7 August 2024

On Today Show
— Mutang Tuo, Head of Long Iman Penan Village, Mulu – Shin Yang Intimidates Penan Villagers Over Carbon Trading Opposition
— Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch – Diog Dios Criticizes Government's Approach to Teacher Training and Employment
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park – Fundraising Run Seeks to End Water Woes for SFI Workers

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Mutang Tuo, Ketua Kampung Penan Long Iman, Mulu – Shin Yang Mengugut Penduduk Penan Berhubung Penentangan Perdagangan Karbon
— Diog Dios, Ketua Cabang PKR Puncak Borneo – Diog Dios Mengkritik Pendekatan Kerajaan Terhadap Latihan dan Pengambilan Guru
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Residen Taman Perumahan SFI – Larian Amal Bertujuan Mengakhiri Masalah Air bagi Pekerja SFI

  • Special Randau
                    1. Shin Yang threatened and intimidated us who signed the form protesting the carbon trading project. Shin Yang's agents often come to our village Long Iman and scare the villagers that anyone who has signed a form objecting to the carbon project will be prosecuted in court - said Mutang Tuo.

                    2. The salary of the Sarawak premier is the highest in Malaysia. A detailed comparison released by newslab malaysiakini shows that the Sarawak Premier's salary and allowances are 27 times higher than the median salary in Sarawak. The highest state chief executive salary is Sarawak followed by Sabah, Terengganu, Pahang, Perak and Selangor. And the lowest salary is the chief minister of areca nut island. The salary of 6 chief executives is higher than the salary of prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. For the record since becoming prime minister. Anwar refused to accept the prime minister's salary. Does Johari Openg deserve to receive such a large salary?  Let us know what you think at RFS.


    Mutang Tuo, Head of Long Iman Penan Village, Mulu.

    Shin Yang Intimidates Penan Villagers Over Carbon Trading Opposition

    Mutang Tuo, the head of Long Iman village, shared with RFS that the residents of Long Iman (more than 60 households) are striving to repair their houses, which were severely damaged by heavy floods. According to Mutang, major floods now occur two or three times a year, which he attributes to logging and farming activities in the Mulu area. The main logging companies operating in the Tutoh river area are Shin Yang and Samling. When floods hit, piles of logs get washed away, demolishing their houses. Mutang also mentioned that there used to be a plywood processing factory upstream, which has now closed.

    Mutang highlighted three primary concerns troubling the community:

    1. The carbon trading project

    2. The construction of the Tutoh Dam

    3. The expansion of Taman Negara Mulu up to Long Besanan

    He explained that the proposed expansion of the Mulu National Park is very close to the Penan people's settlement, only 30 minutes by boat. The community objects to this expansion because it encroaches on their hunting grounds and areas where they gather forest products for crafts. They also oppose the construction of the cascading Tutoh Dam, as it would take away their land. Additionally, they are against the carbon trading project due to the anticipated legal restrictions on their movement.

    A few days ago, representatives from Shin Yang began investigating the villagers. Those who signed a form opposing the carbon trading project are allegedly being threatened with court action. Shin Yang representatives visit the village almost every week to intimidate those who oppose the project. Mutang emphasized that Shin Yang and Samling should compensate the community every time a flood occurs, as these floods are a direct result of the logging activities.


    Diog Dios, the head of the PKR Puncak Borneo branch
    *Diog Dios Criticizes Government's Approach to Teacher Training and Employment*

    Diog Dios, a former teacher with over 30 years of service, has observed that the Ministry of Education has been unable to resolve the issue of teacher shortages in Sarawak.

    Yesterday, the Minister of Education, Innovation, and Talent Development (MEITD), Datuk Seri Roland Sagah Wee Inn, stated that 1,000 teaching positions have been offered by the Ministry of Education Malaysia and the Education Services Commission (SPP) to address the teacher shortage issue across all 30 District Education Offices throughout Sarawak.

    For over 60 years, the unchanged government of Sarawak has been unable to solve the issue of teacher shortages. The recent offer to graduates to fill these vacancies highlights the weakness of the education system in Sarawak.

    There are still too many degree holders who cannot find jobs with their degrees. Why? Is it that the fields they studied and paid thousands of ringgit for at university do not provide employment opportunities? Is becoming a teacher the last resort for graduates?

    According to the statement given by the Ministry of Education regarding these special teacher positions, the contract is for 2 years, but it is suggested that they continue as permanent teachers at the Teacher Training Institutes, financed by the applicants themselves.

    Diog is very disappointed with this arrangement. Is it logical to pay for this without government assistance?

    Diog hopes the government will review this matter.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    Fundraising Run Seeks to End Water Woes for SFI Workers

    Jeffrey Baudi will begin a solo run to raise funds for a tube well project to provide water for SFI residents who have been without a water supply for one year and two months since the SFI paper mill ceased operations.

    SFI workers have been waiting for compensation for a year now and have not yet received any response from SFI. The situation has become increasingly desperate as they struggle to sustain their lives.

    Therefore, Jeffrey Baudi has decided to take the initiative to embark on a solo run to raise funds for the tube well project, which will meet the water needs of SFI residents. Despite his poor health, Jeffrey Baudi is determined to carry out his mission.

    Public response has been very positive, but there has been no response from the SFI residents themselves, as many have reported health issues.

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