4 January 2024

On Today Show
— Special Randau – Environmental Concerns: Sarawak's Forests Sacrificed for Tall Towers
— Baru Bian, Assemblyman of Bakelalan Sarawak cum PSB Secretary-General – Unreserved Acclaim: PSB's Appreciation for GPS Management
— Dennis Along, Social activist from long Terawan Mulu – Disapproval and Critique: Dennis Counters Baru Bian's Statements on GPS and Dayak Land
— Abun Sui, Senator of PH Sarawak – Internet Access Disparity: Abun Sui Addresses PADU's Impact on Rural Communities
— Willy Kajan, social activist from Mulu – Assemblymen Urged to Witness and Address Community Hardships

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Randau Khas – Kebimbangan Alam Sekitar: Hutan Sarawak Dikorbankan Demi Menara Tinggi
— Baru Bian, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Bakelalan Sarawak dan Setiausaha Agung PSB – Penghargaan Tanpa Sempadan: Penghargaan PSB terhadap Pengurusan GPS
— Dennis Along, Aktivis Sosial dari Long Terawan Mulu – Penolakan dan Kritikan: Dennis Menentang Kenyataan Baru Bian mengenai GPS dan Tanah Dayak
— Abun Sui, Senator PH Sarawak – Jurang Akses Internet: Abun Sui Menangani Impak PADU ke atas Komuniti Luar Bandar
— Willy Kajan, Aktivis Sosial dari Mulu – Ahli Dewan Digalakkan untuk Saksikan dan Tangani Penderitaan Komuniti

  • Special Randau

    *Environmental Concerns: Sarawak's Forests Sacrificed for Tall Towers*

    The GPS administration becoming more efficient and positive, as depicted by YB Baru Bian, is untrue. Instead, GPS seems to be increasingly evading responsibility for advocating for the poor residents of Sarawak. Despite the revenue of RM13.1 billion in 2023, there is no clear effort by the state government to assist the impoverished population. Instead, they are using billions to construct the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) and a 99-meter flagpole named "Tiang Ibu Pertiwi." The Sarawak government continues to proudly destroy forests and cut down trees.

    In 2020, a team of researchers from the University of Nottingham and Oxford discovered a Yellow Meranti tree measuring 100.8 meters in height in the forests of Sabah. It is not implausible that similar or even taller trees could be found in the forests of Sarawak. However, the state government persists in its policy of logging trees and constructing tall towers without regard for the invaluable treasures within Sarawak's forests. Could it be possible that the forests of Sarawak harbor the tallest tropical trees in the world?

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