18 June 2024

On Today Show
— Dominic Langat, Penan from Long Tungan, Baram – Penan Community Faces Isolation Due to Collapsed Logging Roads in Baram
— Paul Wan from Long Lama – Contrasting Achievements: Michael Teo in Miri vs. Anyi Ngau in Baram
— Sivarajan, Secretary General of PSM – PSM Condemns Arrest of Borneo Komrad School Teacher and Students


Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Dominic Langat, Penan dari Long Tungan, Baram - Komuniti Penan Menghadapi Pemencilan Akibat Jalan Balak Runtuh di Baram
- Paul Wan dari Long Lama - Pencapaian yang Berbeza: Michael Teo di Miri vs. Anyi Ngau di Baram
- Sivarajan, Setiausaha Agung PSM - PSM Mengutuk Penahanan Guru dan Pelajar Sekolah Borneo Komrad

  • Special Randau
    Opening and Randau, 18 June 2024.

    1. Cash rewards will be given for reporting corruption cases. The Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) stated that 514 public servants were rewarded with a total of over RM1 million between 2012 and 2023 for reporting corruption cases that led to convictions.

    2. The government will review the implications of the proposal to place the MACC under the purview of Parliament, said Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

    3. The Sarawak GPS government has announced hundreds of millions of ringgit in allocations for repairing logging roads. However, when residents sought emergency assistance due to road/landslides, there was no help from the state government. Is it true that there are projects or allocations for repairing logging roads as promoted by the state government? Dominic Langat stated that there are no such projects in Baram.

    Dominic Langat, Penan from Long Tungan, Baram

    Penan Community Faces Isolation Due to Collapsed Logging Roads in Baram

    An NGO named the National Dayak Congress is working to help the interior residents of Baram repair the collapsed logging road in the Long Lelang and Long Nen settlements in Baram. Following the incident, residents in the affected areas have been cut off from the outside world and are unable to go to town to buy food or visit the Long Lama clinic. The residents have sought emergency assistance from the state government. However, their appeals for help have gone unanswered. Dominic confirmed that a landslide indeed occurred in the area, which is located deep in the interior of Baram. According to Dominic, road collapses and impassable conditions have become commonplace in Baram. However, today, the media reported a statement by Sarawak's Deputy Premier and Minister of Infrastructure Development and Ports, Douglas Unggah, stating that Sarawak will repair 14 logging roads throughout the state at a cost of RM543 million. Of these 14 roads, four are currently being repaired and 10 are still in the pre-contract stage. Unggah also announced that 16 Jiwa Murni roads, costing RM928 million, have been completed, covering a distance of 461 km and including 82 bridges.

    Dominic criticized Unggah's statement as being too general. He asked for specifics about which logging roads are being repaired and which have been completed. As a transport operator in Baram, Dominic stated that he has not seen any logging road repair projects in progress. In fact, just a week ago, a logging road in his village collapsed, and they sought assistance. A Tan Sri who was previously involved in road repair work has not received payment from the state government for a long time. The Sarawak state government easily mentions hundreds of millions of ringgit for road repair projects, but in reality, none of the mentioned projects have been executed. We, the residents of Baram, request that instead of repairing logging roads and building Jiwa Murni roads—which are all lies and a waste of resources—quality roads be constructed for us, even if they take longer to complete, so long as they can be used safely.

    Paul Wan from Long Lama

    Contrasting Achievements: Michael Teo in Miri vs. Anyi Ngau in Baram

    Miri Hospital is on track to expand its healthcare services with a new hospital block scheduled to be fully operational next year. This was achieved through the efforts of former Miri MP, Michael Teo, providing a slight sense of security and believed to alleviate the current shortage of medical facilities in Miri.

    Paul Wan praised the dedication of Dr. Michael Teo, who successfully developed a hospital in Miri that has been completed. During Dr. Teo's two terms as MP, despite being in the opposition, he managed to bring a hospital to the people of Miri. Paul believes that there were other initiatives Dr. Teo advocated for the people of Miri during his tenure as MP, although not all were approved. Therefore, with his successor YB Chiew, Paul hopes to see further development in Miri City.

    In contrast, over two terms as MP for Baram, Anyi Ngau has not brought about any significant changes for the indigenous people of Baram. Issues such as healthcare clinics in the interior of Baram remain unresolved. Since becoming MP for Baram, Anyi Ngau has often been aligned with the government but has not brought much change to Baram.

    Sivarajan, Secretary General of PSM

    PSM Condemns Arrest of Borneo Komrad School Teacher and Students

    The incident in question involves a teacher and students from Borneo Komrad Alternative School in Sabah, who were arrested while traveling to Kota Kinabalu last week. The group was en route to participate in a program organized by university students focused on water issues. The event was unrelated to the activities of the Alternative School group.

    Sivarajan said that PSM is concerned about what happened to the teacher and pupils of Borneo Komrad Alternative School of Sabah, who were arrested while traveling to Kota Kinabalu last week. PSM urges the Sabah government to stop intimidating these vulnerable communities. Friends in Borneo Komrad are championing the education of undocumented children in the coastal area of Sabah. This is actually an old issue. But why was this group detained while going for a program organized by others from the university to voice out water issues, which had nothing to do with the Alternative School group? Why were they detained?

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