16 October 2023

Topik Pada Hari Inni

> Dennis Along, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Sarawak - Kebimbangan Pengagihan Subsidi: Adakah Golongan Sasaran Menerima Manfaat?

> Willie Kajan, Ketua Masyarakat etnik Tering di Baram - Sarawak Digesa Untuk Bertindak: Melaksanakan Projek Pemuliharaan Banjir dengan Bajet RM11.8 Bilion

> Jeffrery Ngau, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak - Kontroversi Bajet 2024: YB Syed Sadiq Menantang Kepuasan Kerajaan

> Chris Lau, Wartawan Bebas - Peranan PAS dalam Kerajaan Madani: Menilai Keseimbangan

On Today Show
> Dennis Along, Sarawak PKR Communications Director – Subsidy Allocation Concerns: Are the Target Groups Receiving the Benefits?
> Willie Kajan, community elder of the Tering ethnic group in Baram – Sarawak Urged to Act: Implementing Flood Mitigation Projects with RM 11.8 Billion Budget
> Jeffrery Ngau, Chairperson of MUDA Sarawak – Budget 2024 Controversy: YB Syed Sadiq Challenges the Government's Satisfaction
> Chris Lau, independent Journalist – Balancing Act: Evaluating the Role of PAS in the Madani Government

  • Special Randau

    1. The Federal Court upholds its directive for Najib Razak and his son to pay RM1.7 billion in taxes.

    2. Opposition leader Hamzah Zainuddin expresses frustration over PMX's decision to retract taxes on the wealthy. It appears as though the affluent are being blamed, but Anwar emphasizes that the majority of subsidy items have been enjoyed by the wealthy.

    3. Dennis Along requests PMX to appoint PKR members to monitor the distribution of subsidized goods, particularly in the rural areas of Sarawak. We understand PMX's good intentions, but we are aware that some may seek to take advantage and misappropriate these subsidies, says Dennis Along.

    4. Sarawak's Chief Minister Abang Johari, during a special PBB convention in Bintulu on Sunday night, stated that by 2030, there will be no more remote areas in Sarawak. All places in Sarawak will be developed by 2030, according to Sarawak's Chief Minister. Is this achievable?


    Dennis Along, Sarawak PKR Communications Director

    *Subsidy Allocation Concerns: Are the Target Groups Receiving the Benefits?*

    Dennis thinks that PMX Anwar Ibrahim is really trying to take advantage of the 2024 budget to lift the people's economy - especially the poor. Out of the total budget of RM393.8 billion, RM81 billion is allocated for subsidizing the lower class. My question is does the subsidy reach the target group? asked Dennis. According to Dennis in the 2023 budget and the 2024 budget, RM225 million each (each year) is allocated to finance the cost of distributing basic necessities such as petrol, LPG, flour, rice and cooking oil to rural and rural areas under the Community Drumming - Sabah program and Sarawak. However, Penan residents in Long Tungan in Baram, Berawan people in Batu Bungan Mulu and Penan Murum in Metalun did not get the subsidized goods. My question is where did the subsidized goods go? Is it stolen, hidden or misused. There is information that we heard, these items are sold to Indonesian workers in oil palm plantations. I request this matter to be investigated - Said Dennis.

    The second thing that caught my attention is the allocation to the Peninsular Orang Asli community of a total of RM305 in 2023 and in this year an increase of RM333 million. According to the description by PMX, this allocation is to implement socioeconomic development, infrastructure in Orang Asli villages and the provision of social assistance. For these two years alone, the allocation for the Orang Asli community totals RM638 million. Just apply to PMX and the finance ministry. We the Asal people in Sarawak, including the Penan, are equally backward and poor like the Orang Asli people in Peninsular Malaysia. We should also be given similar provisions. I appeal to PMX as finance minister, there is no time for research and reasons. We want a similar provision. In fact, the Penan people in Sarawak are far behind in many aspects of life - just like the Orang Asli of the Peninsula. I want this to be fixed and corrected.


    Willie Kajan, community elder of the Tering ethnic group in Baram

    *Sarawak Urged to Act: Implementing Flood Mitigation Projects with RM 11.8 Billion Budget*

    Sarawak's state ministers have been urged to establish a clear timeline for the implementation of long-awaited flood mitigation projects in rural areas, including longhouses. The federal government has allocated RM 11.8 billion in Budget 2024 to address the persistent issue of floods.

    Willie Kajan emphasized the urgent need for activities such as river dredging, reinforcement of riverbanks, the creation of canals, and improved drainage to prevent recurring flooding in longhouses following rainfall.

    He remarked on the significant allocation of RM 11.8 billion for flood mitigation in the budget, underlining the federal government's commitment to addressing the flood problems comprehensively. While regions in Peninsular Malaysia, like Kelantan and Terengganu, face severe year-end monsoon floods, the situation in Sarawak, particularly in longhouses like those in Baram, can be even more critical.

    He said in Sarawak, longhouses, such as those in Baram, experience flooding every time it rains for more than three hours.

    Given the substantial funding available, Kajan urged Sarawak's leaders to set clear deadlines for the initiation and completion of flood mitigation projects in affected longhouses.

    The allocation of a significant budget is indeed impressive, but the question remains whether the people of Sarawak will see the desired impact and improvement in their living conditions. This concern is particularly prevalent among rural Sarawak residents who have often heard about substantial budget allocations but have not witnessed tangible benefits on the ground.


    Jeffrery Ngau, Chairperson of MUDA Sarawak

    *Budget 2024 Controversy: YB Syed Sadiq Challenges the Government's Satisfaction*

    In the 2024 budget, while all the cabinets expressed satisfaction with the Madani budget for 2024, the only Member of Parliament who raised concerns on specific issues was YB Syed Sadiq of MUDA. He believes that the budget doesn't adequately benefit certain groups of people, especially the middle-income M40 category, and the situation is even worse for the lower-income B40 group.

    No other MPs dared to voice their concerns, as they are all part of the government. Even PAS has been invited to join the Madani government. Additionally, the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition didn't provide substantial suggestions beyond addressing the 3R issue.

    Sarawak has one of the largest M40 populations, particularly post-COVID. So, our primary concern is the high cost of living, with prices soaring for almost everything. One notable change is the removal of price ceilings for chickens and eggs, which is not seen as a beneficial move, considering that these are among the most affordable sources of protein. There is a concern that prices will be manipulated by certain individuals or entities.

    Another issue is the increase in the Sales and Services Tax (SST), and a reduction in diesel subsidies will be implemented in stages.

    Furthermore, there is the introduction of electric vehicles (EVs) for all government officers, indicating a shift towards a more environmentally friendly approach.


    Chris Lau, independent Journalist

    *Balancing Act: Evaluating the Role of PAS in the Madani Government*

    Chris Lau strongly opposes the inclusion of PAS in the Madani government, primarily due to PAS's involvement with 3R. He argues that the Madani government is already robust enough to effectively govern the country. Furthermore, he emphasizes that there is no need to introduce potential trust issues among the people, especially considering the existing pressure on the cost of living. Bringing PAS into the government would not be a wise decision, as it could exacerbate the situation.

    Lau is also concerned about the potential for public anger among supporters of PH (Pakatan Harapan) if PAS were included in the government. He believes that such a move could further erode public trust in PMX (Presiden Madani X), especially in the context of rising living costs.

    Additionally, it's important to note that Malaysia does not need extremism or policies that could contribute to social or political tensions.

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