13 December 2023

On Today Show
> YB Baru Bian, Member of the Bakelalan State Legislative Assembly, Sarawak – Clear Constitutional Provisions: Non-Bumiputera, Non-Muslims Qualified for PM, Premier and Governor in Sarawak
> Nixin from Miri, Social Activist – Sarawak's Future Leadership: Nixin Advocates for Inclusive and Capable Dayak Leaders
> Jok Jau, co-ordinator of SAM Sarawak – Villages Unite, Seek Government Action on Key Issues

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> YB Baru Bian, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Bakelalan, Sarawak – Perlembagaan yang Jelas: Orang Bukan-Bumiputera, Bukan-Muslim Layak Menjadi PM, Ketua Menteri, dan Gabenor di Sarawak
> Nixin dari Miri, Aktivis Sosial – Kepimpinan Masa Depan Sarawak: Nixin Menganjurkan Pemimpin Dayak yang Inklusif dan Berkemampuan
> Jok Jau, Pemangku Koordinator SAM Sarawak – Orang Ulu Bersatu, Mencari Tindakan Kerajaan terhadap Isu-isu Utama

  • *Special Randau*

    1) Rosmah Mansor has applied for the third time for the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) to review 12 charges involving money laundering, totaling RM7 million, and 5 charges of failing to declare income to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN). The application and representation were submitted to the AGC yesterday.

    2) The Sultan of Johor's view (the upcoming King) is that more responsibilities should be given to the King, including direct monitoring of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (SPRM) and Petronas. According to PMX, this perspective can be discussed amicably as long as it upholds the principles of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.

    3) The investigation into Lim Kit Siang - Putrajaya's signaling is unhealthy. The prime minister should rectify the situation.

    4) DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang emphasized that Malaysia needs to move away from the 2R (race and religion) sentiment to achieve world-class status. He was investigated by the police due to his statement that "non-Malays can be PM" and answered 27 questions during police questioning this morning.


    YB Baru Bian, Member of the Bakelalan State Legislative Assembly, Sarawak

    *Clear Constitutional Provisions: Non-Bumiputera, Non-Muslims Qualified for PM, CM, and Governor in Sarawak*

    The police confirmed the investigation into Lim Kit Siang following a blog post on Nov 30 that touched on the issue of the appointment of the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Lim, when speaking in front of Malaysian students in the UK, said that the future Prime Minister of Malaysia may be a non-Malay. According to Baru Bian, the police should not investigate Lim Kit Siang. Because what Lim said is clearly not illegal or against the federal constitution. The pressure and investigation against Lim should stop. According to Baru Bian- the Constitution does not limit the Prime Minister of Malaysia to only Malays or Muslims. Anyone can become prime minister, as long as he is a member of parliament, has the trust of the majority of members of parliament and is approved by the Yang-Di-Pertuan Agong. There is no reason why the police should investigate Lim, clearly Lim did not break the Law. Even according to Baru Bian. In Sarawak - the Sarawak constitution also does not prevent non-Malays or non-Muslims from becoming the Premier of Sarawak. This also includes the position of TYT/Governor of Sarawak. Therefore, the police investigation against Lim should be stopped.


    Nixin from Miri, Social Activist

    *Sarawak's Future Leadership: Nixin Advocates for Inclusive and Capable Dayak Leaders*

    Regarding Lim Kit Siang's recent statement that "non-Malays can become PM," which has sparked dissatisfaction from PAS, Nixin expressed that since the Federal Constitution does not specify or emphasize that non-Malays and non-Muslims cannot become prime ministers, Lim Kit Siang's statement is not incorrect. He believes that anyone capable should be eligible to become prime minister, which is the model expected in a democratic country.

    He stated that PAS has consistently played with racial and religious issues, and whenever something threatens PAS, they find fault. This, in his view, is regressive for reform. He thinks PAS's strong reaction to Lim Kit Siang is aimed at stirring up ethnic and religious identity within their community to collectively oppose Lim Kit Siang's statement. However, he sees this as baseless and an obvious attempt to play the race and religion card (2R). It's something all Malaysians should reject.

    Regarding the situation in Sarawak, currently, Abang Jo is Malay, and Taib is Dayak-Melanau (Muslim). The next Premier and TYT (Governor) are unknown. Similarly, the constitution does not specify any particular ethnicity or religion for these positions. Nixin looks forward to seeing capable individuals, particularly from the Dayak community, becoming leaders in Sarawak.


    Jok Jau, co-ordinator of SAM Sarawak

    *Villages Unite, Seek Government Action on Key Issues*

    The representatives of nine resident associations in Marudi, Baram Tengah, Bakong, and Niah recently gathered in a meeting organized by Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) to address vital development concerns in their villages. To coincide with Human Rights Day 2023, they plan to submit a memorandum to the Sarawak and federal governments, highlighting issues such as Native Customary Rights (NCR) land encroachments, increased flooding, the need for reform in village head appointments, and limited access to basic services.

    Despite more than 60 years since Malaysia's inception, concerns persist over inadequate land tenure security and flawed leadership appointment systems. The plea is for both the Sarawak and federal governments to take these issues seriously and work towards finding resolutions.

    Jok Jau, SAM Sarawak's coordinator, emphasized the urgency of the memorandum submitted by nine communities on Human Rights Day. SAM urges the government to promptly respond to their concerns. Notably, the federal government has approved allocations in the 11th Malaysia Plan (RMK 11), and it is crucial that these funds are used effectively. Jok Jau specifically highlights the importance of using allocations for building proper roads, especially during the rainy seasons, to facilitate the transportation of children to schools in these communities.


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