28 September 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Nick Kelesau, jurucakap bagi Pertubuhan Penan Keruan – Penan Peace Park: Menghentikan Pembalakan dan Memulihkan Hutan
> Geoffrey Tang, Presiden ROSE – Pilihan Raya Awal dan Keperluan Pengundi Yang Bersedia: Pastikan Anda Terdaftar!
> Othman Abdillah, Presiden Parti SEDAR – Memperkukuhkan Demokrasi: Sedar's Panggilan untuk Kesatuan Pembangkang
> Agnes dari Selangau – Seruan Komuniti untuk Bertindak: Memodenkan Penanaman Padi di Sarawak

On Today Show
> Nick Kelesau, spokesman for the Penan Keruan Organization – Penan Peace Park: A Journey to Halt Logging and Restore the Forest
> Geoffrey Tang, President of ROSE – Early Elections and the Need for Prepared Voters: Stay Registered!
> Othman Abdillah, President Party SEDAR – Strengthening Democracy: Sedar's Call for Opposition Unity
> Agnes from Selangau – Communities' Call to Action: Modernizing Rice Cultivation in Sarawak

  • Nick Kelesau, spokesman for the Penan Keruan Organization

    *Penan Peace Park: A Journey to Halt Logging and Restore the Forest*

    Nick Kelesau, the spokesperson for the Penan Keruan Organization, explained that a recent trip was made to Ulu Baram to inform the villages involved in the Ulu Baram Forest Area (UBFA), previously known as the "Penan Peace Park," about the upcoming project's commencement. Before departing for Long Semiang, a group meeting took place at the Pullman Hotel Miri. The participants included Save Rivers, BMF, Samling, Keruan, Forest Department, Land and Survey Department, District and Resident Officers, as well as state government representatives. All parties were informed that a preliminary study for the Penan Peace Park would begin next year, and cooperation from all stakeholders was requested. A steering committee was established during this meeting.

    However, Nick expressed surprise that the logging license status in the area remained active. The Forest Department insisted that any logging conducted must have approval from the villagers. Nick's perspective was clear: he advocated for a complete cessation of logging, with a call for the revocation of Samling's logging license. According to Nick, only the Pulong Tau area remained unlogged, while other areas within the UBFA, such as Ulu Sungai Akah, Ulu Sungai Silat, and Ulu Selungo, had already seen high-value timber being harvested.

    Nick urged all involved parties to provide financial support and expertise and to afford the Penan people the opportunity to replant trees with native species. Their goal was to restore the forest, and they expressed confidence in their ability to succeed. Notably, they already had nurseries established in Long Kerong and Long Lamai, ready for tree planting. Additionally, they made a formal request to the Sarawak government to cancel Samling's logging license in UBFA.


    Geoffrey Tang, President of ROSE

    *Early Elections and the Need for Prepared Voters: Stay Registered!*

    Automatic voter registration was recently implemented earlier this year. Every month, new voters will be added to the registry and their information will be published. As an NGO dedicated to democracy education, we are deeply concerned about this aspect. We strongly encourage all eligible voters to verify if their names are registered.

    While the next general election is scheduled for three years from now, there is a possibility that it could happen earlier if the head of the executive feels insecure in their position or loses support in parliament or the DUN. In such a scenario, those whose names are missing from the voter registry won't be able to vote. This is why it's crucial for all individuals who are 18 and above to check their registration status within the one-month timeframe to address any discrepancies. Otherwise, they may have to go through a slow process at the SPR office.

    Regarding the fact that PKR did not send any candidates to contest in the Jepak By-election, it's worth noting that during the last general election, PKR also did not participate in Jepak. Instead, PSB contested against GPS. A strong opposition is vital for ensuring checks and balances in government, especially concerning significant projects, to guarantee that public funds are used efficiently.


    Othman Abdillah, President Party SEDAR

    *Strengthening Democracy: Sedar's Call for Opposition Unity*

    Parti Sedar Rakyat (Sedar) may challenging GPS in upcoming Jepak by-election. The President of Sedar, Othman Abdillah, believes that opposition parties can better address the concerns and aspirations of the constituents, ultimately strengthening democracy.

    In the spirit of democracy and with the shared objective of representing the voice of the people, Sedar acknowledges that opposition parties by working together, the opposition can combine their resources, ideas, and efforts to create a more formidable and effective alternative force.

    He emphasized that it is crucial not to allow GPS to win the Jepak by-election uncontested. Sarawak is a wealthy state, yet its people face poverty, especially considering the substantial 40 billion reserves it possesses. This is the core issue that Sedar is fighting for – promoting equity through initiatives like the Tabung equity to help the people.

    Parti Sedar Rakyat, formerly known as the Sarawak People's Awareness Party, is a local centrist political party with a primary focus on state infrastructure development, the state education system, economic empowerment, and the welfare of the Bumiputera community in Sarawak. Founded by Dato' Othman Abdullah in June 2018, the party's registration was approved by the Registrar of Societies Malaysia (RoS) on May 28, 2019.


    Agnes from Selangau

    *Communities' Call to Action: Modernizing Rice Cultivation in Sarawak*

    Agnes has not been planting rice for 20 years because during her rice farming days, her fields were frequently attacked by rats and birds, leading to significant losses and low yields.

    Agnes calls upon the Sarawak government to refocus on rice cultivation with a modern farming concept in Sarawak. Sarawak has not yet adopted modern methods (such as using machinery) for its farmers, but she hopes the government will consider food security for the people in the long term.

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