24 May 2024

On Today Show
— Dennis Along, President of the Tering Association of Sarawak – Community Outcry Against Cascading Tutoh Dam
— Mutang Tuo, Village Chief of Penan Long Iman – Trust Issues: Penan Reject Shin Yang and Samling's Carbon Trading Plans
— Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram – Securing Indigenous Lands in Sarawak's Carbon Trading
— Voon Lee Shan, Lawyer-Politician – Sarawakian Politicians' Allowance Hike Sparks Controversy


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Pesta Gawai Dayak
— Dennis Along, Presiden Persatuan Tering Sarawak – Suara Komuniti Menentang Empangan Tutoh Bertingkat
— Mutang Tuo, Ketua Kampung Penan Long Iman – Isu Kepercayaan: Penan Menolak Rancangan Perdagangan Karbon Shin Yang dan Samling
— Thomas Jalong, aktivis alam sekitar dari Ulu Baram – Memastikan Tanah Adat di Sarawak Dalam Perdagangan Karbon
— Voon Lee Shan, Peguam-Politikus – Kenaikan Elaun Ahli Politik Sarawak Cetus Kontroversi

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Happy Gawai from RFS to all Sarawakians celebrating the Gawai festival on June 1 and 2, 2024.

    2. A dialogue regarding the government's proposal to build a cascading dam in Tutoh, organized by SEB, YB Dennis Ngau, and the Ministry of Utilities and Communications, faced opposition from the 12 attending associations. We have seen the environmental damage and the suffering of the people of Bakun and Murum due to the dams. Therefore, we in Tutoh are not convinced that dam construction can advance us.

    3. Carbon trading in the forest - We Penan will decide for ourselves whether we will participate or not. The government cannot force us. Do not send Shin Yang to persuade us. We Penan do not trust Shin Yang to take care of the forest. In fact, they are the ones who have destroyed our forest.

    4. PAS will participate in the by-elections in 6 parliamentary seats and 1 state seat that will be vacated by BERSATU members who have declared their support for PMX.

    5. The court has directed Rosmah to file a defense statement by July 4 against a civil suit totaling USD346 million from 1MDB and 10 others. The plaintiffs claim that Rosmah received thousands of pieces of jewelry, watches, and handbags purchased by Shabnam using allegedly misappropriated funds from 1MDB and the other plaintiffs.


    Dennis Along, President of the Tering Association of Sarawak

    *Community Outcry Against Cascading Tutoh Dam*

    Yesterday, May 23, 2024, at Imperial Hotel Miri - a briefing was organized by SEB in collaboration with the Ministry of Utilities and Telecommunications regarding the proposed construction of the Cascading Tutoh Dam. Twelve associations based in Miri were invited.

    During the three-hour briefing and Q&A session, it can be said that 99% of the associations did not agree with the construction of the Cascading Tutoh Dam because they had seen the failures and negative impacts of dams on the communities in Bakun and Murum. The associations also questioned why the idea of building a dam in Tutoh was still being discussed when the residents of Tutoh had already sent an official protest letter containing over 600 signatures of residents opposing the dam. YB Dennis Ngau responded that this was the beginning of a dialogue to allow SEB to conduct further studies. Participants countered by asking why a study should be conducted when the majority of residents did not want the dam.

    Dennis explained that the residents wanted infrastructure amenities such as roads, bridges, clean water supply, schools, clinics, and so on. Infrastructure amenities were mentioned by the GPS government in their election manifesto, not dam construction projects - questioned Dennis Along. I ended my speech by quoting the late Taib Mahmud when persuading the Belaga residents to agree to the construction of the Bakun Dam in the past. Taib said - "With the construction of the Bakun Dam, at least 100 millionaires will be born in Belaga." Now… how many millionaires have resulted from the construction of Bakun? - questioned Dennis Along.


    Mutang Tuo, Village Chief of Penan Long Iman

    *Trust Issues: Penan Reject Shin Yang and Samling's Carbon Trading Plans*

    The Penan community feels confused when representatives from Shin Yang company came to meet them in Long Iman and Long Liwek to encourage them to participate in carbon trading. Mutang Tuo attended both meetings. In Long Iman, the representatives informed the community that the forests designated for carbon trading cannot be entered for hunting or for cutting down trees. This is done to ensure that the trees remain healthy, produce fresh air, generate many flowers and fruits, and absorb polluted air. The Penan protested because they were prohibited from entering the forest. The Penan still rely on the forest for their livelihood. However, when the same team arrived in Long Liwek, they said the community could continue their daily routines in the forest. The Penan are confused. Then, the minister said that the people of Sarawak can participate in carbon trading if they have 100 hectares of surveyed land. For the Penan, if the government is serious about their involvement in carbon trading, they should survey the village land first and provide land ownership certificates. They want the government itself to come and have a dialogue with them, not representatives from Shin Yang or Samling. The Penan no longer trust Shin Yang or Samling. These are the companies that have destroyed their forests. They do not believe the companies want to conserve the forest. Besides that, the Penan should be given the option to have forests where they can practice their routine lifestyle and have separate forests that they can preserve as carbon forests - but let them manage the forests themselves, not Samling or Shin Yang.


    Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram

    *Securing Indigenous Lands in Sarawak's Carbon Trading*

    Thomas Jalong commented on the state government's announcement regarding carbon trading benefiting the Indigenous peoples in Sarawak. He emphasized that for the initiative to be meaningful, the government must first recognize and rectify the customary land rights of the Indigenous peoples based on traditional practices since their ancestors' time.

    He explained that each community has its own traditional ancestral domain, known as "Pemakai Menoa" in Iban terminology. This includes not only cultivated land for farming, graveyards, settlement sites, or orchards but also forests that are culturally, resourcefully, and spiritually significant to the Indigenous peoples.

    Thomas Jalong stressed that judgments in court regarding the rights in the ancestral domain should entitle them to the benefits of the carbon trading business, ensuring that it does not solely benefit certain elites or cronies. However, he mentioned that if any Indigenous peoples wish to apply for carbon trading based on their Native Customary Rights (NCR), especially around the Baram River where they have been farming, it may not be suitable for carbon trading.


    Voon Lee Shan, Lawyer-Politician

    *Sarawakian Politicians' Allowance Hike Sparks Controversy*

    Voon Lee Shan commented that the increase in allowance for state assemblymen in Sarawak is not beneficial for the state, as Sarawakians are predominantly poor. He criticized the move, stating that ministers and YBs already earn high salaries, with some earning RM50,000 or more monthly, and therefore there is no justification for increasing their allowances. Voon argued that the focus should be on helping small businesses and hawkers in towns, especially those struggling due to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown.

    He highlighted the disparity between the living conditions of ordinary people, particularly those from villages and longhouses who rely on selling jungle produce, and the privileges enjoyed by ministers and YBs. Voon emphasized the need for development in underdeveloped areas, questioning the effectiveness of government initiatives that only provide temporary benefits, such as chicken wings, beer, and small amounts of money during election campaigns.

    Voon proposed that instead of increasing allowances, YB salaries should be reduced by 20% to redirect funds to more pressing needs, such as improving healthcare and education facilities, especially in remote areas. He urged the people to be aware of these issues and to demand accountability and change from their elected representatives.still a lack of facilities, especially in health care and schools, especially in the interior areas?

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