20 March 2024

On Today Show
— Ngang Kuja, Residents of Penan Long Tanyit – Lost Contact for 8 Days Due to Road Broken, Rescued by NGO, Not Government Authorities
— Danesh Prakash, Director of TINDAK Malaysia – Tindak Malaysia Advocates for Fair Electoral Boundaries in Sarawak
— Diog Dios, retired teacher from Puncak Borneo – Calls for GPS Government to Prioritize School Infrastructure
— Chong Yee Shan, central committee of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) – Peaceful Assembly Rights Under Scrutiny: A Call for Police Accountability

Topik Pada HariIni
- Penduduk Penan Long Tanyit, Ngang Kuja – Hilang Hubungan Selama 8 Hari Kerana Jalan Rosak, Diselamatkan oleh NGO, Bukan Pihak Berkuasa Kerajaan
- Danesh Prakash, Pengarah TINDAK Malaysia – TINDAK Malaysia Membangkitkan Isu Persempadanan kawasan pilihanraya Adil di Sarawak
- Diog Dios, guru bersara dari Puncak Borneo – Seruan kepada Kerajaan GPS Untuk Mementingkan Infrastruktur Sekolah
- Chong Yee Shan, jawatankuasa pusat Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) – Hak Perhimpunan Aman Dalam Tumpuan: Seruan Untuk Pertanggungjawaban Polis

  • *Special Randau*

    1. redelineation of the Sarawak state assembly constituencies. Action Malaysia proposes the addition of 11 new state assembly seats, making the total number of seats 93. For now, GPS is still silent and has not proposed anything to the EC. TIndak Malaysia provides a google form for the public to jointly propose a new demarcation area. The last time the Sarawak state assembly area was demarcated was in 2015.

    2. Landslide to the penan settlement area in Sungai Linau, Belaga. After 8 days GPS failed to help. An NGO called "ASAP MOTOR" came to help and was able to reconnect the collapsed part of the road. Why does GPS refuse to help and why do all the logging companies around the Linau river refuse to help?

    3. DAP MPs call for an RCI to be established to investigate the one-sided 1MDB-Goldman Sachs settlement agreement.

    4. 10 civil servants suspected of corruption remanded for 4 days by MACC.


    Ngang Kuja, Residents of Penan Long Tanyit

    *Lost Contact for 8 Days Due to Road Broken, Rescued by NGO, Not Government Authorities*

    Ngang Kuja reported that today marks 8 days since the Penan people in the Linau River (Murum State Assembly) have lost contact with the outside world - due to landslides, the road to the 5 Penan settlements in the Linau Belaga River is impassable.

    The penan settlements affected are Lusong Laku, Long Kajang, Long Lidem, Long Abit and Long Tanyit. More than 1000 Penan residents live in this area. In this area there is also a school and a health clinic.

    Ngang Kuja was wondering why there is no road repair work by the government. Thankfully today the road can be passed, and it is not from government and YBs, but was repaired by an NGO- ASAP MOTOR. This is a four-wheel drive vehicle club based in Bakun Sungai Asap.

    He said that, the big problem for them penan in linau is the road of communication. The log road they use now is a log road built by Samling. This road has been abandoned because the logs have run out. The Shin Yang logging company operates in the upper reaches of the Linau river, but not through the penan village.

    Ngang appeal to PMX and Premier Abang Johari, most importantly, give them paved roads, electricity supply, clean water and telecommunication. After this everything is there, provide them modern agriculture, clinics and schools. As now they are fully dependent on helicopter services when land roads are impassable. When he spoke to this RFS over 10 times the call was disconnected. In the afternoon - the Sarawak state wifi that they use will have no signal at all.


    Danesh Prakash, Director of TINDAK Malaysia

    *Tindak Malaysia Advocates for Fair Electoral Boundaries in Sarawak*

    Tindak Malaysia is an NGO that promotes democracy and fair and clean elections. The last delimitation of the Sarawak state assembly constituency was done in August 2015. The constitution requires that a new delimitation can be done after 8 years, which means that the delimitation of the Sarawak state assembly can be done since August 2023. However, until now, the state government has not submitted any proposal for the redelineation of electoral areas to the EC.

    The question arises: how many state assembly seats are ideal for Sarawak? Logically, to achieve administrative efficiency, one parliamentary area can be divided into 3 state assembly areas. Currently, the numbers are uneven, with some parliamentary constituencies having 2 state assembly constituencies and some having 3. This suggests that if one parliamentary constituency has 3 state assembly constituencies, Sarawak is proposed to increase the number of DUN areas to 93.

    Political reality also points in that direction. The merger of PSB with PDP has made it possible for GPS to need new state assembly constituencies to accommodate their candidates and former candidates who lost in the last election. Considering the current situation, the Sarawak government and EC have a very short time to complete this process, as this gazetting requires at least 2 years. Danesh Prakash commented that we are already in 2024, and the state election is expected to be held in 2026. What preparations are the Sarawakians making for the delimitation of electoral areas in Sarawak? Three parties can participate in this demarcation: the Sarawak government, local authorities, and 100 registered voters in an area. For that purpose, Tindak Malaysia has prepared a Google Form for the public to give suggestions and recommendations. Visit the Facebook page "Tindak Malaysia" for further developments.


    Diog Dios, retired teacher from Puncak Borneo

    *Calls for GPS Government to Prioritize School Infrastructure*

    Mstar reported on March 13 that a parent was shocked to see the poor condition of mattresses and pillows when accompanying his two sons to the boarding house at a hostel of a school in Serian. Despite Tebedu assemblyman Simon Sinang later stating that these were damaged mattresses and pillows to be discarded, not intended for student use, the issue of poor school facilities in Sarawak, especially in rural areas, is not new.

    Retired teacher Diog Dios stated that there are many poorly equipped schools in Sarawak, lacking in both facilities and teaching materials. This is known to the GPS government, and it is on their list, but they always wait for federal government funding, or if they have the funding, the repair work is often delayed.

    He said that education can change the future of children, especially in inland areas. Having a good school environment can provide children with a comfortable learning space, but these are not the concerns of the GPS government. Schools report to the State Education Department about the lack of teaching materials or facilities on campus, or the need for repairs. If the GPS government is unaware, it is the school's negligence, endangering students' future. However, if they are aware, it hinders students' learning and progress, acting as a stumbling block to education.

    He urged the GPS government to pay attention to the situation of schools in the state and to make good use of available resources to help schools and children.


    Chong Yee Shan, central committee of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

    *Peaceful Assembly Rights Under Scrutiny: A Call for Police Accountability*

    Chong Yee Shan is one of four individuals who were summoned to the Dang Wangi Police Station on March 18 in relation to a peaceful assembly rally held in conjunction with International Women's Day on March 9.

    Chong expressed dissatisfaction with the way the police handled their situation, stating that they encountered multiple obstacles from the day they submitted the notice to the police. The police refused to accept the notice, citing numerous excuses, which, in Chong's opinion, indicated that the police were unwilling to allow the rally. However, according to the Assembly Act, anyone wishing to organize a public assembly is only required to submit a notice to the police five days prior to the event, a requirement that Chong and her team complied with. Despite this, the police continued to insist that such assemblies required a permit, which is incorrect according to the Act. This was extremely frustrating for Chong.

    There were over 200 people at the rally, and in addition to being investigated under the Peaceful Assembly Act, the police also investigated them under minor offensive acts. The police claimed that the placards brought by the participants were sensitive.

    Chong felt that the investigation was a waste of time and that the police should focus more on real criminal issues, as crime in the country is becoming increasingly serious.

Guest User
19 March 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Isolation Crisis: Penan Communities Cut Off by Lusong Laku Landslide
— Jeffery Boudi, Spokesman for former SFI employees – The situation at SFI is still the same, even worse
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – SEB, plantation company and Belaga District Office must Restore the access road  to Penan Settlements in Sungai Linau NOW
— Larry Sng,MP of Julau – Sarawak's Energy Vision: Prioritizing People Over Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Randau Khas - Krisis Pengasingan: Komuniti Penan Terputus Oleh Tanah Runtuh Lusong Laku
- Jeffery Boudi, Jurucakap untuk bekas pekerja SFI - Situasi di SFI masih sama, malah lebih teruk
- Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak - SEB, syarikat perladangan, dan Pejabat Daerah Belaga harus Memulihkan jalan masuk ke Pemukiman Penan di Sungai Linau SEKARANG
- Larry Sng, Ahli Parlimen Julau - Visi Tenaga Sarawak: Mengutamakan Rakyat Daripada Projek

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The welfare of former SFI employees has not changed since they were laid off more than a year ago. In fact, their situation is getting more stressful in the month of fasting. Asking for humanitarian aid from the world community. Have been laid off because SFI has been declared bankrupt, evicted from company housing and running water and electricity supply cut off.

    2. Five penan settlements in Sungai Linau, Belaga have been cut off from land/road communication with the outside world since a week ago. The road to Lusong Laku has been completely cut off again since Wednesday @ 13 March 2024 - due to a landslide. The road leading to this penan settlement is a road built by a logging company. So far, there has been no positive response and action from the authorities towards the efforts to rehabilitate the collapsed and broken areas. For the record, the road to Lusong Laku was broken from 04 to 18 February 2024, causing stress and trauma among the stranded parties. The actions of the authorities are VERY SLOW AND SLOW in this matter. As marhaen people in the interior, we can only report, see, wait, hope and pray. It is hoped that this will not be prolonged and prolonged. This is one of the posts on FB SK Lusong Laku. For the record. More than 2 thousand penan residents in 5 longhouses are involved. We wonder why the government has failed to build safe roads for rural communities. Sarawak budget 13.6 billion 2024.

    3. Agong/King- I am not a statue, I will not follow the words or wishes of the minister. Such is the order of His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim. I will be more strict in protecting the interests of the people.


    Jeffery Boudi, Spokesman for former SFI employees.

    *The situation at SFI is still the same, even worse*

    More than 600 employees of Sabah Forest Industry have been laid off following the bankruptcy of SFI approximately 11 months ago. SFI is a subsidiary of the Sabah state government. The last salary received by these workers was in May 2020 when Chief Minister Shafie Apdal was still in power. But since the GRS government led by Hajiji Nor ruled, every complaint from former SFI employees was ignored.

    These former workers were evicted from their residential quarters. The water and electricity supply to the residence was cut off. Residents get dark and get a supply of rainwater. The situation becomes worse during this month of fasting. We have appealed to the chief minister of Sabah.

    Recently Jeffrery also appealed to PMX Anwar Ibrahim. But until now, he said their pleas have been ignored. In conjunction with the current parliamentary session, they appeal to all YBs from Sabah to speak on their behalf, but only the former Sabah Chief Minister Shafie Apdal is willing to speak up and meet with them.

    Jeffrery Baudi said that, they appeal to the government to be humane and take care of their welfare. Moreover, many of the former SFI employees are old and unable to work anymore. They appeal for humanitarian aid and need free accommodation.

    Our fate is the same as the fate of the Palestinian people - Jeffery Baudi said. Jeffery is asking for help from the public by contacting him at 011-3663 3628. He hopes that an RFS representative will visit and see for himself the condition of this former SFI employee.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    *SEB, plantation company and Belaga District Office must Restore the access road to Penan Settlements in Sungai Linau NOW*

    Five penan settlements in Sungai Linau, Belaga have been cut off from land/road communication with the outside world since a week ago. The road to Lusong Laku has been completely cut off again since Wednesday @ 13 March 2024 - due to a landslide. The road leading to this penan settlement is a road built by a logging company. So far, there has been no positive response and action from the authorities towards the efforts to rehabilitate the collapsed and broken areas. It happened a same problem on 04 to 18 February 2024 too.

    Abun Sui explained the situation regarding the Lusung Laku road, which has been cut off for a week. Abun stated that the responsibility for this road issue should be attributed to SEB (a GLC company), plantation companies operating in the area, and the Belaga District Office as representatives of the Sarawak government that collects timber royalties or land premiums from companies given land for oil palm and timber planting. These companies can assist in repairing this road.

    This means that SEB plantation companies, and the Belaga District Office should work together to repair the collapsed Lusung Laku road, as it is the main road for the community in Lusung Laku to enter and exit for their daily activities.


    Larry Sng,MP of Julau

    *Sarawak's Energy Vision: Prioritizing People Over Projects*

    Months ago, Sarawak Premier Abang Johari mentioned the state's potential plans to construct two undersea transmission lines to strengthen its renewable energy agenda. Although discussions have started with Singapore and the Federal Government, no timeline was provided for the commencement of these lines, as Sarawak is still in the process of building its renewable energy capacity.

    In response, Larry Sng commented on the need for caution regarding overspending on unnecessary mega projects that primarily benefit certain interest groups over the people. He highlighted the plan to build two power transmission lines—one to Singapore and the other to West Malaysia—as an example of potentially excessive spending, suggesting that one line might be sufficient.

    Sng acknowledged Sarawak's abundance of resources and wealth but stressed the importance of avoiding overspending to prevent accumulating national debt. He expressed concern that many large-scale developments primarily benefit contractors rather than the people of Sarawak.

    Moreover, Sng warned that poor decisions made by current leaders could create problems for future generations. He recommended that the GPS government focus on salvaging existing projects, some of which are already costing billions of ringgits.

Guest User
18 March 2024

On today Show
— Nicholas Mujah Ason, Member of the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) – Impact of land measurement sec 6 (people's land converted into government land)
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak – GPS Prioritizes Self-Enrichment, Neglects Impoverished Rural Villagers
— Mr. George, RFS listener from Miri – Sarawak's Wealth Misused by GPS, Say Critics

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nicholas Mujah Ason, Ahli Majlis Yayasan Orang Asal (FSC) - Impak pengukuran tanah seksyen 6 (tanah rakyat dijadikan tanah kerajaan)
- Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak - GPS Mengutamakan Pemerkayaan Diri, Abai Penduduk Kampung Miskin
- Encik George, Pendengar RFS dari Miri - Kekayaan Sarawak Disalahgunakan oleh GPS, Kata Kritikus

  • *Special Randau*

    1. There has been evidence in court that land measurement using sec 6- People's land is changING ownership to government land. That's according to Councilor of the Indigenous Foundation (FSC) Nicholas Mujah. He referred to a case that happened in Sebangan in 2014. The case was brought to court. Nicholas Mujah VS Hock Tong Hin Sawmill, Sarawak Government and Forest Department. Mujah and the villagers won the case.

    2.⁠ ⁠The BAR COUNCIL will file a legal challenge against the pardon board's decision to reduce Naib Razak's sentence.

    3.⁠ ⁠The extraordinary wealth of Tun Mahathir's sons. Mirzan and Mokhzani. Mahathir has repeatedly CLAIMED that his children's extraordinary success is due to their business acumen. But history proves that several times Mahathir used PETRONAS to save his children's businesses.

    4. Socks that insult Islam - the police will still investigate KK Super Mart even though they have apologized. Is selling socks with the word Allah insulting Islam?


    Nicholas Mujah Ason, Member of the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC)

    *Impact of land measurement sec 6 (people's land converted into government land)*

    Today Nicholas Mujah shared a court case involving 7 villages in Sebangan Simunjan. Nicholas Mujah representing the villagers brought the case to court in 2014. In 2005 the residents of 7 villages were shocked when the logging company Hock Tong Hin Sawmil encroached on their land in Sebangan.

    The company was given a logging license by the Sarawak state government.

    In 1956 the government measured the land in the 7 villages using sec 6. The residents assumed that it was their land and would not be disturbed again by any party. Apparently sec 6 only gives the right to use the land but cannot own it - in simple language the land remains Government land.

    Furious with the problem, Mujah sued the Hock Tong Hin Company, the Sarawak Government and the Sarawak forest department. By having strong evidence the people in 7 villages won in the high court, the appeal court and the federal court. By order of the court the residents regained their rights to the land in Sebangan.

    But according to Mujah, the best method of recognizing indigenous land ownership is land measurement sec 18.

    Returning to his duties as a member of the FSC council of indigenous expert-Mujah was given the task of maintaining environmental sustainability. That is, any forest activity must be sustainable, legally valid, environmentally friendly and socially friendly/ not change the composition of the social life of the local community. Any party that is threatened with environmental/forest development in their respective places.

    Can report to me and I will take action as soon as possible. In addition to that, we also instill environmental awareness in the younger generation, through various programs – Mujah said.


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairperson of Muda Sarawak

    *GPS Prioritizes Self-Enrichment, Neglects Impoverished Rural Villagers*

    Recently, Jeffrey Ngui visited Noah's Ark, a free school for the Penan community in Miri. The visit included a meeting with Mdm Nelly and Bon to deliver supplies for the school. MUDA Sarawak, focused on service and value politic, emphasizes community service and has a humanitarian vision. They collaborate with NGOs to avoid making communities feel uneasy, steering clear of overt political involvement.

    Noah's Ark, initiated two years ago, initially distributed 2500 food packs across Sarawak, leading to engagement with the Penan community in Miri and establishment of the free school. Unfortunately, the school closed due to lack of funding, though it served as both a school and daycare center, offering convenience for parents. Penan individuals who had left school would return to become teachers there.The government in Sarawak has been controlled by the PBB (Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu) from the past until now, whether during the era of Taib Mahmud or the current leadership of Abang Johari. Their approach towards the people has not changed – focused on self-enrichment. While acknowledging that Abang Johari has undertaken infrastructure improvements in urban areas such as the Automated Rapid Transit (ART) and many other large-scale infrastructure projects, these initiatives do not directly assist people in escaping poverty.

    He stated that the GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government is best at finger-pointing, rather than implementing policies that genuinely benefit the people. The GPS government tends to shift the blame for poverty issues towards the federal government, requesting more budget allocations for Sarawak's development. However, Sarawak is known for its abundant natural resources and a high reserve fund of up to 38 billion, so where is this money being used? This is why there are still many poor communities in Sarawak, as the government prioritizes self-enrichment over the welfare of its people, despite Sarawak's economic growth.


    Mr. George, RFS listener from Miri

    *Sarawak's Wealth Misused by GPS, Say Critics*

    George commented on the statement of Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi that state governments should not solely rely on the federal government for development in their respective states, as state governments also have a responsibility to share in eradicating poverty.

    Mr. George characterized the GPS government as not genuinely committed to eradicating poverty in Sarawak. Sarawak has more than enough financial resources to develop the state and its people. However, for the past 60 years, the GPS government has focused more on enriching themselves and their cronies.

    Therefore, the people must change and replace the GPS government so that the new government will prioritize the welfare of the people.


Guest User
15 March 2024

On Today Show
— Boyce Ngau Anyie, Retired Baram online teacher – GPS, don't politicize education and don't make education a gimmick to get people's support!
— Dr Micheal Teo, ex-MP of Miri – Accountability in Action: Tracking Sarawak's Rural Development Funds
— Agnes Padan, activist from Lawas – Stateless Communities at Risk:  amendments create conflict
— Asthar Lungan of Kpg Koduko Pituru Darat Kota Belud – Unseen Poverty: The Realities of Rural Sabah

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Boyce Ngau Anyie, Pensyarah Online Berpencen dari Baram – JGN Politikkan Pendidikan dan JGN Buat Pendidikan Sebagai Gimmick Untuk Dapat Sokongan Rakyat!
— Dr. Micheal Teo, bekas Ahli Parlimen Miri – Akauntabiliti dalam Tindakan: Menjejaki Dana Pembangunan Luar Bandar Sarawak
— Agnes Padan, aktivis dari Lawas – Komuniti Tanpa Warganegara Berisiko: Pindaan Membuatkan Konflik
— Asthar Lungan dari Kg. Koduko Pituru Darat Kota Belud – Kemiskinan Tersembunyi: Realiti Orang Miskin di Sabah Luar Bandar

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The trial of Najib Razak, who is charged with 4 counts of abuse of power and 21 counts of money laundering involving RM2.27 billion from 1MDB funds, continues. The 50th prosecution witness, 1MDB’s former general-counsel Jasmine Loo denied that she had any agreement with the MACC, the prosecutor, or the Malaysian government to testify in Najib's case. She also testified that she did not suspect fugitive businessperson Low Taek Jho (Jho Low) of being involved in embezzling funds from 1MDB as the latter was already a rich man.

    The trial will resume on April 1, 2024. There are still many trials involving Najib. Why should he be pardoned when he still has many cases to face?

    2. Pas lost the suit and the court ordered the party to pay RM659 thousand to NAJ Press Resources (M) Sdn.Bhd (printer of Harakah Daily).

    3. Parents in Sarawak should speak up and report the schools where their children attend school. Only then will their problems get attention and have a chance to be addressed. Today Serian MP Richard Riot Jaem visited a poor school in Tebedu - as reported yesterday. The free education offered by GPS will only come into effect in 2026. Only involves IPT/IPTS, in terms of fee payment and free books. Free education should include modern school facilities at all levels and education should not be politicized.


    Boyce Ngau Anyie, Retired Baram online teacher

    *GPS, don't politicize education and don't make education a gimmick to get people's support!*

    Boyce contacted the RFS to give his views on SSLR and poor schools in Sarawak. Boyce was impressed and saddened by the report of the secondary school in Tebedu/Serian- Hostel where students live in a very poor and sad condition. With such conditions, how can students study comfortably, Question- Boyce.

    Boyce said, he as a retired teacher, he very sure that there are significant weaknesses. If the report has shown the school is in poor condition, allocations should be channeled immediately, either by the state or federal government. Or the assigned officers are not doing their job.

    GPS is chanting a slogan - that they will give free education to the children of Sarawak by the year 2026. What is free education meant by GPS. Do you give free books and tuition fees at the IPT and IPTS level?

    Boyce suggested that free education be given from primary, secondary to university level. Not just fees and free books. Even school facilities should be modern and clean. The state government that really wants autonomy in the field of education and health- should do the work and collect accurate data from now on. So that there will be no more cases like this in Tebedu - Boyce said.

    Don't politicize education and don't make education a gimmick to get people's support.

    Boyce also informed that the SSLR highway project has reached Baram. The people of Baram are happy with the construction of the road to the interior but still oppose the construction of the dam.

    We are not anti-development. We are against dams that affect our lives and the environment. However for the SSLR project. We ask the government to be transparent and that our land involved is adequately compensated.


    Dr Micheal Teo, ex-MP of Miri

    *Accountability in Action: Tracking Sarawak's Rural Development Funds*

    Last December, Sarawak Premier Abang Johari announced an allocation of RM550 million to implement Projek Rakyat, RM420 million for the Rural Transformation Projects (RTP), RM200 million for Regional Development Agencies, and RM260 million for Minor Rural Projects (MRP).

    Similar claims are made almost every year, meaning that every year, interior/rural state assemblymen receive a certain development budget to address infrastructure issues in their constituencies. However, there has been no visible development in the inland areas, and state assemblymen have not submitted reports explaining how the state government's budget has been used for projects.

    Teo stated that these allocations must be transparent, and it must be reported where they are used. Like our Members of Parliament, who have to submit report cards every three months to explain where the budget has been used, but he has never seen where the state legislative assembly has used the budget.

    He demands transparency from the state government regarding the use of funds, insisting on accountability for where the money is spent. Otherwise, there will continue to be accusations of no development in his constituency. If there are expenditures that are not disclosed, it is best to present accounts for clarification.


    Agnes Padan, activist from Lawas

    *Stateless Communities at Risk: amendments create conflict*

    Last Friday, Saifuddin announced that the Cabinet had approved proposed amendments to the constitution regarding citizenship, which would be presented in the Dewan Rakyat. On Monday, he explained that the amendment aims to establish a degree of control to prevent granting citizenship to ineligible individuals. However, these proposed amendments have raised concerns among some Members of Parliament and activists.

    Agnes Padan, a long-time advocate assisting Sarawakians in obtaining Malaysian citizenship, criticized the amendment, calling it a step backward and unfair to current applicants. She stated that while streamlining procedures could be acceptable, any changes affecting current applicants, given the already stringent requirements, could further complicate the application criteria and process, worsening the situation instead of alleviating it.

    Agnes urged Members of Parliament, especially those from Sarawak, to understand the challenges faced by Sarawakians in obtaining Malaysian citizenship and to oppose these amendments. She also highlighted that these amendments could harm existing stateless communities, including the Orang Asli and Indigenous Peoples of Sabah and Sarawak, potentially creating a new class of stateless individuals trapped in bureaucratic processes.


    Asthar Lungan of Kpg Koduko Pituru Darat Kota Belud

    *Unseen Poverty: The Realities of Rural Sabah*

    Yesterday, Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli disclosed in parliament that hardcore poverty in Sabah is six times higher than the national rate. According to the Sabah Economic Outlook 2024-2025, economist Dr. Abdul Aziz Karia highlighted three districts requiring assistance from both federal and state governments: Pitas, Tongod, and Kota Marudu.

    However, many in Sabah argue that the need for assistance extends beyond these three districts. In the Kota Belud district, for example, a village named Kpg Koduko Pituru Darat has been grappling with poor road conditions since 1963.

    Asthar said that, in 2011, they took matters into their own hands and initiated road repairs using their own funds, unable to wait for government intervention. In addition to road issues, the village also lacks access to electricity and treated water. Despite its potential for eco-tourism, Kpg Koduko lacks basic amenities. Consequently, residents have had to build second homes near the roadside and even sold lots to raise funds. Despite their efforts, no elected representative has ever visited the village, not even during election campaigns. The villagers have voiced their concerns, but it appears that their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. During the dry season, the road becomes dusty, and during the wet season, it turns muddy.

    The situation in Kpg Koduko is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by many rural communities in Sabah. Lack of infrastructure, government assistance, and economic development have left the villagers in dire need of support. They are calling on the government to address their plight and provide the necessary assistance to improve their living conditions.


Guest User
14 March 2024

On Today Show
— Gabriel Atong,Resident of Punan Ba, Belaga – Frustration Mounts as Belaga-Kapit Boat Service Cuts Short, Highlighting Rural Neglect
— Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth Kuching chief – Misplaced Priorities: Criticism Over MPP's RM60 Million Office Building Plan
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project SAMA – Call for Caution: Advocating for Careful Handling of Amendments to Citizenship Laws, including potential negative impacts on stateless children born in Malaysia

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Gabriel Atong, Penduduk Punan Ba, Belaga - Kekecewaan Bertambah Ketika Perkhidmatan Bot Belaga-Kapit Dipendekkan, Menonjolkan Pengabaian di Kawasan Pedalaman
- Michael Kong Feng Nian, Ketua Pemuda Demokratik Tindakan Parti Sosialis Kuching - Keutamaan Tersasar: Kritikan Terhadap Pelan Pembinaan Pejabat MPP Bernilai RM60 Juta
- Ngeow Chow Ying, Pengerusi Projek SAMA - Seruan Berhati-hati: Membangkitkan Kesedaran untuk Menangani dengan Berhati-hati Pindaan kepada Undang-undang Kewarganegaraan, termasuk kesan negatif terhadap kanak-kanak tanpa kewarganegaraan yang dilahirkan di Malaysia

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The first week of the school session is open. Mohd Firdaus Jailan- Father of students in form 1 and 3. Surprised to see his son's residential dormitory at a school in Tebedu, Sarawak in poor condition. The bed and wardrobe are broken. The mattress and pillows were torn and in a dirty and disgusting condition. We ask, can't we use 1 or 2 billion from Sarawak's sovereign future wealth fund (initial deposit 8 billion) to help and complete facilities in poor schools in Sarawak.

    2. Gabriel Atong- Resident of Punan Ba, urged the MACC and the authorities to investigate all cases of irregularities in the construction of pure soul roads in Sarawak. Jalan Jiwa Murni Belaga - Kapit was launched in 2012 connecting Belaga to Kapit. But until now -not ready. The contractor is said to have made a profit of 800 million ringgit. But the project was abandoned.

    3. Interpol rejected Malaysia's red notice application twice. Such was Clare Brown's revelation in a forum hosted by the ICJ yesterday. Our question is, what crime did Clare commit. Is writing a book revealing the world's biggest financial scandal 1MDB a crime? Malaysia should consider the highest award to Clare Brown.


    Gabriel Atong,Resident of Punan Ba, Belaga

    *Frustration Mounts as Belaga-Kapit Boat Service Cuts Short, Highlighting Rural Neglect*

    Announcements on social media inform that the Boat Express service on the Belaga-Kapit-Belaga route operated by the Bah Manis 2 company will be shortened and will not reach Belaga Town. The service provider apologizes to the affected public.

    According to Gabriel, the decision made by the management is a business decision. As such, they cannot be blamed entirely. But the victims are thousands of residents who need the service to go to Kapit for various business. Kapit is the administrative center for the seventh division of Sarawak. Covering Belaga, Song and Kapit.

    Gabriel said that, the GPS government should be blamed for failing to build roads for the rural residents of Sarawak. Especially to the people of Belaga who always support the GPS candidate during the election. In 2012-2016, a contract to build 10 jalan jiwa murni roads in Sarawak was issued and included the Kapit-Belaga area. However, until now the proposed road has not been completed. Two directors of the company were investigated by MACC who profited 800 million from the project. But the investigation in 2018 when PH ruled has not been heard anymore.

    According to Gabriel, hundreds of longhouses/residential settlements in Hulu Rajang Parliament are not connected by road. Although there are 3 mega dams built here. Bakun, Murum and Baleh. Even Premier Abang Johari promised by 2024. The road from Sibu-Kapit-Belaga will be ready. Unfortunately, this is all just a dream.


    Michael Kong Feng Nian, Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth Kuching chief

    *Misplaced Priorities: Criticism Over MPP's RM60 Million Office Building Plan*

    The Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) 's decision to allocate RM60 million for a new office building while citing financial constraints has raised concerns about its priorities. This move, Michael Kong criticized it is misallocation of funds, reflects a broader issue of misplaced priorities within the government.

    Michael Kong comment that, as MPP Chairman, Tan Kai holds significant authority to address this issue. Instead of focusing on extravagant projects like a new office building, he should prioritize urgent infrastructure works, such as improving back lanes and drains, which are crucial for the well-being of Kuching residents.

    Tan Kai's statement about securing only RM1.5 million from the State Government contrasts sharply with the state's substantial reserves of close to RM40 billion. This highlights a failure to advocate for increased funding to address the needs of the people in Kuching.

    Michael suggest that, redirect the RM60 million earmarked for the new MPP office building towards infrastructure projects. If additional funding is needed, Tan Kai could approach the three SUPP ADUNs of Kota Sentosa, Batu Kitang, and Batu Kawah, who collectively receive an annual allocation of approximately RM25 million. This could help bolster basic infrastructure in Kuching.

    Comparing this to the allocation and spending by Chong Chieng Jen, who received RM4.2 million for the same three DUNs, with a significant portion allocated to education initiatives, highlights a stark difference in priorities and transparency.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project SAMA

    *Call for Caution: Advocating for Careful Handling of Amendments to Citizenship Laws, including potential negative impacts on stateless children born in Malaysia*

    Projek SAMA, a civil society initiative advocating for institutional reforms, has called on the Federal government to issue either a Green Paper or White Paper regarding its proposed amendments to citizenship laws in the Federal Constitution. The group has cautioned against hastily implementing changes that could lead to the denial of citizenship for stateless natives and pose risks to abandoned babies.

    According to Ngeow, a Green Paper would facilitate feedback from both Parliament members and external stakeholders on policy or legislative proposals. Conversely, a White Paper would outline the government's proposed laws, including a draft of the intended Bill, allowing for consultation and discussion with relevant parties.

    The group has urged MPs, particularly those from the government backbench and opposition, to safeguard the Federal Constitution from rushed amendments. They have stressed the importance of transparency and substantive deliberation in the legislative process.

    While acknowledging that the proposed amendments include a positive aspect, such as granting citizenship to Malaysian mothers' overseas-born children, Projek SAMA has expressed concerns about potential negative impacts on stateless children born in Malaysia.

    Additionally, Projek SAMA has emphasized the necessity of involving the Sabah government and state MPs in discussions, particularly regarding the security implications of existing citizenship laws. They have cautioned against presenting restrictive citizenship amendments as a quick solution for issues like Project IC without providing convincing evidence to the public.

    (background) Last Friday, Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail announced that the Cabinet had approved a proposal to amend the Federal Constitution regarding citizenship, which will be submitted to the Lower House of Parliament for deliberation.

    The amendment aims to modify Article 14(b) of the Constitution to include the term "mother" in determining a child's citizenship. This involves amending Sections 1(1)(d) and 1(1)(e) of Part I of the First Schedule, as well as Section 1(b) and 1(c) of Part II of the same schedule.

    However, Saifuddin had announced in June last year that the proposed amendments to Part III of the Federal Constitution would be presented to the Conference of Rulers in July, and that the government was in the process of finalizing the proposed amendments comprehensively. Some key proposed amendments include completely removing Sections 1(e) and 2(3) of Part II of the Federal Constitution; removing the right of foundlings, including abandoned children, to citizenship by operation of law under Section 19B of the Second Schedule in Part III of the Constitution; and removing the term "permanently resident" in Section 1(a) of the Second Schedule in Part II of the Constitution. These proposed amendments have raised concerns among some Members of Parliament and activists.

Guest User
13 March 2024

On Today Show
— Agnes Dijih, Resident of Selangau – Since Taib’s death, People want their illegally confiscated land to be returned!
— Dennis Along, social activist from Mulu – Challenging Unexplained Wealth: Activist Appeal for Investigation
> PROGRAME ANNOUCEMENT: The Centre for Independent Journalism is organizing an event titled "The Pursuit of Truth: An Insight into Exposing Corruption." Clare will be speaking online and responding to questions.
— Dr. George Chen from Sibu, the co-ordinator of Bersih in Central Sarawak – Insight into NCR Land Ownership in Sibu: The Legacy of Taib Mahmud
— Sailisah of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah – Save Sabah's Coastal Environment: Stop the Sand Mining at Bangau Beach

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Agnes Dijih, Penduduk Selangau - Sejak kematian Taib, rakyat mahu tanah yang dirampas secara haram dikembalikan!
- Dennis Along, aktivis sosial dari Mulu - Menantang Kekayaan yang Tidak Diterangkan: Rayuan Aktivis untuk Penyiasatan
> ANUNSI PROGRAM: Pusat Kewartawanan Independen sedang menganjurkan satu acara bertajuk "Menjejak Kebenaran: Pandangan dalam Mengungkapkan Rasuah." Clare akan berucap secara dalam talian dan menjawab soalan-soalan.
- Dr. George Chen dari Sibu, koordinator Bersih di Sarawak Tengah - Pandangan ke atas Pemilikan Tanah NCR di Sibu: Warisan Taib Mahmud
- Sailisah dari kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah - Selamatkan Alam Sekitar Pesisir Sabah: Hentikan Penambangan Pasir di Pantai Bangau

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The late Taib Mahmud - the largest landowner in Pasai Siong in SIBU. The value of 68 lots of land in Taib's name in Pasai Siong is estimated at RM92.2 million. Almost 90 percent of the people in Pasai Siong are poor. But why is the land not given to them for free?. Why should it be given to TYT Taib who is rich.

    2. The Express Boat Service on the Belaga-Kapit-Belaga route was stopped yesterday. This affects thousands of residents who need the service because there is still no road from Belaga to Kapit. Sarawak Premier Abang Johari promised that the Kapit to Belaga road would be completed in 2024. But until now there is no news related to it. We are still trying to get comments from affected residents.

    3. Human rights and environmental activist - Dennis Along today made a report to the MACC asking the relevant authorities to investigate the assets belonging to the late Taib Mahmud. According to Dennis, he and all the people of Sarawak want a clear report regarding Taib's legacy.


    Agnes Dijih, Resident of Selangau.

    *Since Taib’s death, People want their illegally confiscated land to be returned!*

    Agnes' longhouse is less than an hour's drive, via the pan borneo highway to reach Pasai Siong.

    I have many acquaintances and relatives living in Pasai Siong - Agnes said.

    Agnes was surprised when she was told that Taib Mahmud owned 68 lots of land with a total area of 260 hectares in Pasai Siong. The latest assessment of the property value in the area involved is estimated at RM370,000 per hectare and roughly the value of the land owned by Taib is RM92.2 Million.

    According to Agnes it is not surprising because pasai siong is just next to SIBU airport. TYT Taib in April 2019 asked the land and survey department to reissue the land title deed to him on the grounds that the old land title deed had been lost. We also want to ask, is this an effort to erase the real ownership rights/original owners of the land in the area in question. For Agnes, this is Taib's effort to impoverish the Iban people living in the area. Sooner or later Pasai Siong will be developed. The original inhabitants who own the land will be compensated. But with Taib's ownership of the lands in question. Then they will not be paid anything.

    We in Selangau have never been able to find out the gazette as stated. When asked why TYT Taib in his old age still needs thousands of acres of land. If not to deny the rights of others. The land can increase Taib's wealth. He easily sold to rich Chinese- Said Agnes. We the people of Peladalan - since Taib's death, are waiting to see what the authorities will do about Taib's property. We want our illegally confiscated land to be returned.


    Dennis Along, social activist from Mulu

    *Challenging Unexplained Wealth: Activist Appeal for Investigation*

    Dennis went to the police station yesterday to report about the huge wealth of the late Taib Mahmud and where it came from. Today, he also went to the MACC office in Miri to make a report.

    He stated that based on online information, the late Taib Mahmud's assets or businesses are spread across 25 countries worldwide, with 332 companies registered under his name in Malaysia alone. This raises questions as to how a civil servant for over 30 years could amass such enormous wealth.

    He emphasized that if these are all rumors, then Taib's family must make a clear clarification to dispel any stigma. The GPS government must also take action to investigate, as staying silent raises suspicions.

    Furthermore, Dennis requested that the MACC in Miri take his report seriously. Since 2018, he has been reporting various cases of injustice and corruption, but they have all gone unresolved. He suspects that these reports may have been ignored.

    During his report, he noticed that the office of the MACC in Miri still had pictures of the late Taib hanging on the walls among the government leaders' photos. He questioned why the old TYT's (Governor's) photo was still displayed when there has been a change in leadership.


    Dr. George Chen from Sibu, the co-ordinator of Bersih in Central Sarawak

    *Insight into NCR Land Ownership in Sibu: The Legacy of Taib Mahmud*

    George Chen provides insight into the NCR land in Sibu (Pasai Siong) owned by Taib Mahmud. The value reaching RM 100 million is something that should not be taken lightly. While still with PKR, the struggle to expose the wealth of Taib's family has begun. However, even though Taib Mahmud has passed away, it does not mean that the wealth of Taib's family cannot be investigated. A detailed investigation should be carried out by the MACC, and we sincerely hope that wealth obtained by oppressing the people should be returned, even if it has to go through legal processes because the rights of the people must be restored.

    In addition, political will can also play a role in Taib's wealth if the people dare to change the existing Sarawak government. Taib Mahmud was so greedy that many indigenous people were not recognized as owners of their NCR land; hence, there are still many lands that the government refuses to grant under the Customary Right Land Code.


    Sailisah of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah

    *Save Sabah's Coastal Environment: Stop the Sand Mining at Bangau Beach*

    The communities of Kampung Andah Bangau are urging the public to sign a petition on change.org titled "Save Bangau Beach Kudat, Sabah" to help them voice out and protect the environment. Now the collection with only 8000+.

    The Sabah state government, led by the Minister of Sabah Industrial Development, Joachim Gunsalam, is cooperating with a company from China called Kibing Group (M) Sdn Bhd, to build a sand mining factory and an international port to mine and export Sabah's natural resources, namely silica sand that makes the Bangau coast look so beautiful, clean, and white.

    With the existence of a sand mining company near Kampung Andab Bangau, the villagers are feeling worried. They have set up an urgent meeting to form a special committee to run a petition to gain support from surrounding villages and address other issues.

    She feels sad that even though the communities have raised their worries and concerns, it seems like the government has no concern at all. There has been no response from them either.

Guest User
12 March 2024


On Today Show
— James Oli, Spokesperson for the residents of Usahaja Tukau Traditional Village (KTUT), Miri –Usahajaya Tukau Village Residents Skeptical of Resettlement Offer Without Official Dialogue
— Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist – Property Losses in Remote Village Fire Raise Accountability Concerns
— Maria Chin Abdullah, Ex-PKR lawmaker – Women's March Malaysia Organizers Face Investigation Despite Peaceful Intentions

Di Today Show
— James Oli, Jurucakap Penduduk Kampung Tradisional Usahaja Tukau (KTUT), Miri – Penduduk Kampung Usahaja Tukau Skeptikal Terhadap Tawaran Pemindahan Tanpa Dialog Rasmi
— Nick Kelesau, Aktivis Penan – Kerugian Harta Benda dalam Kebakaran Kampung Terpencil Menimbulkan Kebimbangan Pertanggungjawaban
— Maria Chin Abdullah, Bekas Ahli Parlimen PKR – Penganjur Women's March Malaysia Menghadapi Siasatan Walaupun Niatnya Damai

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Residents of Usahajaya Tukau Traditional Village - offered a resettlement scheme involving 106 complete settlements with various facilities. This is according to a memo issued by the Sarawak Land and Survey Department. But the residents are still suspicious because there is still no dialogue or black and white agreement. According to James Oly if everything is provided free of charge and compensation for our gardens and crops is paid in full. We will agree.

    2. Members of Parliament Pokok Sena (PAS) requested that school canteens be closed during the month of fasting to respect Muslims. The education minister ordered all school canteens to open as usual. If all the school canteens are closed, how will non-Muslim students want to eat. Is that fair to them?

    3. SRC Case Trial(2) involving RM27 million. This case has been delayed since 2019 due to various other cases facing Najib. However, the court has set 27 May 2024 as the mention of the case and 5 days in September 2024 as a full trial.


    James Oli, Spokesperson for the residents of Usahaja Tukau Traditional Village (KTUT), Miri.

    *Usahajaya Tukau Village Residents Skeptical of Resettlement Offer Without Official Dialogue*

    The residents of KTUT have been facing issues for several years now, as the PARABEBA Sdn.Bhd group has obtained approval from the Sarawak government to develop a commercial project on their village land.

    PARABENA group is owned by Raziah Mahmud, the sister of Taib Mahmud. The village residents were evicted without any compensation, and the government does not recognize their ownership of the village land. The village area is adjacent to the Miri airport and is of high market value. After taking PARABENA to court, the KTUT residents lost the case as they failed to prove their ownership rights over more than 400 acres of land.

    However, after various efforts, the latest development (based on an official memo from the Sarawak Land and Survey Department director dated 14 Feb 2023) states that the Sarawak government has agreed to fund a Relocation Scheme for the KTUT village residents with a budget of RM38.35 million.

    This includes building 106 houses, a community hall site, a SESCo substation site, a surau site, and an open area. The residents generally agree with the government's offer but want it to be done legally through an agreement.

    James is skeptical of this offer as there have been no formal discussions with the authorities. It might also be a trap to hasten the relocation of the residents, as they are excited about the offer of free houses. For now, more than half of the KTUT residents have relocated, and the rest are waiting for further dialogue and clarification from the government and PARABENA.

    "If housing is given for free and compensation is provided for our crops and oil palm plantations, we will agree," says James. James also thanks RFS for allowing the KTUT residents to voice their concerns.


    Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist

    *Property Losses in Remote Village Fire Raise Accountability Concerns*

    A longhouse with 16 doors in Long Kerangan Village, Ulu Baram, was destroyed by the fire on 7 March, upon arrival at the location, which was 98 kilometers away, the Fire and Rescue Department (BBP) team from Marudi found that the fire did not involve any loss of life and only resulted in property damage, said the Sarawak Fire Department Operations Center spokesperson.

    Nick Kelesau informed RFS about the recent fire issue in Long Kerangan Penan Village in Baram. As he know the road to Long Kerangan is in very bad condition, which delays emergency assistance, such as during fires.

    Nick emphasized the importance of fire extinguishers in such critical situations. For example, in the Penan village, Nick had to use his own money to buy fire extinguishers for the village because the government does not provide them to each village. He finds this unfair as the government should take fire safety more seriously in the future.


    Maria Chin Abdullah, Ex-PKR lawmaker

    *Women's March Malaysia Organizers Face Investigation Despite Peaceful Intentions*

    On the investigation against the organizers of the Women's March Malaysia in conjunction with the celebration of International Women's Day, Maria believes that it is unnecessary for the police to conduct an investigation. She asserts that the march is protected under the federal constitution, which guarantees freedom of assembly. Despite the existence of the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA), the movement was peaceful and did not violate any laws that would warrant police action. The organizers had submitted written notices to the police on five occasions, indicating their intention to hold the march. The fact that the police did not receive these notices until the fifth submission raises questions about the handling of the situation. Maria views the investigation as unreasonable and worries that it may have a negative impact on future movements.

Guest User
11 March 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Penan People Allegedly Cheated by Sarawak Land Department in SSLR Project

— Dennis Along, Human rights and environmental activist – Urges MACC to Investigate Taib and Family's Assets
— Bruce Yee, the PKR branch chief of Sarikei – Citizenship Assistance Program Launched in Sibu: A Chance for Sarawakians to Resolve Documentation Issues
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Empowering Women in Politics: Projek Sama's Push for Greater Representation

Topik Pada Hari Ini

— Randau Khas – Orang Penan Didakwa Dikhianati oleh Jabatan Tanah Sarawak dalam Projek SSLR

— Dennis Along, Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia dan Alam Sekitar – Mendorong SPRM untuk Siasat Harta Benda Taib dan Keluarga

— Bruce Yee, Ketua Cawangan PKR Sarikei – Program Bantuan Kewarganegaraan Dilancarkan di Sibu: Peluang bagi Rakyat Sarawak Menyelesaikan Isu Dokumentasi

— Ngeow Chow Ying, Pengerusi Projek - Kestabilan dan Akauntabiliti untuk Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Memperkasakan Wanita dalam Politik: Tuntutan Projek Sama untuk Representasi yang Lebih Besar

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Dennis Aong- Urge MACC to investigate the assets of Taib Mahmud and Family. The report to the MACC will be made at 10 am on 13 March 2024, at the MACC Miri Office. Dennis Along asked all parties who want a transparent investigation to be carried out to be with him.

    2. The Sarawak Land and Survey Department cheated the Penan people in claiming land for the SSLR project in the middle of Baram. Roland Engan- Chairman of Miri Heirs Association (PEWARIS) informed that the SSLR project will go through several villages in the interior of Baram. The land department has distributed a notice of cancellation of rights and land acquisition under section 5(3) & (4) of the Sarawak land code 1958. But only form E was given to register names. But the residents were surprised when they received the receipt of the account received the E-form as (The land department has received a "Claim" from the registered name. Not knowing what is being claimed. Roland called on the land department to act professionally and not try to deceive the Penan people.

    3. Parliament Meeting, First Meeting, Third Term, Fifteenth Parliament. It is the turn of the ministry of economy and the ministry of finance to wrap up the debate. Most of the explanations and questions focused on the fall in the value of the ringgit and the smooth registration and security of PADU data.


    Dennis Along, Human rights and environmental activist

    *Urges MACC to Investigate Taib and Family's Assets*

    Today Dennis made a statement calling on the public to together with him and other NGO friends make a report to MACC Miri - calling for an investigation into Taib Mahmud's property and assets. According to Dennis, Taib died on 21 Feb 2024 and no one knows who took over or inherited his estate. We are not accusing all of Taib's assets to be from stolen or illegal sources. Therefore, it is important that an investigation be made in order to be able to clarify various issues that have arisen for a long time. Two assets associated with Taib in my area are.

    A piece of land in the name of Abu Bekir Taib in Mulu Tutoh Land District with an area of 4400 hectares and Syarikat Bursa Mulu and Marriot Hotel Mulu on a land area of 300 hectares in the name of Dato Roziah (Taib's sister) and her husband Robert Ganet. If the investigation proves that ownership of these properties was taken illegally. Therefore fines and corresponding payments and their return to the owner should be expedited. The same goes for all of Taib's properties at home and abroad. If the investigation proves that property ownership is illegal in terms of the law. So the property should be returned to the people of Sarawak. According to the document shared by BMF- there are hundreds of companies in and outside the country, Diana Taib and her family have interests. Dennis asked the public to be with him and his friends on 13 March 2024, to make a report at the MACC Miri Office.


    Bruce Yee, the PKR branch chief of Sarikei

    *Citizenship Assistance Program Launched in Sibu: A Chance for Sarawakians to Resolve Documentation Issues*

    Bruce Yee commented on the citizenship issue, stating that the Special Citizenship Task Force Operation (PPK) has begun operations at the Sibu Municipal Council Public Library (SMC), Keranji Road, Sibu. Date: 11/3/2024 to 22/3/2024. Operation hours: 8 am to 5 pm.

    He remind that besides bringing important documents, make sure to only bring the Applicant and Guarantor to the PPK center based on the duty schedule of the Community and Clan Chiefs prepared by the Sibu District Office.

    This PPK is a collaboration between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the State Government to assist all Sarawakians who still face issues with citizenship documentation.

    Bruce comment that, the citizens should seize this opportunity as it is a chance for them to apply for citizenship under the MADANI government's program in collaboration with the Sarawak state government.

    The MADANI government is committed to resolving the citizenship issues that the previous governments have neglected.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA)

    *Empowering Women in Politics: Projek Sama's Push for Greater Representation*

    Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek Sama) has urged the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to table a white paper to end the nation’s “appalling” under-representation of women in the political arena. According to a survey by the International Parliamentary Union (IPU), Malaysia is ranked 150 amongst 190 countries for women’s representation in the Parliament, with only 30 (13.51 percent) out of 222 lawmakers being women.

    Chow, a representative from Projek Sama, highlighted that the low representation of women in Parliament and the State Legislative Assemblies (ADUN) at only 13 percent and 12 percent, respectively, is a significant concern. She emphasized that women bring unique perspectives and can voice out numerous issues on national development that might otherwise be overlooked.

    To address this issue, Projek Sama proposed the introduction of Top-up Women-Only Additional Seats (TWOAS) as a structural remedy. This system would address the under-representation of women in elections and legislatures, particularly due to the single-member nature of the First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) system.

    Chow also pointed out the success of having a woman in the Youth and Sports Ministry for the first time, indicating that diverse representation can lead to more inclusive decision-making processes. She stressed the importance of creating more space for women to win seats and contribute to policy-making, highlighting that other solutions need to be explored and implemented.

Guest User
8 March 2024

On Today Show
— Peter Kalang, Chairman of SAVE Rivers Network – Why appeal for funding to the Federal? Where the logging tax revenue and forest concession trust fund?
— [International Women Day] Agnes from Dijih Selangau –Fearless and Determined: Agnes's Fight Against Injustice
— [International Women Day] Chua Kuan Ching, Activist Lawyer and legal advisor for SWWS – Creating a Fair Society: Empowering Women for Equity

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Peter Kalang, Pengerusi Rangkaian SAVE Rivers - Mengapa merayu untuk pembiayaan kepada Pihak Berkuasa Persekutuan? Di mana hasil cukai pembalakan dan dana konsesi hutan?

- [Hari Wanita Antarabangsa] Agnes dari Dijih Selangau - Berani dan Bertekad: Perjuangan Agnes Menentang Ketidakadilan

- [Hari Wanita Antarabangsa] Chua Kuan Ching, Peguam Aktivis dan penasihat undang-undang untuk SWWS - Mencipta Masyarakat Adil: Memberdayakan Wanita untuk Kesamarataan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. YB Chong Chieng Jen urges MACC to investigate Taib Mahmud's wealth assets. According to Chong, in order to be fair to the people of Sarawak, at least investigate and submit a declaration of Taib's assets for public knowledge. Chong spoke in a parliamentary session yesterday.

    2. Stop the provision for maintaining the logging road in Baram. The government should start building its own roads for the safety and convenience of the people. Until when rural people have to depend on log roads. Log roads are only for transporting logs and are not safe for public use.

    3. CUEPACS- Congress of public service workers' unions requesting the consideration of bonuses in conjunction with the Eid al-Fitr celebration.


    Peter Kalang, Chairman of SAVE Rivers Network

    *Why appeal for funding to the Federal? Where the logging tax revenue and forest concession trust fund?*

    Yb Anyie Ngau's speech in parliament yesterday, appealed to the federal government to provide allocations to the Baram parliamentary constituency to repair and maintain the deteriorating log roads. According to Yb Anyie, in Baram there are 425 long houses connected by 1500 km of road, of that, only 100km of paved roads are graded R1, R2 and R3, While the rest is a log road.

    According to Peter Kalang, The log road in Baram is getting worse and impassable. Of course, log roads are not for public use, when the wood that was cut is used up, then the logging company will stop operations in an area. This doesn't mean we need the loggers to come back. But it is the government's responsibility to build safe road infrastructure for the people of Baram.

    Peter's question is, why only appeal for funding to the federal government? While the state government collects logging tax revenue and in 1985 the Forest Concession Trust Fund was established in Sarawak to collect funds from loggers for the development of the people in the Logged Areas.

    Where does the money go? YBs Sarawak should ask this question in DUN and a clear answer should be given to the people of Sarawak. Money from the forest concession fund should be used to build roads and facilities for people in the interior affected by logging. Until when the appeal requests allocation to maintain the log road. The government should build its own roads for the people. Not giving allocations to improve log roads.

    According to Peter, logging in Sarawak became very aggressive in the 1980s, with the use of heavy machinery, helicopters and chainsaws. The rate of forest loss in Sarawak is the fastest in the world. We have to stop logging.

    he visited Sukadana in Kalimantan, was informed by the staff there - since the center was built, more and more Orangutans come to take refuge in the wildlife park. They expect these Orang Utans to come from Sarawak, whose forests are almost extinct. Wild animals will be traumatized by the roar of logging machines. They will look for a lonely forest as a habitat.


    Agnes from Dijih Selangau

    *Fearless and Determined: Agnes's Fight Against Injustice*

    Last week, RFS reported that Agnes has successfully reclaimed her land after 16 years of legal battles. In 2008, Agnes began the legal proceedings, and this year, 2024, she won the case for 1.2 hectares out of her 4.3-hectare land. Fearless against power, she fought against an unjust system. She is known as IBU NCR.

    She started listening to RFS programs in 2011, from being a listener to becoming a sharer of issues and a participant in fighting for NCR rights, she has been with RFS all the way. She said that when her land was deceived, she had sought help from local councilors but was told it couldn't be resolved. This made her angry, prompting her to file the case herself. Despite the 16-year-long legal battle, she eventually succeeded in reclaiming her land.

    She emphasized that inland women must know their rights, especially land rights, and not be easily deceived. When faced with injustice, they must fight to the end.

    This story highlights the importance of women's autonomy and rights protection. Women often face various forms of discrimination and unfair treatment in society, especially in land rights. Agnes's perseverance and efforts demonstrate women's determination and courage in fighting for their rights. This also calls on our society to provide more support and protection for women, ensuring that they have equal rights and opportunities. Only in this way can our society be more just and equal.


    Chua Kuan Ching, Activist Lawyer and legal advisor for SWWS

    *Creating a Fair Society: Empowering Women for Equity*

    The campaign theme for this year's International Women's Day on March 8 is "Inspire Inclusion," which emphasizes the need to create a space free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. It calls for efforts to empower women to achieve fair treatment and rights in society. Equity and equality are crucial. As members of society, women should have the same rights as men.

    However, they still face discrimination within the family. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and must be given help.

Guest User
7 March 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA – GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue?
—“Boss”, Fans and listeners of Radio Free Sarawak – Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging
— Stephen from Long Selungo Baram – Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament?
— Mr. Tuan from Niah – Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nicholas Mujah Ason, Setiausaha Agung SADIA - GPS Mahu Autonomi untuk Kawalan Alam Sekitar: Bertanggungjawab atas Isu Kandas Kayu Balak?
- "Boss", Peminat dan pendengar Radio Free Sarawak - Penduduk Kapit Menantang Penafian Rasmi: Insis Kayu Balak di Sungai Katibas Disebabkan oleh Pembalakan
- Stephen dari Long Selungo Baram - Bukankah ironis bagi Baram MP tiga penggal untuk berbicara tentang kekurangan pembangunan di Baram di Parlimen?
- Encik Tuan dari Niah - Adakah pinjaman HDC dimaksudkan untuk memberi bantuan atau menambah beban?

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Director of the Sarawak Forest Department (Hamden Mohammad) Logjam in Sungai Katibas is not because of logging activities. It is because of a landslide in the Lanjak Entimau forest area which is fully protected. According to Hamden, the Lanjak Entimau forest area is an endangered Orang Utan protected area. Logging is impossible in fully protected forest areas. However, FB Buletin Kapit posted a video lasting 1 minute and 17 seconds showing a view from a helicopter of the logging situation upstream of Katibas. Log road loops are clearly visible everywhere believed to have been built by loggers to cut down and transport logs.

    2. In today's parliamentary session - Member of Parliament Bera - (Ismail Sabri- former PM) asked about the appeal of former PM Najib Razak who requested to transfer his prisoner from prison to house arrest. The decision of the pardon board- has reduced the fine and sentence against Najib. Najib is expected to be released on August 23, 2028.

    3. Nicholas Mujah condemned the actions of environmental criminals that caused the logjam in the Katibas river. Nicholas urged the authorities to act decisively. Nicholas Mujah has just been appointed as the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) representing the Asian continent. Congratulations to Nicholas Mujah. An activist who has been active in field work for more than 30 years.


    Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA.

    *GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue?*

    In a media statement last March 5, 2024. Sarawak Premier Johari Openg said- Sarawak will have absolute power in relation to the environment when Putrajaya fully returns environmental autonomy to Sarawak. Mujah wondered why Johari said that. Because according to the federal constitution, the first schedule states that the state has full power in relation to land and the environment. This means that all this time the state of Sarawak has full power in relation to the environment.

    Therefore, Mujah denounced and demanded that the Sarawak government take full responsibility for the logjam incident that occurred in the Katibas river on March 2, 2024.

    We strongly condemn the actions of loggers who cut down wood uncontrollably and dump waste into the river. The Sarawak government should be held accountable and environmental criminals should be prosecuted - Mujah said.

    Mujah urged local residents to come forward to make a report with photo or video evidence. Mujah who has just been appointed to the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) representing Asia, insists- with the new role he is playing. He hoped that all parties would work together to take care of the environment and provide complete and accurate reports related to forest rape in Sarawak. Forest damage in Sarawak is at a serious and alarming level


    “Boss”, Fan and listener of Radio Free Sarawak

    *Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging*

    Boss is the nickname of a listener who refuses to be named for fear of being sued by the authorities. He is from Kapit. Since yesterday Akbar in Sarawak published media reports denying that the logjam occurring in the Katibas river in Kapit was caused by logging. Director of the Sarawak Forestry Department Hamden Mohammad said that the pile of logs that drifted away was caused by a landslide in the Lanjak Entimau forest reserve. The Lanjak Entimau area is a fully protected area and it is impossible for the log waste to come from the area.

    However, Boss believes that drifting logs are logging waste. Some aerial video recordings in the upper forest area of Katibas clearly show the circle of logging roads built by logging companies to cut down and transport logs. The video also shows the forest area upstream of Katibas is badly damaged. The video was shared by RB Buletin Kapit. According to Boss, even if the wood waste is not the waste of logging in the last few months. Probably the remnants of logging that accumulated a few years ago. There is no doubt that it is the remains of logging.


    Stephen from Long Selungo Baram

    *Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament?*

    Today, Hulu Rejang MP Ugak Umbong invited members of parliament and ministers to visit the interior of Baram to see the actual situation of the Baram area that has not received development opportunities. This statement was also appreciated by Baram MP Anyi Ngau, who thanked Ugak Umbong and said that he helped him start his speech.

    Whether it is Ugak Umbong or Anyi Ngau reflecting on the problems in the Baram interior in parliament, it is ironic to the people of Baram. This is because Anyi Ngau has been a three-term MP for Baram but has not provided development opportunities to Baram. Instead, he has to talk about these problems in parliament, showing his incompetence and dereliction of duty.

    Stephen said that the lack of development in Baram is not a problem that can be solved overnight. Anyi Ngau has been an MP for three terms, yet the main roads in the interior are still not there, and the bridges are old and unrepaired. These problems have not been resolved.

    He said that although the government has approved road construction projects from villages to main roads in the interior, it is only a short distance. The most important thing is to repair and improve the transportation facilities that can save travel between the city and the interior.

    He emphasized that Anyi Ngau is undoubtedly derelict in his duty. For so many years, he has not brought development to Baram but instead has taken backward steps.


    Mr. Tuan from Niah

    *Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens?*

    Yesterday, RFS reported on the issue of borrowers borrowing HDC loans and facing problems with contractors purchasing construction materials at high prices. Today, we conducted further interviews on this matter.

    Tuan from Niah shared his experience regarding loans from HDC to build houses about 10years ago. Unfortunately, the amount given, which is 5,000 Ringgit for each applicant for the cost of purchasing construction materials, is not worthwhile because the price of materials provided with the loan of 5,000 Ringgit does not seem to match the amount allocated. This is a loss to the borrower as they have to repay the loan, including interest. The people lose, but the construction suppliers make huge profits.

    Mr. Tuan suggested why not distribute it in cash and let the borrowers buy the construction materials themselves so that it is not abused by distributors who only distribute goods cheaper than the actual cost.

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