26 July 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Special Randau - Bruno Manser Fund menerbitkan dokumen 14 halaman yang menyenaraikan syarikat-syarikat yang berkaitan dengan Taib Mahmud.
> Dennis Along, Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Baram - Perlembagaan Madinah tidak diperlukan di Sarawak.
> George Laing dari Uma Akeh Baram - 60 Tahun Pemerintahan di Sarawak: Kemajuan atau Kemunduran? > Rama Ajom, Penduduk Kampung Mendrod (Gua Musang) - Masyarakat Temiar membuat laporan polis tentang aktiviti menceroboh tanah.

On Today Show
> Special Randau – Bruno Manser Fund publishes a 14-page document listing companies that link with Taib Mahmud
> Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director – The Madinah Constitution is not necessary in Sarawak
> George Laing from Uma Akeh Baram – 60 Years of Governance in Sarawak: Progress or Regress?
> Rama Ajom, A Kampung Mendrod resident (Gua Musang) – Temiar group lodges police report over land encroachment activities

  • Special Randau

    > Rafizi challenges Azmin to a debate - record of who is better at governing the country's economy?

    > Bruno Manser Fund publishes a 14-page document listing companies that link with Taib Mahmud.


    Dennis Along, PKR Baram Communications Director

    *The Madinah Constitution is not necessary in Sarawak*

    As a multi-ethnic state, Sarawak does not need the Madinah (Islamic) constitution as an administrative guide - Dennis Along said. The Premier of Sarawak said in the 2-day International Conference of Islamic Scholars held in Kuching, Sarawak.

    According to Abang Johari, the Madinah constitution provides fair governance to the people and prioritizes human values. Therefore the Madinah Constitution will be our guide, said Abang Johari. Dennis Along does not believe in GPS and does not believe in the Madinah Constitution to be fair. Dennis explained - Currently, the GPS administration in Sarawak gives advantages to Malays/Melanau and Muslim residents, while at the same time marginalizing non-Muslims.

    According to Dennis again, The Madinah Constitution that Abang Johari wants to follow is the same as the Malay Proclamation popularized by Tun Mahathir now. It will give advantages to Malays and Muslims. While in the context of Sarawak it is the Melanau Proclamation. Dennis insisted that the Sarawak government be governed using a meritocracy and transparency approach. Anyone with the expertise and competence to govern- should be given space to lead regardless of religion, skin color or descent. Adhering to the Madinah constitution only uses religion for political purposes as done by Tun Mahathir and the PAS Party.


    George Laing from Uma Akeh Baram

    *60 Years of Governance in Sarawak: Progress or Regress?*

    George makes a call to express his views on Sarawak being the wealthiest state. He mentions that Abang Johari also talked about the goal of turning Sarawak into a high-income state for all by 2030. George agrees with the idea but questions how this will be achieved. He wonders why GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) always talks about it but takes no action.

    According to George, this is not the first time GPS has emphasized increasing the income of Sarawak's people, even mentioning a minimum family income of RM 4,000. He asks GPS, what about the inland families? How can they achieve a 4,000 ringgit income?

    In relation to BMF (Bruno Manser Fund) publishing a 14-page document about Taib Mahmud-related company assets, we questions whether this is the source of Sarawak's wealth. These assets are owned by the same individuals, the same families, and their political connections.

    George says that rural people only have land for cultivation to support their families, but the government is not very proactive in promoting agricultural policies. Fertilizers, transportation, and other burdens make it difficult for them. Moreover, NRC land are often exploited by politicians and companies, making it even harder for inland people to achieve high income.

    He points out that in 60 years of governance, the state government has never aimed to improve the lives of inland people, let alone make them prosperous.

    He expresses that rural people don't want to receive help from the state government only when problems arise (such as receiving aid during floods). Instead, they need basic infrastructure like roads, water, electricity, education, and healthcare. He questions why, after 60 years, these necessities are still not provided.

    He shares an example of his own village, which is only 15 kilometers away from Long Lama town but lacks essential facilities such as roads, clean water, and electricity. George states that nobody believes GPS's promises anymore. In conclusion, George expresses his frustration with the fact that Sarawak has been regressing over the past 60 years.


    Rama Ajom, A Kampung Mendrod resident (Gua Musang)

    *Temiar group lodges police report over land encroachment activities*

    2 Orang Asli communities Kpg Mendrod and Kpg Jelgek B lodged police report at Gua Musang police station.

    Since 2016 till now enchroachement to surrounding areas. And this year enchroachment enter their areas. And the areas is believed for durian plantation.

    Prio to the encroachment, their areas were green and beautiful scenery. And now it has been difference. Till now no action taken by the government authorities such as JAKOA.

    After series of discussions but no response that we satisfied. So they have no choice but to lodge to get attention of the govt and other relevant agencies to re study orang Asli cases. Especially on logging that impact the communities . As there is no monitoring. They collaborated with the Kelantan Orang Asli network to voice their issue.

    Other than water catchment, burial site also in danger. Their land too in danger. As the area is in the middle of the plantations, and their forest, farm lands and will also cause losing of their livelihoods.

    The communities are in the midst of compiling their documentations to refer to legal team. They may file this case to court after gathering all informations .

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