13 September 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Nick Kelesau, Jurucakap Pertubuhan Penan Keruan, Baram – Penan mendesak Kerajaan tarik balik sijil (FMU) MTCC dan lesen Pembalakan Samling serentak

> Meor Razak, Penyelidik Lapangan bagi SAM – Impak Alam Sekitar dan Sosial: SAM Menentang Cadangan Hutan Kledang Saiong.

> Tay Wei Wei, PKR Sri Aman – Usaha Pembangunan Sri Aman: Satu Perjalanan Panjang Yang Belum Selesai.

> Chris Lau, Wartawan Bebas dari Sarawak – Kontroversi Berkaitan Pembebasan Zahid Hamidi dan Sambutan DAP.

On Today Show

> Nick Kelesau, Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization, Baram – Penan urges the GPS Gov to withdraw the MTCC certificate (FMU) and the Samling Logging license simultaneously
> Meor Razak, field researcher of SAM – Environmental and Social Impacts: SAM's Stand Against the Kledang Saiong Forest Proposal

> Tay Wei Wei, PKR Sri Aman – Sri Aman's Quest for Development: A Long Journey Yet to be Completed
> Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak – Controversy Surrounding Zahid Hamidi's Release and DAP's Welcome

  • Special Randau

    1. The Borneo exploration journey by Agong is ends today.

    2. Special Session of the House of Representatives - Mid-term Review of the 12th Malaysia Plan enters its third day.

    3. BERSIH 2.0, PN, MUDA, and the red-shirted group plan to hold a gathering on September 16, 2023, in the capital city to protest against the dropping of DNAA against Zahid Hamidi.

    4. Nick Kelesau requests the government to revoke the logging certificates and licenses granted to Samling.


    Nick Kelesau, Spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization, Baram

    *Penan urges the GPS Gov to withdraw the MTCC certificate (FMU) and the Samling Logging license simultaneously*

    Nick Kelesau praised MTCC's action in withdrawing one of the Samling certificates for the Ravenscourt Forest Management Unit (FMU) in Sarawak. This was done after Samling failed to prove corrective action through a previous audit. According to Nick all this time Penan made a blockade to protest the logging done by Samling. This is real proof that Penan does not want logging. We also demand that the government cancel the logging license given to Samling in our area (Ba Abang and Long Pakan). Since Samling logged in our area, our forest has been badly damaged. Our forest reserves were encroached upon, our food supply was affected and even worse, the good relations between the villagers were becoming strained. Residents can no longer pray in one church. There are villages that are arguing over the existence of two village head positions. Samling carried out a campaign to divide the villagers so that they would be easy to dominate. Nick wants all Samling logging licenses revoked and the Penan forest returned.


    Meor Razak, field researcher of SAM

    *Environmental and Social Impacts: SAM's Stand Against the Kledang Saiong Forest Proposal*

    SAM urges the state government not to proceed with the proposed forest plantation project. Covering an area of 4,289 hectares within the Kledang Saiong forest reserve in Kuala Kangsar, Perak, this project raises serious concerns about the extensive habitat damage it would cause. The plan involves clearing and cutting down natural trees and replacing them with just one or two species of trees. According to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, the surrounding area still boasts rich biodiversity, including endangered wildlife such as siamangs, tigers, and sun bears.

    Clearing all 4,289 hectares of the Kledang Saiong Forest reserve would leave these animals with nowhere else to go. Observations indicate that the area is blocked by a highway that runs through the Kledang Saiong range, preventing animals from crossing to the opposite area. In addition to the ecological concerns, the project would also lead to the loss of livelihoods for communities in the surrounding areas. It is worth noting that the project could result in pollution of the drinking water treatment plant in the vicinity, as well as the emission of carbon dioxide, an increase in heat, and a decrease in oxygen levels.

    It seems that the government has not learned from past experiences, as similar issues have arisen in Kedah. SAM strongly urges the state government to reconsider this project and prioritize the preservation of the valuable natural habitat in the Kledang Saiong forest reserve.


    Tay Wei Wei, PKR Sri Aman

    *Sri Aman's Quest for Development: A Long Journey Yet to be Completed*

    When the Agong had to cancel the trip to Sri Aman, many people were deeply disappointed because all the preparations had already been made.

    Tay Wei Wei informed RFS that the true desire of the people of Sri Aman is to convey how difficult their lives are due to the lack of progress given to the people. Despite this, many longhouses still do not have access to clean water and electricity since the Sarawak government took power. The people are very thirsty for these basic amenities. Despite being part of Malaysia for 60 years since independence, the people are still far behind in terms of development.


    Chris Lau, independent Journalist from Sarawak

    *Controversy Surrounding Zahid Hamidi's Release and DAP's Welcome*

    Zahid Hamidi's release, attendance at the DAP conference, and the warm welcome from DAP members mark an unprecedented event, symbolizing unity within the government. However, it has also sparked anger among some DAP supporters who are unhappy with DAP's support for politicians facing corruption allegations.

    Chris stated that Anwar Ibrahim has always emphasized the importance of combating corruption, which is a demand of the people. When the people voted for PH to form the government and elected Anwar as Prime Minister, it was with the hope that the country could rid itself of corruption and provide a brighter future for the people.

    Despite the fact that several members of parliament, including Anwar Ibrahim, have stated that they were not involved in Zahid Hamidi's release, there is still a lack of clarity regarding judicial justice.

    He pointed out that MUDA's only parliamentary seat, Muar Syed Sadiq, chose to withdraw support for the unity government, based on MUDA's principles. As for the future impact on the unity government, it remains to be seen. However, the country is in need of reform rather than reverting to a state of corruption and mismanagement.

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