26 July 2024

On Today Show
— Ben Lenjau- Resident of Uma Sambop Batu Pilau, Belaga – Illegal Logging in Belaga: Deputy Minister-Linked Companies Under Fire
— Joseph Jinggut from Baleh – From Logging Roads to Isolation: The Aftermath of Sg Antaroh Bridge Collapse
— Charles Santiago, former MP for Klang – Charles Santiago Pushes for Wealth Redistribution to Aid Low-Income Families

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Ben Lenjau- Penduduk Uma Sambop Batu Pilau, Belaga – Pembalakan Haram di Belaga: Syarikat Berkaitan Timbalan Menteri Dikritik Hebat
— Joseph Jinggut dari Baleh – Dari Jalan Balak ke Pengasingan: Kesan Runtuhan Jambatan Sg Antaroh
— Charles Santiago, bekas Ahli Parlimen Klang – Charles Santiago Mendesak Pengagihan Semula Kekayaan untuk Membantu Keluarga Berpendapatan Rendah

  • Special Randau            

    1. With so many cases of land encroachment, violation of human rights, illegal logging and illegal quarry mining, is this a sign that GPS is issuing as many licenses/permits to loggers in order to obtain financial rewards - funds for the 2026 elections?. For last week and this week alone we reported logging in Ba Data Bila ulu Baram by the Borneoland company, logging in Ulu Belaga by M.M Golden, eviction of residents in agricultural heritage villages by sfc, blockade residents in Kelawit tatau river and blockade residents in Merakai- Serian , against oil palm plantation company Trade Wind. Contact us to express your opinion.

    2. Police prohibit the public from joining the anti-Anwar rally at the Tambun parliament tomorrow, Perak Police reported that the rally did not comply with the conditions set under the peaceful assembly act 2012. An anti-Anwar and save Malaysia rally is planned in 3 places, namely in Tambun, Permatang Pauh and ends in Kuala Lumpur.


    Ben Lenjau- Resident of Uma Sambop Batu Pilau, Belaga

    Illegal Logging in Belaga: Deputy Minister-Linked Companies Under Fire

    Last July 2023 rfs reported an incident of illegal logging in Uma Long Bangan Belaga. Two logging companies named M.M Golden and U.U Green are each linked to the deputy minister of natural resources, environment and climate change- Huang Tiong Sii. Residents of Long Bangan objected to the illegal logging and filed a police report. But the latest development is now that the same company (known as Babi company) by the locals has infiltrated Uma Sambop. Ben Lenjau said, these few days the residents of Uma Sambop tried to stop the logging that was done across the long house of Uma Sambop. Further intelligence shows that the company has logged in the most extensive part, namely in Penyuan - this is also the area of ​​Uma Sambop's land - according to Ben. Ben and the residents in the next few days will collect information and will make a report to the police and SPRM. For now we are not sure what to do. Because we still lack information and most of the people living in the village are the elderly - the young and educated are in the city to work. For the record M.M Golden is a logging company that was once chased away by Baram residents for trying to enter the Baram dam site to log. Now the same company is in the Belaga river. Is it because Sungai Belaga is proposed to be dammed by the Premier of Sarawak - Johari Openg.


    Joseph Jinggut from Baleh

    From Logging Roads to Isolation: The Aftermath of Sg Antaroh Bridge Collapse

    The log bridge across Sungai Antaroh collapsed early yesterday, severing the main road link between Nanga Antaroh and Ulu Ga’at.

    Joseph Jinggut from Baleh explained that the bridge, originally constructed by Rimbunan Hijau for logging activities in the early 1970s, had fallen into disrepair after logging operations ceased. This bridge was the only main road for the community in Ulu Sg Antaroh, apart from using the river route. "This is the treatment logging companies provide: once the timber is gone, the roads or bridges are not maintained anymore," Joseph remarked. He hopes that the government will act quickly to facilitate the people who rely on this crucial route.

    The bridge had undergone repair works in 2022, despite the logging industry being considered a sunset industry with production significantly reduced. Today, the bridge is still used by some companies and is vital for the communities in Nanga Antaroh and Ulu Ga’at. It serves the pupils of SK Nanga Antaroh and SK Nanga Balang, as well as the longhouse villagers of Rumah Jugah, Rumah Belikau, Rumah Johny, and those in the Stapang area.

    Mr. Joseph also touched on the ongoing construction of the Baleh Dam. He believes that the people of Baleh will suffer losses similar to those experienced by the Orang Ulu in Sg ASAP, who were relocated from their original land. He explained that the community accepted the dam project because of the promise of roads. However, now that the road is there, their lives remain the same or even harder, with the loss of forest and river resources compared to before the Baleh Dam was built.

    The collapsed bridge has highlighted the community's vulnerability and the urgent need for sustainable infrastructure development in the area.


    Charles Santiago, former MP for Klang

    Charles Santiago Pushes for Wealth Redistribution to Aid Low-Income Families

    Charles Santiago has urged the government to tackle the rising cost of living and low wages with "bold political determination." He proposed a 2.5% wealth tax on the 50 wealthiest individuals in Malaysia, potentially generating RM10 billion to fund social protection and welfare programs.

    Santiago highlighted the plight of B40 families and the growing economic gap. Reports from Unicef show worsening poverty among low-income families, with many struggling to afford necessities.

    To combat malnutrition among children, Santiago suggested reviving free meal programs for school students, in collaboration with GLCs and local entrepreneurs. He also proposed providing solar panels to low-income and rural communities to reduce energy poverty and support renewable energy transition.

    Santiago raised concerns about the lack of savings in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), calling it a "worsening crisis," especially for the elderly. Emphasizing the need for inclusive policies, Santiago noted that the progressive wage policy should also cover the three million informal and gig workers to lift them out of poverty and ensure financial stability.

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