Should I Stay or Should I Go? | Broadcast 2 April 2020
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ENGLISH - On today’s show, after Malaysia has decorated almost every news outlet worldwide and launched a million Doraemon memes following advice from the Women’s Ministry on how to be the perfect woman during lockdown period, we talk to Ann Teo about the serious issues that the Minister should have been focused on instead of how pretty all women should aspire to be. She tells us that this is not the time to reinforce gender stereotypes or worse to push the responsibility for every domestic infraction onto the women’s shoulders as temperatures run high in the home. Both husband and wife must focus on communication skills and share the load. But with double the calls to the helpline reporting domestic violence, no humorous Doraemon advice will do and neither will blaming the victim of abuse for not doing her makeup.
Elsewhere, the migration under MCO continues, with some stuck where they have no home and others on the move to find a place to stay as their supplies run out. We speak to a police officer manning one of the roadblocks on the Kuching/Sri Aman road. He tells us that many Indonesians from oil palm plantations and logging camps are making their way to the border, facing expiring visas and permits and, more importantly, the prospect of no work. There is nothing else for the police to do but wave them on their way. Putting them in lock up increases the risk of spreading the virus to the prison population.
Meanwhile, at least one plantation seems to be doing the right thing. We speak to Mr Ringkai who works at Ladang Wawasan under KTS. He tells us that the Indonesian workers are continuing on but they are receiving an extra RM20 per day while the local workers will receive an extra RM600 per month. The workers are practising lockdown on the farm and getting paid extra for the privilege. Maybe other companies can learn a little something about recognising the workers who make them their millions and preventing a mass migration that completely undermines the MCO.
Then we speak to Leon Donald about a covid-19 case in his area of Pantu who has point blank refused to help doctors trace the source of his infection. Leon says that people like this, who refuse to cooperate or run away from testing, must bear the responsibility for the spread of the infection. Meanwhile, he adds, the people who tore down the forest must bear the responsibility for the bleak situation faced by all the kampung people. Now they are dependent on the supermarket instead of the environment and, with little cash, they simply don’t have enough to ring the registers.
We end with Mark and Jackson, two brothers who are desperately trying to make their way back to Song. They have already had to beg their parents to get them an air ticket to return from KL where many of their friend are sleeping rough on staircases as the work has evaporated. Poor and unemployed, these poor boys have no idea how to access any handouts from the economic stimulus and can only head back to the kampungs that they came from to hide and hope that some help will come to them there instead.
Tune in for this and more, including our usual Berita Menoa. Semua Kitai Tau Bejako!
IBAN - Dalam progrem ari Radio Nyawa Sarawak lemai tu endur kami ngenang pasal mayuh bendar pengarang berita di dunya tu, sereta ngelancharka bala indu ti digela Doraemon, nitihka atur Opis Pemansang Orang lndu ti meransang bala indu ngereja pengawa ti engkeman maya Atur Besekat Pemindah diatu. Kami bisi berandau enggau Ann Teo ngasuh iya nusui pengawa ti beguna agi kalimpah ari semina ngenang indu ti patut selalu bekias ngintu pemajik diri. lya madahka indu enda patut selalu kiruh ngintu pemajik diri labah balat angat lalu bepeluh lebuh diau di rumah. lya madahka orang melaki-bini patut bendau enggau pangan diri bejuraika pekara sida sebilik. Jarang kitai nemu orang diri melaki-bini belaya bejamah di rumahketegal bini enda kiruh bekias.
Maya Atur Besekat Pemindah diatu, mayuh orang nadai rumah endur diau, nadai barang pemakai. Kami bisi berandau enggau siku Polis ti jaga ba jalai raya ari Kuching/Sri Aman Sri ti dipempang. lya madahka mayuh rayat lndonesia ti udah gawa ba ladang sawit enggau kem batang mulaika diri ka menua sida, mayuh pass sida udah abis timpuh, tang diasuh trus pulai, laban enti sida disimpan dalam lock up nya semina ngasuh coronavirus berampit ba orang ti dikurung dalam jail.
Kami bisi berandau enggau Ringkai ti gawa ba ladang sawit KTS. Manah atur komoini nya, bala kuli ari lndonesia diberi gaji tambah RM20 sehari, lalu kuli ari Sarawak diberi gaji tambah RM600 sebulan. Semua kuli nadai gawa diatu. Arapka kompini bukai nunda atur kompini tu, laban sida sama bulih bemillion ringgit duit ari asil ladang kelapa sawit.
Kami bisi berandau enggau Leon Donald ti nusui orang siku di Pantu ti ngidapka coronavirus, iya enggai madahka sapa ti ngerampit iya penyakit nya. Leon madah orang ti bakanya tetap dikutuk mensia mayuh. Leon besalah orang ti munaska kampung tuai laban sida nya ngenusah rayat.Rayat di pesisir diatu suntuk duit tang sida enda tau enda meli barang pemakai ba supermarket laban kampung tuai nadai agi endur sida ngiga barang pemakai.
Dikena ngujungka randau kitai, tu cherita ari orang diri menyadi Mark seduai Jackson ti di KL diatu. Seduai ngasuh apai-indai seduai meli tiket bilun ari KL ka Kuching. Seduai madahka mayuh pangan seduai nadai endur diau di KL, sida tinduk ba sebarang endur sebelah pasar, sida nadai nemu jalai tau bulih tulung ti disediaka perintah, sida semina berunding ka akal dikena ngemujurka diri pulaika Sarawak lalu arapka bisi orang nulung sida.
Pendingka cherita bukai ari Radio Nyawa Sarawak nyengkaum Berita Menua lemai tu. Semua Kitai Tau Bejaku!