24 September 2024

On Today Show
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Head of the Agricultural Heritage Village sg. Patin Bintulu – Dispute Over Similajau National Park Boundaries: Residents Demand Compensation for Encroachment
— Dennis Along, Social activist from Mulu – Federal Assistance for Flood Centers Undermines GPS's Capabilities

Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Tr Panting ak Baling, Ketua Kampung Warisan Pertanian sg. Patin Bintulu – Pertikaian Mengenai Sempadan Taman Negara Similajau: Penduduk Menuntut Pampasan atas Pencerobohan 
— Dennis Along, Aktivis Sosial dari Mulu – Bantuan Persekutuan untuk Pusat Banjir Merendahkan Keupayaan GPS

  • Special Randau            

    1. The Royal Malaysian Police has opened an investigation paper regarding a viral video showing the glorious Malaysian flag being taken down in front of the Victoria Parliament building, Melbourne- Australia, and replaced by the Sabah and Sarawak flags. It is said to have happened on 16 September 2024 as a symbol of the end of Malaya/Malaysia's colonization of Sabah and Sarawak and the declaration of Sabah and Sarawak as a republic.

    2. The SFC encroached, felled oil palm trees, dug holes and large ditches to prevent the villagers of the agricultural heritage park from entering their garden area. The residents filed a police report for strict action and they demanded compensation from the SFC. A conflict occurred between the SFC and the residents when the SFC claimed that the residents were encroaching on the Similajau National Park. But what is happening now is the opposite - said Panting.


    Tr Panting ak Baling- Head of the Agricultural Heritage Village sg. Patin Bintulu.

    Dispute Over Similajau National Park Boundaries: Residents Demand Compensation for Encroachment

    Tr Panting gave an update on what happened after the meeting at the IPD Bintulu Police Office - which was also attended by former Sarawak state chief secretary Datuk Amar Morshidi Abdul Ghani. All parties agreed to go down to the field to see the boundary of the Similajau national park with the residential lots / agricultural areas. For 2 days the residents waited for the SFC to go and see the border. But the SFC was absent and did not show its face. For suspecting something has happened. So the residents dared to enter the fenced area. Apparently for the past few weeks, when the SFC was doing roadblocks. They have entered our garden, cut down more than 20 oil palm trees and dug with a bulldozer 3 big holes/trenches so that our car cannot enter the garden area. This is a form of encroachment on our garden and we will demand compensation. During the meeting I stated that the distance between our garden and the border of the national park is 1.65 km as agreed upon when we were first given permission to explore the area. It was clearly confirmed by SFC officials that the third exstantion was gazetted in 2018. This shows that we have been gardening in the area in question earlier (2009) before 2018. This proves that we were given permission in advance before the third exstantion in 2018. On SFC's encroachment on the garden us. We have made a police report for immediate action- said Panting.


    Dennis Along, Social activist from Mulu

    Federal Assistance for Flood Centers Undermines GPS's Capabilities

    Putrajaya will assist the Sarawak government in setting up two additional major flood preparation centers in Sibu and Miri ahead of the year-end monsoon season. These centers will supplement the existing ones in Kuching and Samarahan. Each center, costing RM6.1 million, will store supplies for up to 30,000 flood victims and be equipped with food, tents, blankets, mattresses, and wheelchairs.

    Dennis Along criticized the GPS government regarding Putrajaya's assistance in establishing flood disaster centers in Miri and Sibu.

    "This is extremely embarrassing because flood preparedness centers are a minor issue that GPS should be able to handle without federal assistance. Does Sarawak not have money? When Abang Jo is so eager to launch mega projects like supplying electricity to neighboring countries, and Sarawak has billions of ringgit in reserves, this should be a manageable task."

    "This proves that GPS has failed to develop Sarawak and its people over the past 60 years. They can't even provide basic necessities like clean water and roads for rural communities. Their progress only benefits themselves and their cronies."

    "We must bury GPS in the next state election."

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