6 December 2023

On Today Show
> Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator – Environmental Impact and Disrupted Lives: Murum Penan's Plight Post-Dam Construction
> Agnes Padan, Human rights activist – Rural Rights: MyKad Achievements in Lawas
> Romuald Siew from Tahabas – Access to Services: Language Proficiency and Citizen Rights

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Abun Sui, Senator PKR Sarawak - Kesan Alam Sekitar dan Kehidupan Terganggu: Cabaran Murum Penan Pembinaan Empangan
> Agnes Padan, Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia - Hak Orang Asal: Pencapaian MyKad di Lawas
> Romuald Siew dari Tahabas - Akses ke Perkhidmatan: Penguasaan Bahasa dan Hak Warganegara

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Petros Niaga monopolizes the LPG Gas business in Sarawak. In the long term business monopoly is not good for the people of Sarawak. The Sarawak government suddenly stopped MyGAC's business license effective December 1, 2023. Caused all MyGaz retailers and distributors to be out of a job. Meanwhile Yb Violet Yong in a press conference today informed that all 19 LPG distributors in Sarawak had not been contacted by Petros Niaga before.

    2. The National Registration Department should take an extraordinary approach to solve the citizenship problem of Sarawak residents. Not only adding JPN staff but the ability to communicate in various languages is also required. This is to help rural residents who are not fluent in Malay.


    Abun Sui, PKR Sarawak Senator

    *Environmental Impact and Disrupted Lives: Murum Penan's Plight Post-Dam Construction*

    Recently, heavy rain led to the road entering the Murum resettlement area being cut off. According to a report from the RFS yesterday, the logging company Shin Yang will undertake the task of repairing the road. The Murum Penan community expressed uncertainty about Shin Yang's intentions, while Abun Sui stated that there has been no sign of repair work starting.

    This road cutoff incident once again brings to light the problems faced by the Murum Penan. It is understood that the state government, during the construction of the Murum dam, promised assistance to the affected communities, including a monthly allowance of 250 Malaysian Ringgit per household. However, this support was halted after 2018.

    Abun pointed out that the environment in the Murum Penan resettlement area is not as abundant as before, lacking the forests and rivers for hunting and abundant resources for sustenance. Despite the diminished living environment, the standard of living for the Murum Penan has not improved, and they still rely on subsidies promised by the government. He mentioned that the Murum Penan have raised this issue, indicating that they still require assistance.

    He emphasized that dams within the state of Sarawak are projects of the state government. If there are any issues of exploitation, the state government must address them. However, he also stressed that he would bring up relevant issues in parliament and with the relevant ministers to prevent the rights of the people of Sarawak from being compromised.


    Agnes Padan, Human rights activist

    *Rural Rights: MyKad Achievements in Lawas*

    Agnes comes from Lawas. She focuses full time on helping the residents of Lawas who do not have Mykad/citizenship. Especially poor people in rural areas.

    Today Agnes is happy because the 4 children of the late Lina Samuel got Maykad. After years of struggle. The late Lina Samuel is a descendant of Lun Bawang, who suffered from stage 4 cancer. She died in April 2023. Her MYkad was confiscated by JPN because she was allegedly not a citizen. she appealed to JPN. Finally she was given a temporary MYkad to enable to commute for cancer treatment (Lawas - Miri - Lawas).

    Lina Samuel's case was referred to the Indonesian embassy. Indonesia confirms that Lina is not a citizen of the Republic. Making Malaysia no choice to give Malaysian citizenship to the late Lina Samuel. With that confirmation, her children have the right to have Mykad. In addition to praising the commitment of the ministers and administration of the unity government. Agnes thought, someone who is honest and sincere will be able to help launch the MYkad application process.

    She said she will always ask for updates related to the applications of those she help. She will provide supporting documents when requested and she will answer all difficulties when questioned by the NRD. This helps speed up the application process. The NRD should also know that rural residents do not have money to go to the NRD office regularly, the phone service in the interior is so bad and the elderly in the interior do not speak Malay fluently and do not know how to answer questions in Malay. JPN officials should understand all these problems and appoint competent officials.


    Romuald Siew from Tahabas

    *Access to Services: Language Proficiency and Citizen Rights*

    The recent incidents involving individuals facing reprimands from Road Transport Department (RTD) officers and alleged mistreatment at the Johor UTC due to a lack of Bahasa Melayu proficiency have ignited a debate. Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail emphasizes that proficiency in the national language is a non-negotiable requirement under the Federal Constitution, making individuals ineligible for services if they cannot understand Bahasa Melayu. This assertion has sparked an active debate on social media platforms.

    Romuald Siew from Tahabas expresses disappointment that non-Malay-speaking citizens may face difficulties accessing services at government agency counters in the absence of Bahasa Malaysia proficiency. Siew advocates for Malaysia to embody tolerance and harmony.

    Addressing the potential implementation of a mandatory Bahasa Malaysia speaking system, it is suggested that such a change should not be abrupt. Sufficient time should be provided for people to attain proficiency in the national language.

    In the context of Sarawak, where Bahasa Malaysia is not the lingua franca, there is an argument against adopting the language system practiced in Malaya.


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