2 January 2024

On Today Show
— Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK) – "Dubai Move" gives GPS an open opportunity to accept the offer or reject it
— Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram – Sponsoring the Tallest Flagpole: Is it True CSR? Questioning the Meaning of CSR by Petro Companies
—  (call-in) Mr. Veron, A Sarawakian working in Johor – Sarawak's Wealth Divide: Unanswered Questions After 30 Years of Leadership
— Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Rising Waters and Broken Bridges: The Crisis in Kuala Betis, Kelantan


Topik Pada Hari Ini

- Voon Lee Shan, Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) - "Dubai Move" memberikan peluang terbuka kepada Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) untuk menerima atau menolak tawaran tersebut.

- Thomas Jalong, aktivis dari Baram - Menaja Bendera Tertinggi: Adakah Ini CSR Sejati? Menyoal Makna CSR oleh Syarikat Petro

- (panggilan masuk) Encik Veron, Warga Sarawak yang bekerja di Johor - Pembahagian Kekayaan Sarawak: Persoalan yang Belum Dijawab Selepas 30 Tahun Pemimpinan

- Nasir Nash, aktivis dari Gua Musang Kelantan - Banjir dan Jambatan Rosak: Krisis di Kuala Betis, Kelantan

  • *Special Randau*

    1- "Primary Data Hub (PADU) Launched by PM Anwar at PICC Putrajaya Today"

    PADU integrates hundreds of databases under one roof, streamlining government subsidy targeting, saving costs, and reducing wastage. PADU will assist the government in obtaining accurate information and enable the withdrawal of subsidies from wealthier groups.

    2- "Daim Zainuddin and Tun Mahathir Under Investigation by MACC Following Pandora Papers Leak"

    The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is investigating Daim Zainuddin and Tun Mahathir based on leaked information from the Pandora Papers.

    "Dubai Move: An Attempt by PN Leaders to Undermine PM Anwar, Says PM Anwar Ibrahim"

    3- PM Anwar Ibrahim dismisses the Dubai Move as an attempt by Perikatan Nasional (PN) leaders to undermine him. He asserts that he remains focused on working to assist the people.


    Voon Lee Shan, President of Bumi Kenyalang Party (PBK)

    *"Dubai Move" gives GPS an open opportunity to accept the offer or reject it*

    Today, deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed that he had received intelligence that the "Dubai Move" was carefully planned by a group of PN leaders and government parliamentarians to topple Anwar Ibtahim as prime minister. According to Voon, the information he received, Abang Johari (Premier of Sarawak) was offered the position of PM of Malaysia. Voon thinks that GPS should support Dubai Move and take the opportunity to be appointed to the position of prime minister in order to take back the rights of Sabah/Sarawak that have been usurped by Malaya - especially in relation to oil, gas and the continental shelf and another is that it gives Sarawak an opportunity to reassess its position in Federation of Malaysia.

    Asked if that will once again cause political instability in Malaysia. Voon thinks "Dubai Move" gives GPS an open opportunity to accept the offer or reject it. If GPS rejects the offer and agrees to continue supporting PM Anwar Ibrahim. This also gives more space to GPS to demand more from Anwar. The current situation is so much in favor of GPS and it is up to GPS to take advantage of the current situation for the benefit of Sarawak.


    Thomas Jalong, activist from Baram

    *Sponsoring the Tallest Flagpole: Is it True CSR? Questioning the Meaning of CSR by Petro Companies*

    During the countdown event at Kuching Waterfront, the tallest flagpole in Southeast Asia, measuring 99 metres in height, flying the Sarawak state flag named officially as ‘Ibu Pertiwi’ was launched by Premier Sarawak Abang Johari. Abang Johari also revealed the RM30-million flagpole project was funded by Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros), Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas) and Shell Malaysia as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR)

    What is CSR? CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is the responsibility of businesses to engage in meaningful actions for society. CSR refers to the corporate responsibility towards society and the environment, encompassing the impact of businesses on society and the environment, as well as the measures taken by businesses to assume responsibility and reduce negative effects. However, the highest flag, symbolizing positive impacts on society, is not being raised.

    Thomas Jalong mentioned that there are still many areas in Sarawak facing inadequate basic infrastructure, such as inland roads, water and electricity supply, clinics, and education. These are areas where businesses can contribute and take on CSR, but unfortunately, the most profitable companies sponsor the highest flags without providing assistance to inland roads, water and electricity supply, and medical education facilities.

    Regarding Abang Johari's statement about including more organizations, Thomas Jalong believes that the responsibility of NGOs is to supervise the government and help voice concerns for specific or vulnerable groups. If they become part of the government, they may lose the right to correct the government or propose policy reforms.


    (call-in) Mr. Veron, A Sarawakian working in Johor

    *Sarawak's Wealth Divide: Unanswered Questions After 30 Years of Leadership*

    Mr Veron criticizes the statement of Taib Mahmood regarding Sarawak's high income. Mr. Veron questions the evidence supporting the claim that Sarawak is a high-income state, pointing out that many Sarawakians still migrate to the peninsula for work. In Sarawak, there are also numerous individuals unable to find employment due to a lack of MyKard (identity card). Additionally, basic infrastructure such as good roads, electricity, and water treatment facilities have not reached many rural residents.

    He highlights that many Sarawakians lack land for development as the government grants licenses to logging and plantation companies on indigenous land. Mr. Veron questions the meaning of being a high-income state when the rights of the people are not protected.

    Despite Sarawak generating billions in profits, he questions whether the people benefit from these earnings. With over 3 million residents in Sarawak, he questions why the government hesitates to allocate even 1 percent of the billion-ringgit revenue to the people. According to him, Sarawak's wealth seems to be reserved only for the leaders.

    After over 30 years of Taib's leadership as the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Mr. Veron wonders where the state's profits from the past 30 years have gone and why Sarawak is still considered poor.


    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    *Rising Waters and Broken Bridges: The Crisis in Kuala Betis, Kelantan*

    On the flood issue in Gua Musang since December 22nd, continuous rainfall in the interior has led to a sudden rise in water levels in the surrounding areas of Kuala Betis, Kelantan. Kuala Betis serves as a connection point for three rivers: Sg Broke, Sg Petrias, and is known as the mouth of the river.

    The ongoing rainfall in the interior has caused damages, including connection problems, broken bridges, and landslides. People in the affected areas are unable to access food supplies from the town, and currently, there is no news of food supplies from anybody. The speaker hopes that JAKOA, the welfare department, or government agencies can urgently supply food to the affected families via air transport.

    The affected communities include Pos Haw, Pos Balar, Pos Belatin, Pos Simpo, Pos Goh, Pos Tohoi, and Pos Pasih. Usually, school children experience delays in starting school.

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