1 October 2021
Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai bisi ngenang: Duit rayat nyangka dichuri! Kaban PKR Fahmi Fadzil besalah perintah ti bebelanjaka duit bemillion ringgit dikena ngerepair rumah alai Menteri Besai diau lebuh menua ti suntuk duit diatu lalu duit nya patut dikena nyangga rayat ti suntuk, iya madah tu sebengkah pengawa ti balat masau duit ti suah dikereja Umno. Lumpar Pemansang Malaysia ke 12: Dini endur perintah bulih duit, kati duit nya ila dikena ngaga pengawa pemansang ti pulai ka penguntung rayat? Lumpar Pemansang Malaysia 12 nadai nebus penyeranta menua Sarawak! Kaban PKR Cherishe Ng madahka Lumpar Pemansang Malaysia ke 12 nya semina semaya ba mulut aja laban nadai nyata atur pengawa pemansang, duit ti diagihka ngagai menua Sarawak mimit bendar taja menua Sarawak mansutka mayuh duit ari minyak enggau gas. Polis enggai ngemendarka driving lisen ngagai orang ti tuai: Mayuh orang nyakal atur ti nagang orang tuai driving kerita. Dingaka semua cherita tu enggau ti bukai ditusui Radio Free Sarawak online pukul 6 lemai tu....
On Tonight's Show: Public money and private pockets! PKR's Fahmi Fadzil blasts the millions spent on doing up the PM's residence when the country was supposedly running out of money to help its citizens, and says this is another case of public money going into the wrong hands, which has always been Umno's legacy. He says this is reflected in 12MP: Where does the government plan on raising the money, and will it ever be returned to the people? Also, 12MP abandons Sarawak to poverty! PKR's Cherishe Ng says the plan is full of dreams but no clear implementation, and says the miserly sum awarded to Sarawak through the Basic Development Fund is simply unfair given how much Sarawak's oil production fills the government's coffers. And, Don't police elderly drivers: Community members react to the debate. This and more from 6pm...