26 January 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Decades of Waiting: Dayak Majority Discontent as Malay Leadership Prevails in TYT Appointment
— Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Long House, Mulu – Land Deception: Community Leaders and Former Government Officials Turn Advocates Sparking Panic for Illicit Land Acquisition
— Dixon Naga Ng Sebiru Sg Gaat, Kapit – Sg Gaat Communities also say NO to cascading dam
— Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers – Rejecting Tutoh Dam: 800+ Signatures and More to Come Call for Action, Deadline Set for Abang Johari's Response
— Barnie Lasimbang, an NGO representative and Mini Hydro practitioner – Mini Hydro: A Greener Choice, Banie Lasimbang Warns Against the Transformation of Cascading Dams into Mega Dams


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Dekad Menunggu: Kebimbangan Dayak Kerana Kepimpinan Melayu dominasi Penamaan TYT
— Dennis Along, Penduduk Long Terawan, Mulu – Penipuan Tanah: Pemimpin Komuniti dan Bekas Pegawai Kerajaan Menjadi Advokat, Membawa Kacau Bilau di Kampung untuk Penguasaan Tanah
— Dixon Naga Ng Sebiru Sg Gaat, Kapit – Komuniti Sg Gaat Turut Mengatakan TIDAK kepada empangan
— Celine Lim, Pengarah Urusan Save Rivers – Menolak Empangan Tutoh: 800+ Tandatangan dan Lebih, Seruan untuk Tindakan, Tarikh Akhir untuk Jawapan Abang Johari Telah Ditetapkan
— Barnie Lasimbang, Wakil NGO dan Pengamal Mini Hidro – Mini Hidro: Pilihan yang Lebih Hijau, Banie Lasimbang Amaran Terhadap Transformasi Empangan Berturun Menjadi Empangan Besar

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Appointment of TYT Sarawak. The Majority was not given a leading role. The Dayaks are the majority in Sarawak, been waiting for 6 decades to be given the job as TYT. But until today it has not been given a chance. Today the announcement was made that Wan Junaidi Tunku Jaafar was appointed as the 8th Chief Minister of Sarawak. The swearing-in ceremony will be held on 29 Jan 2024. This gave various reactions among the people of Sarawak. Some people think that the prime minister and the Agong/King should not be involved in this matter of appointment. It must go through the Sarawak State Assembly, appointments are made in Sarawak. Appointments are now made by the Agong/King of Malaya, as if Sarawak was still colonized by Malaya. As in the past. The Governor of Sarawak is appointed by the Queen of England. Some argue that article 1(1) of the Sarawak constitution, which gives the Agong/King the power to appoint a TYT after consultation with the Premier of Sarawak, should be repealed. However, the factor that can change this is the dominance in Sarawak's PBB Party itself. Now PBB Sarawak is completely dominated by the Bumiputra (Malay) Wing while the PESAKA (Dayak) wing is only complementary. Therefore, because of that, all decisions are made by the Malays in the UN. PBB in Sarawak controls more than two-thirds of the Sarawak state assembly seats.

    2. Daim and his wife Naimah fired their 2 lawyers today, due to a difference of opinion in the handling of the case. Daim is expected to be prosecuted at any time for failing to declare assets, just like the case faced by his third wife.

    3. Najib and 1MDB Management have never reported the embezzlement of funds in the company since 2009. Further strengthening the evidence that he was involved in embezzlement. This is according to the 49th prosecution witness Nur Aida Arifin in the trial of the 1MDB corruption case worth RM2.27 billion at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today.


    Dennis Along, Resident of Long Terawan Long House, Mulu

    *Land Deception: Community Leaders and Former Government Officials Turn Advocates Sparking Panic for Illicit Land Acquisition*

    Dennis Along and his associates filed a report today with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in Miri regarding the alleged abuse of power and misappropriation of funds by tribal leaders and counselors. The case revolves around the questionable utilization of RM2 million in cash labeled as a "donation" by PUSAKA KTS in 2009 to the residents of Long Terawan and Long Melinau Mulu, with no accompanying financial statements. This donation is connected to the alleged taking of Native Customary Rights (NCR) land from the villagers.

    He strongly criticized the community leaders, labeling them as a group of scammers with the victims being the villagers. In 2019, Radian Legon initiated a palm oil plantation on NCR land in Long Terawan and Long Melinau, promising cash assistance of RM400k for each village and RM200k for a water pipe project in Long Terawan. However, no financial statements for these funds have been provided, and as of today, only the pipe has been installed without a water source.

    Dennis claimed that irrespective of changes in leadership, from village chiefs to counselors, the modus operandi remains the same, indicating collusion with previous officials. Retired officials, after leaving public service, allegedly join large plantation companies and act as advocates, collaborating with village chiefs to deceive residents into surrendering their land. They allegedly withhold the consequences of section 6 from the villagers, emphasizing that refusal to sign would result in no compensation, using intimidation tactics supported by certain elected representatives (YBs).

    Dennis mentioned that despite multiple requests for responses from Baram MP Dennis Ngau and Mulu State Assemblyman Gerawat, they have not been truthful and have even threatened arrests through the media if villagers obstruct land survey activities.

    Several villages are currently troubled by land survey issues, with former interior officials allegedly acting as survey advocates, spreading misinformation through WhatsApp groups to create panic.

    Dennis urged MACC to thoroughly investigate the matter and vowed to escalate the case to MACC headquarters.

    Additionally, he discussed the rejection of the Mulu National Park extension due to the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) providing only a two-week timeframe for land surveying. This short duration is deemed impossible for the villagers. Furthermore, he highlighted the attempt to classify the designated area as a "totally protection area," prohibiting villagers from entering, which Dennis emphasized is impractical.

    Dennis also pointed out the Tutoh community's refusal of the Tutoh Dam, citing precedents like Batang Ai, Bakun, and Murum dams where communities did not experience development but faced increased hardships.


    Celine Lim, Managing Director of Save Rivers

    *Rejecting Tutoh Dam: 800+ Signatures and More to Come Call for Action, Deadline Set for Abang Johari's Response*

    Residents from Mulu, Tutoh, and Apoh have initiated a protest petition since September 2023, accumulating over 500 signatures protesting the GPS government's hydro dam construction plan last week. Within a week, the signatures have grown to over 800 from the communities.

    She mentioned that, according to the plan, the gathered signatures will be submitted to Premier Abang Johari at the end of this month to make the government aware of the people's determination.

    In response to Gerawat Jala's statement asserting that it is too early for the Baram community to oppose the Cascading Dam issues as they are still under discussion, she remarked that they are not rejecting development. However, it is crucial to know that Abang Johari initially claimed to have received the green light to proceed with the dam construction project, but no one knows who granted this green light.

    She emphasized that the people of Tutoh have the right to be informed and requested the government to engage in dialogue before initiating any projects.


    Dixon Naga Ng Sebiru Sg Gaat, Kapit

    *Sg Gaat Communities also say NO to cascading dam*

    On January 14, Sarawak Premier Abang Johari Tun Openg stated that communities in three river locations in Sarawak, including Sungai Gaat, Sungai Tutoh, and Sungai Belaga, have approved the state government's construction of cascading dams in their respective areas."

    RFS conducted interviews with Tutoh and Belaga communities over the past two weeks and has now obtained a spokesperson's opinion from Sg Gaat.

    Contrary to claims that the cascading dam projects have community approval, Dixon stated that currently, no one has engaged with the communities along Sg Gaat regarding the proposed cascading dam.

    Sarawak Priemier Abang Johari claim that build cascading dam is to solve the crocodile issue, but the communities along Sg Gaat has no issue with crocodiles.

    As the longhouses along Sg Gaat have no electricity supply thus far. So if the dam is constructed for the benefit of the communities, then is very much appreciated. But if it is only to benefit just certain people , they will not agree to.

    Therefore he asked who are the one to give greenlight to abang johari? The communities want the responde from Abang Johari. He said, the communities want the basic infrastructure, if the dam is going to destroy their livelihood, then no one is allow it.


    Barnie Lasimbang, an NGO representative and Mini Hydro practitioner

    *Mini Hydro: A Greener Choice, Banie Lasimbang Warns Against the Transformation of Cascading Dams into Mega Dams*

    Barnie Lasimbanng shares insights on the heated issue of Cascading dams in Sarawak. According to Banie, who is an expert in Mini Hydro practices, Cascading dams are considered better than Mega Dams, but when compared to Mini Hydro projects, the latter is even more environmentally friendly. He believes that Mini Hydro projects are favorable as they involve the entire community in the maintenance work.

    Returning to the Cascading Dam issue, the reason for public opposition lies in the lingering fear of Mega Dams. Mega Dams have been known to destroy the environment and submerge indigenous lands. Additionally, many promises made in relation to Mega Dam projects remain unfulfilled, fueling public skepticism and resistance whenever they hear the term "Dam."

    Banie expresses concern that if the government gains the trust of the people to construct Cascading Dams, there is a fear that these dams may transform into Mega Dams. This is something that needs to be guarded against.

    He questions whether we should believe in the government's promises if they proceed with constructing Cascading Dams. The skepticism arises from the unfulfilled promises and negative impacts associated with Mega Dam projects. This raises important considerations regarding trust and accountability in the context of future dam construction initiatives.


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