20 November 2023

Topik Pada Hari Innni:
> Gereng Jadum, Penan dari Metalun, Murum - Persidangan Dewan Negeri Sarawak, saya tidak tahu pun
> Erang Ngang, dari Long Tungan - Pencucian Hijau: Penipuan Samling Terdedah oleh Suara Orang Asal
> Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak - MUDA Sarawak: Fokus Kepada Suara Rakyat Selepas Tersisih Daripada GPS

On Today Show
> Gereng Jadum, Penan from Metalun Resettlement, Murum – Sarawak state assembly conference, I don't even know
> Erang Ngang, from Long Tungan – Greenwashing the Forests: Samling's Exploits Exposed by Indigenous Voices
> Jeffrery Ngui, chairman of Muda Sarawak – MUDA Sarawak: Bridging Gaps and Amplifying Marginalized Voices

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Malaysian Parliamentary Conference made history today when not a single opposition member of parliament attended the morning session. All of them attended the "save Shariah rally" at the grounds of the Putrajaya Palace of Justice.

    2. The Sarawak State Assembly also created history today when Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg presented the Sarawak Budget 2024. The largest budget ever presented in Sarawak was RM12.363 billion, which is an increase (18%) of RM2.098 billion from 2023. In fact, the projected revenue for 2024 is expected to create history - the highest revenue of RM12.749 billion. RM5.704 billion in tax revenue and RM6.390 billion in non-tax revenue. RFS will try to get the views of the public regarding the Sarawak Budget 2024.


    Gereng Jadum, Penan from Metalun Resettlement, Murum

    *Sarawak state assembly conference, I don't even know*

    Asked if Gereng knew that all 82 YBs gathered at the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly in Kuching from today 20 to 29 November 2023 in the 19th Sarawak State Assembly meeting - Did you know that the 2024 budget will be presented today? I do not know.

    Gereng informed that his place of residence which is far inland makes it difficult for him to get information. Telephone and internet lines are obtained by subscribing to "Connect Me". That is at a price of RM12 for 1GB of data. If online FB one hour will be over. Gereng requested the Sarawak government to broadcast the DUN conference on TV and Radio because it can be watched through ASTRO broadcasts. It was asked if the people's representatives (YBs) of the Murum area had asked about the problems they were facing, so that the problem could be brought to the Sarawak State Assembly meeting. Gereng said YB had no questions and met us. Maybe we will have a chance to meet him on 23 to 25 Nov 2023 in a cultural event "ADET TAPOK" in Murum. If there is an opportunity, I will voice 4 main issues to be resolved by the Sarawak government. First- the road from our longhouse to SK Metalun school. Second- Health Clinic Construction. Third- Clean water supply and fourth- Telecommunication services. If these 4 things can be resolved. Our Penan people's lives in Murum will be more comfortable.


    Erang Ngang, from Long Tungan

    *Greenwashing the Forests: Samling's Exploits Exposed by Indigenous Voices*

    The Borneo Project and Bruno Manser Fonds have highlighted flaws in Malaysia's Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) with their report, "Lost in Certification: How forest certification greenwashes Samling's dirty timber." Gathering evidence from affected Indigenous communities, the report exposes conflicts and environmental damage caused by Samling. Despite this, Samling's logging in Sarawak maintains a "sustainable" certification, allowing international sales under PEFC's green label. The report details consistent violations of certification standards by Samling without significant consequences or improvements.

    Erang Ngang from Long Tungan agrees with the aforementioned report and asserts that Samling's sustainability certification is not genuine, and logging activities on indigenous customary lands have not been communicated with or approved by the villagers. He emphasizes that if there are any logging activities in Baram or The Gerenai FMU, the community demands a full Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) process from the logging company. Additionally, there must be a pre-agreement before any logging activities, stipulating that for every amount of timber extracted, the company must construct a tar-sealed road. However, to date, no proper road has been built; the existing roads are merely logging roads. Once logging activities conclude, the roads disappear. The community leaders are acting in the interests of the logging companies, illustrating the tactics employed by these companies.

    He further emphasizes that communities require any companies undertaking projects to engage in full consultation with FPIC, sign proper agreements for the construction of tar-sealed roads, steel or concrete bridges, and proper boundary demarcation. The demand includes providing jobs at all levels and business opportunities for the community. Additionally, detailed project information, such as forest boundaries, timber quantity, timber prices, and available job positions, should be made transparent to the community.


    Jeffrery Ngui, chairman of Muda Sarawak

    *MUDA Sarawak: Bridging Gaps and Amplifying Marginalized Voices*

    The 19th Session of the 2nd Sarawak State Legislative Assembly took place from November 20 to November 29. With the opposition's limited influence (note: only two seats held by the DAP), MUDA Sarawak, rooted in Sarawak for less than two years, emphasizes the importance of the opposition, particularly in overseeing those in power and advocating for marginalized communities.

    Jeffrey Ngui stated that most people recognize MUDA because of Syed Saddiq, and there is a misconception that MUDA Sarawak, existing in Sarawak for less than two years, is an NGO rather than a political party. He mentioned that MUDA Sarawak focuses especially on marginalized communities, not only delivering food but also addressing the challenges these communities face by writing letters to local councils, state and federal representatives. Each time, they receive responses and can assist these communities in problem resolution.

    He mentioned that MUDA Sarawak is more trusted by residents than elected representatives (YBs) because residents often cannot locate YBs or face unresponsive channels for complaints. MUDA Sarawak, on the other hand, is deeply involved in the community and is ready to solve problems for residents.

    However, he noted that the party's members are not professional politicians; most come from grassroots backgrounds with various professions and socioeconomic statuses. This sometimes results in less systematic event organization compared to other political parties, and many media outlets are still unfamiliar with MUDA Sarawak. He emphasized that although many people may not be interested in politics, issues related to economics, education, and daily life are all connected to policies, which are formulated by political figures.

    Jeffrey pointed out that MUDA Sarawak will continue to engage with communities and actively respond to issues and policies relevant to the people of Sarawak, ensuring a vigilant oversight role.

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