4 December 2023

On Today Show

> Elia Bit, Founder of PENA (Penan Empowerment Networking Association) – Digital Divide: The Struggle of Penan People in Accessing the Civil E-Wallet Program
> Agnes Padan, a social activist from Lawas – Critical Call to Action: Enhancing MyKad Application Access in Rural Sarawak
> Oscar Ling, DAP MP of Sibu – Diverse Coalitions, Diverse Views: Challenges Faced in Anwar's Leadership
> Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan – Roads Unusable, Villages Cut Off in Kelantan Orang Asli Villages

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Elia Bit, Pengasas PENA (Persatuan Pemerkasaan Penan) - Perjuangan Masyarakat Penan untuk Mengakses Program E-Wallet Awam
> Agnes Padan, aktivis sosial dari Lawas - Panggilan Kritikal untuk Tindakan: Meningkatkan Akses Permohonan MyKad di Sarawak Luar Bandar
> Oscar Ling, Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu - Gabungan Pelbagai, Pandangan Pelbagai: Cabaran yang Dihadapi dalam Kepimpinan Anwar
> Nasir Nash, aktivis dari Gua Musang, Kelantan - Jalan Tidak Boleh Dgunakan, Kampung Terputus di Kampung Orang Asli Kelantan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Credit Program RM100- civil e-wallet can be applied today. A total of 10 million Malaysians are eligible with an allocation of RM1 billion- in the 2024 budget. However, the majority of the Penan people will drop out due to lack of skills and internet connection.

    2. Lawyer Shafee Abdullah and the IRB agree to settle the tax arrears case of RM9.41 million. The IRB claimed that Shafee failed to pay income tax for the assessment years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016.

    3. The Premier of Sarawak said - Najib and Adenan Satem are figures who made Pan Borneo a reality. But the real facts are. In the 2008 election campaign, DAP/PH campaigned. if given the chance to rule Sarawak- DAP/PH will build Pan Borneo and will be ready in 5 years. For fear of such a campaign. Sarawak BN at that time promised the same thing in the 2011 election campaign. Malaysians know Najib better as the originator of the 1MDB scandal. The biggest financial scandal in the world.


    Elia Bit, Founder of PENA (Penan Empowerment Networking Association)

    *Digital Divide: The Struggle of Penan People in Accessing the Civil E-Wallet Program*

    The Madani E-wallet Credit Program starts today. Eligible citizens can start applying from today until 20 February 2024. A total of 10 million citizens are eligible to apply with an allocation of 1 billion ringgit. But Elia's worry is that the Penan people will be left out of enjoying the RM100 civil e-wallet. Where the majority of the Penan people live, there is no internet connection, the problem of illiteracy - many drop out of school and the problem of not having a Maykad/citizenship. I have to rebuke the Prime Minister- should be sensitive to the needs of minorities like the Penan. I applaud the initiative of the Anwar-led government to mobilize a special task force - the National Registration Department (NRD) to facilitate the process of applying for birth certificates and identity cards. But the process is too slow. The question is why is it late?. Because JPN officials do not know the Asal people from every village and longhouse. Therefore, JPN should appoint staff from among Sarawak Natives who know and understand the residents of a longhouse better. Like me (said Elia) I almost know 100% of all Penan residents from the Baram area. This will make it easier and faster to give birth certificates and identity cards to them. There are cases referred to me. Up to 3 to 4 times Penan residents were asked to go back and forth to meet the NRD in Miri. Each time it costs RM300 to RM500. I am asking for the help of a civil e-wallet to be credited directly to the deserving Penan people. The majority do not know how to apply online.


    Agnes Padan, a social activist from Lawas

    *Critical Call to Action: Enhancing MyKad Application Access in Rural Sarawak*

    Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail emphasized the need for the special joint committee on citizenship approval to intensify efforts in locating individuals in rural Sarawak without birth certificates and identity cards. He urged the committee to be more aggressive in their approach and suggested deploying additional mobile units to reach the interior areas, which consist of approximately 6,000 longhouses and remote villages lacking proper road access. The minister stressed the importance of thorough coverage in addressing citizenship issues in Sarawak's rural regions during an event at Wisma Bapa Malaysia in Kuching.

    In response to this initiative, Agnes Padan, a social activist from Lawas, warmly welcomes the focus of KDM Saifuddin Nasution in establishing more special teams to reach remote communities on a mission to locate citizens without MyKad or birth certificates. Given the existing backlog in MyKad applications, she expresses hope that this initiative will alleviate the persistent issue, especially for ICs in Sarawak. Agnes Padan expresses deep sadness over the significant number of individuals in Lawas lacking proper identification, including former border scouts who once played a crucial role in safeguarding the nation. She remains hopeful that the Madani government will continue providing support to address these challenges and ensure inclusivity for all.


    Oscar Ling, DAP MP of Sibu

    *Diverse Coalitions, Diverse Views: Challenges Faced in Anwar's Leadership*

    In evaluating Anwar's one-year tenure as the Prime Minister, the public's opinions are mixed, with some commending his efforts and others expressing dissatisfaction with the perceived lack of reforms. Oscar Linng emphasized that the recent parliamentary focus was on the budget, crucial for fiscal reforms. While past practices relied on subsidies to alleviate the public's burden, the upcoming year is expected to concentrate on attracting foreign investments. Linng acknowledged dissenting voices criticizing the incomplete reforms under Anwar's leadership but highlighted the establishment of a special committee in parliament this year to oversee policies. He pointed out that the diversity in the Madani government, including PH, GPS, and BN, poses challenges due to differing coalition perspectives.

    The key reform people are eager to witness is in the economic sector, as it directly impacts their daily lives and standard of living. Linng emphasized the need for swift and effective solutions to alleviate economic pressures and enhance the quality of life for the people.

    Additionally, he noted another issue that goes against democratic principles, where the opposition attempts to seize power within the five-year term. Linng emphasized that Anwar and his government were elected by the people, guaranteeing stability to prevent political upheavals from adversely affecting the economy. He urged the government to prioritize improving the economic conditions of the people for genuine reform.


    Nasir Nash, activist from Gua Musang Kelatan

    *Roads Unusable, Villages Cut Off in Kelantan Orang Asli Villages*

    The number of flood victims in Kelantan has risen to 4,398 people from 1,405 families as of 9 pm, compared to 2,632 people from 799 families this morning. According to the Social Welfare Department Disaster Info portal, all victims are currently seeking shelter at 12 temporary relief centers in the Pasir Mas and Tanah Merah districts.

    Nasir commented that currently, none of the Orang Asli villages in the Gua Musang area are affected by the flood. However, some roads to certain villages in the interior are impassable due to continuous rain. The weather is still favorable at the beginning of the month, but it usually deteriorates towards the end of the month. Thus, he urges the community to be alert and prepare for worse situations. He also urges the state government to take preventive measures by repairing affected roads to avoid more severe conditions in the event of upcoming floods.

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