2 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of Sungai Patin Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Village – We were afraid of being arrested
— Paul Nunggang, from Ulu Baram – Call for Fair Distribution of Development Funds Across Baram’s Villages

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling - Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian Sungai Patin Similajau, Bintulu – Kami takut ditangkap 
— Paul Nunggang, dari Ulu Baram – Seruan untuk Pengagihan Dana Pembangunan yang Adil di Kampung-kampung Baram 


    Special Randau

                    1. The SFC used various tactics to thwart the blockade that the residents of the Sungai Patin agricultural heritage village of Bintulu tried to set up. This time they reattached arrest warrant notices to some parties in the past and if we continue the blockade. Then we will also be arrested. We are not afraid of the bluff and will still set up a blockade - said tr Panting ak Baling.

                    2. The Swiss court did not mention Jho Low as Najib's representative - said Najib's main lawyer Mohammad Shafee Abdullah. Shafee stated that during the trial at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today. Najib was tried on allegations of abuse of power and illegal money laundering of rm2.27 billion and 1 mdb. Najib's lawyer tried to portray that Najib had nothing to do with Jho Low.


    Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of Sungai Patin Similajau Bintulu Agricultural Heritage Village

    We were afraid of being arrested

    Tr Panting provided an update on the efforts to set up tents in preparation for the blockade and welcomed the presence of SUHAKAM and a group of NGOs, both local and international, who are expected to visit Similajau next week. In response to these developments, the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) posted an arrest warrant notice that had been issued in the past against an Indonesian citizen and a Chinese national who had trespassed into the national park.

    Upon seeing this notice, a concerned individual went to see the Bintulu police chief to inquire about the purpose of the SFC posting it. Mr. Billy, the police officer on duty, explained that the notice has nothing to do with the residents of Taman Warisan Pertanian. According to the police, the notice was likely posted to intimidate the residents.

    The individual felt relieved because the police also sympathize with the residents who were evicted from the area recently designated as part of an additional national park. The police informed them that the SFC is organizing a meeting with all involved parties, which will be attended by YB Kawasan Similajau, Majang Renggi.

    The residents welcome this meeting and plan to provide evidence that their presence in the area has been with the blessing and permission of the former Chief Minister of Sarawak, Adenan Satem. They also intend to request that SADIA attend the meeting to support them, although the date for the meeting has not yet been finalized.


    Paul Nunggang, from Ulu Baram

    Call for Fair Distribution of Development Funds Across Baram’s Villages

    Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau has announced a rural transformation project of over RM70 million that will soon be taking place in Long Bemang, Baram. The three major projects will involve the construction of a riverbank erosion barrier, a water plant, and road works starting from the Long Bemang village junction.

    Paul Nunggang has stated that while this is a positive development for Long Bemang, it will not entirely solve the long-standing issue of flooding in the area. He emphasized that as long as logging activities continue in the interior, the problem of riverbed elevation and subsequent flooding will persist.

    He also questioned why only Long Bemang is receiving this RTP development fund while other interior villages are seemingly neglected. He highlighted that in his own village, Long Liam, the roads have deteriorated and have not been repaired. Many other interior areas are also dealing with broken bridges and impassable roads, leaving villagers stranded and cut off from the outside world.

    Paul Nunggang called on Dennis Ngau and other representatives to treat all villages fairly by providing basic road infrastructure and other essential facilities. He stressed the need for equitable development across all rural areas, ensuring that no village is left behind or forgotten.

    Furthermore, he urged the government to address the root causes of the problems faced by these villages, such as deforestation and poor land management, which contribute to frequent flooding and infrastructure damage. By focusing on sustainable development and protecting natural resources, Paul believes that the government can create a more stable and prosperous future for all communities in Baram and beyond. He also called for greater transparency and accountability in how development funds are allocated and utilized, advocating for a participatory approach that involves the voices and needs of local communities in decision-making processes.

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