20 January 2021


Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu, kitai dulu ngenang pasal rayat Sarawak ti berambunka nyawa nyaga pengelikun menua Sarawak tang nama kebuah enda dikemendarka bisi kad IC ? Perintah GPS agi balat besiping bansa lalu bansa asal nadai disediaka atur ti engkeman ba pengerai, pelajar sekula, laku tanah sida dirampas, bisi sekeda enda ulih nyadi pengundi. Kami bisi ditusuika kaban PKR Martin Labo pasal semua pekara tu. Kaban DAP di Sabah Jannie Lasimbang seduai Dr.Tamoi ari UTM nusui penusah ti nuntung bansa Dayak di pesisir. Pendingka semua pekara tu ditusui Radio Free Sarawak online pukul 6 lemai tu....


On The Show Tonight - Sarawakian enough to risk their lives for the country but not enough to get IC? The marginalisation of communities by GPS who are playing for easy votes means indgenous communities are still deprived of medical care, education, social security, legal right to their lands and, of course, the right to vote! We follow the tragic story of one Sarawak Ranger and his family with PKR campaigner Martin Labo. We also talk inland communities about the problems accessing communications and to Jannie Lasimbang of DAP Sabah who is championing working conditions plus Dr Tamoi of UTM about the Dayak people. This and much more online from 6pm..

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