19 July 2024

On Today Show
— Micheal Mering Jok, secretary general of the Sarawak indigenous people's rights organization – Empowering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Territory Mapping in Land Rights
— Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, head of the Agricultural Bureau for the MPN of PKR – Enhancing Self-Sufficiency: Sarawak's Call for Broader Crop Cultivation
— Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang – Indigenous Land Rights Ignored in Pahang Replanting Projects

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Michael Mering Jok, setiausaha agung organisasi hak-hak orang asli Sarawak – Memperkasakan Suara Orang Asli: Peranan Pemetaan Wilayah dalam Hak Tanah
— Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, ketua Biro Pertanian untuk MPN PKR – Meningkatkan Kemandirian: Seruan Sarawak untuk Penanaman Tanaman yang Lebih Luas
— Yusri Ahon dari Kampung Sungai Mai Pahang – Hak Tanah Orang Asli Diabaikan dalam Projek Penanaman Semula di Pahang

  • Special Randau

                    1. The Natives/Dayaks and Bumiputras of Sarawak do not need to request land from the GPS minister according to sec 6a of the Sarawak land code - according to the principle of native territorial domain NTD.  NTD limits any village can request 500 to 1000 hectares of land from Sarawak's minister of land and natural resources. According to Micheal Mering Jok. NTD applies to newly created villages after Jan 1, 1958. For villages that existed hundreds of years before the formation of Malaysia. We have land ourselves, so there is no need to beg. Just ask the king to issue a land letter.

                    2. The state of Kedah asks Sarawak to cover part of the cost of sending the contingent to the sukma sports that will take place in Sarawak. It is not fair to ask the host state to cover the cost of sending athletes to sukma - said the youth and sports minister - Hannah Yoh. It is hoped that this episode will open the eyes of the government that eastern Malaysian states such as Sabah and Sarawak face high costs when dealing with Putrajaya in relation to various matters. It is hoped that the government can build a mechanism to lower the price of goods and transport costs to East Malaysia.


    Micheal Mering Jok, secretary general of the Sarawak indigenous people's rights organization (SCRIPS)

    Empowering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Territory Mapping in Land Rights

    Micheal invited all the people of Sarawak who own NCR land to attend the one-day seminar/workshop that will take place on 27 July 2024. Located in MYY mall Miri. Participants will be taught to draw their own longhouse traditional territory boundaries. Micheal explained that each longhouse in the past had their own territory which was administered by the king for their respective tribes. The inj matter lasted until the time of Brooke's administration and during the British administration. But after Sarawak became independent and together formed Malaysia. The Political Party that governs Sarawak established the Sarawak land canon based on the principle of Terra Nullius - meaning no one owns land and all land belongs to the government. This is where the land ownership conflict in Sarawak began. How is it possible that the indigenous people who have occupied their land for hundreds of years and tens of generations can be deprived of their rights in an instant by a piece of land document drafted by a ruling party. SCRIPS will teach the indigenous people to write their own history and draw their own village boundary maps and will press the government to recognize the Dayak people's rights to their ncr land. Asked about the decision of the federal court which ruled that Dayak customary practices have no legal force to confirm customary land ownership. Micheal insists that the decision of the federal court in the Tuai Rumah Sandah case is 'inaccurate'. It happened due to some technical errors and there will be in the future another judge will make a different decision. Is it possible that the community map produced by a longhouse will conflict with the NTD map sec 6. Micheal explained that longhouses that existed after Jan 1, 1958 are eligible to apply for NTD- given at the discretion of the minister. But longhouses that have a clear and long history before the arrival of Rajah Brooke no longer need to apply for NTD (because it is their land) and the government must recognize and confirm the map. The more communities that have a map of the border of the customary territory - the stronger their demands will be and the government will finally agree. I implore you all to be present and we begin an effort to save our land from being seized or encroached upon by those who do not respect our rights. Confirm your attendance by contacting Micheal Mering Jok at 019-858 3967.


    Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh, head of the Agricultural Bureau for the Sarawak state leadership council (MPN) of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)

    Enhancing Self-Sufficiency: Sarawak's Call for Broader Crop Cultivation

    Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh has urged the Sarawak government to invigorate the cultivation of herbs and spices in addition to padi.

    Abang Zulkifli stated that diversifying into herbs and spices could reduce dependency on imports and enhance Sarawak’s agricultural resilience. "In addition to padi cultivation, the government should also take steps to boost the cultivation of herbs and spices. This is because our region still heavily relies on imports from foreign countries, with notable examples being onions and ginger.

    Commenting further on padi cultivation, Abang Zulkifli highlighted the recent announcement of a RM1 billion investment in padi cultivation by the Premier, calling it a major initiative for Sarawak that deserves widespread support. "Sarawak, with its vast and fertile land, is well-suited for various agricultural industries. The state government’s substantial investment is commendable, and we hope it opens opportunities across the entire state rather than focusing on specific areas.

    Abang Zulkifli emphasized that any effort to enhance the agricultural industry as a foundation for national food sufficiency and security will receive full support from all segments of society.

    He also called for continued support from both the federal and Sarawak governments to empower existing subsistence farmers, enabling them to engage in commercial padi farming and contribute to the nation’s rice supply.


    Yusri Ahon of Kpg Sg Mai Pahang

    Indigenous Land Rights Ignored in Pahang Replanting Projects

    The Pahang Orang Asli Village Network (JKOAP) has expressed disappointment with the Pahang government's decision not to gazette the commercial replanting (TSK) and grouped replanting (TSB) project areas as Indigenous Customary Land.

    The projects, previously managed by the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (Risda), are now overseen by the Pahang Orang Asli Corporation (Oraco), a state-owned company.

    Yusri Ahon said that the JKOAP is frustrated the government failed to gazette the areas under commercial replanting and smallholders replanting projects as their customary territorial domain. Initially, those projects were under Risda, which was federally managed. But recently, they were taken over by Oraco, which is a state agency. Under Risda, the communities had 30 percent, while under Oraco, they are only given 25 percent. So how can the Orang Asli in Pahang develop?

    Yusri and his team have tried to meet with the Menteri Besar to sort out a better solution but have had to face obstacles from intermediaries.

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