21 August 2024

On Today Show
— Ngajang Miden, Residents of Uma Ukit Hulu Balui Bakun – Logging Camps and Environmental Chaos: The Urgent Need to Halt Deforestation in Bakun
— Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah – Ending Political Interference in Village Leadership to Protect Native Lands
— S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM – PSM Activist Seeks Justice for Injuries Sustained During Farmer Eviction Protest

Topik Pada Hari
— Ngajang Miden, Penduduk Uma Ukit Hulu Balui Bakun – Kem Penebangan Hutan dan Kekacauan Alam Sekitar: Keperluan Mendesak untuk Menghentikan Penebangan Hutan di Bakun
— Gebriel Atong, Aktivis Hak Tanah dari Punan Bah – Mengakhiri Campur Tangan Politik dalam Kepimpinan Kampung untuk Melindungi Tanah Adat
— S Arutchelvan, Timbalan Pengerusi PSM – Aktivis PSM Menuntut Keadilan atas Kecederaan yang Dialami Semasa Protes Pengusiran Petani

  • Special Randau

                    1. The ‘Logjam’ that occurs at the Bakun dam is caused by active logging in the upstream part of the dam. In the Linau river alone there are 5 logging camps operated by the Shin Yang company - while upstream of Balui there are several more logging camps operated by Rimbunan Hijau. The most effective way to solve this problem - stop the logging, cancel the license and put the criminals in jail. - Ngajang said.

                    2. Update on the case of attack / treachery of property that happened in the field WTK Batu Niah. The Miri Police issued a media statement that the case was under investigation and prohibited the public from speculating and spreading false news.

                    3. Muhyiddin Yassin - former PM was investigated under the sedition act for allegedly questioning the king's actions. A PKR member of parliament - Hassan Karim questioned the use of the sedition act and it was against democracy - said Hassan. While LFP-lawyer for liberty is of the view that the king's role according to article 43(2)(a) of the federal constitution is not a matter that cannot be discussed. Therefore, LFL is of the view that the king's actions can be discussed, criticized or questioned by the people.


    Ngajang Miden, Residents of Uma Ukit Hulu Balui Bakun

    Logging Camps and Environmental Chaos: The Urgent Need to Halt Deforestation in Bakun

    Ngajang Miden is the leader of Uma Ukit residents who refuse to move to the Bakun Sungai Asap resettlement area. They moved to the high mountains so as not to be overwhelmed by the Bakun dam. RFS found out from a report on fb that a kilometer-long pile of wood (jam log) occurred again in the Linau river upstream of the Bakun dam.

    Ngajang confirmed the incident and informed that there were 2 reasons why it happened. Firstly, the logging activities in the upstream of the Linau river and the upstream of the bakun and the second - the decay of the timber in the bakun dam itself. Wood that is not cut down or not cleaned in the dam area will float when the water in the dam is full.

    In Linau River alone there are still 5 logging camps run by the Shin Yang logging company. While upstream of the bakun there are several logging camps run by Rimbunan Hijau. Among them Seraju Holding, Lanjak Camp, Besta sdn.bhd, Wong Camp and Ensurai Camp. There are several other logging camps that Ngajang himself does not remember the names of. We have complained about this clock log problem to SEB but no action has been taken.

    This problem is serious because it restricts our journey and has caused several accidents. The most appropriate way to solve this problem is to stop the logging with the GPS government terminate the logging license in the upstream Bakun because it pollutes the environment and we local people need the forest as our source of life. Bakun area under the administration of YB Liwan Lagang GPS.


    Gebriel Atong, Land Rights Activist from Punan Bah

    Ending Political Interference in Village Leadership to Protect Native Lands

    Gebriel Atong has expressed strong support for the unification of native groups under a single umbrella organization to resist unjust and oppressive land grabs. He echoes the sentiments of the Society for Rights of Indigenous Peoples of Sarawak (Scrips) in highlighting the urgent need for collective action to safeguard native land rights.

    Gebriel emphasizes that with natives making up at least 60% of Sarawak's population, their combined strength could compel the state government to amend the oppressive state Land Code.

    Gabriel also addressed the issue of political interference in the appointment of village chiefs. He strongly believes that the selection of village leaders should be left entirely to the villagers themselves, free from any political manipulation. "When politicians meddle in the appointment of village heads, it opens the door to corruption and disrupts the harmony within the community. Village leaders should be chosen by the people they represent, ensuring that they truly have the community's best interests at heart."

    Gebriel argues that allowing villagers to elect their own leaders would not only prevent corruption but also foster unity in the fight against external threats, such as land grabs. "When the village leadership is strong and chosen by the people, the community can stand together more effectively against any attempts to encroach on their land. It is only through unity and self-determination that we can protect our ancestral lands and preserve our way of life."


    S Arutchelvan, deputy chairperson of PSM

    PSM Activist Seeks Justice for Injuries Sustained During Farmer Eviction Protest

    Chong Yee Shan, a Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) central committee member, is taking legal action against the Perak Land and Minerals Office following serious injuries sustained during a protest on October 24, 2023. Chong suffered eye damage, potentially leading to permanent vision impairment unless corrected through high-risk surgery. After consulting with doctors and PSM chairperson Dr. Jeyakumar Deveraj, she decided against surgery due to the risk of blindness.

    Chong's lawsuit, filed on July 16, names Perak PTG enforcement officer Mohd Sukairi Saidi, the Perak PTG, and its director as defendants. The Ipoh Sessions Court has set a hearing for August 26. The injury occurred during a protest against the eviction of six farmers in Kanthan, Tambun, where Chong was allegedly shoved by a PTG officer, causing her fall.

    Following the incident, Chong was arrested while filing a police report and charged under Section 186 of the Penal Code for allegedly obstructing a civil servant’s duties. PSM deputy chairperson S. Arutchelvan criticized the police for treating Chong as a suspect rather than a victim and urged for a separation between the attorney-general's and public prosecutor's offices for impartial law enforcement. He also noted that the eviction issue is in Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s constituency and warned of further action if not resolved.

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