6 September 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Iswardy Morni, Analis Politik dari Sarawak - Pentadbiran PMX Anwar Ibrahim tegas tiada campur tangan politik dalam urusan kehakiman
> Thomas Fann, Pengerusi Bersih 2.0 - Memelihara Integriti Kehakiman: Seruan untuk Reformasi Sistem Undang-undang Malaysia
> George Laeng dari Uma Akeh Baram - Keprihatinan Komuniti tentang Pembalakan dan Impaknya ke atas Alam Sekitar di Ulu Baram

On Today Show
> Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawak – PMX Anwar Ibrahim's administration insists there is no political interference in judicial affairs
> Thomas Fann, chairperson of Bersih 2.0 – Protecting Judicial Integrity: A Call for Reform in Malaysia's Legal System
> George Laeng from Uma Akeh Baram – Communities Concerns Logging and its Environmental Impact in Ulu Baram

  • Special Randau

    > Abang Jo - GPS remains strong with 82 seats in the 13th Sarawak State Assembly election, without cooperation with PH at the state level.

    > Rafizi - The opposition leader continues to lie about the government's downfall leading up to August and September 2023. This creates a lack of confidence among investors.

    > C4 urges the AGC to provide a detailed explanation of the DNAA case involving Zahid.

    > Zahid's case - The Prime Minister's Office has not interfered in the court's affairs.


    Iswardy Morni, Political Analyst from Sarawak

    *PMX Anwar Ibrahim's administration insists there is no political interference in judicial affairs*

    Following the high court's decision to release without releasing TPM Zahid Hamidi's DNAA on Monday 4 Sept 2023. Is this a desperate move by PMX to release Zahid from the court case to maintain UMNO's support for the Unity government?. Iswardy answered no. Anwar insisted that there is no political interference in judicial affairs. The cause of this DNAA case is because of the prosecution's evidence. The case was brought to court at the insistence of PM Mahathir (2018) in a hurry before enough evidence was collected. Mahathir wanted Zahid to disband UMNO in June 2018. But Zahid refused, so in October 2023 Zahid was charged, even though the MACC did not have all the evidence yet. So if this case continues. Iswardy is confident that the prosecution does not have enough evidence to convict Zahid. If PMX is accused of having the intention of freeing Zahid, why can Muhyiddin Yassin also be released and released on 15 August 2023 on 4 charges of using his position for bribery amounting to RM232.5 million. According to Iswardy these two cases were started when Mahathir was prime minister. The decision was made when PMX Anwar became prime minister. Anwar is firm that he will not interfere in judicial matters. However, when asked if the Anwar administration was serious about reforming the judicial institution by avoiding the Prime Minister's intervention in relation to the appointment of the attorney general and the separation of the attorney general and prosecutor departments. Indeed that is best - according to Iswardy. However, even with the current situation, if the Prime Minister is firm not to interfere in judicial affairs, justice can still be upheld.


    Thomas Fann, chairperson of Bersih 2.0

    *Protecting Judicial Integrity: A Call for Reform in Malaysia's Legal System*

    Regarding Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi's corruption case, which saw him being discharged without an acquittal on all 47 corruption charges related to Yayasan Akalbudi, this has raised genuine concerns among Bersih and many Malaysians. We are questioning whether there might be political influence involved in this matter.

    As we are aware, the Attorney General also serves as a public prosecutor under current laws. The Attorney General is appointed by the Prime Minister, which is a political appointment. This raises the question of whether the reasons provided by the deputy public prosecutor for needing more time to investigate the charges in Yayasan Akalbudi are valid. Furthermore, if there was not a thorough investigation conducted, why did the judge accept four years ago that there was prima facie evidence to proceed with the judgment?

    The fact that he was charged four years ago suggests that there was some basis for those charges. This raises concerns, especially in light of recent cases where individuals like Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Najib Razak were acquitted. In Najib's case, the Attorney General's office failed to file an appeal, resulting in the acquittal of Nasir and Arul Kanda.

    Our question is whether the Attorney General's chamber made a mistake or if these actions were deliberate. We have genuine concerns in this matter. Therefore, we propose the separation of the role of public prosecutor from the Attorney General's Chamber. This role should be played by an independent Attorney General, ensuring a fair and impartial legal process.


    George Laeng from Uma Akeh Baram

    *Communities Concerns Logging and its Environmental Impact in Ulu Baram*

    Mr. George Laeng calls upon the GPS government, together with PH, to halt logging activities, as logging has caused significant damage to the forests. During Adenan Satem's tenure as Sarawak's Chief Minister, he had put a stop to logging activities. However, these activities have now been reopened by the Sarawak government. Logging in Ulu Baram does not adhere to approved standards; in fact, they have expanded logging areas, which is deeply concerning because incursions are still occurring in Ulu Baram.

    George and Roland Enggan frequently monitor and take swift action in the event of incursions. They monitor illegal logging areas promptly. Logging is happening due to government-issued licenses. The people of Baram no longer trust the empty promises of logging companies because they are good at making promises but what happens to the logged timber and the royalties for the indigenous people?

    The roads and bridges in Ulu Baram have suffered severe damage, and they request the government and logging companies to repair and restore the roads and bridges.

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