17 May 2024

On Today Show
— Ong Kian Ming, Former Member of Parliament for Bangi & Former Deputy Minister of MITI – Parliamentary Committee Urged for Election Commission Appointments
— Peter Hee, Sarawak's Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) chief – Youth Voices in Sarawak's Political Future: Challenges and Opportunities
— Geoffrey Tang, ROSE President – ROSE Campaigns for Transparency in Sarawak's Redelineation

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Ong Kian Ming, Mantan Ahli Parlimen untuk Bangi & Mantan Timbalan Menteri MITI - Jawatankuasa Parlimen Mendorong Perlantikan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya
- Peter Hee, Ketua Pemuda Parti Demokratik Tindakan Sosialis Sarawak (Dapsy) - Suara Belia dalam Masa Depan Politik Sarawak: Cabaran dan Peluang
- Geoffrey Tang, Presiden ROSE - ROSE Berkempen untuk Kejelasan dalam Penyusunan Semula Pilihan Raya Sarawak

  • *Special Randau*

    1. The appointment of the Chairman of the Election Commission should go through the Parliamentary Select Committee on Human Rights, Elections, and Institutional Reforms, according to former Deputy Minister of MITI, Ong Kian Ming. Ong believes that all parties are represented in the committee, and its decisions reflect the choices and opinions of all parties. The Prime Minister's task is only to submit the name that has been vetted by the special committee.

    2. Parti Pribumi Bersatu will file a notice of vacancy for six parliamentary seats where the Members of Parliament have expressed support for PMX. The affected areas are Tanjong Karang, Kuala Kangsar, Jeli, Bukit Gantang, Labuan, and Gua Musang. If the notice is accepted by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the vacancies are confirmed, it may lead to by-elections in these six parliamentary areas.

    3. The attackers of the police station in Ulu Tiram, Johor, are believed to be from the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist group, according to the Inspector General of Police, Razarudin Husain. Two police officers were killed in the attack.


    Ong Kian Ming, Former Member of Parliament for Bangi & Former Deputy Minister of MITI

    *Parliamentary Committee Urged for Election Commission Appointments*

    The term of the Chairman of the Election Commission ended on May 9, 2024, and the vacancy must be filled immediately. According to Ong Kian Ming, the most appropriate way to appoint a Chairman or member of the Election Commission is through the Parliamentary Select Committee on Human Rights, Elections, and Institutional Reforms. Currently, the Prime Minister has the power to propose a name to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Article 114 of the Federal Constitution. However, as often advocated by PH (Pakatan Harapan), they aim to carry out institutional reforms. Now is the right time to appoint the Chairman and members of the Election Commission through the parliamentary select committee, as this committee represents all major political parties in Malaysia. Thus, the committee's decision will reflect the views of each party, as opposed to being proposed by the Prime Minister alone.

    Ong Kian Ming suggested several names he considers suitable for the position, including an academic from Sarawak, Dr. Mohd Faisal Hazis (a current member of the Election Commission). He believes that the re-delineation of electoral boundaries, especially in Sarawak, will try to address the disparity in the number of urban and rural voters. The role of the Chairman of the Election Commission is certainly very important. Ong hopes that PH will issue a media statement as soon as possible to express their stance.


    Geoffrey Tang, ROSE President

    *ROSE Campaigns for Transparency in Sarawak's Redelineation*

    On May 14, GPS announced that it will comply with the Election Commission (EC) should it decide to conduct a redelineation exercise on Sarawak’s electoral boundaries, said Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. The Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice president added that it is timely for Sarawak to undergo a redelineation exercise since the last ones for both state and parliamentary constituencies were carried out more than eight years ago.

    In response, ROSE President Geoffrey Tang, on behalf of ROSE, addressed a recent statement by a minister that caused some confusion. According to the 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution, the EC must conduct a study and announce the results of the redelineation whenever there is an increase in seats. This process must be completed before the Sarawak State Assembly can fully approve it. Redelineation can occur every eight years after the last delineation, meaning it can take place after 10 or 12 years. The last delineation was done in 2015, so as of last August, they could start taking action.

    In light of these rumors about redelineation, it is important to raise the correct awareness that the EC only draws the boundaries, while the commitment to increase the number of seats requires approval from the Sarawak State Assembly.

    In connection with the electoral milestone of redelineation due for Sarawak, ROSE will carry out a campaign to inform and build awareness among voters about the process and how affected voters can participate in the democratic process.


    Peter Hee, Sarawak's Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (Dapsy) chief

    *Youth Voices in Sarawak's Political Future: Challenges and Opportunities*

    Peter Hee emphasized the crucial role of social media in engaging youth during elections. He acknowledged that while social media is important, what truly matters is a party's policies focusing on economic progress and a better quality of life.

    Comparing Sarawak to Peninsular Malaysia, Peter noted that Sarawakian youth are less active and vocal in driving change. He attributed this partly to the lack of widespread access to broadband, hindering effective outreach campaigns into rural areas and impeding significant political change in Sarawak.

    Peter urged Sarawakian youth to courageously voice their opinions and strive for a political system that guarantees shared prosperity. He emphasized that good governance, marked by effective policies ensuring peace and prosperity, remains paramount in attracting youth voters.

    In the recent Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election, while Pang Sock Tao secured a comfortable victory for Pakatan Harapan (PH) with a 3,869-vote majority, analysts noted a decline in youth support for the coalition. Peter attributed this to a potential recognition among young Malay voters of PH's political stance, contrasting with the continued support of young Chinese voters for DAP due to their alignment with the party's direction.

    He stressed the need for political parties to be inclusive and representative of all races, departing from a single-race focus.

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