14 June 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah-Secretary General of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Organization (SADIA) – Politicians got rich 24 hours after selling PL
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Misinformation Alert: GPS should provide accurate information

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Nicholas Mujah, Setiausaha Agung Pertubuhan Dayak Iban Sarawak (SADIA) – Ahli Politik Menjadi Kaya 24 Jam Selepas Menjual Tanah NCR
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Amaran Maklumat Palsu: GPS Perlu Memberi Maklumat yang Tepat

  • Special Randau
    1. Politicians can become rich within 24 hours after being awarded PL by the Sarawak state government. This is a bad practice and should be stopped. SADIA secretary general Nicholas Mujah said. Nicholas was interviewed by RFS regarding the new case of customary land encroachment that was reported to have occurred in Kampung Merakai- Serian.

    2. The United States has returned RM6.6 billion of 1MDB funds over the past few years. Last Tuesday, the American ambassador to Malaysia confirmed the return of RM721.4 million of embezzled 1mdb funds. This is the fourth phase of the return of 1mdb funds to Malaysia.

    3. PMX once again asserted that his administration will not compromise with the corrupt. He urged the enforcement to take firm action regardless of status in order to uphold justice.

    Nicholas Mujah-Secretary General of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Organization (SADIA).

    Politicians got rich 24 hours after selling PL

    Since its establishment 50 years ago, SADIA has played a role in safeguarding the rights of the Dayak Iban people in Sarawak. According to Nicholas Mujah. Cases of land encroachment, environmental crimes and human rights reported to SADIA are increasing every year. Of course this is due to the ruling government's policy not being in line with the wishes and rights of the indigenous people. Lately - the cases reported to SADIA are more and more diverse - the effects of laws that are not in favor of indigenous people passed in the Sarawak State Assembly. Today SADIA received a case of land encroachment by Melor Gemilang Plantation Sdn.Bhd against the land of the Iban community in Kampung Merakai-SERIAN. Merakai villagers have been prevented by the Melor Gemilang company from entering their garden land for the past 3 months. It is said that the land has been given PL by the Sarawak government to Melor Gemilang for commercial oil palm cultivation. The total land area is 2000 acres - involving 96 Merakai house doors. SADIA has two options to help. First take the case to court and second by way of certification. The option of taking a case to court takes a lot of time, energy and money. Then the second option will be preferred. Based on the Sarawak constitution. Written law cannot abolish customary law. Therefore, if the Melor Gemilang company obtains their PL through the Sarawak land code. It does not mean that they can remove the rights of the people to their land that has been inherited by custom. If followed by certification. Any oil palm plantation company cannot encroach or seize the land of the villagers. If not follow the certification. Then the palm oil products will not be able to be sold. Merakai villagers must prepare complete reports and documents. When asked if this case involved politicians. Mujah Binkkas replied that the PL was given by politicians. Rich politicians within 24 hours of selling the PL given to them to rich taukeh. This is a bad practice and needs to be stopped - Mujah said.

    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak
    * Misinformation Alert: GPS should provide accurate information*
    Abun comment on targeted subsidies only for WM (West Malaysia), not for EM (East Malaysia)... Because certain parties are spreading false information that these targeted subsidies will also be applied to Sarawak... Therefore, in his recent speech in the Dewan,he made the government exempt Sabah and Sarawak from these targeted subsidies... Particularly in Sarawak, the rural population relies entirely on diesel fuel, and almost everyone owns a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Therefore, please do not spread inaccurate information that misleads the public... It must be remembered that Sabah and Sarawak are exempt from these targeted subsidies. The Sarawak government should also provide accurate information, as GPS is also part of the coalition that leads Malaysia at the federal level.

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