23 July 2024

On Today Show
— Ujan ak Lalong, resident of Rumah Rima Sungai Kelawit ,Tatau- Bintulu – Expired License Ignored: Tatau Longhouses Unite Against Illegal Quarry and Logging Activities
— Mr. Elias from Marudi – Critics Question Sarawak's High-Income Status Amid Persistent Poverty
— Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage – Activists and Politicians Demand Moratorium on Sedition Act

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Ujan ak Lalong, penduduk Rumah Rima Sungai Kelawit, Tatau-Bintulu – Lesen Tamat Tempoh Diabaikan: Rumah Panjang Tatau Bersatu Menentang Aktiviti Kuari dan Pembalakan Haram
— Encik Elias dari Marudi – Pengkritik Mempertikaikan Status Berpendapatan Tinggi Sarawak Di Tengah Kemiskinan yang Berterusan
— Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Engage – Aktivis dan Ahli Politik Menuntut Moratorium Akta Hasutan

  • Special Randau
                    1. For ten days residents of the Kelawit Tatau river, Bintulu staged a blockade to prevent the Stone Head quarry company, a subsidiary of TAAN, from continuing stone mining. The company's stone quarry permit has expired and they are doing illegal mining and quarrying. But until today no party has acted on them.

                    2. Media reports - Najib Razak's son met with the opposition to topple the Pahang state government. In the last election, Umno won 17 seats, PN-17 seats and PH- 8 seats. With the support of PH umno formed the Pahang state government. Mohammad Nizar Najib quickly denied the report and claimed it was slander.

                    3. The US court ordered Jho Low to forfeit the rm5.5 million diamond and a rm2.9 million pair of earrings bought for his mother using 1mdb money that was embezzled.


    Ujan ak Lalong, resident of Rumah Rima Sungai Kelawit ,Tatau- Bintulu

    Expired License Ignored: Tatau Longhouses Unite Against Illegal Quarry and Logging Activities

    Ujan reports that it has been 10 days since the residents of 10 longhouses along the Kelawit river staged a blockade to prevent the Stone Head quarry company - a subsidiary of TAAN from continuing to break and unload stones in their land area. The license/permit to mine stone issued by the government to this company has expired. However, the company is still working on processing and breaking the quarry stone. So we stopped them from continuing the work of Ujan ak Lalong. Not even our problem with the quarry company is over- a logging company is entering our ncr land. The company Capter Group belongs to billionaire Datuk Hee. We are asking our leaders in these 10 longhouses together to solve the problem of our encroached land. But they refuse, maybe they have received remuneration from logging or quarry companies. They should stop or at least demand compensation for us poor longhouse residents. But they don't want to speak on our behalf. For now we blockade and report this case to Penghulu. The headman informed us that he would call all 10 village leaders and ask them why they did not help solve the problems faced by the villagers.


    Mr. Elias from Marud

    Critics Question Sarawak's High-Income Status Amid Persistent Poverty

    Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg announced that the World Bank has recognized Sarawak as a high-income region in 2023. The state's gross national income (GNI) increased to US$17,000 from US$15,000 the previous year.

    Elias commented on Sarawak's status as a high-income state, confirming that the World Bank's report is accurate. However, he pointed out that the state's wealth is not reaching those in extreme poverty. Many people still do not have high incomes.

    One reason is the lack of proper roads, which prevents residents from bringing forest products to town to generate income. Additionally, job opportunities are dominated by foreign workers who are willing to accept low wages.

    Therefore, it is requested that the Sarawak government take the initiative to help the people so that the level of poverty can be eradicated.


    Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage
    *Activists and Politicians Demand Moratorium on Sedition Act*
    Pasir Gudang MP, Hassan Karim, has urged the Anwar Ibrahim-led government to reimpose the moratorium on the Sedition Act 1948, as was done under the PH 1.0 administration. The veteran PKR leader noted that despite many weaknesses during PH's first term, the moratorium on the Sedition Act was successfully implemented until the PH government fell in February 2022.

    Thomas fully agrees with the proposal raised by Pasir Gudang MP, YB Hassan Karim, that the Madani government should implement a moratorium on the Sedition Act. PH had promised to abolish this act, but it has not been materialized, as the current PH government led by Anwar Ibrahim is still imposing the Sedition Act against those who voice their dissent. Activists and political members from both sides, such as Tony Pua, have been investigated under the Sedition Act. This is not healthy for a government that claims to champion reformation. There seems to be no initiative to abolish the Sedition Act.

    The Madani government, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Internal Affairs should instruct the police and other agencies to use other laws if they wish to conduct investigations.


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