13 May 2024

On Today Show
— Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer, cum Chairman of PKR Sarawak – The Sarawak Native Courts should be free from Chief Minister's Office influence
— Sailisah Poyun from Kampung Andab Bangau – Community Frustration: MP's Reversal on Sand Mining Issue
— Mr. Robert, social activist from Sebauh Bintulu – Voice from community: No Special Award for Taib Mahmud


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Roland Engan, Peguam Hak Asasi Manusia, juga Pengerusi PKR Sarawak - Mahkamah Adat Sarawak perlu bebas daripada pengaruh Pejabat Ketua Menteri
- Sailisah Poyun dari Kampung Andab Bangau - Frustrasi Komuniti: Pembalikan Ahli Parlimen dalam Isu Perlombongan Pasir
- Encik Robert, aktivis sosial dari Sebauh Bintulu - Suara dari komuniti: Tiada Anugerah Khas untuk Taib Mahmud

  • *Special Randau*

    1. DAP/PH won the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election with increased support in 16 out of 18 polling stations. Analysis also indicates increased support from all ethnic groups - Malay, Chinese, and Indian.

    2. Sarawak State Legislative Assembly - Chong defended the decision not to support a motion of appreciation and special thanks to former Sarawak TYT Taib Mahmud. While the full support of 80 out of 82 Sarawak State Assembly members may seem appropriate, at least 2 members spoke for the people who disagreed with the motion and wanted their views recorded. The criticism from GPS assemblymen against me only shows arrogance and a tendency to bully - said Chong Cheing Jen.

    3. Sarawak State Legislative Assembly informed that disputes over native customary land are difficult to resolve. However, Roland believes that when the native customary court is freed from the influence of the Sarawak Chief Minister's Office, it will be more independent in making decisions and fairer. The call was made by Roland Engan in a statement on RFS today.

    4. Orangutan trade diplomacy in palm oil. Where is the logic when Malaysia's Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities suggests giving orangutans to Malaysia's main palm oil trading partners as gifts? According to the minister, it will strengthen external relations with key trading countries. Does this indicate that Malaysia's forests have been completely cleared for palm oil cultivation and there are no longer any forests for orangutans to live in Malaysia - so we give orangutans (as adopted children) so you can take care of them in your country? Contact RFS and state your views.


    Roland Engan, Human Rights Lawyer, cum Chairman of PKR Sarawak

    *The Sarawak Native Courts should be free from Chief Minister's Office influence*

    Roland Engan, a human rights lawyer and the Chairman of Keadilan Sarawak, advocates for the independence of the Sarawak Native Customary Courts from the influence of the Sarawak Chief Minister's Office.

    The ongoing State Legislative Assembly (DUN) session has underscored the challenges in resolving Native Customary Rights Land disputes. According to the Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Chief Minister's Department (Law and Native Customary Laws), Datuk Jefferson Jamit Unyat, there are currently over 3,000 pending Native Customary Rights land dispute cases without resolution. Roland emphasizes that "delayed justice is injustice" and proposes a comprehensive reform of the Sarawak Native Customary Courts system. His proposals include increasing the number of judges and court officers, establishing a Special Academy to train court staff in Native Customary Laws, and ensuring that the appointment of judges in the Native Customary Courts is done by a commission comprising community and village chiefs to prevent government interference. He suggests that a special judicial commission for the Native Customary Courts in Sarawak is necessary to complement these reforms and to free the courts from political influence.

    Roland points out that the Sarawak Native Customary Courts are currently under the Sarawak Chief Minister's Department, raising concerns about their independence from political influence. He suggests improving customary court procedures to expedite case resolutions and proposes that the power to adjudicate cases be returned to the village chiefs and community leaders, who are most knowledgeable about the land ownership history in their villages. He has received complaints from various parties about the lack of true independence in the Sarawak Native Customary Courts, as decisions are perceived to be influenced by the Sarawak Chief Minister's Office.


    Sailisah Poyun from Kampung Andab Bangau

    *Community Frustration: MP's Reversal on Sand Mining Issue*

    Sailisah Poyun commented that during the last general election (GE15), the candidate who won the seat promised the community that he would help them fight against sand mining by the Kibing company. However, after winning the Kudat seat, when the community sought the MP - Verdon Bahanda’s help as promised, the MP surprisingly said that there was nothing wrong with the sand mining activity. This left the community feeling frustrated, as they had helped the candidate campaign at their own expense.

    The company has now adopted a new tactic of delivering hampers and even some cash to the homes of those who are vocal against them. However, the villagers see this as a trick.


    Mr. Robert, social activist from Sebauh Bintulu

    *Voice from community: No Special Award for Taib Mahmud*

    Robert is very disappointed if there is a special award for Taib Mahmud. He said it was not necessary if it involved public funds, as was the case when many people questioned the 30 million flagpole.

    During Taib's 33-year rule, he changed laws to suit his wishes and eroded MA63 and the rights of indigenous people's customary land in Sarawak.

    The people should know that it is because of Taib's laws that the TYT and Chief Minister's positions have been eroded, as what should have happened was the TYT (Muslim) should have been given to the non-Muslims (Dayaks or Chinese).

    Mr. Robert supports YB Chong and there should not be a special award for the late Taib Mahmud.

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