17 July 2024

On Today Show
— Agnes Padan, Human rights activist from Lawas – Improving MyKad Access: The Next Step for Citizenship Rights
— Bill Jugah, chairman SADIA Rejang – Education and Development Disparities in Kanowit
— Mariam from Bakong – Political Intrigue in Bakong: Longhouse Community Divided Over Leadership

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Agnes Padan, aktivis hak asasi manusia dari Lawas - Meningkatkan Akses MyKad: Langkah Seterusnya untuk Hak Kewarganegaraan
- Bill Jugah, pengerusi SADIA Rejang - Ketidaksamaan Pendidikan dan Pembangunan di Kanowit
- Mariam dari Bakong - Intrik Politik di Bakong: Komuniti Rumah Panjang Terbelah Mengenai Kepimpinan

  • Special Randau            

    1. The anti-government rally called save malaysia 2.0 will be held in three locations, namely in Tambun parliament, Permatang Pauh (both parliamentary constituencies where pmx has contested) and end in the capital Kuala Lumpur on September 16, 2024. According to the secretariat of the organizers - Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz said the gathering was to express the people's dissatisfaction with Anwar Ibrahim's administration.

    2. Inconsistencies in the law cause the 6 members of parliament who were dismissed by their party to remain and their seats are not automatically vacated. According to senior lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla subclause 49A states that a member of parliament will cease to be a member of parliament if he resigns or ceases to be a member of the political party on which he contested and won. However, according to Haniff, the subclause also states that a member of parliament will not cease to be a member of parliament/member of the People's House simply because he is dismissed from his political party.

    3. Update on the construction of old hospitals and applications for citizenship documents in Limbang and Lawas. Puan Agnes Padan stated that the right to obtain citizenship and health services is the most basic human right. We in Lawas have been denied this right and do not delay any longer.


    Agnes Padan, Human rights activist from Lawas.

    Improving MyKad Access: The Next Step for Citizenship Rights

    Today, Agnes shares the persistence of a family in obtaining citizenship rights for their child. After trying for 14 years, last Monday, the long-awaited MyKad was finally claimed from the Putrajaya NRD office. According to Agnes, the MyKad application for this male teenager started when he was 12 years old. Now, he is almost married, self-employed, and lives in Kampung Buangsiol, Limbang.

    Recently, there have been many successful MyKad applications for Category 15A, which are citizenship applications for children whose fathers are Malaysian citizens. However, according to Agnes, citizenship applications for foreign women married to Malaysian men have not yet been successful. She hopes that the government will simplify citizenship matters for those who are entitled and have complete documents.

    Agnes also hopes that the expectation of the people of Lawas district for a new hospital will be fulfilled this year. The hospital building currently in use was built in 1969 and only provides daily medical services. There are no specialist doctor services available. Agnes questions why Lawas, a district, should only have a health clinic when it should have a full hospital.

    She points out that many do not know that Lawas is located in the northern part of Sarawak, bordering Brunei and Indonesia, and neighboring Sabah. Due to its geography and border-crossing issues, the lives of the people of Lawas are in danger every day during emergencies. Agnes hopes that the construction of the new hospital will be completed this year, as the community has been waiting too long. Health facilities and citizenship rights are the most basic human rights, according to Agnes Padan.


    Bill Jugah, chairman SADIA Rejang

    Education and Development Disparities in Kanowit

    Bill Jugah comment on statement of  YB Anyi's Call for Grassroots Leaders to Collaborate for Improved Household Income in Kanowit.
    Bill Jugah emphasizes several critical aspects that need addressing. Firstly, the appointment of grassroots leaders, often politically chosen, is crucial for voicing community needs and fostering development. However, development efforts remain uneven due to the lack of education among longhouse residents, leading to compliance with government decisions without full understanding.
    Issues arise during land surveys where initial assessments lack clarity, often resulting in disputes that necessitate resurveys for accurate boundary delineations or land claims. Unfortunately, opinions from longhouses with significant voter populations are sometimes disregarded, further exacerbating disparities.
    Bill urges educated individuals, many of whom work outside their communities, to support fellow longhouse residents in developmental planning, including complex matters such as carbon trading—topics unfamiliar to most longhouse dwellers. He stresses the importance of recognizing the value of every tree, especially given the dwindling forest cover due to logging.
    In accordance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), local indigenous communities have the right to self-governance over their resources, including rivers. Bill calls on the government to integrate these perspectives effectively into policymaking.


    Mariam from Bakong

    Political Intrigue in Bakong: Longhouse Community Divided Over Leadership

    Puan Mariam from Bakong shared with Radio Free Sarawak about the problems faced by their longhouse community of 36 doors. For the past 4 years, they have not received any assistance from the government. This is due to the division within their longhouse caused by interference in the selection of their headman. During the headman election, the headman who won the vote was not approved by the YB, and the candidate who lost was instead appointed as the headman by the representative. The longhouse community appointed their chosen headman even though he does not receive a salary, but he continues to shoulder the responsibilities of a headman without pay.

    Bakong is an area under DUN Lambir within the Sibuti parliamentary constituency. According to Puan Mariam, the harmony of the longhouse community should maintain unity, but unfortunately, most headmen prioritize political interests for themselves over the welfare of the people.


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