes that PH's strength would be enhanced by working with PBDS, as this would prevent GPS from accusing the coalition of being a "Malayan party," since PBDS is a local Sarawak party that advocates for the advancement of the Dayak people.

    John Brian further remarked that Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) would not be suitable to join this coalition because PBK's goal of achieving Sarawak’s independence from Malaya is not aligned with the objectives of PKR, DAP, or PBDS. He asserted that the concept of PH Plus could attract local voters to support this coalition.

    He also added that Madani's direct government candidates should be considered, particularly in areas where there are potential independent candidates who are not affiliated with DAP, PKR, or PBDS. In his opinion, this should be part of the opposition's strategy if they are serious about defeating GPS in the upcoming 13th Sarawak PRN.


    George Laeng, Resident of Uma Akeh Baram

    Critical Roads in Ulu Baram Cut Off: Community Calls for Immediate Action

    George Laeng, who frequently drives to Long Bangan, has reported on the conditions in Ulu Baram. Recently, the road from Long Lama to Long Bedian has been cut off due to heavy rains causing soil erosion. In the Temalak area, there has also been severe flooding. The bridge from Long Banga to Pa' Dalih, a logging bridge, has also been destroyed.

    The situation is becoming increasingly worrying if the government does not immediately repair the roads. Since logging activities have decreased, road maintenance has also stopped, and the people of Baram often complain to their elected representatives, but no action has been taken.

    This issue must be taken seriously, as the people fully rely on these old logging roads. We can no longer depend on the logging companies, as they have profited and no longer operate as they used to. Therefore, it is essential that the Sarawak government takes responsibility for addressing this.


    Mahmud Epah, Branch Chief of Kota Samarahan

    Sarawak 2025: Mahmud Epah Warns Voters Against Short-Term Political Temptations

    Mahmud Epah participated in the “Road to Reform Sarawak workshop” organized by BERSIH, focusing on the issues of gerrymandering and malapportionment in elections. He emphasized that electoral reform includes re-delineation and ensuring a fair distribution of voters across constituencies.

    Sarawak is expected to hold its state election in 2025, and various political parties are already taking action. This includes PBB expanding its youth wing, DAP contesting against SUPP in specific seats, and PKR launching a statewide campaign. Mahmud Epah pointed out that voters themselves need to become more aware of the current political situation and make important decisions during critical election periods.

    He further noted that many people are still lured by the temporary benefits offered by GPS, which only provide short-term gains without truly benefiting the voters or their constituencies in the long run. As the election is still some time away, he urged Sarawakian voters to take the opportunity to understand what reform is and why it is necessary, in order to give Sarawak a truly bright future.

Guest User
7 October 2024

On Today Show
— Alan Ling See Kiong, Secretary of the Sarawak PH – Alan Ling Signals DAP's Stand Against SUPP in Upcoming Sarawak Election
— Tay Wei Wei, the Sarawak PKR Information Chief – PKR Sarawak Prepares for State Election with Tour to Empower Grassroots
— Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Sarawak's Path to Reform: Youth, Voting Rights, and Electoral Changes
— Fartul, 19yo youth from Undi Sarawak – Reform Starts with Us: Engaging Sarawak’s Young Voters in Democracy

Topik Pada Hari Ini

— Alan Ling See Kiong, Setiausaha PH Sarawak – Alan Ling Menandakan Pendirian DAP Menentang SUPP dalam Pilihan Raya Sarawak Akan Datang 

— Tay Wei Wei, Ketua Penerangan PKR Sarawak – PKR Sarawak Bersiap untuk Pilihan Raya Negeri dengan Lawatan untuk Memperkasakan Akar Umbi 

— Faizal Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 – Jalan Sarawak Menuju Reformasi: Belia, Hak Mengundi, dan Perubahan Pilihan Raya 

— Fartul, belia berusia 19 tahun dari Undi Sarawak – Reformasi Bermula dengan Kita: Menglibatkan Pengundi Muda Sarawak dalam Demokrasi

  • Special Randau            

    1. The PBB Sarawak Party will field 30% new face candidates in the upcoming state election. That is according to Sarawak Premier Johari Openg. Johari also did not rule out young UN candidates coming from the newly launched I Youth. The UN youth wing is made up of young members aged 18 to 28 years.

    2. Sarawak PKR Information Chief announced that the party will act as the opposition and will contest more than half of the Sarawak dun seats in the upcoming state election.

    3. DAP Sarawak Secretary- Alan Ling See Kiong insisted that DAP will compete against SUPP in all the seats SUPP contests in the upcoming Sarawak state election.

    Alan Ling See Kiong, Secretary of the Sarawak PH

    Alan Ling Signals DAP's Stand Against SUPP in Upcoming Sarawak Election

    Alan Ling, Former Senator, Former member of the Sarawak state legislative assembly and now the Secretary of PH Sarawak, commented on 3 Sarawak state election political news, published by different platforms yesterday. DAP chairman Arang Road in Kuching urged DAP to oppose SUPP in all the seats where SUPP is contesting in the upcoming Sarawak election. Alan explained that, although it was not an official statement from the Sarawak DAP party leader. But it is indeed the wish of all DAP members. According to Alan, history proves that since the establishment of DAP in 1978, they have been a strong rival to SUPP. Asked if PH will oppose GPS in the upcoming Sarawak state election. Alan as the PH secretary insisted that in terms of principle- we will oppose GPS. However, the official results and announcements have not yet been announced. We will field young and capable candidates to prepare the party if we succeed in taking over the state administration. Alan Ling said.

    Tay Wei Wei, the Sarawak PKR Information Chief

    PKR Sarawak Prepares for State Election with Tour to Empower Grassroots

    The Sarawak State Leadership Council (MPN) of Keadilan will embark on a tour across all 31 divisions of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) in Sarawak, starting from Lawas in the north to Petra Jaya in the Sarawak State Assembly (DUN).

    The 'Jelajah Kekal Keadilan' tour, led by MPN Sarawak Deputy Chairman Ahmad Nazib, who is also the Director of the State Election Department, will begin in November.

    Tay Wei Wei said the tour aims to engage PKR members in all divisions and strengthen the party’s machinery to ensure the Malaysia Madani agenda reaches grassroots levels.

    PKR Sarawak remains part of the opposition at the state level but supports the federal Unity Government through its collaboration with Pakatan Harapan Sarawak.

    "As the opposition, we will contest all state seats allocated to PKR in the upcoming Sarawak State Election," Tan said, highlighting PKR and PH's commitment to serving the people of Sarawak.

    He also instructed all division heads to boost membership and set up new branches in villages and areas, aiming to strengthen the party's grassroots machinery ahead of the state election.

    Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0

    Sarawak's Path to Reform: Youth, Voting Rights, and Electoral Changes

    Bersih 2.0 is hosting a two-day "Road to Reform" event in Kuching. The first day focuses on inviting NGOs and youth activists from Sarawak, primarily addressing the issue of automatic voter registration for 18-year-olds. The aim is to help young voters understand the flaws in the electoral system and propose reforms, such as enabling postal voting for everyone, not just specific government groups.

    Faizal mentioned that Sarawak’s state election is likely to take place in 2025, making this the perfect time to push for institutional and electoral reforms. Tomorrow, there will be a workshop on constituency redelineation, and he also urged everyone to attend tomorrow evening’s forum, titled "Veto Power for East Malaysia: Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Negara?"

    Fartul, 19yo youth from Undi Sarawak

    Reform Starts with Us: Engaging Sarawak’s Young Voters in Democracy

    Attending Bersih’s two-day workshop, he mentioned that although he is only 19 and has never voted, Sarawak cannot wait any longer for reforms. He believes Sarawak’s youth need to understand what democracy is and why reforms are necessary.

    He observed that Sarawak’s youth don’t seem to care much about elections or voting, thinking that a stable state government is a good thing. Even if they are studying or working out of state, they don’t feel the need to return home to vote. In contrast, he noticed that youths in Selangor are well aware of their voting rights and never miss the opportunity to return home to vote, as they know that every vote counts and could lead to a change in government.

    He also pointed out that Sarawak’s State Legislative Assembly only has two opposition parties, and their voices are not strong enough to influence policy decisions.

    Therefore, he urged more young people to attend such events, to better understand politics and the system, and to take an important step toward reforming Sarawak.


Guest User
4 October 2024

On Today Show
— George Laing- Resident of Uma Akeh Baram – PKR Baram Challenges GPS on Carbon Trading Campaign in Upcoming Briefing
— Bruce Yee, PKR of Sarikea Sarawak – From Setbacks to Success: Edy Akmal's Citizenship and Academic Aspirations
— Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Sarawak's Women Left Behind? A Call for Equal Representation in Leadership


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— George Laing - Penduduk Uma Akeh Baram – PKR Baram Cabar GPS Mengenai Kempen Perdagangan Karbon dalam Taklimat Akan Datang
— Bruce Yee, PKR Sarikei Sarawak – Dari Kekangan kepada Kejayaan: Kewarganegaraan dan Aspirasi Akademik Edy Akmal
— Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Wanita Sarawak Ketinggalan? Seruan untuk Perwakilan Setara dalam Kepimpinan

  • Special Randau

                    1. It is not fair to put the blame on Najib alone, said his younger brother Nazir Razak. The younger brother of the former prime minister said it was unfair to blame Najib alone for all the mistakes of 1mdb.

                    2. PKR Baram will organize a briefing on climate change and the carbon market this Sunday at Wisma Madani, at 1-6pm. The public is invited to attend and confirm attendance by scanning the QR code that has been displayed on PKR Baram FB

    George Laing- Resident of Uma Akeh Baram.

    PKR Baram Challenges GPS on Carbon Trading Campaign in Upcoming Briefing

    George announced that PKR Baram will give a briefing to the public on climate change and carbon trading on 6 Oct 2024 at wisma madani, Miri. The purpose of this briefing is to explain what are the pros and cons of carbon trading and what are the long-term effects. According to George, the GPS government should do this campaign because they are the ones who actively promote carbon trading. It's unfortunate that GPS currently uses retired Teachers and retired DOs along with logging company Samling Shin Yang - visiting longhouses to promote carbon trading. This timber company equips government pensioners with a small remuneration. Sarawak PKR also invited Sahabat Alam Malaysia to present their views in the briefing.

    Bruce Yee, PKR of Sarikea Sarawak

    From Setbacks to Success: Edy Akmal's Citizenship and Academic Aspirations

    A few days ago, Mr. Bruce Yee witnessed Edy Akmal receiving his Malaysian Citizenship Certificate at JPN UTC, Sibu.

    Edy Akmal's family had been striving for 21 years to obtain CITIZENSHIP for Edy Akmal. Their efforts finally paid off when his family referred Edy Akmal's case to KeAdilan Sarikei.

    Mr. Yee expressed deep sympathy for this case because Edy Akmal’s late father was not able to witness his eldest son successfully obtaining CITIZENSHIP on this historic day. His father passed away a few years ago due to illness. Edy Akmal was also unable to continue his studies to a higher level, despite scoring excellent results with 5A's in the 2020 SPM exam, simply because he had not yet received CITIZENSHIP.

    Edy Akmal has three siblings who are still in secondary and primary school. All of Edy Akmal's family expenses are dependent on his single mother, who is a homemaker and a small-scale farmer.

    Edy Akmal aspires to continue his studies to a higher level, obtain a driving license, and open a bank account like other Malaysians. However, the financial constraints in his family may hinder his hopes of furthering his education.

    In this case, Mr. Yee expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Home Affairs, YBM Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, for acknowledging and acting swiftly to assist Edy Akmal in obtaining his CITIZENSHIP status. Mr. Yee is confident in the efforts, commitment, and sincerity of the Minister in resolving citizenship cases that have been prolonged for decades.

    Mr. Yee also thanked Edy Akmal's family for trusting him to help with the citizenship matters.

    Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading
    *Sarawak's Women Left Behind? A Call for Equal Representation in Leadership*
    Sarawak Premier Abang Jo emphasized the need to empower women in Sarawak to face new and tougher socio-economic challenges, noting that women make up 50 percent of the population.

    However, Meneng opined that efforts to empower women in various sectors, particularly in leadership roles, are still lagging behind compared to the federal level. Pakatan Harapan (PH) has long been advocating for women's rights at higher levels and pushing for a 30 percent representation of women in all positions, including within political parties.

    In Sarawak, many women continue to be left behind, with leadership positions still dominated by men. While women have better opportunities in the economic sphere and are increasingly represented in higher education, the question arises—where are they after completing their studies? The underrepresentation of women in higher positions across various departments is still evident.

    Therefore, the state government must implement strategies and plans to ensure women have greater opportunities to occupy higher positions in all fields.


Guest User
3 October 2024

On Today Show

— Tr Panting ak Baling, Village Leader of Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Park – Standing Strong: How Tr Panting and Villagers Protected Their Land
— David from Long Moh Baram – Paved Roads for Some, Logging Roads for Others: GPS’s Infrastructure Failures
— Jeffrey Ngui, founder of Noah’s Ark Project – Three Generations of Struggle: The Unheard Needs of Kampung Chawan


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Park – Berdiri Teguh: Bagaimana Tr Panting dan Penduduk Kampung Melindungi Tanah Mereka
— David dari Long Moh Baram – Jalan Tar Untuk Sebahagian, Jalan Balak Untuk Yang Lain: Kegagalan Infrastruktur GPS
— Jeffrey Ngui, pengasas Projek Noah’s Ark – Tiga Generasi Perjuangan: Keperluan Kampung Chawan Yang Tidak Didengari

  • Special Randau

                    1. The fate of former prime minister Najib Razak will be known on 30 Oct 2024 whether he is released or asked to defend himself. Najib is currently being tried on 4 charges of abuse of power and 21 charges of money laundering from 1MDB worth rm2.27 billion. Trial before judge Coline Lawrence Sequarah.

                    2. Among the last 5 prime ministers of Malaysia - Najib made the most political appointments which is 301 appointments, followed by Ismail Sabri 273, Muhyiddin Yassin 186, Anwar 95 and Mahathir 86. Political appointments are feared as a way to gain political support.

                    3. Finally we succeeded, that was the expression of the village head - tr Panting aka Baling when they managed to defend their garden land from being confiscated by the SFC. We used to fear the SFC, now the SFC run away when they come across us. We are brave because we are on the right side - said tr Panting.


    Tr Panting ak Baling, Village Leader of Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Park.

    Standing Strong: How Tr Panting and Villagers Protected Their Land

    Tr Panting shared his happiness with all the villagers for successfully defending the oil palm and coffee plantation land they had been cultivating. This success was the result of cooperation between all parties involved — the villagers, SADIA, Suhakam, the Police, the former chief secretary of the Sarawak state government, and also RFS. The overseas-based RFS appeared to be quite influential and feared by the SFC. Now, the villagers were free to harvest palm fruit, with the price of a ton of fresh palm oil at RM700 and ground coffee selling for RM100 per kilogram. The villagers were relieved, as this provided some income to support their families.

    The most recent incident occurred about three days ago when a group of five SFC officers, using three cars, attempted to erect a fence at the entrance to the plantation. The villagers, who were keeping watch at the blockade site, quickly discovered the officers. They stopped the three cars and confiscated all the car keys. The villagers contacted their head, TR Panting, who confronted the SFC officers. Tr Panting warned them that if the SFC made any further attempts to put up a fence or prevent residents from accessing their agricultural land, strict action would be taken. After the warning, the SFC officers and their cars were released. Since then, the villagers have been free to work in their gardens, and they continue to take turns keeping vigil at the blockade site.


    David from Long Moh Baram

    Paved Roads for Some, Logging Roads for Others: GPS’s Infrastructure Failures

    David welcomes the allocation of 500 million for the road in Kapit. However, he hopes that the Prime Minister (PMX) can also allocate funds equally to Baram, as Baram faces similar issues to those in Kapit.

    PMX should be commended for his concern in contributing to Sarawak’s development. However, it should not just be talk, but actions that deliver on the promises made.

    For the past 60 years, it is clear that the GPS government has intentionally failed to address the basic needs of rural communities, such as roads. David has not returned to his village for the past two years because he cannot afford the damage caused to his 4-wheel drive vehicle every time he goes back, due to the poor road conditions, which are comparable to logging roads.

    According to David, the GPS government has not closely collaborated with logging companies over the years, and as logging activities have decreased, there is no one maintaining the roads. This has resulted in those without 4-wheel drive vehicles being unable to return to their villages.

    After 61 years, the people should no longer have to use such terrible roads, and they deserve to have paved roads, just like in Peninsular Malaysia.


    Jeffrey Ngui, founder of Noah’s Ark Project

    Three Generations of Struggle: The Unheard Needs of Kampung Chawan

    This week, Noah's Ark Project installed poly pipes for all 54 families of Kampung Chawan Kuching, connecting them directly to two old metered water sources for their homes. Jeffrey has known the villagers for the past two years and has gathered a lot of information and shared experiences with them. The community has occupied the area for over three decades, with roots tracing back to their grandparents, and they are now in the third generation.

    Jeffrery said that, the villagers all come from various parts of Sarawak, having moved here in search of better livelihoods.

Guest User
2 October 2024

On Today Show

— Micheal Mering Jok, General Secretary of SCRIPS (Sarawak Indigenous Rights Association) – Anger Grows as NCR Lands in Belaga Face Unlawful Invasion by Unknown Parties
— Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of MUDA Sarawak – Vision or Overspend? Concerns Grow Over Sarawak’s Plan to Model Kapit After Bergen
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – "What About Us?" Sipitang SFI Residents Demand Equal Land Rights
Topik Pada Hari Ini 
— Micheal Mering Jok, Setiausaha Agung SCRIPS (Persatuan Hak Orang Asal Sarawak) – Kemarahan Memuncak Apabila Tanah NCR di Belaga Diceroboh Secara Haram oleh Pihak Tidak Dikenali 
— Jeffrery Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Visi atau Pembaziran? Kebimbangan Meningkat Terhadap Rancangan Sarawak untuk Mencontohi Kapit Seperti Bergen 
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI – "Bagaimana Dengan Kami?" Penduduk SFI Sipitang Tuntut Hak Tanah yang Sama

  • Special Randau

                    1. Community leaders, tribal leaders, village leaders are involved in making illegal logging a success. There is a possibility that the local YB, government officials and certain villagers are involved because they want immediate remuneration. That's according to Micheal Mering Jok. He advised all these parties to repent before the villagers responded with violence to defend their rights.

                    2. Trial in the high court - case of money laundering and abuse of power of 1mdb worth rm2.27 billion.  Deputy public prosecutor Ahmad Ikram said all the actions of 1mdb CEO Sharol Azral Ibrahim were on the orders of Najib and Jho Low really existed and were in many chapters in the story of 1mdb. Jho Low was with Najib's family vacation, important petro-saudi meeting, at Najib's house in Langgak Duta including free entry and exit at Najib's office at the finance ministry.


    Micheal Mering Jok, General Secretary of SCRIPS (Sarawak Indigenous Rights Association)

    Anger Grows as NCR Lands in Belaga Face Unlawful Invasion by Unknown Parties

    According to Micheal, SCRIPS is reviewing the complaints received by it from the villagers, particularly in Belaga, Murum, Baram and Mulu related to the invasion by unknown parties entering NCR customary land and allegedly making land measurements and mapping. They did not get permission from the villagers -they do not show any valid documents from the authorities/government. Micheal is convinced that these parties are looking for new sites for illegal logging on the NCR land of the residents as well as possibly looking for valuable metals/minerals to steal. It is more unfortunate that these parties are given the cooperation of tribal leaders and some villagers who want immediate financial compensation. There is a possibility that the YB of the area is also involved or government officials who work with the forest department or the department that issues logging or plantation licenses. I want to warn these intruders and thieves to stop this act, because the anger of the villagers has reached its peak. Avoid unwanted incidents. Micheal appealed to the government to tighten monitoring and act decisively against corrupt officials. Please act decisively - Said Micheal Jok. Micheal called on the public to report immediately if they see a glimpse of foreigners/outsiders who are supposedly carrying equipment to measure villagers' land for development projects. Report to us and we will investigate- Said Micheal Jok. Lately Kampung Long Bangan Belaga (Kampung Micheal Jok) and Kampung Una Sambop Belaga reported that their land was encroached by the company MM Golden and UU Green Sdn.BHd.


    Jeffrery Ngui, Chairman of MUDA Sarawak

    Vision or Overspend? Concerns Grow Over Sarawak’s Plan to Model Kapit After Bergen

    The necessity of a Sarawak government delegation’s working tour to Norway next month has been called into question. The visit, aimed at understanding Bergen's development as a model for Kapit, has raised eyebrows among the public and political observers.

    Jeffrey Ngui opines that these types of working tours are not new but have been practiced for decades. He points out that such tours often involve not only officials but also family members and relatives, with expenses claimed from the government. This practice, Ngui notes, has long been unchecked. "Until when will we find a solution or have a voice to ensure proper checks and balances?" he asks.

    At present, Sarawak's State Legislative Assembly (DUN) has only two opposition seats, both from the Democratic Action Party (DAP). However, with DAP now part of the MADANI bloc, some fear this limited representation hinders effective opposition. YB Chong, a DAP leader, has previously remarked on how restricted the opposition’s platform is for voicing concerns.

    To ensure proper checks and balances on government expenditures, like this proposed Norway tour, Ngui argues there needs to be a stronger opposition presence. “If we want to hold the government accountable for all its expenses, we must have enough opposition seats to challenge such decisions.”

    Ngui also questions the logic behind modeling Kapit after Bergen, the second-largest city in Norway. "Why are we aiming to make Kapit like Bergen, or, for that matter, Lundu like Dubai and Sematan like Hawaii?" he asks, referencing past government comparisons. While Ngui respects these ambitious visions, he stresses the importance of realistic and well-planned implementation, starting with responsible spending and proper long-term planning. Without that, he fears such goals may remain unattainable.

    In conclusion, Ngui calls for wise spending and a strategic approach to development that is rooted in practicality, along with stronger oversight to ensure the government’s spending aligns with the needs and priorities of the people.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    "What About Us?" Sipitang SFI Residents Demand Equal Land Rights

    Sabah Chief Minister Hajiji Noor recently announced that part of the former Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) forest estate will be allocated as a village, with several thousand hectares designated for residents. This move aims to provide a solution for villagers in the former paper mill forest estate. He also directed the Sabah Land and Survey Department to implement the Sabah Native Customary Land Services Programme (PANTAS), which is designed to address long-standing land disputes by surveying and granting land titles to rightful owners who have long occupied and cultivated these areas.

    However, this announcement has sparked frustration among SFI residents in Sipitang, particularly from Jeffrey Baudi, who questioned why the allocated land was only given to the residents in Tenom and not in Sipitang. "What about us?" Baudi asked, expressing the disappointment felt by many in Sipitang who have been waiting for a resolution to their land concerns.

    Jeffrey Baudi pointed out that SFI owns over 288 hectares of forest land, and for the residents of Sipitang, the transfer of this land would be a significant step toward resolving the ongoing land dispute that has plagued them for years. According to Baudi, many SFI residents in Sipitang still feel like outsiders, living on land without clear ownership or rights. He argued that the residents of Sipitang deserve the same treatment as those in Tenom and should also be awarded land that they have long occupied.

    Jeffrey Baudi plans to formally request the Sabah Chief Minister to consider awarding land to the SFI residents in Sipitang, similar to the recent land allocation for the people of Tenom. He believes that this would finally address the long-standing grievances and provide much-needed security for the residents in his community.

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