6 May 2024

On Today Show

— Nicholas Bawin, a former Deputy Chairman of the Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak (Mais) – The Hidden Issues Behind Sarawak's Hydrogen Export Plans
— Romuald Siew from Tahabas – One Leader, One Village: Revisiting the Role and Function of Traditional Village Leaders
— George from Uma Akeh – Communities Call for State Representatives to Prioritize Constituency Needs
— Madhavi from the Marhaen group – Workers' Rally: Fighting for a Living Wage and Indigenous Rights


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nicholas Bawin, bekas Timbalan Pengerusi Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak (Mais) – Isu-isu Tersembunyi di Sebalik Rancangan Eksport Hidrogen Sarawak
— Romuald Siew dari Tahabas – Satu Pemimpin, Satu Kampung: Meneliti Semula Peranan dan Fungsi Pemimpin Kampung Tradisional
— George dari Uma Akeh – Komuniti Meminta Wakil Negeri untuk Mengutamakan Kepentingan Kawasan Pemilih
— Madhavi dari kumpulan Marhaen – Perhimpunan Pekerja: Berjuang untuk Gaji yang Membela dan Hak Asasi Orang Asal

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The interference of politicians in the appointment of village chiefs or "Tuai Rumah" affects the quality of administration and the harmony of village residents. According to Nicholas Bawin, before and during the Brooke administration, Rajah Brooke did not interfere in the appointment of village chiefs in Sarawak. GPS should stop actions that damage the customs and culture of the people of Sarawak - Nicholas Bawin.

    2. The 19th Sarawak State Legislative Assembly sitting will take place from May 6 to 15, 2024. A total of 352 questions were received from 43 assembly members. In this sitting, 5 Bills will be presented, namely the Supplementary Supply Bill (2023) 2024, Supplementary Supply Bill (2024) 2024, Sarawak Port Authority Bill 2024, Public Health Protection (Amendment) Bill 2024, and Sarawak Forestry Corporation (Amendment) Bill 2024.

    3. The decline in media freedom in Malaysia, as assessed by RSF, has prompted Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil to cooperate with RSF and consider appropriate measures to improve Malaysia's position.


    Nicholas Bawin, a former Deputy Chairman of the Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak (Mais)

    *The Hidden Issues Behind Sarawak's Hydrogen Export Plans*

    Nicholas Bawin has raised concerns over the District Office's failure to reappoint 12 tuai rumah/longhouse chiefs and 2 Kapitans. A handover ceremony for appointment letters and certificates was scheduled for May 7, 2024. According to a report by Borneo Post, they had received appointment letters but were instructed to return them due to technical issues. However, the latest list released dropped the names of the 12 tuai rumah and 2 Kapitans. The association alleges third-party interference. Bawin, citing historical precedent, stated that before or after James Brooke's rule, the appointment of village chiefs/tuai rumah or community leaders was entirely determined by the villagers themselves. The administrative role of the district office or resident's office was only to confirm the appointment by issuing certificates or letters of authority. This was because the past administration understood that the villagers were the ones who best knew who was the most authoritative and skilled leader. The problem faced now is due to political interference by the ruling party. They only appoint village chiefs who support their political party. Regarding the expectation that Sarawak will export 240,000 tonnes of hydrogen to Japan and Korea by 2028 - as mentioned by Sarawak Premier Johari Openg during the Sarawak Bumiputera Chamber Of Entrepreneurs (DUBS) Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration. Bawin said that very little information is known by the people of Sarawak regarding hydrogen technology. The Sarawak Premier should explain to the people of Sarawak how they will benefit from this technology. Or is hydrogen energy only beneficial to giant companies? Because as residents of longhouses, they don't know what machines they have that use hydrogen power. Bawin mentioned serving on the board of directors of Sesco/SEB and being from Lubok Antu, where the Batang Ai hydroelectric dam is located. Until the end of his service, many longhouses were still not connected to electricity. This led him to believe that the hydro power generated in Sarawak is intended for industrial use, while longhouse residents are only supplied with solar-based electricity at 3000 watts for 12 hours, which he considers insufficient. Rural residents also need sufficient electricity for their daily lives.


    George from Uma Akeh

    *George's Call for State Representatives to Prioritize Constituency Needs*

    Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has proposed that every leader in the country, including the Prime Minister, should be accountable for overseeing a village to directly understand the issues faced by the community in that village. Speaking at the Unity Aidilfitri Celebration at the Cherok Tok Kun Warrior Gallery in Bukit Mertajam today, Anwar said that the proposal would also involve members of the cabinet, government leaders, and government-related companies.

    George suggested asking each village whether their state representatives have visited to listen to the voices of the people. He said that if even the state representatives have not taken good care of their constituencies, then the idea of leaders taking care of villages may not be feasible.

    He mentioned that he has repeatedly informed the state representatives that the inland villages do not have 24-hour electricity, but after so many years, there has been no progress. If there are leaders willing to adopt villages, can the voices be conveyed and improvements be made?

    He expressed that if Sarawak continues to be governed by GPS, then he believes there will not be much difference.


    Romuald Siew from Tahabas

    *One Leader, One Village: Revisiting the Role and Function of Traditional Village Leaders*

    Mr. Romuald gave his opinion on the statement by PMX suggesting that one leader should oversee one village.

    Romuald believes that the suggestion is good to be implemented because if the leaders are pro-people, they can work for a village regardless of their political support. Currently, there is an imbalance in the progress of villages. Villages that support the ruling party receive better treatment from representatives, while hardcore opposition villages are often sidelined from development.

    However, it may not be necessary for the PMX proposal because what is the function of the existing village chiefs, headmen, pemancha, and Temenggong? Does the government need to allocate more budget for allowances for each leader who only oversees one village?


    Madhavi from the Marhaen group

    *Workers' Rally: Fighting for a Living Wage and Indigenous Rights*

    Madhavi was one of the organizing committees, along with several other NGOs, for the wage for living event on 1st May, in conjunction with Labour Day celebrations, to express the demands of the workers. The rally was attended by 1,500 participants, representing two important issues.

    Firstly, Labour Day is celebrated for workers who work hard to build this nation, to remember those workers who have contributed their efforts to what we are enjoying now.

    Secondly, it was to express the need for a decent living. Everyone has the right to live in harmony, which is why this year's theme is "living wage". The current wage is insufficient due to the high cost of living. This marked the 30th year of Labour Day celebrations. The 1,500 participants consisted of over 20 coalitions, including Indigenous peoples, plantation workers, contract workers, urban settlers, farmers, youths, women's groups, environmental groups, students, and CSOs, representing very diverse groups. Along with previous demands, there were additional demands. While the minimum wage was implemented after long struggles, the implemented minimum wage of 1,500 is not sufficient, especially post-COVID economic crisis, and many employers have yet to implement it. Therefore, our demand is now a living wage. Other demands include the recognition of Native Land. Post-COVID, there are gig workers, but there are no laws to protect them. Therefore, part of the demand was to create a Gig Workers Act. Another demand is to declare a climate crisis.

Guest User
3 May 2024

On Today Show
— Anthony Lerang Usang, Headman of Kenyah Badeng Long Urun Belaga – The Uninvited Headman: Silenced Opposition to the Dam
— Gebril (Punan Bah), Stephen (Long Selungo, Baram), George (Uma Akeh), and Agnes (Lawas) – TYT's Sarawak Tour: People Urge Ground Experience, Not Helicopter
— Simon Ayan from Kampung Long Belok – Waiting for Reconstruction: Kampung Long Belok's Unfinished Homes

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Anthony Lerang Usang, Ketua Kampung Kenyah Badeng Long Urun Belaga - Ketua Kampunng Tidak Dijemput: Penentangan Terdiam terhadap Empangan
- Gebril (Punan Bah), Stephen (Long Selungo, Baram), George (Uma Akeh), dan Agnes (Lawas) - Lawatan TYT Sarawak: Rakyat Desak Pengalaman Darat, Bukan Helikopter
- Simon Ayan dari Kampung Long Belok - Menunggu Pembinaan Semula: Rumah Belum Selesai di Kampung Long Belok

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The village chiefs of the Belaga district are appealing to the Sarawak government to build a road network to facilitate the movement of the population. The DayakDaily newspaper reported that residents of Belaga are facing increasing difficulties traveling to Kapit as the express boat service operating on that route had to stop due to insufficient passengers and lack of profitability. However, residents living in Belaga find it difficult to travel out as there is no proper road network. Three village chiefs are appealing for Belaga to be upgraded to the 13th division so that more allocations can be made. The Secretary of PRS Belaga, Henry Tey, questioned why Belaga is not given more allocations despite two mega dams being built in Belaga (Bakun and Murum). This proves that more dams are being built. Thus, one area is becoming more backward, even though the state government is receiving surplus revenue.

    2. The construction of dams will bring progress - is a lie. Village Head Anthony Lerang from Long Urun cited that the residents of the Bakun resettlement Sungai Asap and the residents of the Murum resettlement in Tegulang and Metalun are experiencing increasingly difficult living conditions when dams are built in their areas. If a dam were to be built in my area in the Belaga River - I would protest, said Anthony Lerang.

    3. Media freedom - Malaysia's position has deteriorated significantly. Malaysia is now ranked 107th in the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, managed by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). Malaysia has fallen 34 places from last year. According to RSF, Malaysia's position has plummeted due to the government's actions to restrict news websites that criticize the government.


    Anthony Lerang Usang, Headman of Kenyah Badeng Long Urun Belaga

    *The Uninvited Headman: Silenced Opposition to the Dam*

    Anthony Lerang Usang, the headman of Kenyah Badeng Long Urun in Belaga, feels angry for not being invited to attend the village head meeting held on April 19, 2024. The meeting was organized to gather the views of the village heads regarding the government's proposal to build a dam on the Belaga River.

    The Urun River, a tributary of the Belaga River, flows through the upper division. Lerang expressed his anger and sadness for not receiving an invitation. He, along with the residents of Long Urun, has witnessed the hardships faced by the residents of the Bakun and Murum resettlement areas. They strongly oppose the construction of a dam on the Belaga River. Lerang believes that the main issue that will arise is disputes over land.

    Long Urun is currently facing a land problem, as their land is being encroached upon not only by oil palm plantation companies but also by the residents of Sungai Asap (Bakun resettlement) who want to cultivate rice and gardens. Lerang criticizes the government for not providing enough land to the residents of Sungai Asap. He questions why the residents of Bakun and Murum are facing increasing difficulties despite the presence of a dam in their area.

    As the village head, Lerang intends to protest if the government proceeds with the dam construction. Despite the construction of the Bakun mega dam in Belaga, village chiefs in Belaga continue to complain about the inadequate roads, bridges, and land transport connections. Lerang highlighted an article in the Dayak Daily newspaper where village chiefs from Belaga expressed dissatisfaction with the discontinuation of the Belaga-Kapit express boat service, which has forced them to travel long distances by road. The road from Belaga to Kapit remains unbuilt, and the Belaga-Bakun road is only one lane. Lerang believes that these infrastructural shortcomings demonstrate that the dam does not benefit the local economy as promised by the Premier of Sarawak. He asserts that the idea that the dam will bring progress is a lie. Lerang warns that the dam will only lead to more land conflicts and disputes.


    Gebril (Punan Bah), Stephen (Long Selungo, Baram), George (Uma Akeh), and Agnes (Lawas)

    *TYT's Sarawak Tour: People Urge Ground Experience, Not Helicopter*

    Media reports that the TYT Wan Junaidi aims to strengthen ties with the people of Sarawak by embarking on a statewide tour, with a particular focus on the interior regions. Abdullah Saidol, the Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Premier’s Department, stated that Wan Junaidi seeks to showcase the unique unity among Sarawak's multiracial society during this tour.

    RFS reached out to individuals from different areas to share their views on this visit plan. Gebril (Punan Bah), Stephen (Long Selungo, Baram), George (Uma Akeh), and Agnes (Lawas) are among those who responded.

    The people from the interior are looking forward to the Governor's tour across Sarawak. They believe that while it's good for the Governor to meet people along the Pan Borneo Highway, it's equally important for him to visit the interior to understand the people's issues firsthand. They suggest that if the Governor plans to travel to the interior, he should use the roads provided by the government over the past 60 years instead of air routes (helicopters). They strongly emphasize the need for the Governor to witness the hardships faced by the poor and marginalized communities in person.


    Simon Ayan from Kampung Long Belok

    *Waiting for Reconstruction: Kampung Long Belok's Unfinished Homes*

    Ayan from Kampung Long Belok commented that donations or aid for the fire victims came from various sources including the Catholic Welfare Services Miri, government agencies, surrounding villages such as Long Sayan, Sungai Yang, Pewaris Baram, as well as some from Sibu and Bintulu, and Penan communities. The donations consisted of food, clothing, some cash, gas cylinders, etc., which meant a lot to the victims.

    The fire broke out from a solar system around 3:30 am. It is known that currently no government agency has provided any building materials for them to carry out repairs. Additionally, they also requested to find out the cause of the fire, specifically where in the solar system the problem occurred, and to conduct inspections in other villages to prevent similar incidents from occurring.

Guest User
2 May 2024

On Today Show
— John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram – Standing Up to Encroachment: Community Fight for Fairness
— Dr Micheal Teo, PKR ex-MP of Miri – From Feedback to Action: The Impact of People's Voices in Governance
— Agnes Padan, activist from Lawas – Citizenship for All

Topik Pada Hari Ini:
- John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Baram - Melawan Pencerobohan: Perjuangan Komuniti untuk Keadilan
- Dr. Micheal Teo, Bekas Ahli Parlimen PKR Miri - Dari Maklum Balas ke Tindakan: Impak Suara Rakyat dalam Pentadbiran
- Agnes Padan, aktivis dari Lawas - Kewarganegaraan untuk Semua

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Labor Day Celebration 2024 - Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced a salary increase of over 13 percent for civil servants, effective December 2024. According to PMX, this is to appreciate the contributions and aspirations of civil servants. However, it must be followed by an increase in productivity. The last time the government raised the salaries of civil servants in Malaysia was 12 years ago.

    2. Shin Yang Holy Stone has deceived us since 1996, which is 28 years ago. John Bara and his family realized that Holy Stone had encroached on their land beyond the limit allowed in the agreement. Therefore, we are demanding compensation for 28 years - said John Bara. Our lawyer, Harrison Ngau, will represent us in all matters.

    3. The court rejected Zafrul's application to file an affidavit in the case of the house arrest of former Prime Minister Najib Razak. Zafrul's affidavit aimed to correct factual errors in the affidavit of Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi, who supported Najib's efforts to serve the remaining prison sentence at home.

    4. 1MDB trial update - Najib is charged with 4 counts of abuse of power and 21 counts of money laundering involving RM2.27 billion of 1MDB funds. The 49th witness (Nur Aida Arifin) explained that the MACC received thousands of documents in the 1MDB investigation and Najib was given ample opportunity during the 2018 questioning. Although the MACC did not question Najib about emails with Jho Low, it still received information about the Najib-Jho Low emails from other witnesses. The trial will continue tomorrow.


    John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram

    *Standing Up to Encroachment: Community Fight for Fairness*

    John Bara felt compelled to inspect his family's land leased to the quarry company Batu Holy Stone owned by Shin Yang since 1996 - about 28 years ago. In the original agreement, Shin Yang Holy Stone would mine stones on a 4.16-acre land and in return, they would rent the land on a monthly basis. However, what is surprising is that all of the 19.08 hectares of land have been excavated by Shin Yang Holy Stone. When John Bara's family objected and requested additional payment and compensation, the workers of Holy Stone made a police report against them.

    Earlier today, John Bara's family met with the Holy Stone representatives and they were invited to a meeting at the Shin Yang Holy Stone HQ in Miri. They declined because only a few of them would be able to make it to Miri and it would also be difficult for them to get the views of other family members living in Kampung Uma Akeh. Therefore, the final decision was to hold the meeting with Shin Yang Holy Stone in Uma Akeh on May 4, 2024.

    They are demanding additional rent and compensation for the 28 years during which Holy Stone did not inform them that they had encroached on their land beyond the limits allowed in the agreement. Lawyer Harrison Ngau is representing their family in this claim. One problem they face in this case is that their village headman is siding with Shin Yang Holy Stone. The village headman testified that the quarry area land is communal land of Kampung Uma Akeh. On the contrary - it is clear that their family has a title deed that is surveyed under sec 18.


    Dr Micheal Teo, PKR ex-MP of Miri

    *From Feedback to Action: The Impact of People's Voices in Governance*

    Recently, the Ministry of Health announced that the additional building of Miri Hospital, which will provide 328 beds, 5 specialist clinics, and 900 parking spaces, is expected to be operational in June 2024. This achievement was the result of numerous representations and suggestions made by former Miri Member of Parliament (MP) YB Dr. Micheal Teo to the federal government's Ministry of Health.

    RF received public attention, indicating that this is Dr. Teo's effort. Through this interview, Dr. Teo's views on this matter were sought.

    Micheal Teo stated that during his tenure as the Miri MP, he often received complaints from the public about insufficient parking spaces, inadequate beds, and having to seek medical treatment in other hospitals. In order to address these issues, he raised them with the then Minister of Health and received a prompt response. Planning was initiated, leading to the establishment of additional medical facilities and the construction of another hospital this year.

    He emphasized the importance for both national and state representatives to regularly engage with the public and understand their concerns in order to improve their lives. He also mentioned that if GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) MPs understand the problems faced by the people and bring these issues to parliament, solutions can be found.


    Agnes Padan, activist from Lawas

    *Citizenship for All*

    Citizenship activist Agnes Padan today assisted an elderly citizen who has been rejected three times. The applicant, since the age of 12 in the 1960s, has been brought by his family to work in Brunei to earn a living... but since then, the applicant has only had a My PR status card. Because he is now old and unable to work in Brunei, this elderly citizen from Trusan Lawas wants to retire in his hometown. However, because he only has a MyPR card, all health matters at government clinics or hospitals require him to pay expensive fees as a foreigner. Therefore, Agnes Padan is doing her best to help the elderly citizen apply, and the proof regarding the applicant is that he is originally from Lawas.

Guest User
30 April 2024

On Today Show
— Gereng Jadum, Penan in the Metalun-Murum Resettlement Area – Sarawak's Mega Dam Plans: Development or Displacement?
— Ellen from Kampung Traditional Tukau Jaya – Injustice in Usahaya: communities Fight Against Parabena's Pressure
— Thomas Jalong, activist from Ulu Baram – Elevating Sarawak's Status: A Call for Meaningful Change Beyond Just a Name

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Gereng Jadum, Penan di Kawasan Penempatan semula Metalun-Murum - Pelan Empangan Mega Sarawak: Pembangunan atau Pemindahan?- Ellen dari Kampung Tradisi Tukau Jaya - Ketidakadilan di Usahaya: Komuniti Melawan Tekanan Parabena
- Thomas Jalong, aktivis dari Ulu Baram - Menaikkan Status Sarawak: Seruan untuk Perubahan Bermakna Lebih Daripada Sekadar Nama

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Sarawak Premier Johari Openg and GPS are willing to promise anything to gain people's support for building dams. Gereng Jadum recalls the sweet promises of the Sarawak government when lobbying to build the Murum dam. Supposedly, we would progress and there would be plenty of job opportunities. Now our lives are harder than before - said Gereng Jadum.

    2. The Malaysian Bar has filed a legal challenge to overturn the pardon board's decision to reduce the sentence and fines imposed on Najib Razak. The application for dismissal was brought by the law firm Amir & Rajpal Ghai on behalf of the said body.

    3. The Kuala Lumpur High Court has set Thursday for hearing Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz's application to intervene in the house arrest case of Najib Razak.

    4. Jho Low's Bugatti car is among the assets seized by the MACC in Germany.


    Gereng Jadum, Penan in the Metalun-Murum Resettlement Area

    *Sarawak's Mega Dam Plans: Development or Displacement?*

    On April 28, Sarawak Premier Abang Johari spoke at the World Water Day celebration with the theme "water for peace." Johari reiterated that the state government will build 3 more dams in Gaat, Belaga, and Tutoh. These mega dams will be built using the latest technology that does not flood NCR land, does not affect the local communities, and does not disrupt their way of life. According to Johari, the electricity generated will boost the economy and improve the living standards of the people. Johari also mentioned that many NGOs do not understand the concept of mega dams.

    However, Gereng Jadum in the Metalun-Murum Resettlement Area, said that the communities' lives were severely affected when the Murum dam was built. They were relocated to Tegulang and Metalun settlements. Before the dam was built, the government made various promises of development. But after the dam was built, none of the promises were fulfilled. Until now, they have to source their own drinking water every day.

    Gereng said that they built a small dam on a hill and connected pipes to their homes. Promises of agricultural development were made, but they were not given agricultural land lots. Until now, all of them relocated to Tegulang and Metalun are still living in poverty. How can Johari dare to say that dams can advance the economy of the people? We already know that the government will only promise sweet things. But when the dam is built, that's when we see the long-lasting negative effects - said Gereng Jadum.


    Ellen from Kampung Traditional Tukau Jaya

    *Injustice in Usahaya: communities Fight Against Parabena's Pressure*

    Today, Ellen together with 8 community members from Traditional Village Usahaya Tukau Miri, listened to their compensation demands from Parabena, as Parabena is increasingly pressing for villagers to vacate the Traditional Village Tukau Jaya area so that the Parabena project can begin immediately.

    Ellen said that the communities were not represented by any lawyers and only heard the decision from the magistrate. The court's decision did not favor the residents of Traditional Village Usahaya, but what Parabena promised to the villagers was a relocation scheme.

    The issue is that the relocation promised by Parabena is unknown in terms of location and when the site will be provided. Ellen is very disappointed with the government's actions, especially the Land and Survey Department, for not addressing the people's problems.

    According to Ellen, why did the Land and Survey Department approve the village area in the first place if it had been PL-ed to Parabena? Why should the rights of the indigenous people, especially the Sarawak GPS government, be oppressed? For a long time, Ellen has fully supported GPS, but after seeing GPS's oppression, no more votes for GPS. It is truly angry and disappointed if their compensation demands are not met.


    Thomas Jalong, activist from Ulu Baram

    *Elevating Sarawak's Status: A Call for Meaningful Change Beyond Just a Name*

    Last week, the Sarawak Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture suggested renaming the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly to the Sarawak Legislative Assembly, stating that the change reflects the region's status and is in line with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63). The renaming aims to emphasize Sarawak's status as an equal partner in the federation of Malaysia.

    Regarding the concept of "region," Sarawakian activists believe that while an elevation in status is good, if it is only a matter of a name change, it is meaningless. Thomas Jalong stated that the GPS state government has been emphasizing Sarawak's flourishing development, but the reality is unbalanced development, especially in the interior where basic infrastructure such as roads, water, electricity, and communication are still lacking, with no development in the interior.

    He expressed that GPS should not just talk but also focus on the development of the interior. The lack of basic infrastructure, along with issues related to land rights, has made it impossible for the interior to receive the same development opportunities as urban areas. Therefore, even if it is upgraded to a region, it would be meaningless.

Guest User
29 April 2024

On Today Show
— Mutang Tuo, Spokesperson for Penan Long Iman – Penan Villagers Disagree with Shin Yang's Forest Restrictions and Carbon Wood Plantation Plans
— Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist – Environmental and Community Impacts of Kibing Company's Sand Mining in Sabah
— Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram – Challenging Abang Jo's Narrative: Community Skepticism Towards Dam Construction Plans


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Mutang Tuo, Jurucakap untuk Penan Long Iman – Penduduk Penan Tidak Setuju dengan Halangan Hutan dan Pelan Perladangan Kayu Karbon oleh Shin Yang
— Barnie Lasimbang, Pengasas Tonibung, aktivis alam sekitar – Impak Alam Sekitar dan Komuniti daripada Perlombongan Pasir Syarikat Kibing di Sabah
— Paul Nunggang dari Ulu Baram – Menantang Naratif Abang Jo: Skeptisisme Komuniti Terhadap Pelan Pembinaan Empangan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. "The dialogue between Shin Yang and the Penan of Long Iman and Long Liwok was disappointing. We had very few opportunities to ask questions. We do not agree with Shin Yang coming to plant carbon trees in our forest. We know how to care for the forest, and we forbid Shin Yang from logging and entering our forest again. Shin Yang has deceived us a lot," said Mutang Tuo. "Before, Shin Yang promised to build a road to our village. Until now, our wood has been cut down, but the road has not been built."

    2. Victims of accidents due to potholes receive compensation of RM721,000. The Johor Bahru Magistrate's Court made this decision and found that the road maintenance company, Safwa Global Venture (M) Sdn Bhd, was negligent in maintaining the road. Road users involved in accidents due to potholes are encouraged to sue negligent companies and irresponsible governments.

    3. Chegu Bard was charged twice under the Sedition Act for defamation and incitement to damage the name of the King. Chegu Bard was charged in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today and is expected to be charged in the Johor Bahru Sessions Court tomorrow. Chegu Bard is charged for making comments on Facebook regarding the proposed construction of a casino in Forest City, as reported by Bloomberg.


    Mutang Tuo, Spokesperson for Penan Long Iman.

    *Penan Villagers Disagree with Shin Yang's Forest Restrictions and Carbon Wood Plantation Plans*

    Mutang Tuo attended a dialogue session between the villagers of Long Iman with Shin Yang company on April 25, 2024.

    Shin Yang Company informed that they will plant Carbon Wood in the Penan forest area. They said, the purpose is that our forest will have more wood and make the air fresher. How for this to happen? We Penan people are no longer allowed to enter the forest and are no longer allowed to cut wood, hunt and collect forest products. This is what makes us Penan disagree. How could we not enter the forest, while we do depend on living through the forest – said Mutang Tuo.

    Mutang Tuo comment that, Shin Yang does not need to plant carbon trees in our forest, because high quality wood will build itself, as long as no logging company comes to cut down.

    “We also informed Shin Yang that we no longer trust Shin Yang. Shin Yang has told us many promises from a long time ago, but not fulfilled. Until now the promised road to our longhouse has not been built by Shin Yang, but the wood in our area has been cut down.”

    The Shin Yang staff who came handed out forms and Mutang and his communities were asked many questions. Some of them hand over Mykad so that personal details can be entered in the form. He said that, another part of them refused to issue Mykad, but only mention the name.

    They mentioned repeatedly that they do not agree with Shin Yang coming in and planting carbon trees in their area.

    But we had a problem, because none of us knew how to write a protest letter to send to the government or Shin Yang. We need your help out there- Mutang Tuo said. Shin Yang will hold the same dialogue session in Long Payau on May 2, 2024.


    Barnie Lasimbang, Founder of Tonibung, environmental activist

    *Environmental and Community Impacts of Kibing Company's Sand Mining in Sabah*

    Barnie Lasimbang has raised concerns about the silica sand project run by Kibing Company, which is setting up a factory in Sepanggar with billions of ringgit in investment. He emphasized that the project should be closely monitored, as it is not actually processing complete solar panels but rather developing a minor solar component: clear glass cells made from silica sand to absorb solar energy. This clarification is important, as there seems to be a misconception that Kibing is producing complete solar panels in Sabah.

    Silica sand is a crucial material for producing glass, especially for solar panels. Kibing Company has two main reasons for sourcing raw materials from beaches and islands in Sabah, particularly Balambangan Island. The company has attempted to obtain permits for silica sand mining on Balambangan Island. However, since the island is located within the Tun Mustapha Marine Park, this has proven to be challenging. As a result, the company is now focusing on sand mining activities at Andab Bangau Beach.

    Two NGOs - Tonibung and JOAS have conducted a fact-finding mission and discovered that the sand mining activity is causing environmental impacts and affecting the daily lives of surrounding communities. Chemicals from the factory are being released into the sea, threatening marine life. Additionally, the company has constructed a large jetty to transport silica from Andab Bangau to the glass factory in Sipangar.

    The key question here is whether this type of investment will benefit Sabah. Kibing's current mode of operation involves developing clear glass in Sabah, exporting it to China for the production of complete solar components, and then selling these products worldwide. It is not surprising that they would also sell the solar panels back to Sabah. This situation highlights a missed opportunity for Sabah to maximize its natural resources, which are of high value. This outcome is a result of government transparency issues and insufficient consultation. There is a need to pressure the company to develop complete panels in Sabah so that the state can also enjoy the benefits.


    Paul Nunggang from Ulu Baram

    *Challenging Abang Jo's Narrative: Community Skepticism Towards Dam Construction Plans*

    Dayak Daily reported that Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Openg has assured that the construction of cascading dams in Sarawak will not encroach on Native Customary Rights (NCR) land or displace local communities. He emphasized that the dams are designed to ensure minimal environmental impact and will not result in large-scale flooding.

    However, Paul Nunggang does not believe in the reasons given by Premier Abang Jo regarding the construction of the Cascading Dam, which is said not to involve the clearing of Native Customary Rights (NCR) land or the relocation of people.

    Our concern is that the owners of the territory in the proposed Cascading Dam area will be deceived because what is proposed will turn out differently, resulting in the construction of a mega dam. The existing dams are more than enough for use in Sarawak. Why build many dams just to sell electricity to neighboring countries when people in the interior still rely on solar, gasoline, and generators?

    What the people want is no more dam construction; there have already been many rivers eroded and contaminated. What the people want is a paved road to the interior, prioritization of health facilities, not dams, dams, dams.

Guest User
26 April 2024

On Today Show
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Lack of Awareness or Action? Sabah Chief Minister Faces Backlash Over SFI Workers' Concerns
— Paul Wan from Long Lama, Baram – Long Lama's Hospital Crisis: A Clear Need, No Question
— Ann Teo, chairperson of Rise of Social Efforts (ROSE) – ROSE Defends DAP's Dual Role: State Opposition, Federal Coalition

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Penduduk Taman Perumahan SFI - Kekurangan Kesedaran atau Tiada Tindakan? Ketua Menteri Sabah Menghadapi Tentangan Berikutan Isu Pekerja SFI
- Paul Wan dari Long Lama, Baram - Krisis Hospital Long Lama: Kehendak Yang Jelas, Tiada Soalan
- Ann Teo, Pengerusi Rise of Social Efforts (ROSE) - ROSE Membela Peranan Dwibahasa DAP: Pembangkang Negeri, Pakatan Persekutuan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The owner of a petrol station in Selayang, Selangor, was fined RM30,000 for selling RON95 petrol to foreign vehicles. Judge Nor Rajiah Mat Zin imposed the fine on Mohammad Naziruddin Hassan, 61. Naziruddin was charged with violating regulation 12A of the Control of Supplies Regulations 1974. This is the first time such a case has been prosecuted and sentenced in court. The PMX administration's firmness is to prevent the misuse of petrol subsidies for those who are not eligible. On October 2, 2023, a petrol station owner in Petaling Jaya was also fined RM100,000 for selling diesel in tanks.

    2. Update on the trial of abuse of power and money laundering involving 1MDB funds of RM2.21 billion, involving former Prime Minister Najib Razak. According to the prosecution's witness, Najib was given full opportunity to refute the allegations during MACC's investigation in 2018. However, Najib did not fully utilize this opportunity. Najib is alleged to have received kickbacks of RM90,899,927.28 from the purchase of 2 independent power producers (IPP) in 2012 - namely Mastika Lagenda Sdn Bhd and Tanjong Energy Holding Sdn Bhd. The trial will resume this Saturday.

    3. Assault case against SFI workers - Evidence that the Sabah state government is irresponsible and inhumane. The Sabah state government has no clear action or plan to help SFI workers who have long served and contributed to the company. SFI is a subsidiary of Yayasan Sabah. As of May, it has been a year since over 600 SFI workers were left unemployed. Their residences have had their electricity and water supplies cut off. We need attention and defense from the state government - said Jefferi Baudi.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    *Lack of Awareness or Action? Sabah Chief Minister Faces Backlash Over SFI Workers' Concerns*

    Jeff expressed his disappointment with the response of Sabah Chief Minister Hajiji Noor regarding the welfare issues of SFI workers discussed on the third day of the Sabah State Legislative Assembly. When questioned by the president of the Warisan party and opposition leader in the Sabah State Assembly, Shafie Afdal, Hajiji stated that he was not very familiar with the issues faced by SFI and would provide a written response. How can a chief minister still not know and not take action when the problems faced by SFI workers have been ongoing for almost a year? "If you don't know, we invite you to come and visit and see our situation for yourself," said Jeffery Baudi.

    In his response during the State Assembly session, Hajiji also stated that the SFI workers who had been terminated had already been re-employed. Jeffery stated that less than 1% of the former workers who were terminated and are still residing in SFI housing have been re-employed. Instead, the SFI management has hired external workers as lorry drivers, security guards, and acacia wood cutters, and we don't know where they are from. In a press conference today, we urge Hajiji to visit and see our situation for himself. After that, make an immediate decision. If there is no decision, pay us 5 months' salary plus compensation—that's our demand," said Jeffery Baudi.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama, Baram

    *Long Lama's Hospital Crisis: A Clear Need, No Question*

    Paul Wan responded to the statement by Deputy Health Minister Lukanisman, who said he would consult with residents before deciding to upgrade the Long Lama clinic.

    Paul Wan, a resident of Long Lama, has been following the development plan to build a hospital in Long Lama, which currently only has a clinic. For a long time, a specific site was earmarked for the hospital in Long Lama, but a mosque has been built there instead, raising questions about why a mosque was built on the hospital site. As a result, the Long Lama clinic has been relocated to Sungai Long Lama, but unfortunately, the clinic's location by the riverbank has eroded, and the clinic has had to rent the Long Lama Community Hall until now.

    Paul questioned why the elected representatives in Baram are not serious about leveling the existing site to rebuild a hospital for the people instead of just a clinic. Baram is vast, but GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) seems to be neglecting the importance of healthcare facilities for the people of Baram, as the people are still waiting for a hospital.

    Paul assures that 95 percent of the people of Baram want a hospital in Long Lama so they do not have to rush to Miri for emergencies. The road from Long Lama is also in disrepair and has not been fixed, which has caused ambulance drivers to face difficulties, leading to ambulance breakdowns while transporting patients to Miri Hospital. This should not be happening after 60 years of Sarawakian government rule. GPS politicians only talk about Sarawak progressing but do not act accordingly.


    Ann Teo, chairperson of Rise of Social Efforts (ROSE)

    *ROSE Defends DAP's Dual Role: State Opposition, Federal Coalition*

    ROSE a civil society organization (CSO), has defended the Democratic Action Party (DAP) against criticism from Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) senior vice-president Wong Soon Koh. Wong had suggested that DAP Sarawak members should relinquish federal positions due to alleged double standards in being part of the federal coalition government while serving as the opposition at the state level.

    Ann Teo from ROSE stated that it is not wrong for a political party like DAP to be part of a federal coalition government while being in the opposition at the state level. Both the state and federal governments in Malaysia have distinct jurisdictions and powers as outlined in the Federal Constitution, some of which overlap.

    Ann Teo also pointed out historical examples in Sarawak, such as the original Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS), which was a member of the federal Barisan Nasional (BN) government while being in opposition at the state level for years.

    She emphasized that political parties have the right to choose their affiliations, and competition based on policies can lead to better checks on abuse of power and corruption. ROSE believes that voters should choose candidates based on their ability to represent them and their policies.

    As Sarawak prepares for its state election, ROSE highlighted that voters will consider which parties will best represent their interests. The organization urged voters to look for politicians who can offer better policies and improve their lives and communities.

Guest User
25 April 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst – Sarawak's Call for Inclusive Policy Representation
— Robert Muyang from Sebauh Bintulu – Urgent Call to Halt Illegal Logging in Ulu Sebau
— Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of Muda Sarawak – Revitalizing Youth Interest in Politics: Strategies for Change

Topik Pada Hari Ini

— John Brian Anthony, Analis Politik Sarawak – Panggilan Sarawak untuk Representasi Dasar yang Inklusif

— Robert Muyang dari Sebauh Bintulu – Panggilan Mendesak untuk Menghentikan Pembalakan Haram di Ulu Sebau

— Jeffrey Ngui, pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Menghidupkan Semula Minat Belia dalam Politik: Strategi untuk Perubahan

  • Special Randau

    1. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should appoint a Sarawakian to be a member of the Policy Advisory Committee to the Prime Minister. Sarawakian political analyst John Brian suggests an economics professor from Sarawak, Medeline Berma, who is qualified to advise the Prime Minister.

    2. It is time for the Sarawak government to review the outdated, unfair, and oppressive land laws that affect the original owners of Native Customary Rights (NCR) land. This is the demand of Roland Engan, the Chairman of PKR Sarawak. Roland and his colleagues will hold a Public Hearing to gather public feedback.

    3. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has denied media reports claiming that the government is in negotiations to open a casino in Forest City, Johor.

    4. Five Court of Appeal judges will hear Muhyiddin Yassin's application to overturn his dismissal and be acquitted in the abuse of power case involving the Jana Wibawa program. Muhyiddin faces 4 charges of abuse of power and 3 charges of money laundering related to the Jana Wibawa program worth RM232.5 million.


    John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst

    *Sarawak's Call for Inclusive Policy Representation*

    John Brian was surprised by the statement from the Prime Minister's Department appointing 4 policy advisors to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. All of them are from Malaya, none from Sarawak. His question is - does PM Anwar truly understand the situation in Sarawak to the extent that he does not need policy advisors from Sarawak, or does PMX only rely on GPS advice? - asks John Brian.

    John believes Professor Dr. Madeline Berma, a Dayak Sarawakian economist, is qualified to advise the Prime Minister. Prof. Madeline has conducted many studies and has been in rural areas in Sarawak.

    When asked about new policies that need to be implemented in Sarawak, John Brian believes that many reforms need to be done immediately to qualify Anwar as the Father of Reform. Among the policies currently formulated, he sees the importance of the 3 main races - Malays, Chinese, and Indians. Now is the time for the Dayaks to be included. Policies should not prioritize only one religion but instead provide assistance and attention to all religions in Malaysia.

    The role of the Malay sultans is so dominant in the administration of the country. Why doesn't the TYT of Sarawak have the same authority? Current land policies tend to grant PL to giant companies that are already wealthy. But why doesn't the government gazette land for development by poor villagers and rural areas? The same company is given the opportunity to build wealth repeatedly. The poor are left behind. It is time for the government to establish an agency focused on devising ways to develop the Dayak of Sarawak, which goes down to the ground to meet and dialogue with the poor in simple language - says John Brian.


    Robert Muyang from Sebauh Bintulu

    *Urgent Call to Halt Illegal Logging in Ulu Sebau*

    After filing a police report a few days ago, Robert Muyang is very disappointed that no action has been taken by the police. He went to the field and saw that more and more wood had been cut by a company whose owner is still unknown. Although Robert Muyang has called the longhouse community affected by the encroachment, the number of people is very small and they are afraid to speak up and act to defend against the entry of the logging company.

    He hopes that by exposing the illegal logging activities on his ancestors' land, it will draw the attention of the Forestry Department and other government departments related to the environment.

    Although, according to Robert, this encroachment is related to the Village Chief, he will meet with the Village Chief soon to discuss the entry of the logging company and hopes that other community members will also be brave enough to speak up. He requests the attention of the Sarawak Premier after media reports are made so that this illegal logging activity can be stopped immediately for the sake of the environment that should not be destroyed due to the felling of trees.

    He said the loggers had encroached on his family land, which is in the native customary rights land category, in Ulu Sebau. They have already cut down a number of trees on the 20-hectare plot of land, he said.


    Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of Muda Sarawak

    *Revitalizing Youth Interest in Politics: Strategies for Change*

    Young voters are not interested in being part of a political party, according to Hisomuddin Bakar, the Executive Director of Ilham Centre. Jeffrey, speaking from the perspective of the MUDA party, noted that since its establishment with the vision to amplify youth voices and enact reforms, MUDA has found that current youths are generally uninterested in political parties nationwide. However, this does not indicate a lack of concern about politics; rather, it reflects a sense of disillusionment with the political chaos that has prevailed since 2018. There is a widespread feeling of disgust towards the actions of current politicians, especially those who have remained in power for extended periods, such as in Sarawak.

    Despite this trend, MUDA is not solely focused on youth; they also have members below the age of 17. MUDA has devised plans to engage youth who are not interested in politics by introducing three drafts: service politics, value politics, and resolution politics. These drafts aim to involve youths in social and community services, as well as political services, particularly in urban poor areas. MUDA seeks to awaken the youth to the importance of political involvement through these initiatives.

Guest User
24 April 2024

On Today Show
— Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawak – Don't blame PMX, blame GPS and the Premier of Sarawak
— Robert from Sebauh Bintulu – Timber Theft Alert: NCR Land in Sebauh Bintulu
— Nicholas Mujah Ason, Member of the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) – Uniting for Land Rights: Nicholas Mujah Support The Campaign Against Section 5(7)
— Vinothan from National Marhaen Farmers Association – Defending Tradition: Farmers' Stand Against Sime Darby's Eviction

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Iswardy Morni, Analis Politik dari Sarawak - Jangan salahkan PMX, salahkan GPS dan Premier Sarawak
- Robert dari Sebauh Bintulu - Amaran Pencurian Kayu: Tanah NCR di Sebauh Bintulu
- Nicholas Mujah Ason, Ahli Majlis Yayasan Orang Asli (FSC) - Bersatu untuk Hak Tanah: Sokongan Nicholas Mujah Terhadap Kempen Menentang Seksyen 5(7)
- Vinothan dari Gabungan Penternak Nasional Marhaen - Mempertahankan Tradisi: Penduduk Berdiri Menentang Pengusiran Sime Darby

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Don't blame PMX. Blame GPS and Premier Sarawak - says Iswardy Morni. The appointment of 4 individuals to the Policy Advisory Committee to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. No representatives from Sarawak are believed to be appointed due to Sarawak's reluctance to send representatives. Sarawak believes they will formulate their own policies different from Putrajaya. Previously, many federal government policies could not be implemented in Sarawak due to opposition from GPS.

    2. The opposition proposes a special parliamentary session to appoint the Chairman of the Election Commission. The current Chairman of the EC, Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Salleh, is due to retire in May. Member of Parliament for Indera Mahkota, YB Saifuddin Abdullah, proposed that Parliament determine/select the new Chairman of the EC.

    3. BERSIH 2.0 - proposes 19 amendments out of 40 sections of the Election Offences Act 1954. In the "100% Reform" campaign, BERSIH also proposes that the EC be given the power to issue compound notices up to RM10,000. The last review of the Election Offences Act was in 2003. That is, 21 years ago.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawak

    *Don't blame PMX, blame GPS and the Premier of Sarawak*

    Two days ago, the office of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim issued a media statement announcing the appointment of 4 individuals to the Policy Advisory Committee to the Prime Minister. They are PETRONAS Chairman - Hassan Marican, Economist - Professor Dr. Yeah Kim Leng, Researcher - Dr. Nungsari Ahmad Radhi, and corporate sector representative - Executive Chairman of FVSB Sdn.Bhd Ahmad Fuad Md Ali.

    The four of them will advise the prime minister on national development and economic resilience. They will not be paid a salary. However, since the media statement was issued, the public in Sarawak has begun to criticize the prime minister for being unfair. There are no representatives from Sabah and Sarawak in the Committee. Despite the fact that the states with the highest number of poor people are in Sabah and Sarawak, and Sabah and Sarawak are geographically quite far from the administrative center of Putrajaya. Don't blame PMX, blame GPS and the Premier of Sarawak - says Iswardy. Previously, many policies and initiatives that accelerated and strengthened the development of states and the country were implemented in other states but opposed in Sarawak. For example, GPS opposed the implementation of MPKK, PEDI, and the latest is PADU. Several central government proposals related to communication, education, and health could not be implemented in Sarawak because Sarawak insisted on maintaining its autonomy. I support Sarawak in maintaining autonomy over appropriate matters. But if the central government's proposals accelerate and enhance state administration, they should be approved. It seems that GPS and the Premier of Sarawak are afraid of the reforms implemented by PMX and they want to maintain their popularity in Sarawak. Iswardy advised the leaders of GPS Sarawak to accept any good proposals that can improve the living standards of the people of Sarawak. GPS wants to manage their affairs in Sarawak. This will prevent the people from being grateful to PMX.


    Robert from Sebauh Bintulu

    *Timber Theft Alert: NCR Land in Sebauh Bintulu*

    Today, a call from Sebauh Bintulu from Mr. Robert informed RFS that his NCR land was encroached upon by a company to take timber. When Mr. Robert visited the site unexpectedly, only a few workers from Indonesia were present at the site, but unfortunately, these workers did not cooperate in revealing the name of the company they were operating for. A police report has been made, and Mr. Robert was informed that if not for the permission of the Village Chief, the timber company would not dare to enter. Mr. Robert is very angry, and in the near future, a media report will be made to expose illegal logging activities on Mr. Robert's NCR land.


    Nicholas Mujah Ason, Member of the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC)

    *Uniting for Land Rights: Nicholas Mujah Support The Campaign Against Section 5(7)*

    Nicholas Mujah has expressed his views on the campaign to repeal section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code.

    He strongly supports the campaign to repeal section 5(7). He stated that this section is not suitable for use against the Dayak community, who mostly have large NCR (Native Customary Rights) land, and that the rights to this land often lead to many losing their land. This issue has been raised for a long time, and petitions have been submitted to the Sarawak government, but so far, there has been no further action from the government. Therefore, Roland Engan's action in raising this issue again is commendable, as it has long been a source of pain for the Dayak people regarding their customary land.

    Nicholas Mujah mentioned that he has more than 50 land cases that have not been resolved due to section 5(7), which prevents these cases from being resolved. He explained in detail what is contained in section 5(7). Although there was already a law in 1958, it was more about the decisions made by the Director of Land and Survey, as the power of the Director of Land and Survey was absolute. Unfortunately, this power has been transferred to the minister in charge or the Minister's office responsible for land matters, after an amendment in 2001.

    The latest case, for example, the case of Tuai Rumah Nyutan, where the land was recognized by the government at one time and was legally valid, but because the power of the Director of Land and Survey allows for independent decisions, the customary land case of Tuai Rumah Nyutan was canceled, causing problems for the Nyutan TR community.

    Therefore, the campaign to repeal section 5(7) is timely for the people to unite and speak out for its repeal.

    This is why the unity of indigenous peoples internationally (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) is important, as this highest level can also be used to challenge the laws of the Director of Land and Survey and political power. This issue has been discussed at the Asian and international levels because land issues are also a global indigenous issue.

    Nicholas Mujah has just returned from overseas to discuss indigenous land rights issues. He said that, our hope as indigenous people is that if the laws in the UNDRIP are accepted by the Malaysian government, we can use them to challenge any laws in our country that oppress indigenous rights. What is needed now is for us to have representatives who are brave enough to speak out in the state assembly or Parliament so that land laws can be resolved through political will as a whole.


    Vinothan from National Marhaen Farmers Association

    *Defending Tradition: Farmers' Stand Against Sime Darby's Eviction*

    Vinothan is one of the buffalo breeders facing forced eviction of their buffaloes from Sime Darby plantations in several states in West Malaysia. They have formed the Gabungan Penternak National Marhaen. This group will submit a memorandum to the Ministry of Agriculture to seek the intervention of the minister.

    Vinothan is the fourth generation from his great-grandfather's time, who was once a plantation worker and allowed to rear buffaloes in the plantation to eat the grass, which would lower the cost of cutting the grass in the plantation. This is part of the integration system. However, isolated cases have occurred in the plantation, and as a result, Sime Darby wants all the buffaloes to be removed. This would cause great losses because the breeders depend on the grass in the plantation to feed their buffaloes and cannot afford to buy food for them from the market. They are now categorized as trespassers. Vinothan's great-grandparents and grandparents were plantation workers and stayed in the estate.

    Vinothan is not a stranger to all the workers. However, Vinothan and his team can still enter the estate, but there is resistance from Sime Darby. Therefore, the group is seeking a win-win situation with the intervention of the Minister.

Guest User
23 April 2024

On Today Show
— Pangai Anak Jimbai, Resident of the Longhouse Sungai Laung Bakong, Tinjar, Baram – Decades Later: Lawyer Roland Engan Brings Justice to Sungai Laung
—(call-in) Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama – Interior communities want authorities respect villagers voting rights on village head
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Bringing Punan Bah's Plight to Parliament: Senator Abun Sui's Assurance of Advocacy
— Jeffrey Ngui, chairperson of Muda Sarawak – Rising Costs and Economic Pressures: The Call to Raise Sarawak's Minimum Wage

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Pangai Anak Jimbai, Penduduk Rumah Panjang Sungai Laung Bakong, Tinjar, Baram – Dekad Kemudian: Peguam Roland Engan Membawa Keadilan kepada Sungai Laung
—(panggilan masuk) Encik Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Komuniti di pedalaman mahu pihak berkuasa menghormati hak mengundi penduduk ke atas ketua kampung
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Memperjuangkan Masalah Punan Bah di Parlimen: Jaminan Perjuangan Senator Abun Sui
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Kenaikan Kos dan Tekanan Ekonomi: Seruan untuk Menaikkan Gaji Minimum Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Building a dam on the Belaga River. The residents' agreement is not final. In fact, the residents were not informed of the proposal to build the dam and only learned of the proposal through a presentation by SEB at the Belaga District Office on 19/4/2024. Present at the meeting were the Belaga and Murum assemblymen. The question is, why did the Sarawak Premier announce that the residents had agreed when the proposal had not been presented yet? In the presentation, SEB stated that if the Belaga residents do not agree, the dam will be built elsewhere.

    2. RM2.6 billion in Najib's account, not a donation from the Saudi Arabian prince - The Kuala Lumpur High Court was informed that the MACC did not obtain any supporting documents from the 2 Saudi princes regarding the authenticity of the four letters associated with the donation to Najib Razak.

    3. Rosmah Mansor's appeal for the RM1.25 billion Hybrid Solar case in Sarawak will be heard on October 23 and 24, 2024. Rosmah is appealing to overturn the conviction and 10-year prison sentence and the RM970 million fine.


    Pangai Anak Jimbai, Resident of the Longhouse Sungai Laung Bakong, Tinjar, Baram

    *Decades Later: Lawyer Roland Engan Brings Justice to Sungai Laung*

    In 2013, the palm oil plantation company Asam Bumi Plantation opened a palm oil plantation in the NCR land of the Sungai Laung residents. The majority of residents opposed it because it affected their livelihoods.

    Most of the residents' land is included in the PL granted to the Asam Bumi Plantation company. Despite objections and several police reports being made, the company still encroached on the residents' land and started planting palm oil.

    Pangai Anak Jimbai and his family (6 doors/6 heads of families) own a 6.5-hectare garden that was affected. Asam Bumi Plantation did not pay any compensation. They are trying to regain the seized land.

    Pangai and his siblings hired a lawyer named Yong Wong. However, after several years, Pangai found that the lawyer was conspiring to defraud the villagers. The villagers felt cheated and had lost tens of thousands of ringgit.

    Pangai said that, thanks to the help of Lawyer Roland Engan, the case of the Sungai Laung Longhouse residents will be heard in the coming months.

    Therefore, I fully agree and support the demand for Section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958 to be repealed - said Pangai Anak Jimbai.


    (call-in) Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama

    *Interior communities want authohrities respect villagers voting rights on village head*

    After hearing the RFS broadcast about the village head or "tuai rumah" appointment issue, Paul Wan from Long Lama wants to share about the recent appointment of a village head in Kuala Tutoh, Baram. According to Paul, the appointment among the Orang Ulu community there happened similarly to what occurred in Selangau. During the nomination process for the village head in Kuala Tutoh, there were 3 nominees, and the results were 58, 30, and 10 votes respectively.

    However, what happened during the appointment letter presentation in Pekan Long Lama by the representative of the people surprised the people of Kuala Tutoh. The candidate who only received 10 votes was appointed as the new village head, which was very disappointing. According to Paul, this seems more like a political appointment, and this is very concerning as it tarnishes the traditional practices with political agendas.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    *Bringing Punan Bah's Plight to Parliament: Senator Abun Sui's Assurance of Advocacy*

    Abun Sui explained the hardship faced by the community in Punan Bah, who find it difficult to travel for various purposes, including sending their children to SMK Belaga. This is due to the termination of express boat services from Punan Bah to Belaga. The people of Punan Bah are forced to use the land route, which takes a safe 8-10 hours of travel, and furthermore, the Jiwa Murni Road project has been interrupted. As a senator, he promises to bring this complaint to parliament during the upcoming session.

    Additionally, Abun will negotiate with the express boat operators to continue their services to facilitate the movement of the Punan Bah community to Belaga.


    Jeffrey Ngui, chairperson of Muda Sarawak

    *Rising Costs and Economic Pressures: The Call to Raise Sarawak's Minimum Wage*

    Jeffrey Ngui comments on whether the minimum salary in Sarawak should increase, highlighting that the wage is essential for basic living needs rather than luxury. He points out that the current situation, with rising costs and people feeling pressure, is the right time for MUDA in West Malaysia to join the rally, lead by PSM In the context of Sabah and Sarawak, Ngui believes there is a need to raise the minimum wage due to the higher living costs compared to West Malaysia.

    He suggests increasing the minimum wage from RM1,500 to RM2,000. With the weak Ringgit value and high inflation rate, coupled with the lack of food subsidies and an 8% SST increase, Ngui sees increasing the minimum wage as the best solution.

Guest User
22 April 2024

On Today Show
— Malang Laing, Resident of Long Keseh, Baram – Standing Firm: The Battle Against Timber Companies
— Roland Engan, Land Rights Lawyer Activist and Pangai anak from Bakong, the victims of section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958 – The Battle for Sarawak's Land: Roland Leads Communities' Call to Abolish Section 5(7)
— Puan Agnes from land rights activist from Selangau – Community Concerns: Longhouse Chief Appointments

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Malang Laing, Penduduk Long Keseh, Baram – Berdiri Teguh: Perjuangan Menentang Syarikat Balak
— Roland Engan, Peguam Aktivis Hak Tanah dan Pangai anak dari Bakong, mangsa-mangsa Seksyen 5(7) Kanun Tanah Sarawak 1958 – Perjuangan bagi Tanah Sarawak: Roland Memimpin Panggilan Masyarakat untuk Mansuhkan Seksyen 5(7)
— Puan Agnes dari aktivis hak tanah dari Selangau – Keprihatinan Komuniti: Pelantikan Ketua Rumah Panjang

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Malang Laing was released without being acquitted of the charge of committing violence against timber truck drivers in the logging area of Long Keseh. I requested the logging to be stopped because it did not benefit us, the villagers. Before I detained these timber trucks, I had requested politely and had reported to 3 separate police stations.

    2. Zafrul seeks permission to file an affidavit correcting the facts of the affidavit of Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi, which was said to be inaccurate. This relates to the case of a judicial review application by Najib Razak to seek clarity on his house detention for the remaining prison sentence.

    3. Najib did not disclose his meeting with the Saudi Arabian King in 2018 to the MACC. This was revealed by the 49th witness in the trial of the RM2.27 billion 1MDB Corruption case.

    4. Anwar would be a foolish Prime Minister if he claimed not to know about the addendum or additional decree of pardon for Najib. This is according to former Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. Anwar has repeatedly stated that he does not interfere in court matters, pardon boards, or royal decrees.


    Malang Laing, Resident of Long Keseh, Baram.

    *Standing Firm: The Battle Against Timber Companies*

    Accused in court of committing violent crimes causing fear to timber truck drivers in 2021, Malang Laing is grateful to have been released without being acquitted, but somewhat disappointed for not being able to sue the police and timber companies that made baseless accusations against him.

    "I fought against timber companies and blocked the timber truck drivers around 2021, 2022, and 2023 (I blocked timber truck drivers several times)," said Malang Laing.

    "I blocked 5 timber truck drivers (along with trucks loaded with timber) because their work was disrupted. Then the truck drivers, along with the Camp manager, filed a police report against me. However, before I blocked the trucks, I made 3 police reports at 3 different police stations to stop logging in Long Keseh (KM15) because it did not bring any benefits or goodness to the villagers. However, my reports were ignored. I was also accused of assaulting and intimidating truck drivers. However, all those accusations are false. I was represented by lawyer Roland Engan, and I was released without being acquitted on April 17, 2024.

    Malang Laing said to all indigenous land rights activists in Sarawak to rise up and defend their rights. He said, "Timber companies have no right to enter your customary land." Activists must be brave because they are right, patient because they are right, diligent because they are right, persevere because they are right, and loyal because they are right.


    Roland Engan, Land Rights Lawyer Activist and Pangai anak from Bakong, the victims of section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958

    *The Battle for Sarawak's Land: Roland Leads Communities' Call to Abolish Section 5(7)*

    Last Friday, Roland, the land rights activist, launched a campaign to abolish section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958. About 50 people supported the event, and he urged more and more people to become aware of this act.

    Roland questions why the rights of the Bumiputra, who are the majority in Sarawak's administration, regarding land ownership are not being respected. This section of the Land Code, inserted or amended during Taib Mahmud's administration, has caused delays in resolving 3,000 Native Customary Rights (NCR) cases in the Sarawak Bumiputra Court.

    He stated that this law is very cruel, requiring people to produce proof of land ownership, but ignoring the customary rights of generations who have used and proven their land. He stated that this law was added in 1996, when Taib Mahmud became chief minister. Now that Taib has passed away, Roland stated that the GPS government should not bear this irresponsible law and called for its abolish.

    Pangai stated that in 2013, his land was categorized as non-NCR land by the government using section 5(7) of the Sarawak Land Code 1958. Crops he had been cultivating for decades were destroyed, yet reporting to the police yielded no results. He mentioned that to this day, he has not received any compensation for his land. He attended the launching called by Roland and expressed that as long as this law exists, more customary land will be sold off.


    Puan Agnes from land rights activist from Selangau

    *Community Concerns: Longhouse Chief Appointments*

    Madam Agnes confirmed an incident at a longhouse through a viral video regarding the appointment of a Village Chief at the former TR James Medan longhouse, where the losing candidate was appointed by the District Office as the new longhouse head. Puan Agnes is very disappointed with the District Office's action in appointing a Village Chief who was not the winning candidate.

    However, Puan Agnes emphasized that if the District Office has appointed a longhouse head who is not the choice of the longhouse community, then the District Office must ensure that this appointment does not lead to division among the longhouse residents. Under the new law, every longhouse head must be changed every two years, and within those two years, minutes of meetings must be sent once every two months as a report on the village's progress under the leadership of the longhouse head to ensure that the longhouse head is performing their duties as the Village Chief and not leading to division among the longhouse residents.

    It is very detrimental if a longhouse head is appointed for political agenda.

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