26 September 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Iswardy Morni, Pakar Politik Sarawak – Dana Kekayaan Masa Depan Sarawak - Membebaskan Rakyat Sarawak daripada Kemiskinan Ekstrem Terlebih Dahulu
> Komeok, Pemimpin NGO Keruan – Larangan Pembalakan UBFA: Capaian Perlindungan Hutan Di Baram
> Izdham Zainal, Ketua Biro Dasar MUDA Sarawak – Meninjau Semula Akta Hasutan
> Stephen dari Long Serungo – Jurang Pembangunan Sarawak: Kes Jalan Terbiar

On Today Show
> Iswardy Morni, Sarawak Political Analyst – Sarawak Future Wealth Fund - Free the Sarawakian People from Extreme Poverty First
> Komeok, leader of Keruan NGO – UBFA's Logging Ban: A Milestone for Forest Preservation
> Izdham Zainal, the Head of Policy Bureaus of MUDA Sarawak – Revisiting the Sedition Act: MUDA's Urgent Plea to the Unity Government
> Stephen from Long Serungo – Sarawak's Development Disparities: The Case of Neglected Roads

  • Special Randau

    1. Sarawak Future Wealth Fund - Free the Sarawakian People from Extreme Poverty First.

    2. Perikatan Nasional Loses Kemaman Parliamentary Seat, Loses Court Battle.

    3. Wan Ji Imprisoned for 9 Months, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation Expresses Sympathy. But Ph Leaders Have No Power to Influence the Court.

    4. Nov 28 hearing of Rosmah's US$1m security for costs bid against jeweller


    Iswardy Morni, Sarawak Political Analyst

    *Sarawak Future Wealth Fund - Free the Sarawakian People from Extreme Poverty First*

    Iswardy thinks that PH should field a candidate to oppose GPS in the Jepak State Assembly Election. This is because there is no cooperation of the unity government at the state level. But if PH does not have strength and a competent candidate. It's good that you don't need to place a candidate. Because it only shows weakness to the opponent. PH Sarawak. In particular, PKR must build strength before facing the 13th PRN- Sarawak in 2026. Whatever the outcome of the PKR nomination in Jepak will be determined by the MPP-PKR Political Bureau on 8 October 2023.

    The Premier of Sarawak announced that the Sarawak Future Wealth Fund will operate from January 2024 with an Initial Fund of 8 billion ringgit. The objective of this fund is for investment - with the target of maximum profit for the future of Sarawak's children. According to Iswardy, oil producing countries. The majority have such funds. Because in the future oil and gas yields will run out or decrease. But the question now is, has Sarawak solved the basic infrastructure problem for the convenience of the people? Has the Sarawak government succeeded in eradicating extreme poverty in Sarawak? Selangor with a total population of 6 million people is able to provide 65 Selangor Citizen Care Initiative Schemes with only a state budget of RM2.45 billion in 2023. While Sarawak with a 2023 budget of -RM10,797, the population is only 3 million. Not able to provide schemes for the convenience of the people and not able to eradicate severe poverty in Sarawak. Sarawak's real problem according to Iswardy- poor governance, leaks and leaks, inaccurate priorities. As long as GPS political leaders are not changed. As long as that, Sarawak will continue to fail to eradicate poverty.


    Izdham Zainal, the Head of Policy Bureaus of MUDA Sarawak

    *Revisiting the Sedition Act: MUDA's Urgent Plea to the Unity Government*

    MUDA has issued a press release calling on the PH or unity government to fulfill their commitment to revoke the Sedition Act of 2014. This demand stems from their past advocacy while in the opposition, where they championed the cause of abolishing this act.

    It emphasizes the importance of not exploiting sensitive sentiments related to the 3R (race, religion, and royalty) issues. Instead, the focus should be on repealing the Sedition Act, which has a history of being misused for political purposes.

    It's worth noting that prior to PH coming into power, many of their leaders had been arrested and charged under the Sedition Act. However, once the unity government was formed, and PH held authority, the efforts to repeal this act seemed to wane. This has raised concerns that the unity government may be using the Sedition Act against their political opponents.

    These concerns were heightened after the Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by Wan Ji Wan Hussin under the Sedition Act. The case related to a social media post made 11 years ago in which Wan Ji allegedly insulted the Sultan of Selangor.

    Furthermore, Muda noted that the unity government has remained silent on important reforms, such as addressing the separation of powers between the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) and the public prosecutor's office. This silence extends to various other critical issues, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability within the government's actions and policies.


    Komeok, leader of Keruan NGO

    *UBFA's Logging Ban: A Milestone for Forest Preservation*

    Yesterday, representatives from NGOs met with the Forestry Department to discuss forest conservation efforts in the Upper Baram Forest Area (UBFA). Komeok, one of the attendees, mentioned that the meeting included representatives from organizations such as ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization) and the logging company Samling. This marked the first time that a logging company had participated in discussions alongside government agencies and NGOs.

    Komeok noted that one particularly satisfying condition agreed upon was that regardless of when logging permits had been previously granted to logging companies, any permits related to activities within the UBFA would be invalidated. This measure aims to protect the communities within the area, primarily the Penan people. Additionally, the Penan people have been granted permission to hunt within the UBFA to sustain their livelihoods.

    Many interior areas have already experienced deforestation and the establishment of oil palm plantations, resulting in a scarcity of wildlife and forest resources. The UBFA serves as a crucial bastion for the interior people, and the government is committed to working in collaboration with NGOs to safeguard this pristine land and Komeok hope Government are gradually reducing the activities of logging companies in inland areas.


    Stephen from Long Serungo

    *Sarawak's Development Disparities: The Case of Neglected Roads*

    Stephen reported the incidents of landslides on the road to Bario and Serungo Baram, which are an 8-hour journey from the city of Miri. The road was originally a logging road, and currently, there is no logging activity in the area, leaving only the road. This area falls under the jurisdiction of the Mulu State Constituency, represented by GPS Gerawat Jala. A company owned by Min Shing, a contractor, was entrusted with maintaining the road to the village, although it is not a main road like those in other areas.

    Stephen expressed that the Sarawak government frequently proclaims progress in the state, but the people are still lagging behind by 60 years. Additionally, he hopes that the budget of 300 million for roads into the interior will be directed toward the right targets, such as the road to Bario, so that the people can benefit from advanced road infrastructure in Sarawak.

    Furthermore, several bridge projects in the Ulu region were not constructed according to the correct specifications. This means that the bridges should have been built with steel but were instead built using wood, which is a misuse of the allocated resources.

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