16 January 2024

On Today Show
— Richard Engan, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu – Dual Challenges in Long Terawan: Fighting Land Survey and Rejecting Tutoh Dam
— Madam Mag, resident from Long Bemang – Unanswered Questions: Logging Profits, Broken Promises, and Dam Concerns in Long Bemang
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA) –Ensuring Political Stability: Project SAMA's Call for Fixed Terms in Malaysia
— Charles Santiago, ex MP of DAP – Unity Under Threat: Chales Santiago Addresses Mahathir's Racially Charged Statements

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Richard Engan, Penduduk Long Terawan, Mulu – Cabaran Berganda di Long Terawan: Melawan Sukat Tanah dan Bantah Empangan Tutoh
— Puan Mag, penduduk dari Long Bemang – Soalan Tak Terjawab: Keuntungan Pembalakkan, Janji-janji Yang Kosong, dan Kebimbangan Terhadap Empangan Tutoh
— Ngeow Chow Ying, Penganjur Projek SAMA - Kestabilan dan Ketanggungjawaban untuk Malaysia (Projek SAMA) – Memastikan Kestabilan Politik: Seruan Projek SAMA untuk Tempoh Tetap di Malaysia
— Charles Santiago, bekas MP DAP – Bersatu di Bawah Ancaman: Charles Santiago Menanggapi Kenyataan Perkauman oleh Mahathir

  • *Special Highlight*

    1. The proposal to build a dam was protested by residents in Sg. Belaga, Gat and Tutoh. The Premier's propaganda stated that residents agreed with the proposal.

    2. UMNO youth are angry when a documentary film links Najib Razak to the murder of altantuya and Kelvin Mories. Ask NETFLIF to cancel the showing of the movie.

    3. Daim Zainuddin was sick and admitted to hospital. The MACC investigation was rescheduled.

    4. Daim files a judicial review against MACC's actions investigating him, his wife and 4 children.

    5. The investigation will not be completed and will not be completed if Daim is allowed to challenge the MACC investigation in Court. That is according to senior federal lawyer Shamsul Bolhassan. “ In each case, the court repeatedly reiterated that investigative powers cannot be challenged and if allowed would interfere with the investigative process.


    Richard Engan, Resident of Long Terawan, Mulu

    *Dual Challenges in Long Terawan: Fighting Land Survey and Rejecting Tutoh Dam*

    Richard is sad because, despite protesting and making a police report, Sec 6 land survey is still done in Long Terawan village. The Sarawak Government's reason is because there are residents who agree and are approved by the village head. Even though Kampung Long Terawan has 98 families, only 20 percent of the population lives in villages. So they are easily manipulated, they don't even know what the effect of land measurement sec 6 is. Also the dialogue notice in the village is too short and the villagers who live far away can't/have time to return to the village after the holidays during the Christmas season.

    In relation to the Sarawak Premier's claim that the residents of Sungai Tutoh (located in the Mulu area) agreed for a hydro dam to be built, this is a lie- said Richard. In a massive meeting for 2 days in the village, before Christmas last year, the question of building a dam was not discussed at all. How the Premier said the residents agree?

    He said they protested the construction of the dam after seeing the lives of the communities in Bakun, Batang Ai and Murum. After the hydro dam was built and they were moved to a new area. Their life is more difficult than in the old place. Murum for example, there is no road to their village yet, and no clinics or schools, so what is the rationale for continuing to build dams if the people and the environment become victims. The only ones who benefit are private companies, the Sarawak government and their cronies.

    We in Tutoh will protest and defend our land from being invaded by the dam – Richard said.


    Madam Mag, resident from Long Bemang

    *Unanswered Questions: Logging Profits, Broken Promises, and Dam Concerns in Long Bemang*

    Long Bemang is situated within the River Tutoh area and is one of the locations where Premier Abang Jo claims to have obtained community consent for the construction of three dams – Sungai Gaat, Sungai Belaga, and one of them being the Tutoh Dam. However, Madam Mag questions which community's consent Abang Jo has truly acquired.

    She mentioned that since childhood, she had heard from her grandfather that the government would build roads for the interior villages. However, after several decades have passed, and as she has aged, there is still no sign of the promised roads. Instead, she continues to encounter issues of land rights exploitation and the construction of dams, whether it be the Baram Dam ten years ago or the current Tutoh Dam.

    Madam Mag questions where the billions in profits from logging companies, which seized timber from the interior areas, have gone. She argues that these funds should rightfully be used to build roads for the interior communities.

    She believes that neither the current state assembly members nor the parliamentarians can effectively represent the people's interests and should be replaced. Madam Mag emphasizes the need for representatives who listen to the people's voices and actively work to solve their problems, contrasting with those who do nothing and ignore the will of the people.


    Ngeow Chow Ying, Convenor of Project - Stability and Accountability for Malaysia (Projek SAMA)

    *Ensuring Political Stability: Project SAMA's Call for Fixed Terms in Malaysia*

    Project SAMA, standing for Stability and Accountability for Malaysia, is spearheading crucial reforms aimed at stabilizing the political landscape in the country. One of the key proposals under consideration is the implementation of a Fixed Term Parliament Act (FTPA). This straightforward initiative advocates for a government to serve a fixed term of 5 years, barring specific circumstances.

    The proposed FTPA outlines that a Prime Minister would be required to dissolve the parliament in two scenarios: firstly, if they lose a vote of no confidence in Parliament, indicating a loss of support. Alternatively, a two-thirds majority is needed to pass a resolution for an early election. Without these conditions, the Prime Minister would complete the full term, reflecting the mandate given by the people.

    The significance of this proposal lies in providing a clear definition of what constitutes a loss of confidence in Parliament. This framework aims to prevent distractions such as the Dubai Move, ensuring that the government, civil society, businesses, and all Malaysians can plan their activities for the next four years with certainty. The 15th Parliament, for instance, would automatically dissolve on 18 December 2027, and General Election 16 could be expected around February 2028.

    Fixed electoral calendars, a practice observed in various democracies, including presidential systems like Indonesia and Taiwan, as well as parliamentary democracies like Norway, Sweden, and certain Australian states, contribute to stability. It is now time for Malaysia to adopt a similar approach, affirming its commitment to stability and accountability.

    **Projek SAMA is an initiative to advocate for institutional reforms to bring about political stability and accountability at a time when our nation steers through the uncharted waters of hung parliament and coalition governments. In Malaysia, we share the common (sama) destiny.


    Charles Santiago, ex MP of DAP

    *Unity Under Threat: Chales Santiago Addresses Mahathir's Racially Charged Statements*

    Charles Santiago explains the racially charged statements made by Tun M, asserting that Indians and Chinese are disloyal to the country. Charles considers Mahathir's remarks bankrupt of substantial issues. Indians have been in Malaysia for over 100 years, arriving during British administration as rubber planters and agricultural workers, contributing significantly to Malaysia's progress, just like the Chinese.

    He said that, Mahathir’s attitude has the potential to divide the harmony in the country for a long time. Many people are now becoming aware and rejecting Tun M's statements.

    While acknowledging the recent truthful remarks by Datuk Ambiga, Mr. Charles Santiago emphasizes that PMX has brought about many changes since becoming the Prime Minister. He acknowledges that religious issues are often brought to Parliament by the opposition to destabilize the government, but he advises PMX not to lose hope in the face of dirty political games, as the people stand firm with PMX.

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