23 August 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst – Ending Corporate Favoritism: John Brian's Call to Protect Indigenous Land Rights in Sarawak
— Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Election Promises and Delays: The Unfinished Bridge of Kampung Selampit
— Agnes from Selangau – Criticizing Cronyism: Against JV Land Deals in Suai Niah


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Brian Anthony, Penganalisis Politik Sarawak – Menamatkan Pilihan Korporat: Seruan John Brian untuk Melindungi Hak Tanah Orang Asal di Sarawak
— Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading – Janji Pilihan Raya dan Kelewatan: Jambatan Kampung Selampit yang Belum Siap
— Agnes dari Selangau – Mengkritik Kronisme: Menentang Perjanjian Tanah JV di Suai Niah

  • Special Randau

                    1. GPS government's land development policy, confiscating Dayak land. John Brian called on the Dayaks to support change and not vote for GPS again. The GPS policy hands over Dayak NCR land to capitalists and all land owner complaints will be silenced.

                    2. UMNO will not remain silent if PH talks about Najib's release and pardon. this matter was stated by umno vice president mohamed khalid nordin in the umno general assembly that is going on now.

                    3. Tun Daim's wife obtained a temporary passport for work to Shanghai, China.

                    4. Rosmah's representation canceled the accusations - the attorney general, the prosecution reached an agreement. Rosmah's application to drop 17 charges of money laundering and tax evasion raised RM7 million.


    John Brian Anthony, Sarawak Political Analyst

    Ending Corporate Favoritism: John Brian's Call to Protect Indigenous Land Rights in Sarawak

    John responded to the Miri police chief's media statement that the police are investigating a property embezzlement case in the WTK palm oil plantation in Suai Niah. Information states that 3 individuals have been arrested and police are still hunting for 4 more suspects of assault and treachery. I question why the police investigate the complaint made by the taukey farm only. Meanwhile, when thousands of complaints were made by villagers regarding the case of careless land, the police did not investigate at all. The police should also investigate why such an incident happened, is it because of injustice against the landowners in the area? - asked John. Farm Taukey is a rich man. WTK has 3 locations in the Suai Niah area. They obtained the PL because they were rich and had political connections with the rulers. How can the poor demand justice if the government favors rich corporations. Cases like this happen all over Sarawak. The reason is because GPS gives NCR land belonging to Orang Asal to rich people and the rights of land owners are not guaranteed by the government. There are many examples of failed JVs such as LCDA and SELCRA. The company makes a lot of profit - but the return is only a few ringgits to the land owner. I suggest now that the government does not give PL to rich companies anymore. Stop it. Now give assistance to Dayak/original farmers - capital to clear land, seeds, agricultural technology, fertilizers and then marketing and reasonable pricing. This will be fairer and Dayak land ownership will remain. Because if the Dayak/Orang Asal continue to be pressured with unfair policies. I believe cases like those in Suai, Batu Niah and in Merakai Serian will continue to repeat themselves in the future - John Brian said.


    Meneng Biris, PKR Mas Gading
    *Election Promises and Delays: The Unfinished Bridge of Kampung Selampit*

    The issue of the bridge for Kampung Selampit is an old one, but it has become a hot topic recently due to a boat capsizing incident. The situation regarding the Kampung Selampit bridge is quite complicated, and it's unclear what exactly is causing the delay—whether it's something related to the residents or other factors. The residents are in dire need of the bridge to be built so they can easily access the town, clinic, and school for the students. They have been crossing the river for a long time, and the absence of a bridge poses significant challenges.

    Meneng understands that the delay in constructing the bridge is due to bureaucracy within the state government and the presence of many oil palm plantations in the surrounding villages. The tragedy of the boat capsizing could have been avoided if there were alternative access routes, such as the construction of a bridge. It would also be beneficial to have a proper road from Kampung Selampit through Kampung Kendaie to the main road, passing through the oil palm plantations. The access road from Kampung Kendaie also faces problems during the rainy season, as parts of the road become flooded.

    During every election, the Selampit bridge and the Kendaie road are always brought up as key issues in candidates' manifestos. Meneng is very familiar with the situation in Kampung Selampit, as she has often visited the village to distribute food during the pandemic and flood seasons.

    She urges the state government to seriously address the issue and raise it at a higher level, as the main cause of the delay in the project is bureaucratic red tape. Although the project was approved quite some time ago, its implementation has been very slow. In the meantime, boat operators should consider the safety of passengers and avoid overcrowding.


    Agnes from Selangau

    Criticizing Cronyism: Against JV Land Deals in Suai Niah

    Puan Agnes from Selangau felt compelled to speak out on RFS since the crisis erupted at the WTK plantation in Suai Niah.

    Puan Agnes explained that she has never accepted the concept of a joint venture (JV) that involves handing over land to plantation companies connected to political cronies because it is like "sweet in the beginning, bitter in the end."

    This is the problem when people from our longhouses are often deceived by development projects that ultimately result in great losses.

    In the Suai Niah case, even though blocking the road (blockage) was necessary, actions like damaging the company’s property will not solve the problem and will only create more issues for them. Never resort to violence, as this will make the case even more complicated to resolve in the future.



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