28 August 2024

On Today Show
— George Laing - Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram – Vote-Buying Politics and Poor Infrastructure: The Reality in Baram
— Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak – Why Is Sarawak's RM40 Billion Reserve Not Being Used for Infrastructure?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— George Laing - Penduduk Uma Akeh, Baram – Politik Beli Undi dan Infrastruktur yang Lemah: Realiti di Baram 
— Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak – Mengapa Rizab RM40 Bilion Sarawak Tidak Digunakan untuk Infrastruktur? 

  • Special Randau

                    1. Diesel oil smuggling syndicate busted in Sibu Sarawak. MACC arrested an enforcement agency. A 40-year-old enforcement agency director in Kuching was detained by the MACC. The arrest of the suspect following the raid was carried out by SPRM's special operations unit through OP Liter at a diesel fuel depot in the Bidut-Sibu river. The suspect will be investigated under section 16 (b) (B) of the MACC Act 2009.

                    2. The difficulties faced by the people of the interior of Sarawak at the moment and the existence of YBYB GPS who is not responsible as a result of money politics and selling votes during the election. Gorge Laing explained that YB who have low morals and do not care about the people's problems because they are not afraid of losing the election. GPS is confident that they must win because the rural people will easily sell their votes. That's what happened in Baram- according to George. However, he urged that the culture of selling votes be abandoned so that the people can elect YB who is truly competent and responsible. George commented on YB GPS in Mulu Area who does not care about the people's problems.


    George Laing - Resident of Uma Akeh, Baram

    Vote-Buying Politics and Poor Infrastructure: The Reality in Baram

    Today, George contacted Radio Free Sarawak to report that the road conditions, including logging roads used by the residents of Baram, are becoming increasingly unsafe to use. The main bridge in Long San is deteriorating. Landslides are occurring everywhere due to the heavy rains that happen almost daily. While George was speaking with RFS, his car got stuck in deep and slippery mud. He is currently waiting for assistance. Yesterday, the Borneo Post reported that the Chairman of PKR Sarawak urged the relevant agencies to promptly repair the worsening road conditions in Baram, particularly in Leo Mato. It takes 9 hours to reach Leo Mato. Frequently, residents in emergencies from the Leo Mato clinic on their way to Miri Hospital get stranded in the middle of the road due to the muddy conditions and collapsed bridges. Leo Mato is located in the DUN (state constituency) of Mulu, represented by Datuk Gerawat Gala of GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak). George feels sad because when the people are suffering, the GPS assembly members do not help them, but when the election comes, they come asking for votes. The road to Leo Mato is also shared by several other longhouses, such as Long Selaan, Selongo, Long Tungan, and Long Semiyang. In Leo Mato, there is also a school, an agricultural station, and a clinic. Despite the many problems faced by the residents of Baram, they continue to vote for GPS. According to George, this is due to vote-buying politics. During the elections, GPS distributes millions of ringgit to secure their candidates' victory. However, George advises Baram voters to be aware that selling their votes results in them being left poor and lacking infrastructure for a long time. Uma Akeh, for example, still does not have electricity or water supply from the government. We drink water from the hills and use generators, which are very costly.


    Abun Sui, Senator of PKR Sarawak

    Why Is Sarawak's RM40 Billion Reserve Not Being Used for Infrastructure?

    The Sarawak government must use the RM40 billion reserve it proudly boasts of to address the issues faced by the people, particularly the increasing floods and lack of basic public facilities, said Senator Abun Sui Anyit.

    Abun Sui frequently calls for allocations in the House to improve infrastructure and development for Sarawak, especially to resolve issues related to floods, roads, and bridges in the state. However, the main issue he often debates is the road access from rural areas, which is crucial for helping the people sell their agricultural products.

    What is surprising is the issue of roads; according to the Federal Government, the construction of state roads falls under the jurisdiction of the state government. The budget allocated by the Federal Government should be used by the state government to manage development plans for the people of Sarawak, but the Sarawak government has not been using these funds appropriately.

    The RM40 billion Sarawak reserve is not just to be kept idle. According to Abun, the RM40 billion reserve could be used to solve the infrastructure shortages in Sarawak. Roads in Sarawak should be improved, flood problems should be resolved, and damaged bridges should be repaired.

    The state of Sarawak has the capability to address these issues, yet they are not taking action.

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