Radio Free Sarawak

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18 January 2021

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post


Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu, kitai dulu ngenang sekeda orang ti deka nyara perintah tegal ti bejalaika Adat Menua Siga diatu. Kami bisi nanya ngagai MP PH Ong Kian Ming seduai Jeral Joseph ari Suhakam pasal sekeda orang ti deka nyara perintah. Kedua sama besalah perintah sereta madahka Adat Menua Siga enda patut dipejalaika diatu, nya ukai patut dikena nanka peritah ti nadai mayuh disukung MP mengkang bekuasa diatu sereta nagang Parliament bekuasa. Kami mega bisi berandau enggau Alan Ling ari DAP pasal siku indu ti dikandang polis ti dirugul siku lelaki, lalu Zulhaidah Suboh ari PKR Sarawak ti minta rumah perintah ti kusung endur ngatur pendiau orang ti nadai rumah. Pendingka semua cherita tu ditusui Radii Free Sarawak online pukul 6 lemai tu...


On The Show Tonight - At Last A Legal Challenge to the SOE. We speak directly to the PH MP Ong Kian Ming behind the complaint and also to Jerald Joseph the Commissioner of Malaysia's own Human Rights organisation Suhakam. Both slam the declaration as inappropriate - a State of Emergency is for managing a crises together as a nation and it does not involve a minority party taking full control of the government and suspending Parliament to keep in power (which is in fact a Coup). Also, we speak to DAP's Alan Ling about an appalling attack on a young girl supposedly in the custody and 'care' of the police and to Zulhaidah Suboh, Sarawak's PKR Women's deputy head who calls for empty government buildings to be put to use to help house the homeless. Listen to the show that says what it is. Online from 6pm.....