23 September 2024

On Today Show
— Komeok Joe- Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization – Penan Leader Criticizes Timber Companies for Illegal Activities and Deception
— Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak – From Education to Solar Energy: Three-Pronged Charity Effort in Sarawak
— Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park –150KM Trek: A Call for Support to Solve Water Crisis in Sabah


Topik Pada Hari
— Komeok Joe - Pengerusi Organisasi Penan Keruan – Pemimpin Penan Mengkritik Syarikat Pembalakan atas Aktiviti Haram dan Penipuan
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi MUDA Sarawak – Dari Pendidikan ke Tenaga Solar: Usaha Kebajikan Tiga Serampang di Sarawak 
— Jeffery Baudi, Wakil Residen Taman Perumahan SFI – Perjalanan 150KM: Seruan Sokongan untuk Menyelesaikan Krisis Air di Sabah 

  • Opening and Randau 23 Sept 2024.

                    1. The Borneoland Timber Logging Company should be taken into action and brought to court for employing foreign workers without a permit and committing illegal encroachment and logging in the Komeok Joe forest reserve.

                    2. Sarawak film Tegkang won an award in London - a film that tells the story of life in the Bario highlands and the culture of the Kelabit tribe was selected as the winner of the best new film making award session at the recent First-Time Filmmaker Schowcase


    Komeok Joe- Chairman of the Penan Keruan Organization.

    Penan Leader Criticizes Timber Companies for Illegal Activities and Deception

    On 19 Sept 2024, The New Sarawak Tribune reported that - the Sarawak government will establish a special task force to deal with the main issues that are delaying the development of the Penan community. That is according to Sarawak Premier Johari Openg. At the same time Johari received 13 memorandums from the Penan people which were delivered by Pemanca Uning Bong. The Premier said that Penan cooperation with some NGOs may not reflect the true will of the Penan people. Komeok said that the act of establishing a special task force is a reasonable step and the main issue of the Penan people at the moment is the problem of citizenship, health, education, environment and infra facilities. The Sarawak government should not blame NGOs for penan poverty. NGOs do not have financial resources like the government. NGOs only help as much as they can. Last Friday I was in Hulu Limbang to complete the tap water supply project for penan there. I ask the government to take strict action against the Borneoland Timber company for logging in the Penan forest reserve in Ba Data Bila. What they did was an invasion. They cut down trees in a large area without the consent of the penan. This company also employs foreign workers without permits. 10 people have been arrested, but we believe many are still hiding in the forest. The government should act strictly against them. They are not doing road and bridge projects as claimed. If there is a project there must be a sign and there must be a tender. This company is encroaching on forests, doing illegal logging, fooling and deceiving people.


    Jeffrey Ngui, chairman of MUDA Sarawak

    From Education to Solar Energy: Three-Pronged Charity Effort in Sarawak

    The Aero Big Charity Program was actually an aerobic exercise event held in Miri, Sibu, and, most recently, in Kuching. The purpose of this program is to serve as a platform for MUDA to collect funds for three main causes:

    1. Reviving an Abandoned Penan Preschool – Education is crucial for the Penan community's future. By reviving the preschool, it ensures that young Penan children have access to early education, which is vital for their development and future opportunities. Without this, the cycle of poverty and marginalization could continue in their community.

    2. Helping Stateless Children in Sibu Receive Education on Their Rights – Stateless children are often deprived of basic rights, including access to education and healthcare. By educating them about their rights, it empowers them to seek legal status and protections, giving them a chance for a better future. These children need support to break free from their disadvantaged situation.

    3. Installing Solar Systems in Kampung Chawan, Kuching – Many squatters in Kampung Chawan live without reliable electricity. Installing solar power will improve their quality of life, providing essential lighting and reducing dependency on costly or harmful energy sources. This initiative helps address energy inequality and provides a sustainable solution for the community.

    For the solar system, a company has agreed to send a technical team with no installation costs, making the project more feasible.


    Jeffery Baudi, Resident Representative of SFI Housing Park

    150KM Trek: A Call for Support to Solve Water Crisis in Sabah

    Solo walker Jeffrey Baudi has completed his 150km mission to raise funds for a tube well project to meet the needs of the SFI community in Sabah. The mission only raised just over RM800, donated by the community along the 150km route. Although the fundraising results were not encouraging, he will not stop until he succeeds in fulfilling the need for water.

    Jeffrey Baudi hopes that after completing the walk, he can raise awareness about the critical need for funds to ensure a water supply for survival. The community cannot fully rely on bottled drinking water sold in the market, which many cannot afford to buy every day.


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