13 September 2024

On Today Show

— Tr Panting Ak Baling- Head of Similajau agricultural heritage village, Bintulu – Clash Over Agricultural Rights: Villagers Challenge SFC’s Authority on Similajau National Park
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Power for Neighbors, Neglect for Locals: Sarawak’s Priorities Under Fire
— Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0 – Youth Engagement Key in BERSIH’s Push for Clean Elections

Topik Pada Hari Ini 
— Tr Panting Ak Baling - Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Similajau, Bintulu – Pertembungan Hak Pertanian: Penduduk Mencabar Kuasa SFC di Taman Negara Similajau 
— Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Elektrik untuk Negara Jiran, Keperluan Tempatan Diabaikan: Keutamaan Sarawak Dipertikaikan 
— Faizal Aziz, Pengerusi BERSIH 2.0 – Penglibatan Belia Kunci Utama dalam Usaha BERSIH untuk Pilihan Raya Bersih

  • Special Randau
                    1. The SFC failed to come to the field to determine the boundaries of the national park and the residents' agricultural land as decided in a meeting with the heads of government agencies at the IPD Buntulu police office yesterday. This proves that the SFC's claim that we are trespassers is not true - said tr Panting.

                    2. The ART project costing rm6 billion is not a priority, the money should be used to develop infrastructure outside the city - said Pending assemblyman - YB Violet Yong. Yong argued that the cost of ART using hydrogen is prohibitive and such projects in China have already been cancelled. He wondered why the Sarawak government still wanted to continue it.

                    3. SCRIPS is concerned about the presence of outsiders coming to measure the villagers' land without the residents' permission. They are not indigenous nor are they local. They are outsiders who claim to be sent by some government agency- said scrips secretary general Micheal Jok. The incident claimed by Michael is taking place in his village Long Bangan and the nearby village of Uma Sambop in the upper reaches of the Belaga river.


    Tr Panting Ak Baling- Head of Similajau agricultural heritage village, Bintulu.

    Clash Over Agricultural Rights: Villagers Challenge SFC’s Authority on Similajau National Park

    The conflict between the villagers and the SFC reached a critical level when a blockade was set up by the villagers in front of the entrance to their agricultural area which is claimed to be included in the Similajau National Park area. Residents claim - during the administration of Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan Satem. The area is outside the national park and was given by Adenan when he sympathized with the poor people who came to migrate to bintulu town to find work. When more and more members of the public came to give support to the villagers of agricultural heritage in an effort to defend their rights. The SFC set up roadblocks at the entrance to the agricultural area, making it difficult for residents to get in and out. Aware of this problem, yesterday the IPD Bintulu police called a meeting which was also attended by the former Chief Secretary of Sarawak Mohammad Morshidi Abdul Ghani (2009-2019) who was on duty when Adenan was Chief Minister of Sarawak. Present in the meeting IPD Bintulu Police Chief, Head of Bintulu Land and Survey Department, villagers and SFC. The meeting decided that the SFC and the villagers should go to the field to determine the boundaries as approved by the Adenan Satem administration. But until late this evening, the SFC failed to appear, thus proving that they were on the wrong side and the residents remained with the argument - that they were not intruders. The agricultural land they occupied was a gift from Adenan Satem.


    Faizal Aziz, Chairman of BERSIH 2.0
    *Youth Engagement Key in BERSIH’s Push for Clean Elections*

    Faizal Aziz stated that the upcoming roadshow provides an opportunity for youth to participate in activism, as BERSIH sees the need for a new generation to continue the struggle for democracy and reform, particularly in the fight for clean and fair elections. He emphasized that it is important to stay current with the aspirations of younger generations, which is why BERSIH is promoting their involvement in this campaign across states outside the Klang Valley.

    According to Faizal, the program aims to listen to the voices of young people, who may have significant concerns related to education, job opportunities, and the economy. He believes it is crucial to push forward the voices of the youth, especially with the implementation of Undi18, as they must be aware of their rights.

    He also highlighted the issue of redelineation, stressing the need for a fair process and the importance of young people having the opportunity to voice their opinions. Faizal mentioned that the roadshow will visit Sarawak from October 6-9.


    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    Power for Neighbors, Neglect for Locals: Sarawak’s Priorities Under Fire

    Paul Wan listened to RFS online yesterday and wanted to share his opinion on the issue of the undersea cable project for the transmission of electricity to neighboring countries like Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, and Indonesia. Paul is deeply disappointed with the actions that continue to neglect the development of essential services for the people in the Baram interior, and Sarawak in general. He noted that the state itself has yet to be fully equipped with electricity, clean water connections, and the most desired need of all—roads. These three basic needs have not been fulfilled in the past 61 years, yet the government is proud to channel electricity to neighboring countries. Is this fair to the people of Sarawak?

    The people are not asking for money all the time, but they do want these three vital needs met. However, the Sarawak government, led by PBB GPS, continually denies progress for the people.

    Why not fulfill the needs of the people first, and only then provide electricity to neighboring countries?

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