7 August 2023

Topik Pada Hari Ini
> Kulleh Selong, penduduk Kampung Long Bangan Belaga – Timbalan Menteri Berkait Menceroboh Tanah NCR
> Philip Lek, Penduduk Kampung Long Biak Ulu Kakus Belaga – aktiviti pembalakan haram di Ulu Kakus semakin perlahan
> Nicholas Bawin, aktivis Dayak – Advokasi Dayak Tanpa Sekatan: Suara NGO Bukan Pro-Kerajaan
> Oscar ling, Ahli Parlimen DAP Sibu – Program LPG Bersubsidi Ringan Beban Penduduk Sibu

On Today Show
> Kulleh  Selong, villager of Long Bangan Belaga – Deputy Minister Linked to Encroaching Logging Companies
> Philip Lek, Resident of Long Biak Village Ulu Kakus Belaga – illegal logging activities in Ulu Kakus is slowing down
> Nicholas Bawin, Dayak activist – Unrestricted Dayak Advocacy: Voices of Non-Pro-Government NGOs
> Oscar ling, DAP MP for Sibu – Subsidized LPG Program Eases Burden for Sibu Residents

  • Kulleh Selong, villager of Long Bangan Belaga

    *Deputy Minister Linked to Encroaching Logging Companies*

    Two months ago, residents of Belanga Long Bangan village discovered that their customary land had been encroached upon by two logging companies, namely MM Golden and UU Green Sdn Bhd. According to the villagers' investigation through the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, Huang Tiong Sii, is the owner of MM Golden, holding 99.5 percent of the shares, while his child holds 0.5 percent. Although Huang Tiong Sii announced on December 6, 2022, that he was no longer a director of MM Golden, it has been found that he is the owner. The villagers of Long Bangan reported the incident two months ago and also lodged a complaint with the local government, requesting a thorough investigation. However, after waiting for a considerable time, they have yet to receive a response. Today, they once again went to the SG Asap police station to file a report and, accompanied by the police, proceeded to the logging site where both logging companies were observed operating. The police also accompanied them to the camp site to request a meeting with the manager of MM Golden, in order to ask for evidence. However, the manager was not present. He mentioned that the police advised the villagers to negotiate with the personnel from the logging companies first before filing an official report.


    Philip Lek, Resident of Long Biak Village Ulu Kakus Belaga

    *illegal logging activities in Ulu Kakus is slowing down*

    A few months ago, logging activities without the community's consent were reported in Belaga Ulu Kakus. Philip mentioned that despite his previous statement that the logging activities had not yet ceased, they seemed to have slowed down somewhat. He stated that the land being logged did not affect many villagers, leading to their opposition to the logging process being relatively isolated. Due to other villagers repeatedly requesting trivial matters such as wood for building houses from the logging company ARD Company, the company grew frustrated and considered abandoning logging activities in the area. He pointed out that ARD Company has a connection with Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change, Huang Tiong Sii.


    Oscar ling, DAP MP for Sibu

    *Subsidized LPG Program Eases Burden for Sibu Residents*

    Starting from last year, the Subsidy LPG program was introduced for the residents of Sibu. This initiative takes place every two months and aims to alleviate the burden on the people. Despite the rising cost of living, providing this subsidy to the citizens continues, even though this year's prices have stabilized to some extent. Cooking gas prices have been subsidized for every eligible individual, regardless of whether they fall under the M40 category or others. As long as there is a need, we are committed to providing assistance.


    Nicholas Bawin, Dayak activist

    *Unrestricted Dayak Advocacy: Voices of Non-Pro-Government NGOs*

    Nicholas Bawin commented on the statement made by Datuk Dr Penguang Manggil during a recent dinner event for the Dayak community in Miri. Penguang called for all NGOs to unite under one umbrella so that the Dayak voice could be consolidated more strongly, as there are currently too many Dayak NGOs established. Nicholas Bawin mentioned that the idea of uniting all Dayak NGOs, as proposed by the Minister, is indeed commendable, but what is its purpose for the entire Dayak community? For instance, SADIA's headquarters in Kuching, as an example, tirelessly fights alongside the Dayak people, especially against the encroachment of Dayak customary land rights. Nicholas Bawin has frequently appeared as an expert witness in NCR (Native Customary Rights) cases in court, but has never witnessed any NGOs like SIDS stepping in to support the community.

    An NGO association that often receives funding from elected representatives or the government becomes tied to pro-government programs, and their voice cannot be independent in advocating for Dayak interests. Only NGOs that are not pro-government are free to voice their concerns, as they are not indebted to any funds from the government or elected representatives. The question here is, what is the function or role of pro-government NGOs in relation to the Dayak community?


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