4 June 2024

On Today Show
— Desmond Laing, Resident of Tukau Jaya Traditional Village – Tukau Jaya's Struggle: Villagers Seek Fair Compensation from Syarikat Parabena
— Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage – Civil Society Calls for Code of Conduct to Prevent Corruption in Government Contracts
— Mrs. Mag from Long Bemang, Baram – Indigenous Baram Residents Demand Land Rights and Infrastructure Improvements

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Desmond Laing, Penduduk Kampung Tradisional Tukau Jaya – Perjuangan Tukau Jaya: Penduduk Kampung Meminta Pampasan yang Adil daripada Syarikat Parabena
— Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Engage – Masyarakat Sivil Menyeru Kod Etika untuk Mencegah Rasuah dalam Kontrak Kerajaan
— Puan Mag dari Long Bemang, Baram – Penduduk Asal Baram Menuntut Hak Tanah dan Penambahbaikan Infrastruktur

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The 1MDB case faced by Najib Razak - abuse of power and the creation of illegal money of RM 2.27 billion may last until 2026 if Najib is ordered to defend himself. Judge Colin Lawrence Sequerah ordered the prosecution and defense to present oral arguments on August 19 to 22. If the court finds that the prosecution has failed to prove a prima facie case against Najib, he will be acquitted of all 26 charges. Because of that, Najib's lawyer Shafee Abdullah requested the postponement of another criminal breach of trust case involving RM6.6 billion related to payment to IPIC.

    2. The construction of mega dams in Sarawak only benefits the rich Towkay and foreign industrial companies said the Secretary General of SCRIPS - Micheal Mering Jok. While residents near the dam still fail to be supplied with 24-hour electricity supply.

    3. 10 residents of Kampung Tradisional Tukay Jaya, led by Desmond Laing, took their case to court demanding compensation for houses, gardens and land.


    Desmond Laing, Resident of Tukau Jaya Traditional Village

    *Tukau Jaya's Struggle: 10 Villagers Seek Fair Compensation from Syarikat Parabena*

    Desmond Laing gave the latest update regarding the traditional village of Tukau Jaya which was ordered to be relocated by Syarikat Parabena. Parabena won the land dispute case in Kampung Tukau Jaya and all residents were ordered to demolish their houses and receive the SPS- Resettlement Scheme. Before the houses in SPS are ready to be built, residents are instructed to rent elsewhere first. The majority of the population had to agree to the SPS Scheme offered because they were powerless to fight in Court. Residents who accept to move to SPS cannot make any claims for compensation.

    But Desmond Laing and 9 others took their case to court. Because they do not agree with the way Parabena does not want to pay the price of their garden, house and land.

    We have instructed a lawyer to act on our behalf and so far Parabena has not demolished our house until our case is settled. Surrendering to the SPs scheme means we lose everything. But by filing our case in court we still have hope to get payment from the price of our house, land and garden. I will give further updates when the date of the trial in court - Desmond Laing said - the villagers of Tukau Jaya. Parabena is linked to the younger brother of Taib Mahmud. Former TYT Sarawak.


    Thomas Fann, Chairman of Engage

    *Civil Society Calls for Code of Conduct to Prevent Corruption in Government Contracts*

    Thomas Fann emphasized the importance of transparency and investigations in the awarding of government contracts, particularly when there is a perceived conflict of interest involving politicians or ministers.

    He highlighted the necessity for public funds to be managed with the utmost integrity, stating that "when it comes to the awarding of government contracts, it is always about the process, the merits, and the level of transparency." He underscored the need for investigations to ensure that contracts are free from any form of political influence, especially when the heads of companies are related to government officials.

    Thomas believes that the level of transparency should be increased in such cases to maintain public trust. He stressed that thorough investigations are crucial to either confirm wrongdoings or exonerate the parties involved, using the example of the pilot phase of Selangor's Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) project awarded to Asia Mobiliti, which is run by Ramachandran Muniandy, the husband of Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh.

    As co-founder of Projek Sama (Stability and Accountability for Malaysia) and chairman of Engage, Thomas Fann advocates for citizen participation in democracy and human rights. He believes that establishing a code of conduct to handle conflicts of interest is essential for the government to prevent corruption and cronyism.

    Thomas Fann's stance reflects a broader call for accountability and ethical governance in the allocation of government contracts, urging for measures that ensure fairness and transparency in the process.


    Mrs. Mag from Long Bemang, Baram

    *Indigenous Baram Residents Demand Land Rights and Infrastructure Improvements*

    Mrs. Mag questions the form of progress that GPS often boasts to the people. Baram, which is as large as the state of Pahang, is struggling for GPS to bring about progress. For example, communication coverage is getting worse by the day, making it difficult to connect with the outside world. If the government finds it difficult to build roads, why is it also challenging to establish internet or telephone networks for the people? It seems like the government is restricting the flow of information to the people. They talk about having 5G, but we can't even get 1G.

    The NCR issue Mrs. Mag wants to share is that if the government wants to help the people, we, as the indigenous people of Baram, want the NCR land status to be measured and granted titles to the original owners. The MADANI government has allocated a significant budget for land surveying purposes, but where has the surveying gone? All NCR lands in Baram have yet to be surveyed, and this situation is very dangerous for the future of the Ulu people's inheritance because the government is only good at issuing PLs to cronies. Why are the rights of the indigenous people of Baram being denied?

    Mrs. Mag eagerly awaits a change in Sarawak's political system so that the state can be managed by a new government. Royalty payments are not being channeled to the people, even though Baram's resources are often exploited. We want our land to have titles because we, the indigenous people of Baram, have inhabited these lands for generations. Before any government existed, we, the indigenous people, had already settled in Baram. No more continuous oppression for the indigenous people.

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