28 February 2024

On Today Show
— John Brian Anthony, Sarawak political analyst – Abang Johari Will Plunder Indigenous Customs More Greedily Than Taib
— Jimmy and Akik Migi from Sarikei – Challenges in Gas Cylinder Exchange: Rural Residents Left Struggling
— Roderick Wong, DAP Senator of Sarikei Sarawak – Pressure Mounts on Government to Solve Sarawak's Gas Cylinder Exchange
— Shaq Koyok, artist and activist from the Temuan tribe in Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor – From Witness to Change-maker:Shaq Koyok's Path to Empowerment Through Art

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- John Brian Anthony, Analis politik Sarawak – Abang Johari Akan Merampas Adat Orang Asal Lebih Tamak Daripada Taib
- Jimmy dan Akik Migi dari Sarikei – Cabaran dalam Pertukaran Silinder Gas: Masalah dihadapi oleh Penduduk Pedalaman
- Roderick Wong, Senator DAP Sarikei Sarawak – Tekanan Meningkat ke atas Kerajaan untuk Menyelesaikan Pertukaran Silinder Gas Sarawak
- Shaq Koyok, seorang seniman dan aktivis dari suku Temuan di Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor – Dari Saksi kepada Aktivis: Perjalanan Shaq Koyok Menuju Pejuangan Melalui Seni

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The Court of Appeal overturned the release of Muhyiddin Yassin. Muhyiddin Yassin will be charged again in court on charges of abuse of power in the Jana Wibawa program. Muhyiddin was accused in court in March 2023 of four charges of abuse of power and three charges of money laundering involving RM232.5 million linked to Jana Wibawa.

    2. According to Subang Member of Parliament - Wong Chen. Malaysia's economy suffers if the value of the ringgit is at the level of RM5 compared to the USD. Wong suggested that the government order all GLCs and GLICs to prepare to bring back national equity and assets from foreign countries.

    3. Sarawak Premier Abang Johari will continue Taib Mahmud's economic and administrative policies. In fact, according to John Brian, Johari will be even more greedy by manipulating hydrogen trading and carbon trading. This policy will only change with the defeat of GPS.


    John Brian Anthony, Sarawak political analyst

    *Abang Johari Will Plunder Indigenous Customs More Greedily Than Taib*

    Journalist Marian Mokhtar wrote in Free Malaysia Today by raising the question - in the absence of Taib Mahmud, will the policy of the Sarawak government led by Johari Openg change and recognize the rights of the indigenous people of Sarawak to land and forests?

    John Brian thinks that Taib Mahmud's policy will be continued by Premier Johari Openg and will even be more greedy. According to John Brian, why is that? Because the economic and administrative model founded by Taib brings profit to the government and can control the resistance of the subordinates. The people remain poor and the capitalists who get contracts and projects will donate money to the ruling political party to stay in power. The Fascist economic and administrative model created by Taib is strictly coupled with the exploration of the hydrogen energy industry and carbon trading. This will also take away the forest and land of the indigenous people.

    Asked what is the attitude of the opposition party in Sarawak? The opposition parties should unite and formulate an economic model that is more favorable to the people. The way is to restore the people's rights to land and forests through amendments to Sarawak's land code and give shares to the indigenous population in every land, forest and sea exploration. The companies that have been granted PL must give shares to the people who own land in the area and after the expiry of the PL period. Land and forests should be returned to the original owners.

    John believes that only with a clear explanation of the pro-people economic and administrative model will he be able to convince the people and thus the people will reject GPS in the upcoming elections.


    Jimmy and Akik Migi from Sarikei

    *Challenges in Gas Cylinder Exchange: Rural Residents Left Struggling*

    Jimmy and Akik Migi tells RFS that they facing the problem of exchange yellow gas cylinders for green ones throughout the Sarikei market, because the traders no longer accept yellow cylinders.

    What is disappointing is that Akik Migi, who only has one yellow gas cylinder, has to use firewood for cooking because he cannot afford to have 2 LPG gas cylinders. He is 64 years old with no income, disappointed with the GPS government's action led by Abg Jo for not giving enough time for the rural people to exchange the cylinders when the gov announce on last year Nov and start operate in on Dec.

    Akik Migi want the GPS gov give the people a chance to exchange the yellow LPG to Petros and if possible, deliver it to the rural people so that all the people can exchange their gas cylinders.

    Please Abg Jo, be more sympathetic towards the people – Akik Migi urged.

    On Nov 21, minister of utilities and telecommunications Julaihi Narawi announced in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly, that the state government had decided not to renew the LPG distrubtion license of MyGaz, giving Petros Naga control of 100% of the LPG market from Dec 1. Since then it bring chaotic situation in the market and caused public dissatisfaction, when owners of yellow cylinders couldn’t exchange them for red ones, as dealers and distributor were refusing to accept them to avoid incurring a loss of RM200 for each yellow cylinder.


    Roderick Wong, DAP Senator of Sarikei Sarawak

    *Pressure Mounts on Government to Solve Sarawak's Gas Cylinder Exchange*

    Today, after receiving a call from the Sarikei community regarding the yellow gas cylinders issue, RFS contacted Senator Roderick Wong from Sarikei to convey the people's problems. Senator Roderick Wong did not deny this issue and he had received complaints before the last Chinese New Year. Senator Roderick Wong had brought the people's complaints to Petros Sarawak and the Sarawak Government to resolve the people's problems, but until now there has been no response from Petros developers and the Sarawak Premier's office.

    The senator promised to urge the government to act quickly and also to the consumer cooperative so that the issue of exchanging yellow cylinders for Petros can be resolved as soon as possible.


    Shaq Koyok, artist and activist from the Temuan tribe in Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor

    *From Witness to Change-maker:Shaq Koyok's Path to Empowerment Through Art*

    In the world of art activism at COP28, Shaq Koyok, a remarkable artist and activist from the Temuan tribe in Kampung Orang Asli Pulau Kempas, Selangor, brought indigenous issues to the forefront. Invited as part of the Artivist Network's artist-in-residence program, Shaq played a crucial role in creating banners, placards, and props for demonstrations and performances during the event.

    Shaq's journey is one of transformation, from a victim of environmental issues to a powerful voice for change through art. Raised in an environment deeply affected by deforestation, illegal logging, and land rights issues, Shaq has firsthand experience of the challenges faced by marginalized communities, especially the Orang Asli. Despite these hardships, Shaq has channeled his experiences into art, using his creativity to shed light on these important issues and advocate for justice.

    Through his work, Shaq aims to not only raise awareness but also to inspire others to join the fight for a more just and sustainable future. He believes that art is a visual language that everyone can understand and through which they can feel the situations, difficulties, struggles, and real stories. Shaq plans to run art workshops for younger generations to continue their struggles in the future, ensuring that the fight for justice and sustainability continues.

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