24 November 2023

On Today Show
> Micheal Mering Jok, Secretary General SCRIPS – Sarawak's Christmas Paradox: Celebrating Diversity or Suppressing Religious Tunes?
> Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist – Stolen Harvests: The Penan's Plight as Deforestation and Climate Issues Threaten Livelihoods
> Rani Rasiah, PSM Migrant Desk coordinator – Government Accused of Fueling Migrant Quota Scandal: A Call for Urgent Reform

Topik Pada Hari Ini

> Michael Mering Jok, Setiausaha Agung SCRIPS – Paradoks Krismas Sarawak: Meraikan Kepelbagaian atau Menindas Lagu-lagu Beragama?

> Nick Kelesau, Aktivis Penan – Hasil Tercuri: Penderitaan Penan dengan Ancaman Pembalakan dan Isu Perubahan Iklim terhadap Rezeki

> Rani Rasiah, Penyelaras Biro Migran PSM – Kerajaan Dituduh Menguatkan Skandal Kuota Migran: Seruan untuk Reformasi Segera

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Muhyiddin Yassin did not defend the position of President in the PPBM party. The announcement was made in front of the delegates this morning. Hamzah Zainuddin is expected to take over his place. Will Hamzah be challenged in next year's party election?

    2. The Sarawak State Assembly passed the Environment Bill (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) 2023 - aimed at protecting Sarawak's environment. However, the residents of northern Sarawak in Marudi and Miri were surprised by floods this morning. Our question is how to protect the environment if more dams are built, more logging licenses and oil palm plantations are issued.

    3. The Association of Sarawak churches withdrew from the A Christmas Carol Program, Sarawak in Diversity. Which is expected to be attended by Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg.


    Micheal Mering Jok, Secretary General SCRIPS

    *Sarawak's Christmas Paradox: Celebrating Diversity or Suppressing Religious Tunes?*

    SCRIPS (Society for rights of Indigenous people of Sarawak). Micheal Jok is a former priest in the Roman Catholic church.

    Mike agreed with the chairman of the Association of Sarawak Churches (ACS) Datuk Danald Jute, to withdraw from the program "A Christmas Carol, Sarawak in Diversity". According to Danald Jute, ACS withdrew because the organizers TVS did not allow the song "O Holy Night" to be sung - on the grounds that "it was rejected due to the religious elements and also due to the protocol from LPF". According to Mike, how is the celebration to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Religious songs that rejoice to welcome Christ, are not allowed. This means that the organizers of the program want to show that the people of Sarawak are united in diversity. But the fact is that diversity is allowed/celebrated. It's just a gimmick. Mike said. Mike stressed that in accordance with MA63, there is no official religion in Sarawak, the position of all religions is equal. ACS's move is correct, so as not to set a bad precedent for the future. The program scheduled for 3 December 2023 will receive the Premier of Sarawak as the guest of honour.


    Nick Kelesau, Penan Activist

    *Stolen Harvests: The Penan's Plight as Deforestation and Climate Issues Threaten Livelihoods*

    Nick Kelesau shares that the livelihood of the Penan community still relies heavily on forest resources and small-scale rice cultivation. In the current economy, they depend significantly on forest yields, which is why the Penan people vigorously defend their land, as they cannot rely on government assistance. However, their way of life is greatly disrupted, such as their rice crops being disturbed by animals like monkeys. These animals are increasingly losing their food sources due to deforestation caused by logging activities. As the forest diminishes, these animals begin to intrude into the Penan people's gardens.

    The available forest area is shrinking due to logging and farming activities. Climate issues also contribute to the crops' poor health and difficulty in growing, as the climate is linked to deforestation.

    However, the issue of rice is particularly disappointing because the state government appears to only make promises. Despite recent efforts to emphasize rice cultivation, the government is simultaneously pushing for dam construction, further complicating the lives of the indigenous people. They are forced to relocate to new areas that are not their original homes, leading to dissatisfaction among the indigenous people as their lives become even more challenging.


    Rani Rasiah, PSM Migrant Desk coordinator

    *Government Accused of Fueling Migrant Quota Scandal: A Call for Urgent Reform*

    The Malaysian government is under intense scrutiny for allegedly contributing to the rise of a migrant quota underworld, fostering the proliferation of fake contracts and exploiting foreign workers with promises of non-existent jobs. PSM Migrant Desk coordinator, Rani Rasiah, has squarely blamed the government for creating this illicit network, urging immediate political intervention to rectify the situation.

    Rani Rasiah emphasized the dire consequences faced by migrant workers, who, enticed by the promise of non-existent employment, find themselves burdened with insurmountable debts. She contends that the government bears sole responsibility for putting an end to this criminal activity, emphasizing the need for political will to rectify the situation.

    In response to a Malaysiakini report exposing fake contracts valued in millions of ringgit, linked to non-existent companies securing migrant quotas, Rani Rasiah expressed concern. The investigations revealed a significant number of workers recruited under quotas obtained through these fraudulent contracts.

    Rani Rasiah places the blame squarely on the government, insisting that it holds the key to eradicating this crime. Urging comprehensive action, she stressed that the government must take responsibility to end the exploitation of vulnerable migrant workers.

    To address the oversupply issue, Rani Rasiah reiterated the call for the government to revisit its guidelines on labor migration outlined in the 11th Malaysia Plan. This plan designates the Human Resources Ministry as the sole authority for migrant management.

    Rani highlighted the unfulfilled guidelines within the country's five-year development plan, intended to be the final step towards achieving Vision 2020, launched in 2016. She emphasized the urgency of implementing these guidelines to curb the ongoing exploitation.

    Rani urged the government to prioritize the implementation of a comprehensive policy on labor migration, emphasizing the importance of basing migrant worker recruitment on actual needs determined through official surveys. She emphasized the availability of inputs from experts and activists in the field.

    As the government faces allegations of complicity in a migrant quota scandal, calls for urgent reform and accountability are growing louder. The focus is now on the government's commitment to address the issue, protect vulnerable workers, and implement effective policies to eradicate the underlying problems in the labor migration system.

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