16 May 2024

On Today Show
— John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram – Communities Condemns ADUN Allowance Increase as Disproportionate
— Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram – Indigenous Presence Must Not Be Ignored in Sarawak's Carbon Forest Projects
— Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama – Sarawak Needs to Prioritize the Poor, Not Raise Politicians' Allowances
— Jugah Muyang, Former MP for Lubok Antu – ADUN Allowance Raise Supported, But People’s Welfare Should Come First


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— John Bara, Penduduk Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram – Komuniti Mengutuk Kenaikan Elaun ADUN sebagai Tidak Seimbang
— Thomas Jalong, aktivis alam sekitar dari Ulu Baram – Kehadiran Orang Asli Tidak Boleh Diabaikan dalam Projek Hutan Karbon Sarawak
— Encik Paul Wan dari Long Lama – Sarawak Perlu Mengutamakan Golongan Miskin, Bukan Menaikkan Elaun Ahli Politik
— Jugah Muyang, Bekas MP untuk Lubok Antu – Kenaikan Elaun ADUN Disokong, Tetapi Kesejahteraan Rakyat Harus Diletakkan di Hadapan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Teacher’s Day Celebrated Across the Nation - We at RFS would like to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Teacher’s Day to all educators throughout Malaysia.

    2. Sarawak ADUN Daily Allowance Increased by 900% - Currently, the daily allowance for an ADUN is only RM50, and it will be increased to RM450 per day. “If the state's revenue increases drastically, welfare aid for the poor should also be increased by 900%,” said John Bara.

    3. Minister of Natural Resources 2, Awang Tengah Ali Hassan - Awang Tengah stated that Sarawak will amend the Ordinance to empower the NREB. According to Awang Tengah, this is in line with the transfer of autonomous powers under MA63, and in the first phase, Sarawak will take over scheduled waste management starting in 2025. Will this make Sarawak’s environment cleaner, or will it further facilitate the state government in building dams or approving logging and plantation licenses?

    4. Sarawak to Impose a 5% Carbon Trading Fee and Land Use Tax - Will the land of Indigenous people involved in carbon trading be compensated? The Sarawak government must be transparent about this matter.


    John Bara, Resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram

    *Communities Condemns ADUN Allowance Increase as Disproportionate*

    John Bara, a resident of Uma Akeh, Hulu Baram, expressed his shock and disapproval over the daily allowance increase for ADUN as announced by the Premier of Sarawak, Abang Johari Openg. He finds it particularly unfair to the poor. The Premier has announced a 900% increase in the daily allowance for ADUN attending the State Assembly sitting. According to Johari Openg, the projected revenue for 2024 is substantial, around RM13.3 billion.

    John Bara argues that even though the Sarawak government's revenue has increased, welfare aid for the poor should be prioritized. Currently, the Department of Social Welfare provides some assistance to the poor in Sarawak, but many applications are still being rejected. Those who do receive assistance find the amounts to be very small. Moreover, some individuals are waiting up to three months for the aid to be credited to their accounts.

    Upon checking the Sarawak Department of Social Welfare website, John Bara found that the general state aid ranges from RM200 to 300 per month, aid for the elderly is RM500 per month, allowance for disabled workers is RM450 per month, care aid for bedridden disabled individuals is RM500 per month, and aid for underprivileged children or parents who are disabled, elderly, and unable to work ranges from RM150 to 1000 per month. John Bara believes that aid for the poor should be increased as they are the ones who need it the most, not the already wealthy ADUN.

    He pointed out that the salary of the Premier of Sarawak is RM39K per month, the Deputy Premier RM35K, Senior Minister RM30K, Minister RM27K, Junior Minister RM21K, ADUN RM15K, and Political Secretary RM9K per month. These figures do not include other monthly allowances. In contrast, the allowance for civil servants in Malaysia is only RM25 per day compared to RM450 per day for ADUN Sarawak. John Bara concludes that this discrepancy is very unfair.


    Thomas Jalong, environmental activist from Ulu Baram

    *Indigenous Presence Must Not Be Ignored in Sarawak's Carbon Forest Projects*

    Thomas Jalong responded to the statement by Awang Tengah regarding carbon forest trading, where Sarawak will charge a 5% fee for forest carbon traded in Sarawak. As an Indigenous person of Sarawak, he finds it reasonable for any Indigenous forest areas affected by this carbon trading to benefit from it. However, he expressed concern that some people take for granted that these forest areas are empty, often forgetting or purposely ignoring the presence of Indigenous communities in Sarawak's forests.

    He highlighted that most licenses given to companies, whether for logging or forest plantations, often sideline the interests of Indigenous peoples, depriving them of the benefits they deserve. The government must remember, and we firmly insist to any parties, private sectors, or international agencies that the forest areas in Sarawak have been occupied by Indigenous communities for generations, since the time of our great-great-grand ancestors, hundreds or even thousands of years ago. The Indigenous peoples have always occupied these forests, especially on Borneo Island, historically known as the land of the Dayak.

    He emphasized the importance of the real definition of pemakai menoa, according to the systems and customs practiced by the Indigenous people of Sarawak. Therefore, for any activities in Indigenous territories, the most important requirement is to obtain Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) from the Indigenous people before any implementation starts, beginning from the research stage that involves their natural resources.


    Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama

    *Sarawak Needs to Prioritize the Poor, Not Raise Politicians' Allowances*

    Mr. Paul Wan from Long Lama completely disagrees with the increase in allowance for the State Assembly members (ADUN) to RM450 per day. This is because these representatives already receive substantial compensation.

    For example, ADUN members have allocations for village development, outstation allowances, and many other benefits, making this allowance increase unreasonable. In Sarawak, there are still many poor people who need attention.

    If Sarawak has substantial revenue, it should be shared with the people of Sarawak.

    The Sarawak state government SHOULD follow the example of PMX, who does not receive a salary as Prime Minister.


    Jugah Muyang, Former MP for Lubok Antu

    *ADUN Allowance Raise Supported, But People’s Welfare Should Come First, Says Jugah Muyang*

    Jugah Muyang agrees with the increase of RM450 per day for the State Assembly sitting allowance because it will provide strong motivation to work. However, the plight of the poor must also be prioritized.

    If the state's revenue increases, the welfare of the people must be ensured, and leaders should not only focus on their own interests because it is the people who elevate someone to become a representative. If the state's economic growth accelerates, let the people enjoy the state's benefits.

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