4 December 2020


Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu, dulu kitai ngenang pasal kompini Sambling ti enchuri nebang kayu kampung di Long Moh. Kami bisi perandau enggau William Arrange ari Long Moh ti mansik pasal kompini nya ti enchuri nebang kayu kampung ti dalam kandang pemakai menua sida di Long Moh, manager Sambling madahka kompini nya bisi lisin, tang nadai bejuraika pekara nya enggau orang di Long Moh, lalu lisin ia nadai direjista ba opis Kampung di Miri. Kati bisi kini pemesai penguat adat ari Opis Kampung nyalah kompini ti enchuri nebang kayu kampung ? Tuai DAP Chong Chien Jen, madahka laban kompini Petros udah bisi dagang gas kediri, nama kebuah perintah enda nurunka rega gas awakka meri penguntung ngagai rayat Sarawak ? Sapit president DAP Chan LiKang madahka perintah menua Perak udah ditumbangka PN ngena undi enda bechaya - kati nya kini tanda sebengkah pekara deka nyadi? Pendingka semua cherita tu dikeluarka ari Radio Free Sarawak online pukul 6 lemai tu.....


On The Show Tonight: Take Action on Samling's Illegal Logging In Ulu Moh. We speak to a representative from the Miri area Ulu Moh, William Arrange, tasked by the village to investigate logging in their area. The managers said they had a licence, but no discussions have taken place with the community and there is not registered licence either. So what enforcement will we see against this scourge of Sarawak's forest from the Forest Department? Also, DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen on the announcement of 'independent' Petros gas - why not lower the price so Sarawakians can also feel some benefit? And PKR vice president Chang LiKang on the No Confidence Vote, lost by a shocking landslide by the PN leader in Perak today - a sign of things to come? This and more online from 6pm......

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