The Truth Should Set Us Free, Especially In A Crisis. | Broadcast 13 May 2020
Cartoon by Zunar
ENGLISH - On today’s show, floods have hit northern Sarawak to add to MCO misery. Gabriel Atong from Punan Bah tells us that the floodwaters are increasing, not just from unseasonal rains but also because they opened the spillway from the Bakun dam nearby. Now their suspension bridge to access the kampung threatens to be washed away by torrents of water bringing down a log jam to weigh the bridge even further. So far, only two policemen have come up to the kampung to take a look but no other representatives of the disaster relief committee and certainly no actual relief. Don’t pass this off as a natural disaster, he says. SEB must take action for this man-made problem.
Then we focus on freedom of expression as the MCO exposes several cover ups of public information, from restricted coverage of parliamentary sittings to the arrest of well-known radio DJ Patrick Teoh. YB Wong Chen tell us that information is fundamental to human rights and it is only through expressing opinions that proper representation take place. Questions do not create chaos, just accountability and they are essential in a democracy. Especially in a time of MCO, the government should not monopolise the media but give voice to many viewpoints.
Wathshlah Naidu of Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) tells us that freedom of expression was already declining even before the MCO, after two years of easing restrictions on reporting which saw Malaysia climb up the Press Freedom Index. In fact, the action against the SCMP reporter covering migrant arrests was not the first case in the recent rash. We are at a turning point, she says, where a small window for consultation between CSOs and the new government is closing, but with increasing threats against ‘fake news’ by various ministers, it would seem that the government is looking to enforce increasing restrictions against the media. Objectivity is vital to allow the rakyat to make up their own minds, she says, and if the PM can livestream to the general public, effectively making the media his mouthpiece, then others should be given equal opportunity.
We end with Selina Light from Sabah VFM on the arrest of her senior radio counterpart, Patrick Teoh. Sabah has luckily avoided any action against the media so far, unlike elsewhere in Malaysia, and as a government broadcaster, she is aware that they have to walk a thin line between observing a code of ethics and serving a government paymaster. But she is concerned about the action taken against Patrick Teoh. The truth must prevail, she says, and all should be simply allowed to get on with their work.
Tune in for all this and more, including our usual Berita Menoa. Semoa Kitai Tau Bejako!
IBAN - Dalam progrem Radio Nyawa Sarawak lemai tu, kami dulu ngenang sekeda penusah rayat ba endur di utara Sarawak laban sida ti ampun bah maya atur bekurung diatu. Gabriel Atong ari Punan Bah madahka ai bah agi mansang diatu, ukai semina laba hari ujan tang laban pintu ai ba tekat hydro Bakun bisi dibuka. Sida irau bendar ati ka andau ba kampung sida rusak sereta anyut laban bah diteruju lumpung batang ti anyut ari ulu. Semina dua iku polis udah datai ngabas penusah sida, tang pemesai ari komiti pemantu penusah nadai meri barang tulung. Kompini SEB mesti betanggungjawap ba penusah ti datai ari pengawa digaga kompini nya.
Udah nya kitai ngenang kuasa bejakuka sebarang pekara ti nekaul enggau atur bekurung diatu, siti pekara nya pasal siku pemesai ti gawa ba opis Radio Patrick Teoh. YB Wong Chen madahka nya endang batang kuasa mensia ti mansutka penemu diriempu, ngambika mansutka penemu ti dalam runding mensia siku-siku ba sebengkah-sebengkah pekara. Lebuh nanyaka kebuah sebengkah pekara tetap enda ngasuh menua charut, tang beguna nitihka adat democracy. Lebuh maya atur bekurung diatu dia rayat patut dikemendar mansutka penemu dalam media tang ukai semina perintah aja.
Wathshlah Naidu madahka kuasa rayat ti tau mansutka penemu diatu mansang tusur berengkah ari sebedau perintah bejalaika atur bekurung, semina 22 bulan suba dia pengarang berita bisi kurang disekat mansutka penemu. Pekara pasal pengarang berita ti ngenang pasal bala kampar ditangkap nya ukai pekara ti baru. Perintah diatu trit bendar beratika orang ti ngerembaika berita ti bula.
Penududi ia, kitai ninga ari Selina ari Sabah VFM ti ngenang pasal Patrick Teo ti udah ditangkap. Sabah benasip laban pekara nya nadai nyadi. Ku iya pengamat lama laun mesti ditemu, lalu kitai patut bejimat lebuh ngereja pengawa.
Pendingka cherita bukai nyengkaum Berita Menua ari Radio Nyawa Sarawak lemai tu. Semua Kitai Tau Bejaku.